HERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN B9 candles the cake Fred Grant Barries fGrand whohas spent the greater part of complllngthe history at hishome enteredhls 190th year yesterday and members otvlhe Examiner staff held birthday partyinnhls honor contributor thisnempaper for many years Mr quietly keeping anoyeon local activities andaeting as valuable source or informe tion to those seeking information aboutthe old days in town one or melandmarks in his life will be the renaming otBost Ofï¬ce Bquare Fred Grant Squaw In thenear future The change in name will come be fore town council for its approval shortly in thelonn of bylaw Flanking Mr Grant are Ivy Farrow and Marian cough horticultural Socie Barrie Horticultural and Town Improvement Society held the last publlcvmcetlng of the mid season Dec14 in Hiilcrcst School President Parsons presided Reports were presented from all committees The secretary stated there had bcensevcn exce utlve meetings and nine public meetings The horticultural mem bership wast 168 over 1955 Some isssmuvmes mnng thc year3 activities placing ofa house plant dis nrrle sponsor in of vArborfDa and Clcanup Week the annualfl Wer show acting as hosts iolut pra Society annual mccng subscriptions to three horticultural publications toobr public library and gift of 16 new horticultural books to the librarywindow boxes and bulbs torthe library prrlningof their District 16th umber of pliasengers places lied and costs incurred on all cight tours She was given much praise by Parsons for the servitcrendcre any people through these garden toursu Have Woikl Balance Mrs Johnson Even dc talled report on finances which showed the society to have Working balanco sulfielcnbto env sure an interestingprogram un tilithc membership drive in Feb ruary Barrie Horticultural Society re eelsad $437 provincial grant which is $37morethan the town gra Since the Horticultural Act rlowsa society amaximum provtn cial grant ot1$500 and since only very fewsocieliesï¬llke Kitch enerHamilton Niagara Falls and Guelph quallfy for thisthe stand ing of thelocal society is obvious Old Post Oilice Gardens Mr Johnson reported on the old postofli garden He re gretted keenly th no hulbs 28 lsjgardenmlgh torn idem belted co alder unwise to spend mone Boyes Ray Livingston held Commerce booth he suggcsted the society assume full responsr ibilliy for cuttingthcgrass and caring for the flowersand shrubs if it should be project again next year PcdcnlBulllling Planting Mr Parsons gave detailed re port on planting at the new fell Curlers Slarl um ty learOf Fine Athievments ersl building The planting here is tobe completed in 1957 He also reported onlhc gore at Shanty Bay Road and No II Highway This gore is now plant ed to all it needs and will be turned over tocomplete care of the Parks Board so the society can assume new project Knapp reported on the gore at Owen and McDonald streets He had been well satis fied With it and it was tilled and ready for another year MrsBert Cook reported on pro rains Never beforethd so many Club meet tonight In the ï¬rst Larry Hartsklpdhlrhflay of mend games which are sched Nixon Mac Micsuley two wins OiKeelePlayoli Eight rinks an Curling round of knockout playoff for the Qchfe Trophy with the sur Vivors playing Thursday night and the ï¬nal two rlnks in the ï¬nal Friday night The qualifying rinks arc the two which had the most wins or wins and plus basis in each of the four groups after playing seven games Qualifying Rinks inks qualifying for the are as follows Group Tlie playoff terEarle Smith Bob Armstrong Gcorge Kennedy skip Jim Mor ley Gerald Quinn Don Folrbro ther Group fBï¬Fraser Suther land skip Bert Mulhulland Frank Craig Dennis Mpran Clarence Wingrove skip Horace Beaumont Joc LongtinCharie Scott Group Dr Woodgcrrskip Bill Dyment Fred Pither Miller Bruce Wlee skip Mitchell Robertson ll King Group Franlr Hersey skip Archie Thif faultJim Clync John Halpcnny Murray Mills skip Emerson Swain chb Weleh First BlowTonight The draw for the ï¬rst round died for tonight at eight oclock is as follows Clarence Wingrove vs George Kennedy Dr Woodger vs Bruce WIce Fraser Sutherland vs Hart Group Larry Harts rink ï¬nished on top in this group with six wins one loss and aplus of 24 George Kennedy and Jack Craig both had ilve wins butKennedys plus of and second place ovcr four wins llver CameronLTony Sara Char les Knight three winsGord Hen derson Harry Armstrong Jack Jack Kennedy Bill Stephenson Frank Hargreaves Ted Jones npB Fraser Sutherland Clarence Wingr ve and Charles Kearsey all ad live winsin this group but Suth land ended on top widthplus ta and Wiugrove quaiill in se and with is plus againstKesrsey toe of ii Four winsWalter alg Frank ECraw ford Art tPowcllGeorge Danger CwinsLAi ltllsod Jack Corby Ralph Rel and Wednesds Year year reewlnsJ Johnson two vote was taken on what day and where society meetings should bohcld in 1957 The result was mcetingsin the public library the first Wednesday of every month except January which will be see due to the New Mrs Hfllohnsonv reported oh the flower amnging clinic spon sored last sprin cnts enrolled an Mrs Cox as teacher She felt it was great success and hoped the society would have another Rockcry at BBC Corner with stud Mrs Gable reported on the BDC Rookery in detail new planting was done there this The new sidewalk would bring it closer to the public and she felt it was in good shape had cost $48310 to maintain $400 of this came from the BDCI Board $i5 from the Arena Com mission and thebalance from the society funds Slate of Oiliccrs Much 1t Mrs James Morley presentcd the slateof officers prepared by the nominating committee which was acceptedand adopted The 1957 executive will be as follows President Parsons 1st vice presldent Mrs Bert Cook 2nd Moo flanIan nunscoma Hon ec Drury Will5PeakAl Refugee Meeting Hon 11 ill making at public mecv In at th Harlan lettuce Steering Committee to be held Thursday Wt at eight oclock It Codrlngton School Barrla Representation at all turn lions have been invited to attend directive rm union tarlo Department at Plenum and Develome in lomeguldance isgiven re specting the setting up of an amjoommluee will howlc ed before the meeting From this directiveJade till the major enncml or tb local committee wlllhc ao commodatton and labs The steering committee has been tolerated that nmoigthc refugees there Inc no young children suitable for adoption MI lander Des Thrown from Truck Head Strikes Rail Joseph Chapman 70 was kill ed Monday when he fell from sanding truck atn lcvcl cross on Bay Street Midland An employee ol the public works since 1937 he ms riding on the back when he was thrown off as the truck crossed double CNll track His head struck rail Mr Champman leaves his wi dogs two daughters and three so Crusade Holds Organiiatiorial Meeting Barrie Aï¬ï¬iiaflvi3521553i it 33 ham was present at the organizes tional meeting of the Barrlcand DistrictCï¬ssade for Christ on Monday Dee 10 Thagcrusada eminenthortieulturlsts ddrchsadrI the society in one ye Plan 1957 Meetings ministers committee chairmen and members gathered for the meeting at Collier Street United Church and explainedthe func tions of each officer Others pre sent at themeetlng were Homer Jones who will be the so olst duke ing the crusade and WBrown publicity agent for Billy Graham Association The following ffieers hive been appointed Chairman of Cru sade Rev Grant Muir Allandale mhaiman Rev Newton SmithFev Luekzseeertofy Lester Cook treasurer John Colwlll ï¬nance chairmen KinzIe TAMeCarroll publicity Rev Nullmcyer prayer Rev Lionel Rowe Rev Wanless counsellors and followup Major White Rev Read Rev Trimble musi ames Gilmore secretary Mrs Jean Gable trea surer Mrs Charles Mills direc tors one year Knapp Johnson Burnald Mar Watson Mr Pulford direc tors for two years Heath Robert Beuant Mrs Gwrge Dan gerfield Miss Lucretia Rowe Mrs Harold Cooper Speaker for the vevcnjng wns Rev Robert Grahamwhose talk was reported in Garden Notes Club Meeting vThreeSeetionsZl Pages FareInc Councnl Names Coor motor CIVII Defence Air VleeMarshal Culfe has been Eppointed Civil Defence Coordlnator for Barrie area and the Council on Monday approved bylaw setting up Civil Defence Committee for the town The officers of the committee re Edwianllson chairman Hersey vieechairman Empire and two members of council to be appointed in tbc new year Council alsopropose approach ing County Council with respect to meeting the cost of CivllnDc fence from County Ifunds This matter will be bréught forward at the January suslon of County Council Speaker Ai Barrie Rotary BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY DECEMBER l2 1956 iSeeksf The Town or Barrie is to apply to the Ontario Legislature to have private bill passed to enable the municipallty to operate its own bus service either by contract with private carrier or by settlnglnto operation its own bus service The reason for this step is that it will enable Barrio to utter alongerfrnnchlse than one year without referring it Do the ratepayers for decision At present franchise longer than one year requires vote andTown Councll are of the opinion that short term franchises prevent tenders from be dng received for operating bus service in the meanlime Greer Trans Raising Fares portation Company Limited will The committee gave considera continuo to operatethc present tion to raising the lore to l5 bus service on the terms of their cents or two or 25 cents and it tender until June 30 1957 Early was thought that such an increase in the new year the fare strue would be justifiedjftcr taxi met ture will be reviewed with point or had been installed and on to Increasing fares so that thc forced It is expected that this system may operate without will be done early in January 108$ ltwas pointed out to the com Under the new agreement the party that number of complaints town will my 45 cents per mile had been received concerning the for the bus service and take all cleanliness and general condition the fare revenue The transport of the buses andthe committee company will retain any advertis asked if the company intended to ing revenue purchase new buses or at least Two Viewpoints The presentation the two special committee reports on the bus situation to council onMon day night caused considerable do bate and showed there were two distinct points of View on the matter The special committee met with the transport company representa tive on Dec and tried to nego tlate 7a oneyear agreement Ior next year on the basisof 40 cents per mile and the town to be cred ited with all revenue This agree meat could be terminatcdwlth 90 drys notice and was to ased ï¬le menu service Any mmsxmoees arranï¬ ed negotiation Agreement NotAcceptable The rcprcsentatlva of the com pany explained that due to the low amount of mileage placed on the buses and taking into con sideration capital cost mainten ance gas oil and labor it would be impossible to eonsidcrany thing less than 45 cents per mile DOUGLAS WALKINGION of the chemical division ofCnn ndlan Industries Limited will be speakingto Barrie Rotary Club Thursday noon at Community Houselnll chemical developments and their effect on our lives Born in Bradford Englandghe cameto Canada in 1920 He first worked with the Gmsselle Chem ical Company and joined cu in 1928 He has been rcsponsible for the introduction of number of new chemical products to the Canadian market ï¬ts on ide interests are in catcd by the fact that he dent of the Quebec Fc Home and Schooiassociations vicepresldent of the Canadian Home and School and Parent Tcacher chention and director of the Finance and Extension Board of the United Church in Gr Mobster nlsh use Sid Mtth vicepresidentW AHarvey vs Murray Mills Frank Hersey Montreal Elmvalc Additional Cost The representative went on to explain that any addition of north and westvroutc wouldvenlail extra equipment and laborand this together with the short mile age and short duration of scrvice would make it impossible to meet the cost of such addition on straight mileage basis when originally tendering for thebus service Greer Co had offered to ineludea limited ser vice between two and six pm on the north and west route for an additional $250 per rnonth Satisfactory Schedule The committee was of the opin ion that the prcscnt schedule was working out satisfactorily and re ports indicated that November would show deficlthi 5345 as compared to $594 in0etober and $489 lnSepternher During the course of the debate later Aldcrman Harry Michie chairman of the special commit tee said that in the last week of November the bus service had been selfsupporting and there was every indication that during the next few months the subsidy by the town would be at mum one in better condition The representative replied that the company would endeavor to see that the buses were in respect able condition and that the drivers wore proper uniforms The com pany could not guarantee better buses or new buses due to the fact of the short contract longer contract would justify the expenditure Necessity For Bill Alderman Lester Cooko com mented realize our committee are probably at their wits end and questionswhethcr they are even happy about this amyery sorry wewere not able to mompthererarrierstece€ into this Iwould like tosce the thing openedmp again and othercontractors encourhged to tender Alderman Cooke wondered if it was necessary to get special bill passed for he believed that the town was the ultimate authority as to who should run busser vice within the municipal limits it was explained that the bill would enable the town to offer longer franchise and this the committee believed might en courage more tenders it called for again Fnlr To All It was when Alderman Harve Paddison got up to speak that it became evident there were two lines of thought in council Al derman Paddison declared that he had always been against subsidiz ing bus service because be lieve those who use buses should pay for them themselves The alderman continued if we are going to subsidize then we should be fair and give the peo ple in the north and west ends service too Later Alderman Paddison sug gested that fares should be raised to try and make the buses pay without subsidy lithink if the fare was two tickets for 25 cents that extra2é cents would go long way to makethe system Tstand on its feet We have been kieking this thing around for nearly year would like to see something definite done now Long Hike Alderman Robert Golds said he hadreceived number of com can we MaulIll num archlaun plaints from people living in tho north it They had been sold heusos hercbecausc rcnl estate men had said there was bus service and now there was no service Colleglate students from this area had long hike each day If ave are going to subsidize would like to know the complete cost ofla full service Alderman Earle Williams com menth that the present service had rovcd to be more satisfac tory hart other plans withlancy trimmings ZWc have confused the riding public by changing schedules Possibly fare raise would help but lsit right to burden an in coming council with all the com plalnts which this might bring Alderman Gordon McTurk sup ported Alderman Paddison in his plea for service for west and north Alderman Gerald Cough linTsaid that if Alderman Paddi son was to put an amendment he would support it Whose Interest Alderman Horace Pratt tackled the suggestion from the econom ies pointflof view while com mending thc aldermcn for their zeal he questioned whether they were acting the interest of the town as ole Extra routes wouldrequire extra equipment extra labor and he estimated that this might lead to an extra sub sldy of as much as $50 per day who are they helping Tho ivale Billior unnlngServlcere reaseln Newlear taxpayers orthandfulot bus rid crs Alderm Paddisonrcp1led it hothose people who haveheen paying taxes Amyears and more am thlhklng of Amendmentnefcated gt The amendment movcdby Alv derman Yaddison to the effect that the bus service should be ex tended to thcnorth and west and that all fares with the exception of childrens fares should be rais ed to15 cents or mo for 25 cents was putto the vote and lost The adoption of the two reports was agreed to on reeordedvote in which Alderman Paddlson WillismsCoughlin and Me Turk opposed the adoption Bernie Police No9 Respectors Ol Persons casual commcnti Council about the rector whoscway to the meterwas blocked by snow and so herecelved parking ticket promptedgAlderman Gordon Me Turk to inform Council that Bar rie Police Were no respeetorsof persons Last week visiting magistrate and visiting Crown Attorney each re cl tickets for asking offences At the time Magistrate Kirkpatrick Crown Attorney AlertHall QC of0shawa wereon court business er on have also compl ms of persons receiving tickets for parking on the boule vard near St Marys Church while they wetct bureh Elections in Tay To In Toy the reeve turned to office Wards gullh estspoll or cl Ambro 8w Reeveflirted Ernest Hurl19 of Kitchener