THIS WMWY3IC gnu 70 CALL THE Dimmer For rumpuquernsl CHURCHILL Cb mmu gut Dec welt omenl Iylll meet 11 the community hall on Thursday 99965 all Member at the Fedentioa or Agriculture and Farm zlnnun will heluesutï¬oll Call willje answered with while gmelor Christmas Cheer There will be movles by revresenutlve hunt KLM Royal Dutch Air unes There will Ilsa be carol slnglnl and recreation Members of the lnstltute please bring lunch asx mmcnva NAME Elkhoru nltnba village 200 miles west of Winnipeg wasriam ed for find Ol tap speclnlaï¬ elhhnrn bylrailway rurvteyors If you have written your In Member lately your letter found it way to them alu minurn mail box recently install ed in the Parliament Buildings 0mm With their attractivély bevelled and undcd doors these lock boxes look handsomely at home in the vaulted corridor Otrhc Centre Block Imagination boggles III immune of prulse and blame that will flow through these boxes in yum Income Io MPs Ind Senator yet unborn Mcun while we ï¬nd it ï¬tting that metal that has become suh vital pan or the mlion econ omy Thould grace the nations legislatiie halls ALUMlyUM COMPANY OF CANADA LTD ALCANI comACT Barrie DriveBlur ll Travel Sunrise lur all yuur Malling requirements HORIZED AG EXYS FOR TransCanada Airlines Whether ynu wish ta TRAVEL BY Alli OR BY STEAMSHIP OR EVEN Bent ll Car or Truck 102 DUNLOP 81 W4 Phone Pu 82772 MENS Bauer size to 10 Bnuer size to 11 Bauer sized to 12 Bitter site lo 12 Bauer slze to 12 CCM size la 10 $1695 Size to 11 $1895 CCM slze to 12 $5750 FIGURE SKATES MISSES SIZES 11 to Club Speclnl MISSES SIZE 11 t03 CCM LADIES SIZES to 10 Cluh Special LADIES sizes to 10 CCM LADIES Sizes to 10 CCM SKATE GUARDS Wand FIGURE SKATE BAGS HOCKEY SKATES YOUCOULD Bl IATE MAI BEFORE DEC 17 Or lnral delivery Christin December 17 lhe final date for mailing Io ensure 1w delivery by Clgtsrm Make lureyuur Clirlslmu mull luridan cleamly correctly and mpflejylrlnt ddreatend re lhrn address toobath nulelde and inside phrcels Wrap ï¬nd tlerlarcels seéurcly Be sure ln am Catrec postage and mail ollen lhrouglr lhe day Seml greellng curds lzy FIRST CLASS MAIL llieyre eligible for lrumporl by air and you may enulase MTiIlcn message 0mm um AND orrm sharp Wok lidz NA APOS OFFICE HOCKEY SKATES AND EQUIPMENT COMPARE ounv PRICES BOYS Bauer size la 13 Bauer size 11 to 13 Baner Elle lo Bauer size to CCM size to CCM size to $995 Ankle Supports Guaranteed BOYS SEAGBAM ROWE Ilnllflrl Mueller NW7 fflhlll Cannynan HONEY 1° WAN Ark24 mar 32 IOVIr 06 IWI as Doll IL Inï¬ll flat GLADSTONE CURRIE 00 lnrnmr mu unclm MONEY To your e1 human nut unu Mum JOHN moNnA Mlelhn mn Il Dunlap Il la loam III FHONI PM SMITH MGLEAN lumen ea Ounun menll null arm Allrflult new mine nonetum me nunlwvst runrerun LIVINGSTON MYERS BARRETERS SOLICITORS 153 Colllfl St Phone PA 85454 EARRIE ==4r OPTOM ETRY nunre IAKIITIAJJI om Dunlo ll Int Mult or no um In tn1 on tum airemu IL Al newma at am re our and mum Artram no 1mm ROBERT ll SMITH lo ommmn uyéuun in use Nozi dranimisou 30 0mm mm lutynrrlrghflll PAC42M LIFE INSURANCE ALFRED nmra errmud Lin Unaarmy emu ma hull rmrrrmmm um um Alarms crow earnme may Peanut VETERINARY DB LFLEMINR uniIn hwy115 rm Ann ACCOUNTANTS MaBLAREN CO 6H main ACCOUNYANTI Collier Ballrte rum uummu anoma ml mm 00 certiï¬ed ruuuc Itcmunlenll Wmflnim InlldlnI on gun Ielenhunl 11mm Handel Prum V1 NISDMAI cu Ananun OWELL DunlflrIl ROSE HARRISON mam any NIAGARA Drop In to your friendly Niagara Loan Mur mumk only for you In an mindty Neill hfl will you but Hor ur Important fun lol you about Niagara Loam Who rean gel Niagara Frlendly with repulallon for hOnesty and llre abllily to repuy How muehean be borrowed from Nllgme to $1500 SOmelimeS more How quickly can gal monoyhrSomï¬me in 20 minutes wilhin 24 hours for meal loans How long ean take to rapnyï¬Jn lhe Inble below lhere are iusl few cf many plans They will give you same idea of lime periods allowed for diï¬erenl nmovnls from lo 24 monlhs And for all people who have Imeyen income during the year such us farmers undsrhoolleudiers special paymenl sdtedule moybe arranged Oll Jeans Cbove $500 An all loan ehnrgesjllaearrterlo $500 general ly yes but remember nl Niagara yoi gel life Insurance alno extra cost Above $500 the larger lhe nrnounl and lhe lonéer Vthe limethe lower lhe rule Compare Oflen youllluy more mpne nl less Cos Cl Niggnru Life Insurance onlomlivonbwhlleï¬Yes here Ii real family peaceéfmlnd fenlure Al Ti extra eoSl tovyau loans of $1500 pr less are lifei urod Be Sure you get ihl prolecflen hqnyou bprrgw friendvthQ In my loamNo seldnm do borrowers prefer an endorsed loan And bdnkéhle sewrily of urge is hell needed Snow my way otherTummy arelllenfYqucnyl me mini lhese four NiadaruLoaiiblnns Ch nun Ti 1313 wwmrr cgmms Tsllhhm Maesagelb Hydrotherapy rawnAmus ucnrm emu Idem Mauritanian om Phunl Inn1m Drln Ilrrll == MUSIC LESSONS when unison we mcm orWrrAuo em man man dlotnghmfl mm or little autumn Aims rngu ruin ME AND MR5 REDSTRA means 01 VIOLIN TBZORY lnd Accouhhtlgrlmm MA at Phone mm ANGUS 3085 BA GIUTIIglgnl TEACH Countn1 ennui dmo mm mm Antler ma mrnunlbv IL trucks alaronly Muirhank Hugbundkndfwile on furnlshlngs On milieu uqulpmgflh On farI slodtand equlpmenl em have private InhrvlewPYes ybur lnlervlew at Niagara wlll be private courteous and friendly Why do people bonth moneyFA few reisons are to eonsolldale amup of Small debls to reduce large paymenls for car and epgi Lia moal emeréenciesilo repalr or mOdernize homes to enlarge businessi for seedslockierlllizer forlarmuand In luke advunluga of low prices whey dash paid ï¬o many pecth bmwbYOS in Canada family ln4bon9wauchyear Tofu FAT tEss ran MANYERIENDLY LOANS FILANCE COMPANY LTD BUILDING taubout room unemEse WEN APE YOUNG GENIUSESIM JUSVW GLAD OUR ALEXANDER vrsms HERE 95 mo 1an UTILE Evern vEAC OLD GlRL PLKvs NANO ANDSPEAGSIX Plllll with lltliToWorkf LANGUAGES mow we eggyup wEu arr45mm um TOTHE WWI AND WHAT TAKINGALlTTLE ARE me SNACK FOR awn ll Boas ma Amman wasLE JUNIOR IS roLLow Hm THINKl I5 USA 515911 CAN LICK HIM WITHONE WDRE MOI EEWW you ast 21mm 989 141 OldWATS ll HE WANTS MEJDTUNE Aer Coolants AHES Esau HE WENTl0 ET DISAPPEAR TO MAKE Suki DIDJUNIOR GRAMMAEHE