ME AND MRS FRED MCCANN Mr and Mrs Fred McCann were at home to their many friends and relatives in the after noon and evening of Wednesday Nov 25 1958 on the occasion oi their golden wedding anniversary Born of irish parents the cou ple lived on adjacent farms at Utopia and attended the same school on November 1906 they were married at the Meth odist parsonage on Collier Street in Barrie by the Rev Oakl icy After their marriage they settled on the original homestead cleared by the grooms father and now in the McCann name for over 90 years The couple while they still re side on the taml retired from ac tive farming in 1948 lliemers oi St Georges Anglican Church Utopia they havetakcn leading part in church and community work throughthe years The bride of 50years ago is the former Priscilla Jcnnett daugh ter of the late Joseph and Mary Ann Jennctt of Utopia She has two sisters Mrs Andrew Miller Elizabeth of Barrie and Mrs Fran Rowe Orpha of Queens ville and three brothers Aaron of Mount Clemens Michigan and Joseph and John of Barrie The groom is the son obthe late CLARKEAt OekvilleTrail8ar Mem aria Hospital Olkvllie on Nov to IBSB to Mr and Mrl Harvey Clarke Hen Joyce Reid ush teI Margaret JaneNortne HAMILTONAt the Re Vctorta Hospital Births on 150 tn Mr and Mn Howardfla Ito Sunnidale Road Ion llthDNALDItt the RoyaIVictnrln Hussite name an va so lvss to ndMrs Kenneth MICDDII aid 59 Tililn si doughter lulu barley Lea IHILLiPsAt the Iloyal Victori it plthl BAIT till DEC 59 Mr and MinuAlbert ran as Dunlap St East dau hto IlAFiAYéAt the Rtle ICtU Ital Barrie on and Mrs Eii Angus dam tui THOMPSONAr the Roya losltah Barrie on Victoria rider ll to Wholalll John Pals LINESAt Toronto on Monday DEC 1956 Arthur Lines beloved hun band at the inte llonnthilrat dul father at Arthur Junior éladyl Jim Welsh uniu MnrArthut Stbphendfln and Harvey Renting it tho Pethick FuneraIgtHolnerlTl Bayiicld 32 amle Service in the chapel Wednesday at LEI lnv terment Barrie onionclnnete ROBERTSSuddenly It WEIElla Hospital Toronto on su ay Dec less Herbert an am In Canadian Metal sport World beiovod and ldlll ol WHEN 5t onlo and dear iather nhd aill hrnthor oi ru Kerwin Ma Mn Harold Tu Mean and Keanlea At tho chnl rel of Marley asdIaIa In re Eintaln Ave wands Llnsszuu Blvd erv ee on es ay torment rm Lawn metepry iN MEMO CARBUTHEESin Wallace Carrutheru IWIy Dec teas and see carruthm who Mayan lessu Gone ironl us but leaving Dominican never takerw Memories that will IIWIYI While upon thtl navy Tom ck TONIn loving menu nod mother 55 John and Mary Ann McCann oi Utopia and is the only surviving member of family of nine Mr and Mrs McCann have two daughters Mrs Arnall llluir Vera no oi Utopia and Mrs Raymond Mills Mary of Goldwater and one son Jack on the home farm They have seven grandchildren Virginia Heather and Bonnie Muir Jane Kathryn land Pen elope Mills and Dawson McCann on Sunday evening Nov 25 dinner was held in their honor at the home of their son when the family presented them with gold wrist watches and yellow mums from the grandchildren Presiding atthe tea table at the golden wedding rceeption were Mrs McMaster and Mrs Harris tauannf the bride The table was centred with love Iy threetier wedding cake made and decorated by the bride Tea assistants were Mrs Burger Mrs Joseph Jennett Mrs Monks Mrs Dawson Mrs Jennett Mrs Exeli Mrs Ellis Miss Ruth Jennett and Misses Virginia and HeatherMuir Many beautiful gifts were re ceived also cards and messages of congratulations from Lloyd minster Saskatchewan Seaforth Montreal Detroit Meaford and DrIlIla including telegram from ELEcIORs or WARD vs mu CIIUREIIILI Mimi Tuesday DUI with men hues playing Prlua were HAM hdicsgcatharine Paterson end Barbara Tuck men William lie Fadden and Ken Miller Community Sympathy The community were shocked on hearing of the sudden death cl Emmett Coughlin in Toronto on Mondaynigm The funeral service took place from the home of Frank Coughltn to St Patricks Church Phelpeton on Wednuday morninx Much sympathy tendedtn thebereaved family pEEToN mil Visitor Vooauflolm rnvelo llon Leslie Frost Prime Min ister of Ontario and personal message from Rev Downer MP for DutierinSlmcoc Guests at the reeeption were present from Toronto Queens ville Bclhnvcn Eimvalc Vssey Goldwater Mount Albert Collins wood Barrie Thornton ivy and surrounding district lnstaII Officers JCanadian Legion New officers of Barrie branch Canadian Legion will be insta ed at the Monday Dec 17 meet ing in the new hall on Collier Doug McGibbon was elected pres dent by aeciamation Crowe is the new ist vicepresident and Kelly is 2nd Executive com mittee comprises Atkinson Tupling iiardacreyJ Ksake and Baker Calvert ser geant at arms and Wright assistant were elected by acclam atinn At this evenings meeting win ners oi the essay contest will be presented with their awards by President Cecil McMulkln CALL THE EXAMINER FOB rnINIING rnonnra s24 igift 1th as humor sr ls eetheartl forithe loved oucsibach home nothing can make afiner gift than your portrait PA 84176 Today And Make An App diluent niemnnnl Sindee Over Huntsi Tillie inertialsaintly fBerroVIVIIth The word gets around as one friend tells another about HFQThe help youmim your nioney problems hath you need expert counsel about anIr ï¬nanoes from our highly tralned staff to Si000 tidenoo consumerï¬nenoenom conï¬dence F0 fro MIssBlanche Corbett of New anelltcalléd on friends In toim on Saturday Mr and Mn new in 332 David of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Palmer visited at Mrs Palmers during the weekend Mr and Mn Frank Allan at Bradford and Mr and Mrs Smith of Toronto visited Mn Butler on Sunday Attended Funeral Miss Violet King and Mr Mm Gordon Hill attended funeral of their aunt the late Mrs Hill of Toronto on Thursday Farm Forum Rally Mr and Mrs Cecil Reynolds and Mr andMrs Robert Kell at Churchill attended the Farm For um Rally held at Lowville in Hai ton County on Monday Nov 19 in Hospital Mr and Mrs Service were in Newmarket on Sunday visiting the latters sister Mrs Grlnlsby who is patient in Newmarket hospitaL Moved lionle Mrllnd Mrs Ellis Taylor have moved into theirnew home on Centre Street recently purchased from Miss Clazic Mrs Bray is VtSIlIHEIflIIlII relativcsln Toronto Day in Toronto Mrs Ritchie Mrs Cole Mrs Service Miss Donahue and Mrs Hammeli spent Wed nesday in Toronto Visiting Friends Mr and Mrs Parkhill of Queenston are visiting friendan town Their New Home Mr andMrs Harold Corbett and family moved into their new home an Tecumseth Street on Wednesday if Irwin of Francis Saskatch ewan is visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomas Rutledg From Toronto Mr and Mrs Earl Bowen of To ronto were recent guests of Mr and Mrs it JWatson Miss Georgina Barton of town and Mr and Mrs Alvin Austin of Tottenham attended the funeral of the late Austin at Kitchener on Thursd 14 CALL mzmmm not soon mmmvc NEEDS PHONE PA sun with and Isle emu Weekend at Home Miss Nancy Cameron student nurseat lbrnoto Sick Childrens Hospital spent Ian weekend at her home here Cottage The cottago service was held Sunday Deena at 230 at Moneys 1967 Pontiac is making its home at it Murphyja gt Church Celebration Maurice and Cecil Campbell Mr and Mrs Sid Money and Douglas Harris were among thou who helped SL Peters Anglican Alla of Barrie Mr and In King pi Toronto parent of Gordon were welcomed by aliprennt Two main events of the even were the lighting and cutting beautiful Skier fruit cake baked and iced by Walter Lee very close lrieud of Gordon The first candle was In by Miss irene Knupp who gave the cau die to Rev King liein turn passed the light to Mnstan Pralick Mn Crawford and Mrs no Adams After the lighted cake was admired by all it was cut by thehove ladies and served When Mr King thought the evening was aboutto close John YOU CAN PROVIDE YOUR OWN RETIREMENT PENSION THROUGH CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY FOR DIRECTOR cananuut omn muirifl mamasr or MIOIIREUIIIWDTPOIYIOI rm All mm momma WDWHO HOW ACMADIMI 00W WWWGWWIWCOMIATWWCOR In lens so IMMIIMH Hill As FULL iNFORMATION inarn or likflil WM AWEY To HART lmflï¬oliflemmdmohnnllbohidnafldum MONB sauna Partridle Sink mom to elect King and Cecil present ed him viht his green on belief ufhil pariah vihl gt10 duds St Peters Mineslng St Pauls Mldhunt Church Vespra Birth Banner Congratulation to Mr and Mrs Van Cartons on the recent birth of blbyvoiri Front longing Mr and Mrs Ciiif Poole James and Jane oi imagine arrived at Mr and Mrs John Weliwlns for visit Th reported no snow till they is nearly in Barrie and them BOO mile to the north Anyone around Banleith to In ateml nvannxamn madolby ml annua runm man must and Christ feta vdih gold overlay Quilted ur omits ironingllnienler tilGieen lCOiiiQi Grill uiiiilm new utilisation ALL HOME COOKED FOOD nossnnssmmcnas sou coonse Means OPEN amto lldlo pm DAILY except SUNDAY seeTIle Christinas AIMIIPLE PARKING syncs Tsélectmnsxrrém Clarks gHyome KFurnisjilingsg cllooss vault um titan II luteIntrusion What could he more aece table for Christalas glitter that certa one on your list than QEDAR CHEST Clarks Home Furnishings poast the larg est selection of Cedar 1th on display than anyone In Simece County Feature of the weekis Lane Cedar chest Danish modern design with sliced Walnut Exterior genuine Tennessee cedar inter ior satin brass feruies on legs Automatic tray Cholderofnsoftwalnut orpusnice Size Is 45 long 18 wide by 21 high This chest carries the fmlous nntee of satisfaction each or gashioan of up on canha eompieto son in Canadae ï¬rstynpd mos For visit HFC today Lane guar Fertile finest input can Sim vocoASIOIIALi chilies gift giftanybne wguid appreciate venomo tilledconstructioni red maple IFIIIB Long wearing fab choice of dark green beige brown or chartreusezsiw 5s hills 28 wide andwcrdfldepth is 32 This is an Ideal gilt ionisation Had onethat tocome will heir membered for years move Monday Dean is voters day Who are we having for school board in 58 for 1957 He sure to vote The socalled ihipworm which plagues old wooden hulls Is the teredo molluse related to the oyster or clam Comfortable warmthpChoose this practic ai and elegant style in black aqua pale blue Sizes lfto 20 one from Zeiiers grand collection oi smart neinoe teas Coats now being tea tured N0 wens ZELLERS LIMITED so Dunlap St an em Be Sure To vote ROBINDALE INN Under New Movnugokrnanf Buslness as usual 5I= Blake St Catering to banquetsweddings and special at tention givenvbo Christmas Parties Make your reservations early William madman Manager Phonp PA 33741 can be at your nearest Royal 0mm send gaily rzzfnmpï¬df novel Benit hours aliases YOU avoid Christmas crowds lastminute searching THEYchoolne your thoughtful gift of malt vvliich lets them buy what theytvant most Royal Bank Money Orders achIte smart practical cflortless way to wrap up ybur gift IlstlYou can usefhem to send gift of cash to friends or relatives anywhere in Canada the UnitedStates Great Britain or the British West Indies This year discover how pleasant Christmas shopping such Order you buy Just the Money Order into folder writeyourv gr in the space provided aodnzali annals smca name use