Lady the current hit musical Commencement dve ycmilerfect Attendance But The Lonely Heart with en scour sacks CGOPERATION Iilt accompany the refugee first insignee to =tbeir temporary home or place of work tosmahe the necessary introductions and give any explanations tbatlmay be necessary other problems envisaged by the committedis the mptter of clothes medical attention food schooling and the like To help in all this they are seeking the aid of all voluntary grpups in Blirié At the public meeting it is hope to set up comprehensive erecuive committee under the title of Hungarian Refugee Com mittee for Barrie and district capable of coordinating thevar lous necessary services and com piling the essential records for het smooth running of the pro ec The committee believes that thiaproiect isdcserving the full support of the communty in se cognltion of the bravery of the Hungarian people Uhtil such tlmea as other ar rangemcnis can be madev offers of help by telephone will be re cclved at Parkway Willi Honors Grads Coniinued from page one Presentation of three four and Certiï¬cates was made by ledy head of the classics de partment His reference to an inscription on the New York main post office was especially signiï¬ cant The Glee Club now an out standing part of BDCI life direct ed by Archie Boss sang three delightful numbers He Now Let Every Tongue and The Old Brown Mule Miss Smith assisted by Rev Trimhle officiated for the presentation of Honor Grad uation Diplomas and Special Com mercial Diplomas Bryd gcs assisted by Mr Sinclair and Vicedrlnclpai Cockburn officiated for the presentation of Graduationdlplomas The Senior Band also conduct ed by Mr Fisher playedwonda erfully well and their main lol cation was rhapsody by Haydn WoodVirginia but especially appreciated Was theclosing num ber selections from My Fair on Broadway Carlton Chisholm head of the English department officia ted for the presentation of Ath letic awards student prizes and scholarships Voeal Soloist Miss Carolyn Payne oneof the Honor graduates now attendlng of lhinity Collegeagtstar in last seasons Glee Club production of The Mikado sangvNone core Something Wonderful from The King And li was lovely rendition Missf Frances Wildman was piano accompanist After God SaveThe Queen th Senior Bondplayed Alma Mater as the graduating classtlled out with the audience standingk There was reception after wards for parents in the home economics room while the gradu Attendance was slowon dayat the market Santa Claua had passed butsome of the overflow froma record crowd camvinthen Christmos Ideas Tables were brightened with artificial flowers and otherdecor ptiong fpr roses in attractive tints yellow and also deep red Sweet peas sold in bunches glad iolus by the tall stalk painty boutonlerreg were also in var ety flowers soldby the doien Dainty setsvof knitted jackets booteesand mittens were appealing othertablle de pink imposing plaza being built byLCa ci huge developmentrituilingNew the blocklong areaDorchester to Cnth attractive promenade Top in center background Middle view shows autoentmn Lower view is crosssection of plaza and garage which will give un erACE VILLELMARIE satin National Railways in Montreal will form the centerpiece Idrenésyrid inadvertent DiscussCantmiunuwudge meeting of the Board urn of the can drena Aid iety nfsimcoc County was held in the Oodrt lim1be followingmember werepment Cumberland in thrchn ImE DunnK Hflbert George Link South SlmcoeiAlliston Dr De taney lifraJt Campbell Mrs Kaighin CehtreSimcoeBarrle lWrightJt Wright Schneider Mrs AJBuil Ho crka Rockefeller Center Fountain gardens and walks will turn mrtStreets at the iootbf McGill College Avenueinto an ew looks south mmanthcart end of plain with no to threcatorey garage derground uoceseto Central Station the Queen Elisabeth Hotel beneath Place VilleMarie and to the hotels lower levelentmncewhilc providihg parking space for 450 autos SATURDAY nsc Satur Christmas including rose Colorful oldtime straw for baby ates happiiydanced in tbegym 1corationswere reasonably priced nasiumto music of the school orchestra these events arranged until after hands by the present Student in honor of the 105556 class Muskrat1 Details In Holland Marsh Aging and sexing of failcaught muskrat is againr being carried out by fishand wildlife staff in the Holland Marsh area obtained so far indicate that juvenile muskratsrare being tak en for every adult female sample comprising 35 acres shows rvest marshJ area musk is per acre Council Reports One of four Fur Auction Dec At Holland Land rig st and West Gwillimbury are holding auction of fall caught fur in the town hall at Holland Landing orfWednesday Trap ers Councll their annual Dec at 730pm Eggs Chickens Eggprlces were reasoanble for thetlme ofyear withirasange in price from SDcto 55cdozen and inplcntiful supply Large roasting chickens were 45c lb and few smaller sizes drawn at 851 lband capons at 50c1b few ducks were 50c lb Apples vegetables Snows Pippins and Sweets were 65c basket Spies or Moln werc BOc basket Potatocs seem ed firmer in price at 35c to 40 basket or $180 bag Parnsnips carrotsarvd beets were 40c bas bct and onions 45c to Site turn ips15cand up and squash the same Home Baking Always attractive and speed lngï¬ the display included tasty bread and buns pies in pumpkin apple mlnce audothers cookies tarts and rich ca fruit tosh Reds at 75c few others date onhfondl Speaker was Harold Lobb st xecutive secretary of he ntar Association lor Re tarded Childre 1n jltitroducing Mr Lobb Mur raylinlaysonde ribed him as courageous 1nan tookon very difficult job and as making agreat soccess of Lobb was to have come nipthemovc mentfor ratarde chiidren to pioneers and work with them kingfora show of my many charter members of cal association hands went Heasserted it wa time for the people who had at outs to do something for the mentally re tardedto stop nd think What they had set doÂ¥i what they haddone and wnat now wasnieft to be don in the task of what was left to be donelay the big job of educat ing the public so that eventually the community as whole would nssumewesponsibility for the re tarded and not just handful of interested citizens He pointed out that thasonly reason retarded childrens associationsexist is be cause the community as anyhole has not yet recpgnlzed its reopens ibility towardsthevmentally re tarded There wll thought when if the associations do their job wellthe needs come time he an Motorsllnveils 1957 retarded childrens schools teachers pectors curriculums etc will be accepted by the rate Mr Lobb of Sheard Exeutive Secretary thermistor herrinsroh Whole Community payers just as he public schools and other schools as as public responsibility However the time is not yet ripe forthe limitations of the retarded are not yet accepted and understood by the public at large Mr Lobb gave three basic reasons why the community must event ually accept responsibility for the mentally retarded lRetarderl children have been deprived of opportunities that are taken for grantedby practically everybody else We live in democratic society wherein iraditiondecreea that each person shall have the opportunity to develop to his max imum andthe right to live the fullest kind of life of which he is capable We are now proving these children have potential Ibil ity and it is the communitys duty to revise its thinking and see that all that can bedone is done for them gt Because of the large number affected it has to bea community responsibility Compare these figures Out of each 100000 per sons there are estimated to be Rheumatic heart 700 cerebral palsy 850 polio permanent 300 blindness 20 tardation 3000 lts community cause it can happen in any fam i1ybefore birth after birth during birth There are 70 known causes of mental retar Lobb suggestedjbahthe as sociation try to teach the com munity to look on care for the mentally retarded justgas they look on hospitals and insiarauce They want goodrhospital not because they are sick today and need itbut so they will have care wheuthey do They may not have an1entaliy retarded child in their family now but that doesnt mean their children might nothaverand wh that happenslitis well to have munity that has the facih cato cope with the problem congratulated the Barrie association fun it good school and the work theywore doing and urged them toraise their slghts to the needior con stan publle education and not just the problems concerned With the local schools MrLobb wasthankedby Mrs LIH Gable The meeting was chaired by Presid nt Donia Agoodrhuuter is ways on the alert to tbe signsland sounds of the ildlifefor which he lshunb lug He should alsorbe alert againstibe shortcomings atrium an nature that are broughton by the excitement of thoohase not only in other pnters but also in himself and he should never allow bean West SimcoeCollingwood liurl Benson Fisher Ganton North Simcoesfldland and Miss Jacksoamanag ing Director The board received and dis cussed the 10 months report ï¬re by the socletfs executive and presented to County Council bybdr Cumberland onNov 20 togeth with the reports of the spec al collnty welfare committee presented by chairman Kimio Both reports exprcsa concern that the amount set for the first to months in the budget for pay ments on behalf of Simcoe County to other societies for maintenance of wards chargeable to Simcoc County was $1407310 over the hullgetedtigure increased provincial grants and increased revenue received by the CA5 from other societies for sup ervisionof their wards living in Simcoo County and amounting to some $1249788 in the in months hid relieved theaituation and the sacclety was showing an over all deficit at the end of the 10 months of $409544 The board discussed the county welfare committees recommends tion that at the January session Barrie SoEd Hold Box Social Hear of YM YWCA vhfuch competition was met at the Barrie soEd Wiley 28 as the male members vial with each other for gaily decoratedbox lunches Thescboxes were of all sï¬pes and sizes some like Christmas presentsothers very feminine with flotvers and lace was cquiPP€d with horn horn of plentyl huge box which brought in the highest ti eer was the goodnatured co chairman Bob Thomson Scotty who successfully pried loose many the boxeswcresold mystery was at an all time highjas the men wondered who their luncheon partners would be Howeverthe fates seemed to suit every one The speaker for the evening was Gable chairman of the newly appointed YMYWCA Board of Directors The young people listened with interest as Mr Gable traced the growth of the developments inBarrie He mentioned leisuretime survey held in Barrie two years ago As result of this it was recom mended that SIMYWCA or sim ilar recreation centre which would coordinate and provide facilities and leadershipwas needed in Ban rle great deal of work has beenand is still being done to carry this recommendation through Mr Gable explained that the YMYWCA is membership or ganization in which therespons lbility forpolicy making etc rests with thecitizens of tb local community Finances are han dlcd individually by each organ intion through memberships and program fees giftsand grants There are sustaining memberships available now for the Barrie YMI YWCA 1n the discussion period that followed Mr Gables talk Helen Spanls who is liaison person between the Board and the SoEd Club told of possible programs which could be carried on in proiect the members are vitally concerned in the development of the Barrie YinYWCA They greatly appreciated 1dr Gablc coming toenlighten them of the progress being made Nineteen Barrie SoEders visit ed TorontoCentral SoAEd on Tues day evening Nov 27 They part aid thoroughiy enjoyed them selves Toronto Central is one of the larger SoEds and has appro irnateiy 800 members The Barrie of programs as there are eight different skill sessions and six different lecture groups Drama conversational Freuch textile block printing bridge and dire dancingwere some of the skill bod intriguing theme hich cludad Knowing Your Better Half This We Believe incorporated The Barriermembcrs were ed refreshments by Centr Ed executive Ag oclai loofollowed with mixers room dancing and shadow Finally before mid tha sense of alertness tabscome coiio as sold for $375 Theauc dollars fronr their owners When icipated in many of the activities group was amazedby the variety sessions while the lecture periods istlcally Speaking arid Spar CountyCodncil outsider paying thawcleVa per diem rate as set bylthc judge for all wards in care and making suitable grant the soch for protection work The board decided altar some discussionthat the form of roport and request for grant to be made totbe January union should be left for preparation pnd presentation by the executive coin mittee gt Moatbiy Report There were 22 children admit ted to the earebf the society duo irig the month and 18 discharged six of these because their adop tion had been completed one was returned to its home society and five wardships were terminated and one child moved from the area before adoption could be completed Therc were new applica tions for protection servlCe dun lpg the month October was particularly busy month as far as court work was concerned as 42 cases were presented wardship was granted in eight instances renewed 22 timestermlnated in flveflcases and withdrawn in onc Instance with slitclsel beingheld over for further evidence in the work with unmarried parents eight new cases were opened dur ing the month Staff Replacements The board was advised by Miss Jackson that she was having some difficulty in making social work staff replacements and special committee was appointed to as slst her in this regard The com mittee consists of Mrs Campbell ing DrVDelaney 1Wright Halbert Hugh Johnston andG Burl letter William Bury director of child welfare in which hepointed out the relationship between his de partment and the childrens aid societiesin the province it wanted that his depart ific assistance and that part of this was thoprovision for ad vice case work aprogram evalu ation recruitment of personnel staff development interpretation of objectives and other technical questions The special committee on staff replacements was requested to ask UMr Bury for assistance and advice with our problem of staff replacements and recruitment ed rneétlngs bftheir branch com mittees and also the dates of their annual meetings South North and West Simcoe all reported meetings of their executive and their plans for annual meetings to be held in the near future HINDERIHG FIREMEN Are you aneager beaverwhen the fire slrensoundal Doyou want target right in there where you can see what isgoing on and possibly lend hand Then you are one of the people firé men do not like The best way keep quiet as chairman other members he was received from ment was prepared to give spec Centre and East Simcoe report to help is to stay well back and not Patterson but rather loatreaia Now we have Floydof the Pat terson ciao whohaanakeh pou esaion of the heavyweight boxing championship of the world and by the looks of things hobodys going to bother him for some time to come Age 21 far from the old codger status Dineasing from the subject the thought occurred that possibly they should have torn down Sheas theatre earlier than the scheduled Feb 195 local person claims when youre young you are iodinedlto be an eager beaver rushing husb llng androarlngubouthWhen youreach middle age you want to slow down and get somorelaio atlon when you roachthe elder statesman stage you want to start bustling around again But you cant do it So youithlrsk up projects and try to get others to do themu But the young wont pay any attention Sothe middle agcd find it necessary to do these things andthata whythey never get to slow down Its just about two week ago liiil so Barrie Chamber of FISH Noted hadio and Television Commentator suckers AVAILABLE mom And was just thinking this wonderful weather weve been having in the past coup of weeks how true all that Jr is Hollow laughteri An Annotated Press despatth from Lago Nigeria states The three wives of Adegoke Adelabu leader of the opposition in the Western nigerla Assembly each gave birth to son last weehl The North BayNugget handled this story with the headline FATHERS TRIPLETS THE HARD WAY The social worker was doing her annual round at the local jail For each inmate she had pleaf sant word of encouragementl Even the rumsoaked chancteg ln the end cell was treatedtoz warm personal touch Tellme she asked was it your weakness for liquor that brought you here Heck no maam wad the reply You cant get noth in in herei The following cartoon is from Bush News We thought leech2 oed the sentiments of most hunt at who dont like to be distractv lleillillll the lacks awayil tltilii aisromc sons itlliiilSl assnclimfl Dinning RiNiTY PARIsnjHAtu Wednesday bees QSPEAKEE ER mmerce Mayor Motel coutts ï¬eal Estate Wrens WELCOME farmstead Que Journal or my new can on oUTsmsrnar new luxury deep pile fabric sscouosr ver Pbplin wonderful Christmas present Revérsiblé on cnRerAslclrrsf HEY THERE Just take stock