ClOWES 313 flmuu but wins on Ice mi some nxamn man nov use Mr and Mrs Adrien Martini Gonnetulatiglisloflrandlrs and milgum forex resided schooll mm rum nu Ken Dicker nec Aulda Glenn my dorm teacher hue and an rind The ladies of the WMS catered Mmdiox Sneaker to meat otceluyfrnmcalilornladodemhummon lll Ilahys 39 Ace 31 Slippery rtruck the eye or Karl Donn and cut my an Ice after tryini that 50 gum anidea Be outgrow experinieutf he says Late League tadles three huh Iu lama boon we gums Alice Smith Edna Jihï¬hfm3m on the slaying done by nun Inmate sear Harvey 15 Elsie Reynods 15 mummy lowed In on once because it threatened the Place dame in Montreal blah triple Elsie Revnolds 31 amen with as block ice crops In storage Mb me me where Gents three high rum Ray that can from Calitornio He Put the in In his bulbous at 1° WW anumummmn 23 aidaimilgï¬ lto ordinary iceond theres um 193 huh mph an plenty of ice In this region but some 611 the htocksthat turns with ship his iinpednhiiimgiï¬ 3in ti adI um wmu en rs rs ro oy neyaomu low not has mu gv WHILE WAIT who were married at Glendale last week to banquet for the Junior Fann RaFarnI Huthcotc on Nov 24 by shower logdltlleN A3 it an Friday night Mr West shower was on ov mu nu Also to Mr and Mrs Pm It Edgar hall in bondr of Mr and Hm mm tamed Antsng Servlhmeee up Stunhm nee Joan Muchildon Mm Paul Shanahan The young home mm bum MP to vi undty lingual Trauma who were married in Barrie Nov citll 1le numb 5° verweter on Manitoulin Island l1 Ifts Church on Sunday Rev Mr Friends Here Wt neeunx iii eix denim Mclavish ot Bradford was the number of friends of Ken The Institute meeting will he speaker It both morning and mo which came down to reasonable 16 Dicker met at the home of Wal held Dec It M11 Chm flayed to Barrie ening services lace and Jack Key last Thursday Simpsons Roll CI 21 Mn Hlpweil moved to Barrie cm new Igwning prior to 1m nungm change of Christmas KittL MOW this week where shehas ohtaiu Eu Ruffle mu mm received number of personal Mrs Alljenham current event ed an apartment in her dauah an Emmy 315 hlxbzames SiftL ï¬eï¬nï¬ihnié $23331 hnme and 115 neuiah nreedoo 163 Recent vmum mm mm high triple Jackie Hum 539 Mr Ind 3111 Ferxuson Ind TRY AN EXAMINER WANT Mr and Mrs Robert Sykes at Genta three hllh games Bry Guides was held on Monday nlzht drews Mrs Stoddart and Wil Mrs Anderson of Gravenhuï¬st raona PA um Toronto mo Mr and Mrs Carter an Jackson 222 Lorne Harvey with 13 tables playing Ladies liam Watt were recent visitors with and Mrs Kerridge Owen sound Visit Mr and Mrs Beardsall and Eleanor Ray Torrie ot Barrie vis Gddkxlm Tom Whiteside DonalI Eey euchre sponsored by the in holds low Ross Lang lucky tal col group committee of the Girl lies Mrs Harvey Mrs An URRYS as aarnrm sr itcd recently at Owen Sound Carol Linda and Alan Moc Donald oi Barrio visited recently with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Lavender Mr and Mrs Garnet Sampson of Scarborough visited recently with Mrs Simpson From Craighurst Miss Diane Eilsmere of Craig hurst spent Sunday with Miss Laura Bidwoll Weekend Visitors Mr and Mrs mond and Carol of Buffalo on Mr and gt Mrs Dicker of Toronto were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Dicker Mr and Mrs IEdgar Crawford of Howkcstonc and Mrs MaxLIv ingsion of Guthrie were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Har old Wright From Toronto Frank Beardsall of Toronto Fred Dougherty and James and Douglas and David Reid of Bar ric were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Beardsaii From Barrie Mr and Mrs Lloyd Martin of Barrie visited on Monday with Mr and Mrs Beardsail Supper Guests Mr and Mrs Arthur Ecnham and family were Sunday supper guests with Mr and MrsNor man Clark at Oro Station Mr and Mrs Lloyd Sampson and family of cm Station were Sunday visitors with Mrs Sampson Sunday vIinoIs Mr and Mrs MacDonuld and family and Miss Elaine Lovcndcr were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Lavender Mrs Bonncy visited over the weekend with Dr and Mrs Flock in Barrie Mr and Mrs Alf Perkin and famiiy recently visited Inioriliia Moved to Barrie Mr and Mrs Perkin have moved to their new home in Barrie Home for Weekend Bill Johnston was home from Guelph for the weekend Mr and Mrs Ed Hutchinson and Judy visited recently with Mr and Mrs Percy Hutchinson in 0mm Menorah Richelieu Phaeton Sedln Recent Visitors Recent visitors with Alf Hutch inson were Mr and Mrs George Hutchinson and family of Graven botsiae insideVolga 0Iere bigger lopl tiroUg7 into the house owned by Mrs Bartholomew Mr nnd Mrs Bert Huddiesion of Barrie were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs pm NEW LONGER 122 WHEELBASE dge EOR TRULY BIGCAR RIDE Attended Wedding Ws at attended the COMPLETELY New BODY4 LowER ROAD To ROOF WITH MORE HEADROOM MORELEG IIIR AND SHOULDER ROOM FOR STRETCHOUT LUXURY COMFORT NIAGARA DESIGNED FOR TOMORROWOVER 24 MORE folks about GLASS AREA FOR WIDER SAFERVISIBILITV ALLNEW MASTER KEYBOARD CONTROL marked FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION VALLNEW AIRBORNE RIDEIINTRODUCES NEW COMFORT AND SAFETY This Is me year or complete changem Monarch This new Monarch for gt 57 is so adtancedit challenges the future Ir hi1 KINQSIZE V13 POWER WITH FULLACTION Look aththe distinctive fluted rear fenders he twinovï¬lbumper ï¬Ã©ï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬b RESPONSE AND MPROVED ECONOMY design from and roarthe unique Vangle M11 lights Is sign ï¬n Ilwoyl been Ibll nod Two SERES OF FiNE CARS for tomorrow blazmg Anew trail for or carat ow many of us hon Iol mm by WynIL This is anew calibre of Monarch the longest wi eat most spa ions It Plum bl LUXUROUS RICHELFEP AND LUCERNE AINaw Inn K91 Monarch of all time 15th on one from of revolutionarydemgn Gonlrnlpfor automatic transmission as of do once con often In lcci Mum and mm engine Nsselem the ï¬rstéalr new frontsuapenston mounted on thil to ha pen Most no In dont that It ey dd drive DIaw reverse foxthosmooth 41311 dun 43511 eat livelieht automatic driving over devised fumreplyenvo opelAfriend II Keys are illuminated at night Separate 1° ml brake rckase bar glows redruntilr released fifiu wflIhilnwsivi onyMumKaybauaomu doesso uoh rim to Iy with payment no audio more easily I3 linser woyw er back on your ear Pena IQ loanv up to 81500 from legal are lifeinsured It no extra nannzii°ssz YourF0rdrM0nafoh dééé ito lover you need moo why dont on give foam that lapy urungolellgul loan Well be 51 to see you to ion drop ins one In 356 MULGASTERE