BARRIE urARIo CANADA FRIDAY fart NOVEMBER 30 loss tamme Section TwoPages m4 Examiner Feature Article anada and Parliament Ottawa Journal there are delays we must grin and few Canadians have become bear them knowing that state shrill about the Middle East in craft seldom moves aaqulckly to comments of recent dayl it has its victories as anxious people de not been pleasant sound in sire nation usually in complete conlt The Canadian Parliament will trnl ofits emotions assemble to approve the sending There have been petulant and overseas of forceaup to maxi uninlorrncd allegations that Nas mum of 2500 men This will be ser is taking over control of the timely sessions Whether it United Nations Some have been serves the nation as should pained at the delay in getting however depends on the govern the Magniï¬cent out to sea loaded ment We do not like thebiand with infantry en route to Egypt assumption of Liberals that it gas beenl malde isI stundhali cpupie of spaghes will be suffi mo na cos gn cent to get work done and administrative personnel and that the chief business will be to pï¬glsya lflalgï¬emgéeé transport airmen should go to approve everything recommended mova onlu peacepolice duty before the and say Well donei Queens Own Rifles This Liberal government has of course this is difficult long been too quick to assert its THE BIBLE TODA patiencetesting business But re infalliblllty loo impatient of By REV PARSON contributions Will be gratefully received Your own Christmas will be made happier in the knowledge that you have helped some TE sufferer back to health and strength Spheres of Influence In trying to seek out what foreign policy the United States may have only one thing becomes abundantly certain they are without any clearcut point of view The monsOf Olhers State artment in arriving at decisions has to major entrant been governed by ll 5phms Influence The Have Not Provmces The Paflfic has been alwa is considered mum Tim by the United states as thin particular Mienllo is drum by Jlndustry publication sphere and recent history has Shawn may of The Canadian Manufacturers Association to the on matters concerning that area the Amer in millan lmml loans are uick to act Onthe other hand sun an 1er me Brill 19 MM end of the war over 80 have settled in three of 1lgyEagzeaiznsflgguggigeï¬nï¬eu the the 10 provincesOntario Quebec and British Col umbia The reason given for this of course is particular charge of the British and French um these three provinces between them produce This however has not prevented the close to ninety per cent of the value of Canadian rts from associate edito lion State Department from sitting on the fence Mlmd mm dues 00 ml love United Nations show that in tho the public interest to keep andgiving gratuitous advice This has not prevented Mr Dulles from playing at dip lomat with disastrous results History may show that it was pity tho Britain and France did not allow Israel to complete her action against Egypt The Is raeli campaign militia forces against the pick of Egyptian troops was over in nine days and there was nothing to stop them from occupying the canal zone and admin istering the Suez Canal to the benefit of all nations That of course also hinged on what Russia would have volunteered At that point President Nassers prestige would have been at lowest ebb and it is possible the whole problem would have solv ed itself However Britain and France made their considered decision on all the facts as they knew them and the immediate problem is to make some headway towards solution as soon as possible Nasser has made quick recovery and has turned the proverbial de feat into major political victory for The CllA publication goeslcn to ask What of the rest of the nation what of the four Atlantic Provinces which between them have not gained even four per cent of the postwar newcomers What of Saskatchewan and Manitoba There as in the Atlantic Provinces the drift from the land to the towns and cities continues inexorably And it goes on to suggest that such situation cannot be good for Canada but that without the develop ment of diversiï¬ed industry it cannot be expected that they will make substantial progress Any expectation oradvucacy of uniform devel opmcnt across the face of the nation Industry points out would obviously be unrealistic Recog nition of the urgent need of these less prosperous provinces for moromanufacturing industry how ever is anything but Even though times are bet ter than they have ever been we cannot speak unrcservedly of national prosperity if there is wld disparity in the enjoyment of that prosperity at regional level Thefe are admittedly logical reasons why heavy industries and even certain secondary industries should be located in or close to the major cen tres of population But there has been no logic whatever in the manner in which industry as whole human concentrated in the two central provinces and to lessel extent in the Paciï¬c jearf Have younotlced that the junior officers get more Junior every Chflatlan Science Monitor heart of international councils there is neither dismay nor impa ilcnce as the work goes forward of making the ceaseï¬rcthe gate secret what need notbe secret it is the administrations duty to Parliament to see that miscon Diatricl Secretary helicopter whirling throu Finger painting is fun This is the first day we did it at school Couldnt paint picture at home Johnny Black askcdveag erly mother asked doubtfulIy Teacher told us to spread old newspapers on the table and the floor before we begin She were needed to do it at home was isnt it awfully messyf his big apron and said that all we For Parents Ix mums is run By Nancy Cleaver Art for children should not be confined toth who are very gifted and it is very difficult for an adult to judge whether or not her child Ia artistic Childrens art every different from grownups art little child from the time he first makes short vertical strokes gocsthrongh differk ent stages in drawing lie passes from the rough circles ness peacepolice force much available to the East Block The stature of government is measured by the lcadership it This is United Nations busi gives in time of acute anxiety ness not Canadian business or it is its duty and privilege to Commonwealth or NATO busi persuade and convince not to It was not for Ottawa to dictate The Journal believes the set planes or ships or men in Governments record in this last motion attershe had made thorn month of Middle East conflict available for the instructions of has been good one it must not UN Whatpcanada has underta bespoiled by any mistreatment ken to do and must do is servo of Parliaménts rights and later in the way UN wishes And if est WHY FOR BARRiE ceptions are eliminated by clear enema cut me way to new order of stability stated fpcts by explanations of While it would have been satis eil that need not remain secret lying to Canadian pride to have by understanding for those who our pioneering suggestion for the in attempting to keep pace with force followed by racing developments have not immediate Canadian battalion par had the conï¬dential information tlclpation in that more than the selfesteem of in dividual nations is at stake clean airnorth of the Arctic Cir cle it brought new sound to land that had been long silent except for the cry of birds the grinding and cracking of ice and the howling of storms The 115 Navy eggbeater during rou tine flight from the USS Atku Navy icebreaker hovered over deserted village Descending to explore the area on August 25 1953 LtComdr Jurascbek entered an abandoned igloo Within he found wellworn copy of theNoVI Testament which he took to be Danish The language turned out to be that of the Greenland Eskimos it was copy of the first printing of the New Testament in thexext prepared by Samuel Klein schmidt This second generation Moravian missionary had spent or scrawls the scribbling stage to naming stage vrhen his pictures are Icel rlental but to his mind his his life as had his father also in seeking to provide the Bible for these people marks ona paper resemble The might have been the SemiPï¬Ã©hï¬ndpfï¬ï¬méoï¬ varloua objects place where we learned to swim mam wk thework of these Towards his third birthday he 2213 fifth 10332 mam keep males men during the nineteenth cen hegins to try to control his pencil WhG supports Who owns minds alert and 091 hindi busy gum before long is making crude Who mm The program is flexible swings The young childs one and can be ï¬tted to the needs regime Much of the blame for this state of affairs must rest with the biggest and most influ entlai nation in the West the United States of America It was not unreasonable to expect by now some major lead from the State Department but there seems to ex ist vacuum Why is YMYWCA being directed programs in recreation sought after in Barrie What educationarts and crafts and does it have to offer What needs Christian fellowship can it fulï¬ll What canit do that existingbodies or groups Coast provinces it is therefore encouraging to 831901 Shlflyllpel see the Canadian ManufacturersI Association inter imm leluie 101m Inmfldt est itself in the situation for it is the manufacturer You could wear ono of my and be alone who can be looked to for the solu aprons suppose we could get tion ofthe problem page from an old wall paper One thing no government can do is to tell sample book or there may be company where it should locate ts plant or plants some pantry shelf paper which would do But arcntthu paints expensive Mrs Black objected This Testament was published Perhaps it is confusing for country to realize that for Russia pepcefui oilexistence means soexistence so long as it suits Rus sian policy Perhaps the state Department is still not aware of thiabasic fact in East West negotiations The longer Middle East affairs are allowv ed to ferment the easier it will befor the Russiansto extend their sphere of influ ence into that area The longer the United States shirk hard facts for nebulous ideals the nearer we draw to disaster However much as it has been criticized recently the United Nations Organisation remains our only hope now to et things quieted down so that some sem lance of even temporary settlement can be arranged Buy Christmas Seals Theannual campaign for the sale of Christmas Seals is now in full swing This has long since been accepted by the public of Canada as9 means by which all citizens can join in the battle against tuberculosis The funds contributed through the sale of these play an important part in making possible the early treatment and cure of TB not only in our own community but in all parts of Canada It is surprisingto learn that in the last year approximately 10000 new cases of tuberculosis were discovered in canad given opportunities fOr treatment some of these cases Were found in Barrie and Simcoe County because of the chest clinics This is work of positive value since early dingr hosis pandtreatrnent makes it possible to effect cures and restore sufferers to normal and useful livingL Many ofthe oiilzéhs of Barrie and dis trict will by this time have received en velopcs containing sheets of chrlstmns Seals Theseare in th seites useful for the doc oration of Chr stmaslettcrs and parcels But theyalso serve the purpose of providing the funds so urgently needed to continue the fight againstTfl if you have no already made your pur chaseof Christmas seals in thereturnen velope providedldo so now The amount asked for is not large but moregenerous grand Worth Pondering Fort Erie Timesllevlew in this age ofdemandlng it is encouraging to hear one voice raisedfor assuming it is th voice of Bishop Fulton Sheenspeaking of the real danger to our freedom Hundreds of organ izations exist to defend liberties he said but few are those who defend responsibilities For the dozen who are afraid of human rights being challenged there is only fraction which pleads for the fulï¬lment of duties But it is impossible for person to boast of liberty without admitting responsibility Contented cows have neither inher ent rights nor liberties neither do they have con sclous responsibilities There is not so much dinger that we will have our liberties stolen the danger rather is that we may surrender our sense of responsibility apd thereforeloso our liberty It is worth pondering Gallant Draegermen Windsor Star Draegcrmen at the Springï¬eld coal mine in Nova Scotia scene of horrible tragedy are displaying the samecourage they have demonstrated on other occasions They are riskingtheir lives in gall ant effort to save the lives of fellowminers At least two already have lost their lives and others havcbeen injured in their endeavors Draegermen are volunteer crew trained at and skilled in rescue work They are volunteers for this dangerous and difficult task They are willing to dig their way intothe boweisof the earth risk poisonous gases and collapsing rock Each teamworks at desperate speed until played out another team taking over Thcy are colorful gallant crew They are willing to go into places where it is almost inhuman to ask anyone to go They workin the deep dark notrinthe full lightwhcre their efforts could be cheered and applaude No amount of money and no type of honors can sufficiently compensate these drae ermcn for thus risking their lives Their only equate compen cation is the knowledge they seek to save the lives of fellow human beings No honor can be higher than that Qne Blessing of TV Charlottetown Guardian The results of survey show that mostpolitical tpeakers on television networks in the United States have been forced to cut their speeches to 15 minutes duration Yet there are those who say that TV has brought no great boon to mankind HAC ossfA Newspaper Published Monday Wednesday Fiidoy At TheWllson Buildina Past Oiflce Square Barrie Outari Cahada WALLS President mnuv of Clean THE BARRIE EXAMINER LIMITED F3wrzrrSecreraryneuurer phenom ana Roxannan Nomadnarr annotation warns handin can mliuktfmlsawpldltor ruva cum Ilanaur Ellvlrlntendlnt manna mutant fun No Ive got the recipe right here You can make it like pudding on top of the stove Johnny replied producing crum pled sheet of paper On it appeared the following directions Cook over direct heat four cups of water and one cup of corn conch stirring constantly until thickened Place in double boiler Cook 10 minutes longer Continue to stir to avoid lumps Divide the thickened massinto etabie coloring Mrs Black Was relieved that the finger painting mix ture could he made in her kitchen She planned to put the finished product in four large empty cold cream jars with covers Johnny was so enthusiastic about finger painting thatshe tried her hand at it too To her Surprise she discovered that it was fun for grownup tool She and Johnny hung some of their finger paint picturesonthe wall others they used as place mats on the dinner table Iwhen they be came more expert they pasted is discarded cardboard lceeream carton This made an attractive waste paper basket The origin of finger paint ing is interesting small school boy in the English speaking colony in Rome thirtyfive years ago cut his band Ills teacher was Miss Ruth FalsouShaw an Amer icanglrl who had gone over seas during WorldWar to serve as canteen worker under the YMCA At its conclusion she had opened private school in llome lifiss Shaw told the boy to go and put iodine on his cut little while later she found hei young pupil havinga marvel lous time daubing brown iodine on the wall with his fingers From this beginning Miss Shaw has developed finger painting as simple prt form for children and in recent years forwounded veteranai and patients suffering from nervous tensions Parents of young children us ually prefer crayoning to painting with fingers or brushes because may consider crayons so much cleaner But even smother needs imaginationaud understanding of childs gradual growth in art istic skill to appreciate his Mychiidren love to draw Paints or crayons seem to fascinate them They have marvellous timer mak ingplcturesl other motile their painting inakeajsuc muss crayons are always getting lost and stepped their drawings overlooked nytbingl could recognise perhaps licould put up with the holherof ettingtheni point if woii es differedt Porosity Idoht so muchivalu in letting them dabble with paints four parts cool and mix inveg finger painting design on large One mother lekciaimed myrltildren were very artistic lt drawingsare graphic descriptions of objects as he sees them with oply the most important details alipearing Dflcn as he draws small child will explain This is choo choo train See the smoke going chugchug In his pic lures ashy child can express his feelings Children draw or paint for sheer enjoyment and they should not be hampered by adult spgges tions Neither should their pic lures ever be ridicu ed child is sensitive andrather than run the risk of being laughed at second time he will refrain from painting little childs small muscles are not sufficiently co ordinated to work on tiny pic tures lie should be given large sheets of paper wrapping paper or uewsprlut may be used at least tilby 24 inches it is agond plan torhang the childs drawing up in his own room He has put time and effort into its creation and so it is of value to him if mother immediawa throws it into the stove he thinks it is of no use in her opinion Large size crayons small jars of poster paint and colored chalk if care is taken with the dust from the chalk areall good art material for child But when tber they use finger paints other paints or crayons almost all chil dren agree Painting is Funi Copyglght FULL PRODUCTION If the standard of living in Can ads is to be maintained and imy proved the productive capacity of the rapidly lessening proportion of the population which is under pension age must be fully utilized lRedDeer Adiocate COMMUNITY SUPPORT When rural residents reject the service of their community merch ants we are of the opinion that they gainrlittle and stand tolose lot Unsupported hometown businesses cannot long maintain their existing standard LaFlccbe 8251 Press nf ro director ptovld the initiative In order to answer these and many more such questions the writer has endeavored to write short article for the guidancelof manylocai people people who realize only too well the need for such program Do we have any social problems in Barrie Are there gangs of young people in our Town Who are not having their leisure time channelled iu the right direction Do we have fulltime recreation Do we have adequate facilities for all sports Do we have complete program for all age groups which will build Spirit Mind and Body lfwe can answer no to the ï¬rst two questions and yes to all of theother questions in the pre ceding paragraph the answer to why aY is quite obviousthe answer is nowe do not require such programl However we are all well aware of the answer to these questions We emphatically do have the need for an allround program for Spirit Mind and Body for all age groups We could build ourselves ï¬ne community centre and have fulltime recreation director and obtain the program we need How can we do this It could be done quite easilyby every one paying conslderably more taxes Now that we have ï¬necom munity centre and another civic employee all being paid for out of public funds we are all set If we require more of anything we just have the mill rate raised to look after it It sounds very easy doesnt It sure docsunless you are taxpayer Onlthe other hand is built on cooperative commun ity basis board of directors are responsible for its upkeep and administration The qualiï¬ed person who would run such building would be some one train ed in rich matters by world organization who have the know how to plan speciï¬c program to suit the needs of community and to carry it out efficiently Rather than have huge white elephant of building which people could become com placent about because it is kept up by taxes the directors of YMYWCA would beihound to keep an activellirmnunltyl on pay ing basis here not one of us who has not heard of the killYWCA Hoviever whenwe in ofmanydifd wn mind of for ful words Body ntMézylzgtuihï¬wlizey is not sunsets paper with list of building it is program pro gram operating from centre of Christian Fellowship The as in international or ganization does not go around bly Amemm Bible building huge structures in every 5°°l°ty NEW Ymk town and city in the world is the farsighted public spirited people of community who build local YMYWCA and ensure its upkeep and continuance There are handful of such people at present who have de cided to do something about ob Turn to page fourteen please lose sight of the particular community in 14893 page we 10° and which it is located Whitevcrigur recollections of are era notpue of us who is not famiihr with the nod ï¬fedmh hm Md Triangle and the three meaning Spirit Mind and stained The cover was worn but carefully rcpairedwith cloth onto and strong stitches and Inserted ill the book was found part of analmanac for 1946 showingthetime of sunrises and Eskimo names and some numcr hymn It Suggested readings for the Tuesdaydob 88 33 WednesdayJob 3711211 ThursdayDeuteronomy 5121 FridayLisalm 19114 SaturdayLisalm 27144 fc ournay Testis parti This photole sis and mlmeographed Eskimo lhe book now rests in the