PROPERTY FOR RE iNTERIOR PAINTING and DECORATI is 1911 experience in Toronto minute rrec Phone FA 83847 wtssnri Central 154117123 Alum unfurnished Phone PA Ml NICE blight bedroom Phone PA N760 LARGE BEDROOM lh quiet home Phooe iA 5519 1511511 amnav nousg Apply lir strumtit Dunlop st West oea Ferndaie lslssui 11 Apartment furnished all conven encea Phone PA 11 1TH near nuptial 15115 REDRDoM lioure warm and reason able Phone tasaga Beach silvll l513lIIJ FURNISHED Rooms heated Adulu only Phone PA N132 after 640 pm 1511143 aLEEPING Room warm home Cen iral Phone PA was heIoro asgsn 151 137 HEATEn mom apartmeth with bath 16718739140 normal uniurnishcd apartment ly 11 Grove St West PhonePA ls 1513912 LARGE furnished rooms heated Adults only Apply 1m Cedringion st after 510 15131138 ROOMS unrurnished cupboards and rink oil heated Central Vacant Phone PA woo islsuaa RDDM unfurnished apartment avail able immediately The Darrle Press phone PA 04155 15131 R00 turnitncd apartment Sham haihrooin Separate entrance Phone PA satin 15lills7wl noon to rent daily or weekly Spe clnl weekly rates nohindole inn 51 lllalta St Barrie gt15lsclll nuohl unrurnisltcd house Centrally located Immediate pomestion Phone PA 33775 or PA 119555 15131 Room Apartment private entrance kitchenette and bathroom Adults re ierred ills Napier St 151 17 UNFURNISHED Housekeeping Room sink and range Apply 158 Dunlap st East Phone PA 19054 15115135 APARTMENT rooms wilh piece bath unfurnished selI contained all heated Phone PA 37000 154137 SMALL turnished apartment bedsit ting room and kitchen separate ch trnnce Phone PA M709 15110117 1100115 untumished hoeted hot water supplied On our route Sull couple Phone PA 05370 15116137 LAnos heated room suit huainess couple Separate beds Close to town and hur Phone PA 115m 15137 0R Rooms uniurnished in quiet home Abstalners Adults protoned East 07111 Phone PA 37585 lsllaelii liousEKEEPING Rooms heated hot and cold running water Laundry filelt iiiiies Phone Stroud t7rJl 15133117 1100M Apartment heated With cleo trlc stove and ireerer Apply Riviera Restaurant phone PA 09070 15115437 Now ROOM wintarlled house rhod crn conveniences 5th Avenue Oakvlew no wasao 221112 1511011 bedroom bungalow on Available immediately 555 115914 13137 LARGE clean bedroom doublebed Suitable for working girls or men Bus stop at door Phone PA 89159 lsIasdza FURNISHED Rooms living room and kitchen combined with rangette Also bedroom 50 monthly Apply Doctor St south 15137 UNlultNISllED room apartment Blake St Private entrance on space heater supplied For particulars phone PA M7111 lsla7tr LARGE room apartment separate bath and entrance ground floor Vac ant Dec $55 month Phone PA 465 lsidplfl APARTMENT in private home large bright moms Moderate rent or children welcome Phone PA 15192 15136487 ROOMS unfurnished south of strnud on highway Separate entrance Phone Mr Dietrich RR Siroudar phone lilrli 15137 SELF CONTAINED heated rooms unlurnisltcd apartment Central Phone PA 39452 after Saturday or all day Sunday 151371311 MODERN room brick bungalow oil heating down town location immedi ate possession Phone 551R Collins wood utter pm 15137 HEATED upper duplex llrifurnisbed bedrooms Immediate possession Newly decorated Central location Phone PA 56076 151217131 MODERN Peel St Apply 11 ISlessol Phone PA sEDAN completely special price Deluxe sedan Dark any clean did an 11151 light Enen 1949 CHEVROLET Scdel dark green lala FORD Sedan Low price 1947 PLYMOUTH SrdlnaZ 1917 CHRYSLER Scdln 97 CHEVROLET Conch lets cusv Coach 17 GDWAN 51 lAUTOMNlLVE i957 Plymoui Chrysler NOW ON DISPLAY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PROMSTOCK OR 0120mm To SUIT PIIoNr on wrtilz FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION 0mm BUYS 1N USED CARS cmNicn nDcoNDinoNan REGULAR WARRANTY EASY Tailors last DODGE Crusader Sedan tone Blue elean good running car One child Apply Apt 55 Mary st 1954 Chevrolet DELUXE cwa coura set black teat covers good tiru one ouner car 1953 Plymouth checked over 953 Chrysler WINDSOR SEDAN good running aharp looking car Just rennlsh ed in Surf White and Medium Blue White wall tires 1953 Chevrolet sound ood running car custom ra seat covers 1952 Bad REGENT sEDAs to choose lroro 1051 OLDSMODILE la Sedan Ilydromn tic original 1031 one owner car 1951 PONTIAC Scdlrl dark hiue 1951 Coupe biuo I951 Good running small economical car black finishsharp PLYMOUTH Cranbroolt Club PLYMOUTH Concord Coach PLYMOUTH Cranhrook sedan USED TRUCK VALUES 1955 VOLKSWAGEN Vim low mileage refinished 10M CHINimer Minn Express 1952 PONTIAC Sedgn Delivery 1051 GMC lï¬ton Panel I951 FORD prion Express refinished dark blue 1950 DODGE lï¬fun Panel 1950 GMC lAton Panel 1949 GMC ï¬rton Express Us 1957 PLYMOUTHS NOW ON DISPLAY AT 55 DUNLoP ST WEST HAROLDHILL liMlTED Chrysler Plymouth Find 1721321 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 85355 OFFICE AND snbwnomd 55 Dullle St West Blrrld Phone PA 82427 10137 Buying or Selling to naeca laia lean eareeed oaoIauo rats MJSTEVENSON PHONE PA 8520 puma1115 18118 is 2500 DOWN If you are mgrried satis factorily employed and re liable you can probably drive away in one of our GOOD USED CARS Come in and see these Low Priced Specials 41 Plymouth Sedan gcodeondltion throughout $10500 47 Monarch Sedan good transporta lion GM is Meteor sedan one owner mow tires$17500 so Meteor Coach owner $47500 Anglil Coach Rood trampolin llorl $12500 51 Ford Sedan overdrive 7500 MANY OTHEIECAHS Llï¬m zBizwuanr 1N Tins issua BULLQCR MOTORS Under entirely gt new awnenhip new paint one SHOWROOMS AT MARKET SQ aARRiE PHONE PA 06520 1151211 CARLCT gt 45BRADF0RD 51 BARRIE PHONE PA 379311 CASH TRADE TERMS 13137 51 DODGE SEDAN $195 Phona PA 66596 oclock untu time or service erica is 8500000 square ENGAGEMENTS Dr and Ira Km 01 Bonnie announce the engage ment of their with A1111 Karla 10 111 Gordon Ian Hm ell Bath host of lit and In Gordou 11ch Russell of Torl onto the marriage to take placel in the Presbyterian Church 211113 vale December Nth 1056 13E BORN AmeAt the Royal Vietoaia Roe gig Barrie on Nov less to and lira Anlhh la hay Aeid St daughter Kiln lune manNM the Royal Vietona ll ital Darlie on Nov saunas to noun Rotten wtiua 11wa arts Toronto 9141 daughter rund liet leecnuutrAt the Royal Vietnria on tel aarrio on Nov so last to and lira litcauiey in Peel St daughter MaeKAVAt the Itoyei victorie Hoe tai Barrie on No so less to end lira it Naex Anglia daughter titlraheriq An musAt the ltoyal Victoria Hoapb ial Barrie on Nov 1m to lir and tin LYan ltilu as Caroline st daughter ONEILLAt the Royal Victoria lioa ital Barrie on Nov 29 1956 to andan Paul ONeill is Sampe aon St ghter anawcuuxur and lira Albert snewehuk RR 4Barrlc are happy to announcl the arri al or their chosen daughter Lamclane on Nov as loss SMITHAt the Royal Victori Hoe ital Barrie on Nov 29 this to and aila Roy 11 Smithy is Shirley Ave daughter nylonAt the Royal Vietoria line itai name on Nov ail 195611 and Mn Dan Taylor twilu eon and daughter Stewart Daniel and Shanena Debra DIED nooludANsuddcoly at Royal Vlo torih Hospital aarrla onTaumday Nov 20 less maceu Warrinaton beloved wire or same aoo an at Cumberland St Balrie ing mother of George neg acv erley and newbbm son Ruling at the ennett Funeral Home Barrie Funeral serviea Monday Dec at pm interment harrle Union cemetery PARKERAt the Patton Nursing Roma sta nor on Wedneadly Nov 28 laid ane Alexander Jennie Parker beloved daughter or the late John Ruben Parker and Sue annoh aantina dear sister at John and Charles and the late mireheth Priest and Thomas Hall Parker in her E5111 year Resting at the home or her niece Mm staniey Praiielt Minesina Funeral service FridayNnv solt sail pm from Mlnmnl United Church interment Minesirig Union Cemetery market will be open in church Irorn alooESTTonTiON The land surface beorth Am iles compared to 0814000 for outll Americn FRUIT VEGETABLES 13137 1950 DODGE 21011 DJ 31 Ml Good condition Phone sari headrord Langford IdISI so PLYMOUTH cluh Coupe lovely blue paint Trade and temu Phone PA 06696 13137 1350 cIiEv Coach radio snow tires air conditioning sun visor Good coir ditlon Apply 7o Maple Ave 131116137 1950 CHEVROLET private ownernip use and you take over payments Apply aox 4i Barrie Examiner 11137 1950 PONTIAC sedan Deluxe ex cellent condition Private Phone PA 01610 or Frances st south Barrie 13131 1947 GMC IAon Picku with etoclr racks Will exchange or livestock Apply WilliIn Ciarke Barrie RF phone aural 13130437 56 DODGE Mayfair d0 2101 6000 miles 82000 Low down pay meht Take trade in Terms arranged Phone Lerroy Ar 13137 1947 PLYMOUTH ciai Deluxe Se dan Privately own motor utilized in good condition heater practically new tires Phone PA Mm 1311743 1953 AUSTIN STATION WAGON 51 HUDSON door radio 51 HILLMAN door 51 AUSTIN door so 110111115 Minor door 52 GMC yepton Pickup yiAU MOTORS HUDSON HILLMAN SALES AND SERVICE PHONE PA 114317 13137 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms also one unfurnished Central adults Apply 71 Higlt St PA 115272 aiter live or Saturday 151171311 LARGE rooms and bath healed Privato entrance and verand Ampld parking grace Phone PA 32059 or evenings Aaï¬isl 15131 LARGE housekeeping rooms unfurnr lshed heated No objection to children Available immediately Phone PA 3959 after pm 157130137 SROOM downstairs aplrtmelltaell contained heated immediate posses slon Applydlz Duulop St East Apt or phone 1571 Newmnrket 15137 noowl PLAT unfurnished heated share bathroom Central Adults Ab stainers only need app1y1mmedihte possession Phone PA 12905 15130131 NEW HOUSE furnished or plfliy iub rushed large rooms Piece hat11 nil heated lull bnazment Apply Anderson at Holly 27 Highway south 15137 SELF CONTAINED uniumisbed apart ment in Allandale large rooms and kitchenette link piece blih uhla now Adultl Phon PA 82355 15b is ï¬ooma furnished Close to slop Hot water heating Suit couple or one person Wouldrent separately Phone PA was Apply 15 Burton Ave 151135137 Douala rooms bath graze Dec $75 Apartment 11 unmrnished priced from to 95 available Dec APPly How Renltor PA coils 1513549 BOOM artilllnt down with priw ill bath room talent second floor valllble Doc Dr pthIa PA Mm 1513513 UPPER Room unfurnished Iplfle merit buliNn clipboanhpa lee blih all halted water luppiie Adulta only Available imnitidi telyLow rent Apply 12 Henry St 15137 Keuougit PROPERTY Pox Rem APARTMENT avalinhle Dec Cen tral location heated bedrooms liv ing room kitchen and dining area Private hath Adults only Apply Merrickfpiione PA 32401 15130137 lrmlawoon Apartments modern reu contained furnished or uniumished Continuous hot water Laundry erasAdults Rhone rooms and bathroom facilities and lock was 1513137 1553ch Deluxe Sedan ear eye glass hackiup lights directiona liK rials stainlus steel discs Flulflul condition Price 31750 ApPly Ron St Phone PA oust lsslaom vialsPlaYMOUTH Passenger coupe good condition custom radinand heater will sell or trade for coach or seda Phone asses parade or ape ply 11Cennlns Rh Uto ia 13 17130 SHOOTlNGMATCllES INNIarll Turkey Perm Highway 27 root or Littles mil Match commencing pm inside on Saturday Dec aalsolai ANNUAL Shooting Match Dec held on the farm of Lynn usseil on the 1rd concession of For Go se and Turkey shells supp 3615151 SEED AND FEED 10 T0118 good mixed hay holed for Sales Phone Stroud 141121 after iii17 AND aTltAw for sale We delt iiv Apply Kell thford Phone Leno 11112 101369 llgary arrive in Méntréal saeasln but full 11 ope Frolrlvieft Edwardlwa APPLES cooking eatln Ottawa Pruit ram PA 71s allduly cRoica quality table Turnis James Hancock RR giniv phono 1m znmTIJP Aucrionesgtes Tuesday pet is Auction sole oi farm stock and implements hay and grain ror lawnnco Miiisap at Lot 20 Can Vcapra Township one mile north wast or Barrie No reserve Tarma cash Sale at pmaitarp Charlel Poster Auctioneer 135131141 gt MARKET Pkicgsf rumor Nov so nous cams EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Cooperative Packers of Ontario Barrie Hogs Saws VAv Large Medium Small Ch Crack Pee Wee CHICKEN Over lbs Grade Grllde Grade SfC to lbs Grilde GraderB Grade to lbs Grade Grade Grade Kapona 21 over and above prices FOWL Over 1115 won Andras 80llirsileathlllfare Beata 13 months and her the following Sunday OPENSEfOxFFICE sMiti CROWD gar 11101151 111111 vrsPRA NOMINATIONS CRIIICIZE wwusmn SCHOOLS The tact that the only election to take dplate in Vespra Townhip on lion Dec will be for the school trustees is some indie cation that section of the township is not satisfied with the W11 211 85c consulting enginecr who has opened an ofiiceiin Bar rie at Owen St Born in Port Arthur in 1923 he graduated irons Fort William Collegiate and from Quccna Universitthiug stun in 1946 as civil engineer He was resident engineer on construction of Highway 400 Cookstown to Thornton section in 194647 and from 104753 was design and construction engineer for the Great Lakes Papcr Comp any Fort William uh mill eit punslon From then until mov ing to Barrie recently he was design engineer at Port Arthur with the Howe Co consult ing engineers He was married to Helen Bute for of Barrie in 1947and they have daughter Susan Jane age five He was it memberof the Board of Stewards of Wesley United Church Fort William and member of the Engineering In stitute of Canada serving on the executive of the Lakehead branch from 195158 Photography is hobby and for sports recreation skiing and tennis RAlLlNAY TIME TABLES On Sunday Sept 30 Eastern Canada returned to standard time Travellers on CNR and CPR should consult agents before mak ing trip its time tables have changed 011 Canadian National Railways times standard went in effect Sept 30 Northbound No 41 leave Toronto 920 am Arrive Allandale 1180 leave Bor rie 1148 for North Bay daily ex cept Sunday No 45 leave Toronto 550 pm Arrive Allandale 802 leave Barrie 817 for Oriilia daiiy except Sunday No 53 the Continental leave Toronto 11 pmr Arrive Allandale 1248 am Leave Barrie 100 am for Vancouver daily N0 47 leave Toronto 1130 Arrive Allandaie 120 3171 Barrie 134 am daily No 661 leave Hamilton 730 pm Arrive Aliaiidale 1115 11111 Leave Alialidoie 1145 for Mad ford daily except Sunday southbound No 46 from North Bay Leave Barrie 456 am esva Aliandaie 513 11111 Arrive arouto 710 aiu daily No 42 leave Barrie 700 am Leave Aliandzile 707 Arrive To ronto 055 daily except Sunday and Monday No 44 from North Bay Leave Barrie 420 pm Leave Allan dale 440 Arrive Toronto 710 Daily except Sunday Nil 148 leave Barrie 800 pm Su day only Leave rAllandale 803 pm Arrive Toronto 945 pm No 082 from Meaford Leave Allandale 435 pm Arrive Ham iéton 755 pm dailyfexcept Slin ay CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY No the Dominion Toronto to Vancouver arrive Midhurst 1230 am daily Stop for passengers to Sudbury and beyond gt No 25 from Toronto Arrive Midhurst 1106 pm 03in except Sunday to Medonte No from Fort William rive Midhurst 508 am daily No the Dominion from Van couver Arrive Midburst 414 pm daily N0 26 from Medonte Airive Midhurst 1259 pm 00in except Arrive Toronto 330 pm Train No11 tile CanadianTo routo to Vancouver does not stop at Midhurst Leaves Toronto 510 pm Passes Mldhurat at 650 daily Consult agent for connec tions from Midhurst Traill No 12 the Canadian Vancouver to Toronto passes Mid pm Leave for Cochrane Al burst 420pm daily Arrive To ronto 600 pm No fromToroiito Arrive Mldhurst 101 am To Fort Wil iiarn local connectith nortit NOTICEITO caaplrorts AND OTHERS IN THE MATTEEDP thebttata or WiLuAM ROBERT 11ml All persona having claims against the estate of William Robert Reid deceased late or the Township of innlsalin the county of simcoe who diedon or about the gist day of January 13 Ire hereby gtnotilied to send them to the undersigned duly veriï¬ed on or errors the ilat day or December was Alter which Date the asset of the above mentioned estate wuigba dlsv inhaled among thrrperaona entitled thereto havinchaald only to claims or whicn the administrator man then heveinotioe DATED this lath diy 195M 0T0 stories present management of the town ship schools Those standing for election as school trustees are MIT Viola Tuck John Patterson Leonard Cumming aitd Wilbur Walton Mls Tuck is newcomer to the candidature Although the nomination meet irm for the township at Midhurst hall on Monday Nov 20 was poorly attended slderabie debatg tional facilities offered within the township ing as chairman position ofthe trustees whose work wis handicapped severely by lack of money Questioned from the floor as in the lack of experienced teach ers he explained the difficulty in securing qualified teachers at salary the township could afford indeed the difficulty of securing any teachers at all Many ratepayerswere solicely lack of leathers and the inadequacy of much of critical of the the schooiaccommridation Financial Statement The chairman gave details of the treasurcrs statement and explained the problems of school accommodation and the steady demand for expansion proximate figures for 1956 at Dec 31 1955 $21410 special legislative grant $2045 legislative grant $23385 township grants $25350 rill $72090 Expenditures tcachers salaries $28420 structional supplies $8420 plant operation $6500 mainten ance of same $1050 transporta outlays lion $2185 capital $5001 Dr total $50610 This leaves an estimated sur plus of $21474 and great de accommodation mand for more The matter of School selling Cundlea building was discussed The property location is consider ed valuable and Reeve Roy Hick iing agreed that disposal was problem to be considered from all angles Hunter Russell considered that the need of assistance on educa 1011 of rural pupils should be brought before the department of education and suggested that the local member might bring it up in the house with plea for jusv Rural communities cannot salaries general rice Pay how the high Debentures Difficult ClerkTreaaurer Earl Richard to the an nual printed statement which is sort called attention for 10 months and commented on number of items ed that problem newsphools is that debentures are difficult to place and spoke of $80000 issue at five per cent with no firm bids This that costs will be higher first payment isdue next year Returned to office for 1957 by acclamation for Vespra Township arez Reeve Roy Hickiing Deputy Reeve Calman Downey Council lors Everard Harris Walter Fox bes and Donald Bell Township Activities Reeve Hickling ga mary of township act past year Education item and he spoileof the BDCi extension calling for six more classrooms at an estimated $150 000 and predicted that Vespra too would grow He gave George Johnston MP1 for Simcoe Cen tre credit for 100 per cent cp oparation threads and the cut ting down of the hill on the de velopment road between Mine sing and Highway 90 of October proposed widening of two bridges could not beiput through yet as the costs would ruilfrom $37000 to $40000 Excellent work had been done on the Angus to Creemore road Hospital Problems Reeve Hickling suggested the hospitalization plan is wise and heclaimeil that73 per cent of the people now carry it He al ed mentioned that 493 per cent of patients at Barrie hospital are Barrie people and only seven per cent come from Vespra He pointed out that in the event of major accident there is but one main operating room in the hospital Vespraa shape toward the proposed addition would be $51000 his opine ion public subscription as in there wastcnn on the educa Morris Coutts act outilned the The ap are given by secretarytreasurer Smith receipts Show Surplus regular and or in were in ad ministration costs $1000 school He stat iil building meant is big Some $60 000 was spent ontiiis to the end that Penetailguishcna would be much preferred especially by Frenchspeaking people The new home should be opened in 1971 Bridge Costa Waiter Fnrbca told of work completed on the new bridge for $38870 but the department cov ers 80 per cent of this He gave details of gravel and road materv iaia used and also toldof the pur chase of used fire truckfrom Camp Borden in good condition for $500 To question regarding snow plowing the rceve explained that two machines had been bought one large oneamali and should give good esrvice Road Work Everard Harris spoke on road work and on the matter of garb age disposal He mentioned that if annexation comes this problem Will be cut He stated that pay ments for sheep killed bydogs were more than covered by dog tax collected Dlificult Year Don Bell spoke of various an gles handled such as garbage disposal and stated that the county health unit actually has control of this It had been difficult year with unusual wea ther and finances have become more difficult with costs up all along the line also wages Centre Simcoes representative in the legislative assembly George Johnston extended greetings and spoke highly of clerktreasurer Richardson and the efficient service his is render lng Annexation Ouannturation by Barrie he remarked hate to sea big slice of Vespra go to Barrie it is big problem and one of the most important The township cannot take care of utilities The water supply is important and he told of Europeans serving no wa ter on the table It is reserved for the livestock He also touched on school mat ters with 61000 more pupiistbau the year before Teachers are not being trained fast enough but they make better teachers finally because they know the situation He touched on the large amount of road work and the high cost of paved surface and mentioned work on Dunns Hill and theclos 31g of StVincent Street by the up of the BDCI board meeting Mr Johnston has been representa tive cfltlic council on the BDCI board for the past nine years Cards of Thanks DonnThe Horton ramily wish to express their gratitude to everyone Im the kindness sympathy and flow era received during their recent be reavement of loving mother 111 KINGThaJDmily DI the late Den ni King wish to thank Ill Vic wonderful neighbor and friends for their kindness and sympathy also special thanks to Dr Shannon and Dr Zerney and nurse of Royal VIC tone Hospital gt131 RéeVe By Acclamation In Matchedash NORTH RiVERAii municipal offices in Matchcdasb Township were filled by acciamatioth it was the iith acclamaiiou receiv ed by Leslie Burrow for the reeveship He will be serving reeve for the luth time The last time there was an reclamation for the whole slate was six yeara LESLIE BORROW DeConkcy and Noble Levering were nominated as reovc but withdrew Only suffi cient were nominated for couiicii and school board and these were the same ones who were in office in 1958 The councillors acclaimed werc Ccorgc Silk Etlcy Lovering Wil liam Oakley and DeCnDkey Trustees returned were Jack savoring and Eleanor Borrow ClerkTreasurer Mrs Doria Cooke chaired irquiet nomina tion meeting at North River School Due to unfavorable wea ther only about 20 attended Tl main discussion centred around township roads flfllTMUIKEY with var12 TV 5571 811112113 Hume resume call us for expert guaranteed service TED1501110 36 MARY STREET Proms Pli 83810 rnioav Nov 3o us Myahry Isaak 100 In of Lila aiao soiiieito aunpttv sno run Tune 510 My hogan Warrant Theatre 1200 window can you Are we draphre 430 Ianre no commv tiedorm 1000 oiliattn Fisht 1045 liin colonial Show am clc um 1115 nearer rinal 11311 llu movie Paaulout Susanna sintinny one 300 La lohetvto pnara sm Count of silent trim soowud Iiii mexok up on antenna up inr Putt 71 Loilytotrflum 130 ltoiiaav nannn and Perry come Show and Nut lioekay lols King Whyta Show 110 aarrie aeat CKBB PRO FIIDAY as Sum 930 ms 1100 us myaury Law Secret 100 In 711 ms Peppum 1210 Naive 100 larva Ha 1m aulletin uo Holland 2110 gt 1P is Highlight atuaie Derha Three Elias 130 Prank Sinatra Show am Km aosuoekev Eroadcut 1000 Nan lull apart 1005 Top of the Town 00 News and Spam lard and sacm 11m 1052 would be utterly impossible now He did not forget to inter sperae few ofhis humorous ReeVe Carmun waney told of the extra county work heutlle oiia sed flggmh atonef wall ofR the iiill belowra meant tearing 0WD CKVReiTV cHA 1130 Paitn Par Today 130 Casually ca near 100 oannr tray Slaw 330 when lily Line 50a Fighting 530 Paneeetive am lurna Allen on all star rneatre showtime 11100 Theatre Nm and 1h Week Mono use hrryv coma snow 110 my hood GRAMS lino Burll Donna 17p on House Party to 01 Town 530 clmua gov 000 Wuunt Theatre tils onurio provincial auaira ago mm 540 Wiunr us Sports 100 in ncluoil 130 our telneardo am Millionaire no no camera and Love they asa oannaVauonan looo Studo One laoo ca um 1110 Wult tlds Today1n snarl TussDAv on 34 lavatory illalt em Lava ca Lila 41s Secret atom can Howdy needy 5110 Mumm 530 Junior Junction Wester Than aJo um up Weather Du on The Than Words van clerk We term re net up Pick the lhn 1000 biahniiona lloo cue NM Today in lflm DIAL 1230 story look int Prinea iii 11 our on elrr 200 auadag Emu niah aaogacxn The our 110 plus drama 00 norms as Taoernaeie ereoeo and Sunday concur onto an lune Halt 5200 WWW 11100 new and sports out Idlinel Bonds Mn endem 115 Mario is Ileiacbrlrlh son