FUNERAL SERVICE was held today for Edward Blythe Me Conkcy who died in Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie following brief illness with lung ail merit He was in his 65th year Blythe McConkey farmed at Strond and was one of the lead ing citizens of Innisfil Township lie had served the community in many ways was on council sev eral years and as deputy rceve until two years ago sat in county council Masonic service was held last evening at the Jennett Funeral Home under auspices of Minerva Lodge Interment was at St James Cemetery Strand His widow the former Char latte webb survives also sister Mrs Lcnnox Black and brother Robert McConkey both of Sirond 4t All To PIONEERS There will probably not be another gronppf men and women to affect way of human life on the prairies as did the pioneers of the 805 Not only did they effect mechanical changes in the landscape in order to provide living for their dependents they instituted complete social order upon which we who follow now are patterning our way oi life Grenfell Sask Sun Sillllllllr KING EDWARD SCHOOL King Edward Home and School Association will meet on Mondny evening Dec As in other years the King Edward School Choir under the direction of Mrs Dobson willprovide part of the program This has always made the Christmas meeting one of the most enjoyable of the year An appropriate film will also be shown All parents are urged to come out and make the final meeting of 1956 successful BOND HEAD TROOP It is three weeks since the last account of the regularihurs day night Guide meetings The girls have been working very hard to make up for the three meetings they spent getting ready for the concert We are pleased to report we cleared $80 which will be usedto further our worthwhile work Thesenior girls have been learning thanks to lion Paxton the correct way to make tapo graphical map We were pleased two new recruits Hilda Bray There is special mothers meeting in the Institute rooms on Nov 29 at pm sharps All mothers of Guides and Brownies are invited to attend also any one interested in the St John Ambulance course which is be ing sponsored by the local as to welcome Eileen and sociation There is to be spec ial speaker For real shutterBug or Airi ateur Photog youll find the right gilt in our selection Cameras from $595 to $9100 ac cessories that go for good picture taking printing and developing needs Give portrait for Christmas make an appointment now SMITH STUDIO Over Hunts 38 DUNLOP ST Es PA 84175 OUR DUTY and DESIRE To serve all Classes and Creeds Efficiently Ec onomically Faithfully and lmpdrtially accord ing to individuahrequirements and to the pré cepts of fair dealing 110 To STEClillIY PIIIIIIIIIII liliMli brighten fPhone PA 85553 uhYOUr home forichristinasl wITII aeAIITIrUI new nrupes or Slip Covers ousroivi arena TO rims INDIVIDUAL rasfra Whether it is Modern Abstract for your Recreation Room 81 AN minnows sxizrcn oi the onc swreybrick and atone trim building which willhouse Angus new dial cbapgeilbecontract for construction of the building has been awarded by the Bell telephone ex burn street next fall Boris Limited orKitcneneI and work qu get under way soon The building will be located on Centre street just west ofï¬n Loblaw Winner Wraighurst Mrs Perinrd ofBarrle 1133 winner of Cory knife sharpener by Shield tooth paste in the recent list of labiaw Pro duct Picture Game winners She g8 ber card at the Rayfield St re It district man Mar Crairoi Craiglinrst alaowas winncr this week Mr Craig who got his in Barrie also won Coryjnife sharpener The dial exchange will open Telephone Company to Qscar wiles and Watso James Robins Dies Medonto Former IntermoniAt Fairyalley James Robins bfedonte farmer who died on Nov 15 1956 spent all his life on the homestead Lot Can where he was born on Sept 28 1868 Hewas the son of the late James Robins and Mar garet iiorsburgh He was staunch Conservative and belonged to the Anglican Church He is survivedby his died in August of 1989 Rev Palfrey conducte Milt Beard Georges Cemetery Atherley and Toronto Dooth Come Suddenly George Neil Compliell Interment At Orilliu The sudden passing of George Neil Campbell which occurred 54 Blake Street early Monday morning NovlD 1958 due to heart to friends at his home Barrie attack came as shock and relatives The funeriil was held from Doo Orillin Nov 21 to St Andrews Cem etery The service was conducted by Rev James Ferguson Barrie and Rev Macinnis Orillia Pallbearers were three nephews and Howard Campbell Gordon Allan Wilbur littles Funeral Home George William Cramp and Robert Harvie MrCaIupbell was the son of the lateer and Mrs George Campbell of Guthrie where he was born Nov171834 Surviving are his widow the former Allison Pearl Allan and two brothers 3Alex of Guthrie and David of Toronto Abrother William predeceaSed him num ber of years ago alsofa sister at the age of eight years The late Mr Campbell was so alRefresling Floral 101 in inkling Room We con Lghow you Ii complete rangesot patterns and colors bur Drapery Department will measure your windows at he obligation to assure spitfl cluzlom de can be hungon feet installation by mi your windows for as low as brother William Robins of Carley and by two nephews John Robins of Midland and Lavern Robins of Carley His wife died December of 1949 and another brother Alexander Robina of Warmlnster the service at Daolittle Brothers Funeral Home Orilila on Nov 19 Pdllbearerswere Dan Nash John NashGordon Booth How ard Dunlap Arthur BalkWell and interment was in St Eairvalley Relatives and friends attended from Barrie Midland Iiiidhurst Mrs Boorman Dies Suddenly In Hospital Mrs James Boomn died suddenly lost night at Royal Victoria Hospital during child birth The baby boy survives Mia Boorman was the wife of James Boorman former alderman of Barrie He is supervisor of manufacturing engineering at CGE and has played an active part in the work of Barrie Re creation Council There are two sons daughter George 15 it and Beverley 10 and Reginald Harry Alton Trew Native of Waverley Dies In Hospital Ago 3i The death occurred recently of Harry Alton Trew at Penetangui shone General Hospital after lengthy illness Born In Waverley the son of Mr and Mrs Herman Trew Mr lrew lived in Toronto for one year three years in Midland and finally inHillsdale He was 31 member of the Conservative party and of LOL No 589 in WaverleY he was Presbyterian and was interested in sports es pecially baseball Surviving are his widow Ethel parents Mr and Mrs lferman Traw of Waverley He was also survivedby two brothers Clarke of Waverley and Ronald of South Burnaby BC and sister Mrs Cummings of Willowdale Funeral service was conducted by the Rev Henderson at the Presbyterian Church in Hilla dale Pallbearers were Allard Reynolds Royce French Allan Drinkill Orton Brown Orville Brown and William Reynolds Honorary pallbearers were Bods en Mertz Ray Rowat Lorne Ad amson Gordon SmithAr1ie Whe tham andtlower bearers were Kenneth Trnax Orville Edwards and John Wiggins member of the Fresh erlan Church and staunch Liberal After teaching school for six years he went into the lumber and pulp wood business in 1927 he be me assooiated with the Mani to Pulp Paper Co as buyer In 1936 he became superintendent of Purchase Wood which position he held until his retirement in 1952 Since 1954hehad been Canadian buyer in Northern 0n tarlo for the lIammerrriill Paper Co of Erie Pennsylvania nntli the time of his death The flowers were beautiful fromvrelativcsand friends of To ronto Pipe Falls Winnipeg Port Arthur Sault St Marie Ham merinill Paper Co Manitoba Pa lJer Co and Abitibi Power or Paper Head lice Toront 4© mWhIle thevtotal amount spent in all Canada on cancer research is less than the expenditure of one of the big research institutes in the United States the worlrof Canadians looms large in the worldwide research picture Dawson Creek News nee Murray and sonldonel and wt It comrasrnjiiinaior memories BEAUTIFUnbY burr wnarran AND among FOR voon cnnrsrivihs raps gyairpmiz can error mess Supermarket Way Latest Method For Railways WINNIPEGSupemarket me ihoda applied to railway passen ger transportation are the lateat step in streamlining service that can no longer depend on freight shippers picking up the tab for its lossesit was indicated here by Donald Gordan chairman and president of Canadian National Railways Addressing the Canadian Club of Winnipeg on the subject What is Railroad Mr Gordon said passenger service must be made to stand on its own feet and that competition is bringing to atrl end the day when losses on pars enger tratfic can be recouped through the freight rate structure Objective of current research and analysis by the CNR he said is to cater to average tastes and average incomes in order to swell room for various kinds of meal passenger traffic volume and re servlce depending on the circum duce costs an answer to sev stances of various passenger runs ere competition from other forms Long Term Plans of transportation and the infla Mr Gordon also told of long term plans for improvement of ONE properties in western Can ada including sixyear program for mainline improvement from Armstrong Ontario toVancouver and Jasper to Prince Rupert where the railway will spread more than Thovpletnrewaa lousy want everybodys money back limitations of travel byprivate car by bus and by airline Important Progress in dining car service important progress had already been made by the CNR through development of dinettes which encouraged volume patronage through low eost simplified meals and coun ter service But Mr Gordon add ed we are searching much fur ther than this in ourefforts to make service selfsustaining He questioned the justiï¬cation of kitchens in dining carethey were terribly expensive to oper ate and made extravagantde mands on limited space Posqi hie alternatives included prelt cookedfneals and automatic vend ing machines though there was tionury trend of prices Place For Personal Service We are trying to introduce into the passenger business the smae modern smart but func tional and lowcost service that the supermarket has been able to provide in the retail food busi ness Mr Gordon explained not forgetting that there is still place for personalized service This objective fits in with the economic characteristics of rail road However there was no inten tion of degrading passenger ser vice below North American stand ards of comfort and cohvcnience Mr Gordon stated He did not believe the answer to passenger service losses lay in raising faresat least notat pre sent on prices and although our plan Awly With Terltlon ning is going steadily forward we But he added We are sum til are very consciousof the import hflVE i0 SWEEP 8W Home Of our ance of timing in the execution traditionalnotlons about the pass of these plans miles ofvnewand partly used rail and nearly 1000000 ties improve drainage and substructures and in stall modcrn signalling devices But he made it clear the CNR was keeping closewatch an in flatlonary pressures in timing its improvements keeping in mind current labor and material cause CNR wouldtho among the ï¬rstito sufler from the effects of inflationwe have no intention of adding to the upward pressure card at the sayiiud Street inlarket as DONALD DlmsMORE This weekend boys from out slda Barrie Collingwood Midland and Orlllia in the northern part of Simcoc Countywlll be casting votes for either DonaldDuM more or WesleyMarshall to re present them in the 88th session of the gt0ntario401der Boys Par llamentmeetlng from Dec 26 to 31 in Waterloo Ontari Older Boys Parliament grants an opportunity to the boyawho participate in churchbcys work in the memberthnrches of the Canadian Council of Churches in Ontario to learn from practical experience dcmocratic procedur es and to enjoy vital Christian fellowship during their parlia mentary experience Wesley Marshall of Wyevale student at Midlandlenetaagniah cne District High Schoolia in his third year He is active in the cadetstho school choir St John Ambulance first aidcourse and in his local church in the boys club young peoples and church choir Donald Dunsmore of Crown Hill graduated from Barrie Dia trict Collegiate Institute in 1955 with first classhonon He is grandson onion EsC Drury and an install Insomniac voiiigiiislléekendioni Simcoe SéIleldei Boys Earliamehl WESLEY MARSHALL is looking forward to becoming fanuer lie is member of the Boys Sunday School Class in his church ZELLERS CHRISTMAS our SllPPlillS Choosepow fromagrand assortment elegant new acumen In smart cordu roy with glittering metallic trim soft furred nylon in pink or blue foam sponge soles riser BALL Eiception at vslue 198 anLEIvs LIMITED 60 Dunlop St Pb ra ems 9000000 tons of ballast lay 400 lif only for selï¬sh reasonsbe for the RIGHTMOVE ashram Llll an assist 11h Burton Ave your North American cair Vun lines agent enger businessthe kind of mar ket we are trying to servetha pattern of pricing we should adopt¢and the kind of equipment we should provide The CNR was prepared to question all the assumptions upon which our services have hitherto been operated Possible Changes Possible avenues at change in service included sleeping and dia ingrcar facilities The guiding principle would be streamlining of the service to give only what the public wants and is prepared to pay for He pointed out that competing forms of transportation had hian aged to attract travellers away from th railways without provid ing the extrgirdinarily high cost sleeplngnfacllities that have been traditional on railways We must then examine the de sign ot ears experiment with ways and means of meeting modern needaln terms of travel habit that haamlready adapted to the Moons To CHOOSE FROM Inglo Controlvlanej Automatic Full Range Heat temperature settings Delicate Fabric Heat Porbelainflop Giant Size mm Germioldalliiamp Automaticllboor