THEEABMEMBB FRIDAY 801956 PresenlMaunder Belhlehenl0n Sunday Evening This coming Sunday evening at 730 oclock the choir of Collier Street United Churchassisted in production by the freely given labors and talents of many from the congregation and church school present their annual gift to the community in the form of sincere and moving dramatiza tion of the Christmas Story based on Maunders beautlfuil music setting Bethlehem Transformed by many willing hands the whole church becomes stage of four levels and with elaborate and lovely lefiects achieved by the electrician cos tume committee makeup artists and staging crew the large cast with their very capable soloists developto theiuli the beauty and drama of themusie it is in threopartltrepreacht lug lhe Shepherds Gifts The Kings Gifts IndOur out greatnumber of people give liberally of their time and ability to produce this and it is their wish that every boy and girl who would go to see Santa Claus parade and every man and wom an who believes in the spirit and practice of giving at Christmal should come and enjoy the pres entation of the Christmas Story in this thrilling form it is to be given Sudday evening only 730 tovnine oclock We support the Maritime Pro vinces Board of Trade in its can paigu to have Maritimer ap pointed to the Board oi Transport Commissioners The idea is not that he would support our would be so much better ac nuainted with matters that affect ledge would be of beneï¬t to the whole board in making itsdecl sions Summerside Journal RATEPAYERS or BARRlE REELECT 10 nossou TO THE llunie Public School Board Ratepayers of Essa To the electors of Essa Township your vote and help will be very much appreciated for my reelectlon as Councillor for 1957 on Monday Dec Polls open from 10 nm to 930 pan SANFORDLIPAGE ANGUS Ratepayers of Essa Infsoliciting your sifpport and vote for my lieelection tothe Township Council vi inf tum offer yorhiihréeri years of experience in municipal affairs STEWART llrllllloll Mt No Alliston Ratepayers oi VeSpra solicityour vote and influence to elect the School r1 trustee rot1951 school Area No VesD13w MRS VIIIle Tllflit Midhum For transportation to the Polls Phone PA 83312 or PA 89345 VESPRA Townsllln ELECTIONS Fol TRUSTEES fog YSSPllA sCflOoLAKEA or frnusmsro or promo vonNo WILL stoic oh Monaunecimexés 1956 mousse nm T0 549 nm sr rim rotmwnvo momsousnousslnsrsr IlfVlSlo N0 GEOE all SEVERAL FROM THIS DISTRICT at landed the graduation eacrcises of the Roy al Conservatory of Music held in Convoco spud tion Hall on Thursday evening Nov on every subject rather that be when two of Jessie Brysons piano pup wlth their diplomas 11s were presented JOHN ALIASON of Angus these provinces and lb how was the only one from Ontario to receive the Special Solo Performer and Teachers ARC1 Diploma MISS MIRIAM McMANN 101113 to Mater ammo By L0th Ith interment at Orlilia Funeral service for Mrs An drew Robertson oi Medonte Town ship was held from herlate res idence on Nov 28 with interment at Orillia Mrs Robertson passed away on Nov 25 in her 76th year The former Margaret Eleanor Ego she was born in Stayner She attended Moonstone Presby terian Church and during her iongvresidcnce in the community hadrmany friends in 1900 she was married to Arthur Robertson who is now 85 Surviving besides her husband are five daughters Miss May Robertson at home Mrs Syd Steele Merle of To ronto Mrs Jack Banbury isov bell of Aurora Mrs Fred Hawke Lillian of Oriliia Mrs William Hawke Marie of Cold water and five sons Carl at home James of Toronto Charles of Barrie Art of Coldwater and Robert Robertson of Moonstone New Equipment James lamnby Goldwaters of ficial recorder of weather statis tics hssbeen advised by the Toronto meteorological oiliu that new thermometers and other equipment will be sent to Cold woter to replace those destroyed in arecent Windstorm Mr Laz ouby who will be 85 on Dec is assisted in keeping Weather re ports by his wiie who is two ELECTOIIS 0F Wliilii Come One ComelAil To Barrie Public Library on Thursday December and vote for your Sitting Alderman JEllilY Cflllliiiliii P08 TRANSPORTATION 10 THE POLLS mo above lei oi Alliston received the Am Teachers dip years his junior Mrs lamnby 15 above right Opera School communal advised on Wednesday that the instruments expected in Cold water soon are made in Norwuy and are shipped to Canada from England Calls in mm rm Toassist in cleaning snow off Goldwater Main Street Tuesday road foreman Boy Galbraith ob tallied the services of tractor plow from Cowans mill it was operated by Nick Taylor naiflc Diversion tractortrailer carrying load of steel pipes got jammed close to the north railing oi the High ways bridge late on the after uoon of Nov $6 forcing traffic to be diverted off Highway 12 on to Epleii Street until the vehicles could be straightened out and cleared from the bridge entrance and Goldwater Main St Financial Statement COLDWATEltCopieaof snob stract statement of the financial affairs of Coldwatcr from Jan 1956 to Nov 23 1956 were dis tributedto ratepayers attending the Goldwater nomination meetr ing xAlthough attendance was not as high as on some previous occasions marked interest was shown in the affairs of the village as important matters were re vlwed Charles Eplett former Reeve and Warden of Sim liliTEPliYEliS or VHS storm vom unsolicer sourlino ro REELECT Witnllll transmit lIlil selllint slitsfilo WALTON1 eciors of VilmaTownship use damn wish to thank the ratepayers oilVespra for the renewed confidence you have show by giving us on acclomntton for 1357 As 1n thepsstwve can assure you that we will do our best in the interest of Vespra ilawmhlp in all matters The candidates mr diplomas were pre sented by Dr Ettore Mnuolenl thncipal fot the School of Music and the awards were mine by Dr Sidney Smith President of the University of Toronto Dr Boyd Neel Desont the Conservatory made the introductory remarks and the address was given by Dr Ira Dtlworth Director of CBC for Ontario short organ recital laa Webb ARCT andtiie Conservatory It had been intended this year given by Doug directed by Nicholas Gloria by Vivaldi Chorus sans the coe County in 1923 was chair mnu Remarks in addition to those candidates were given oy Lloyd ictherhy MLA and vii loge clerk Chester Martin The provincial member encouraged attempts to obtain suitable lnv dustries for Goldwater and plant ed out that 115 new industries had becnlocated in Ontario from the British isles and Europe dur ing the past year The financial statement showed the village had almost finished the year with current surplus of 3337850 Later in explain ing revisions in the budget the clerk Mr Martin said unexpect ed outlays had iorced postpone ment by council of planned im provements Cleaning out drains and related work on Main Street séuth had proved costly resulting in deter ment of new sidewalks and other projects to dismantle the old hose tower and build utility shed Delivery of new hose dryer was antic ipated by the end of this year and it was expected the new shed would be built nertyear This will house equipment for the wat erworits and hydro departments Goldwater received 51600 more from taxes in 1956 and further increase will be realized from this years higher assessment In 1957 the improvement bylaw which allastrahthreayear exemp tion from taxes on new buildings will expire it was passed in 1931 FormerJleevc Andrew Dunlap in brief speech following new inations attributed his defeatasb year to misrepresentation of tits attitude on the new factory at the southern outskirts Rather than opposeythe industry he had been in the forefront of those encouraging its establishment Mr Duniop asserted Power Cut Power was off in Goldwater for two hours Wednesday afternoon owulg to hydro maintenanco work Santa Claus Parade Goldwater Lions advanced plans for the December 15 Santa Clauspnrade at their recent meel lug Parade chairman Harry Cowan will be aided by Lloyd Letherby and Percy Brimage ro garding the route and other fear titres Jock Letherby was named to assist with arrangements for loath Brisk sales of light bulbs by the Lionswere reported Pres ident Lloyd Letherby gave talk on progress on the St Lawrence Seaway the additional power it Will provide and the added iscil ities for shipping Sedan Damaged sedan owned by Robert Mac onaciye of Goldwater was eaten slvelydamaged in an accident on an Oniiia street following snow fall resulting in numerous sim ilar mishaps wvesaloee Toronto for the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Robins Mrs Davidson of Firths Corn ers is spending some time with Mrs Robins Back to Temagami Miss Eileen OMalley returned to Temagomi last Monday alter spending fewr days with her parents Mr and Mrs John OMailey here nullsay Party Saturday afternoon Mrs Earl Prestth entertained group of little girls and boys at birth oily party for her daughter Anne who was six years old Adele Robins was home from TDancing For Club 60 Blind Members An inovatiou at the November meeting of Club all held on Wed neodly NWMZS stOdd Fellows Collier Street Barrie was square dapeing for the blind ember The caller was Ken Sollory and the music was supplied by Roy Gray guitar and Lloyd Har hridge violin Each blind per nu had normal sighted person aspartuer and the dancing was smuy eniom The turkey draw was won by gully Kennedy president of the The next meeting willbe held on Jan and will be again at the Odd Fellows CHURCHILL Mr and Mrs Wilfred Bouncy and daughter Elsie Ann of Cole don spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bert Bouncy Great Loss Thi community has suffered great loss in the passth oi two residents Gavin lion and Mrs Reuben Lucas We extend our sincerest sympathy to the sorrowlng families Sympathy is also extended to Mrs Cropley whose mother Mrs Dale died at Westhili on Friday llev Fllowc was in charge of the funeral on Monday at Aurora Short Visit Mrs Breckenridge of Toronto spth few days with Mr and Mrs Glenn Kinnesr Mrs Earl Scot is visiting her daughtter Jean engclly Wood hridge Welcome to Community We elconle Mi and Mrs Chris limos and baby who have moved to he Tyrcll house inlhe village Buffalo Weekend Mrs Christian and Miss loy Christian spent lint weekend in Bpffalo HAWKéSTONE llecent Visitors Mr and Mrs Traynor Glen McArthur of Orangeviilc Mr and Mrs Hugh Hutchinson and family of Barrie visited Mr and Mrs Dan McArthur Mrand Mrs McAliister of Cell tngwood visited Mr and Mrs unite Jermey and family Mr and Mrs Ray Cuppoge and daughtervlloberta Mrs Cuppages father Mr Key and son of Del ston visited her over the week end RummageSale There is to be is rummage sale at the Orange Hail Oriliis Satur day momlngtDec held bytnc Womens institute Out 01 Hospital Mrs Bruce Jermey has left Toronto hospital and calledon Mr and Mrs Leslie Jermeyand to see her children before going onto her aunts in Oriiiia Back Home Mrs Jack Edwards has return ed home aftervisiting friends in Ncwmarket for the past two weeks herd is holding Sunday School at 1030 Awaiting Guests Among the guests who attend ed the JonesCowan wedding in Toronto were Mr and Mrs All an Cameron Misses Dolly and Margaret Heasman and Laverne Thompson While in Toronto Mr and Mrs Cameron visited Mrs Camerons sister Mrs Elvs Ludlow and daughter scent Visitors Mr and George McMillan of Toronto spent sday last week with Mr and Mrs Archer Salisv bum Moving Home Mr and Mrs Robertson andBili moved to Midland on Saturday Mr andMrs Orville McClung are moving into the Rankin home they recently PHD chased and Mr and Mrs Garnet Reid arethï¬ng up residence in the home formerly occupied the McCluugs Sunday Visitors Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Cameron were Mr and Mrs Jack Drser Mrs Jean Mac Donald snd Miss Jeanine Mac Donald all of Toronto CUTTING WASTE Jones MP for Okamsgan Boundary made the suggestion thnt experimental forms start experimenting with manufacture of apple cider out allowgrade Dance Utopia Community Hall Saturday Dec Bealiyl orclr estra Lunch counter Admission 50C 137 Christmas binar bake sale can dlelight tea Friday Dec 56 Trinity Parish Bail Auspieu Womans Auxiliary Admission 25c $4137139 Christmas bazaar and tea True Bloc Hall High Street mcaday Dec 230 to nm Ausplces Blue Haven LOBA No 29 136138 Dance to the music of Andrews Orchestra Guthrie Comoiuiilty liail8alurdays 912 Adminion 75c Lunch counter Door prise 191th Barrie Horticultural Society an nusi meeting at llillcrcst School Auditorum pm Tuesday Dec Speaker Re Graham from Kettleby Subject Bread land Flowers 433437 tolls off Highway 27 Aiieruoon In and Bake Sale of St James church Crown ï¬lth 5Wednesdly Dcci from 130 Its Chllii Willi Junior Farmers are sponsoring euchre party and dance to Churchill not on Fri day Dec Good orchestra Dancing stark 1030 13 Dance to the music of the Music Makers Fridays and Saturdaysjt Pine Crest miles south Elm vale one mile west toward Anten 136187 Kempenfeldt Girl Guides nd Brownies Christmas bazaar tel and bake sale Trinity Parish Hall Collier St Saturday Dec pm to pm Admission 25c 188137 Amnsmnsrn There were 12296 persons kill ed in automobile accidents in West Germany lastyenr ELEcToRs or ESSA Your vote and influence will be greatlyappreclnted to elect me Councillor in the forthcoming Essa Township elections on Monday December ozone DAVIS ELEcroRs or Essa Ploving been nominated for the Council for the Tow E5511 solicit your vote for Monday DEC Ship of Voting is from 10 nm to 630 nm HOWARD c0L cocksrown VOTE George ii FOR Wilkinson IE 01 ESSH TUWNSHIP for sound sane administration inl957 VOTEDECEMBERI 1956 Polls openlo 630 pm Yoursupport is solicited to elect Cl Young list Building Construction Supt Outarlo Hydro As Your Reprcsentative on the Public school Board For The Town of Barrie Your vote oud influence solicited to elect Wj =P¢acocki your 5years experience as Councillor 3years orperi once as development ofrthts rand Forks Gazette benefit fro industry and coil sppl at present going to waste guy ranchers could Deputy Reeve pilotepoycrs of With eight years experience on and one hittle capacity of DeputyReeve this ever growing Township of lunisiil oneof tho highest assessed andpopulated townshipnin the County otdimcoe fore appeal to you to elect council with the ability to serveyou inthetownship and atCounty Council Respectfully Solicft Yourvoteand influence to Elect Me as ReeveOu December ron rmsronrsrios me Poms rhune Strond 23111 collect mvrsroN no zTQWNSIII its manner Manes 531M013 Marlon At Convention Ids and Mrs Lorne Carruthers attended the Garage Operatora convent it held at Vineiand on Monday and Tuesday Recent Visitor Mr and Mrs Wiliigm Crippiu oi Penclang visited with Mr and En Charles Hourlsorne on Sun gua Dawn was in Charlton wo days recently our business Sundaychoo15ltmem ommenicing Sunday morning the Churchoi theGood shep wisnma nonmagnetic i931 nerve lloy Hickling rive calms no my couhéittoas mix ATION