CANADIAN PLOWM EN ABROAD by BEllHARll I956 90 cauaoiau rtowino rum By nusscu BEILIMRTZ OXFORD ENGLAND Weve been over here more than week now and the day of the world plowing match is close at hand Robert Timbers of Stouffville Ont the Canadian champion plowman and his team mate Ed win Demman of Portage la Prairie lilan have now put in many hours of practice plowrng At this stage Id like to pay tribute to our boys for they cer tainly take this match seriously If time effort and concentration count for anything the Canad ians should win the Essa Golden Plow trophy which is the award for the world champion plowman Yesterday the boys were so in tent on practice plowing that they didnt even stop for lunch They were having the some trouble as the other plowmen the earth clinging to the mould board However before they knocked off for the day they were in better humor as the furrows be gan taking on better shape When we got back to the hotel we found Thomas of To ronto president of the World Plowing Organization and lilrs Thomas had arrived They came over by boat as we call him started kidding me about shaving off the board had grown for the centennial celebrations at Sault Ste Marie That was some time ago but must say It was real block beard and heavy enough to hide behind announced to everyone that would have to grow it again if neither of the boys won the tro phy Not only that declar ed would have to wear the facial follage until the world champion ship returnedto Canada Any comments by my wife will have to come from her personally Spcaklng of adornment had to do some shopping for Mickey Demman yesterday He wanted an English cap because he didnt want to get his white stetson dirty found his head had shrunk one size since he left home or so told him but he didnt bat an eye over the kidding He probably figured English but sizes are little differ cut on Sunday the boys from the 13 competing nations did not plow and some visited nearby farmers My wife and went to church and the welcome we received was warm and sincere lady and gentleman member of the congregation were at the door to welcome strangers In contrast to the Toronto church we visited which was an immense building with very small congregation in Oxford it was small and very old build ing with large attendance Everyone near us had pleasant grceting and began to wonder if the average Canadian is for be hind the English in politeness for we have found the people here very courteous After church we joined those boys who were not being enterlt tained at neighboring farms It had been arranged for us to go to spend the afternoon at large farm known as the Hobbs Farm which is about 30 miles from Ox ford KY This farm consists of 680 acres which is really large for an Engv lish farm They have herd of 300 milking Shorthorns couple of hundred pigs 4000 hens and very large flock of Border Leicester Cheviot ewes The arm is producing wonderful cropof sugar beet kale potatoes hayand grain have never seen sucha thick mat of grass and walking in the pasture was like walking on very thick carpet lleilharts The next day Bob Mickey and Jim hrooker the New anlaud champion quietly sneaked away from the large practice field to small field about three miles away so they could practice by them selves The plowbottoms cleaned very nicely in the soil at the new site and the boys felt good During theory had an in teresting talk with Mr Benwcll of £5547 Petroleum in London and learned he has daughter living at Agincourt Ont the wife of Dr Hood Also met and talked with many people who had at tended the first world match at Cobourg in 1953 They all seem ed to tell the same story of how well they were treated in Can ada what beautiful country we have and how well organized is the International Plowingjtateh Just by way of contrast would say that the British seem to take more pride than we in Ontario in their plowing matches Here everything seems to be in perfect order All fence posts are cement and wire and rope enclosures are tightened well Entrances to the demonstration park are nicely levelled and turnstiles are used Mobile telephone and cable of fices have been set up and the public address system extends well out into the fields where the classes will be held The machinery rows are laid out differently to ours at the In ternational Here the headquarters building is in the centre of the park The tractor enclosure and the press building are close to the headquarters Also close by are two licensed bars oilcring variety of beverages from the softest to the hardest and all served by barmaids Bob Tlmbers father one of the best plowmen in Canada was here and took him over to the practice field where the boys were plowing was unable to stay but knew they now had much better coach with them than would ever make When they returned that night they re ported they were ready for the big match The reason couldnt stay with the boys was that the World Plowing Organization had arranged for demonstra tion of plowing by Bill dc Lint of Holland All the goose plckezli fromthe com couu ie were on hdhditobwflcfahd an Inter esting discussion on rules and methods of scoring took place The result was that felt that some progress had been made in reaching uni formity in scoring This is allimportant in world plow ing matches for each country seems to hays its own ideas of how it should be done eonsAdam committee Hold Annualeeoting no Barrie and District Advisory Consulle to the CNlB held its ONE IN EVERY FIVE PERSONS IN ONTA Ulnarbeen infected with tuberculosis germs without knowing so Theseugerma may live for lifetime and never develop Yet their presence meansapatcutlal case of the disease Onlyby discovering all potential caresby meausol tuberculin test and then watching positiyo reactorthrough regular chest Xrays will TB eventually be eliminated Shown giving tubercu lin test is Dr Gene Snider of the National Sanitarium Association Ton onto TB ChristmasSeals are being sold to promote regular tuberculin auto where severdbliud tests and provide free chest Xraya in this community and clinic cbe ups foreveryou cancer Research Is large Project Al Montreal Unit MONTREAL CPIn many ways development of cancer re search in Canada in the last de cade is typified by fourvroom laboratory near the roof in Mou treais Notre Damerhospital Reached by circular iron staircase this is thcvheadquartera of the Montreal Canccr Institute Organized in 1948 with an annual budget of $4000 the institute now has staff of 23 and $68000 to ï¬nance research work each year The goal of these workers is to find out the difference between normal and tumor cells the most fundamental part of cancer re search says Dr Antonio Cantoro founder and director of the in stitute suppose you could say we are taking thocells apart andoxq amining their structure and chemical makeup to try to discov or how and when the change from normalcy to malignancy begins It is an established ï¬t that in cancer something happens to body cell that makes it become malignant When science under stands the chemical changes in The World Plowing Match starts the following day and ithardly seems possible that we have reached that point The way time flies the big match willbe over and the world champion acclaim ed before write the next letter The results will have been pub lished long before you see my letter but perhaps you will be Tomorrow the British National match starts and it looks as interested in first hand account of how the Canadian team fared Farmersllllove you noticed prime beef cattle prices Coop has fdrlnulas availableto pendingon agc vlilgg by feeding Coop 32 Beef Cone with your own grain yon be assuredof top gradeuaud price jail farmers for llngsaud two year old heefcattle By feeding as little as 10 pounds of beef rationp youveau put one top quality carcass in as little letbylstlllie rol you many obtain 15 to 20 19 of totalvfeed its cop neontra month though it will be quite an event valved lnthls process 11 llle be able to do something tobloek it At presentlo acparllcplojccts are being earlled if under the direction at arch soled tlsts group conference ca lhe Monday Wash by the reaal hers is vheldat the startof each week and problemsare diseuassdi These regular meetings help us to keep our projects straight and bytalking thcin overto clar ify our thinking on them said Dr Cantcro flt easytollet lost or sideti ked who doing cancer research anddts even easier to get discouraged In addition to thesa meetings each researcher submits progress report on his work to others twice Iu this way the scienti tic bugbear of going around in circles is avolded Each worker making re port look his progrcsavand de termines accomplishments and whether further nyestlgatfo along thes linerlr rth says Dr Canterd annual meeting at In ltal linuc Tottenham on November 14 Chairman Pugh welcomed tbovmemben and thanked them for their wholeheartcd support dur lng the pastrycar He commented on recent visit to Clarkewood the uci CNlB residence in Ter from the Cotiuty are now Reports were presented by Har old Webb Min Emily Phil pott District Home Teacher Burdock District Field secret ary Honcock treasurer and Pugh compels chairman The committee theu authorhed Is aistaucc for several blind persons in the ud completed plans for the annual ChrirtxuasParty fortho blind Unanimously adopted was mo tion of thanks to fclerey News papers Radio Station CKBB Tele vision Station CKVRlvrnerviee clubs and all others who assisted the mmittee in carrying out its Increasing Demand There is an ever increasing de mand for CNIB services in the area There are now 58 blind pcr sona served by the Barrie and Dim trict Advisory Committee This in en increase of it since April Int 17 blind persons in the area are now receiving Braille or Moon typo books or talking book records from the Library Department Eleven eighties persons are now receiving regular visits from the home teacher The teacher is qual ified to give assistance withfso cial adjustment as well as specific instructions in Braille or Moon type writing typowrlting sewing knitting and variety of handl crafts Specially adapted games and ap liances as well as raw materials or handicrafts are available through the CNIB 15 persons ara now using this service Spcclal work is being done with four preschool age blind children Since the beginning of the fiscal year four blind persons have re eeivcd direct financial assistance from the committee As result of the employment service of the CNN six blind persons are work ing in the area Recreation is an important part bf rehabilitation It is reported that social clubfor the blind Barrieyclub 80 was started last ay The Club is growing in mem ershlp and contributing greatly to theullvca of those participating ThcClub funds are provided by the Barric and District Advisory Committee The campaign report showed that $715823 had been and when Itoldlhim didnt want toxsee Vina face any more he turned out the light lied the campaign this Nominationg Committee Report The report of the Nominatt alarm was amen morons Donna peso10 DEALER 75 Bradford st radon PA coin Th TltllEVALUE of feed llcsln the RESULTS it produces Thennmber of pounds of feed required to produce pound of gain or dozen eggs or gallon of milk and thecoat of that fecd are the real measures the worth of ration feed cannot be evaluated in can cotnu the cost per ba alone run PERFORMANCE These rovc feeds areidenticalto the feeds we make right in millAnd ccausewemauufacturethcm locally means youy scab foe tlllt COST YOU LESS greater feeding profits see uirlght mumtantra AIN PA wzu Srwcfé seine chum SaysB Idng Boom to Level Off lama levellingatria the podwarbuilding boon was tomcat for next by Donald Emery OIBI president of the Ontario General Contractors Association Mr Emuynid the govern ments recentcredit rutricuaus would eurtalLthe dollar volume of construction We would be able to build twice asmuchll the funds were available be said gt However the president said contractorseould only look lav onhly ou the credit Ioueeae bej cause their warrailued atcurb log lufia on he no contractor violates the crc it code because it can only lead toi atiouarytcudeu cies Fifteen directors of the as sociatlou met here representing 100 leading Ontario contractors Under discussion were labor prob lems public relations construe tiou methods uniform specifica tions and apprentice training Committee was presented by Ar thur Morrow The following are the elected officers and active members of the committee for the ensuing year Chairma Pugh Barri vice chairman William Bake Barrie sec ary Mrs Anah Webb Barri Treasurer Ilaucoc Active Members Willi Clar Barrie Minsk Scott Barrie Cameron Barrie Mrs Pugh Barri rs Rawsou hfltehiuson Barrie Mrs Helen Forester Barrie Donald Magec Barrio Arthur Morrow Barrie Mrs Mabel Wilson Allis ton Mrs Dunn Alllston WochBrndford Mrs Cccll Farrier hecton Mrs Msilion Tottenham Mrs Don Scmplc Bradford Following the meeting an excel lent lunch was sorved Han coekron behalf of the committee extended vote ot thanks to Mr and Mrs Mallinn WIN tCPl2All man an politicians at burg wfmlnmlldlont me PEI told the New Bruno wick Liberal Womens donation here urging greater participation hapolities FEED scours FARMERS with the premium in Red Brand Beef fit your feed er cattle to that and reap the benefit by feeding SEUB GAIN 20 our more with DWISHLBIST not can Come or call hr and get our attractive price on all lines of Dairy Concentrate and Mined Feeds Custom Grindingï¬ Mixing Rolling Molasses Mixing Free delivery on mixed feeds Bay where your dollar goes further make an ideaLgllt for can nwms sue COVERS new 31995 co oun rLoon rs sinkNEW mnnons vamp mamas BACKUP LIGHTS runnjsrcNALs SPOT LIGHTS FENDER MIRRORS snow rmes RADIO and many other useful items that would please the car owner renown cameraman Anne St Bhrrlo morons LIMITED Phone PA 84264 as contact sr VIHONE rs 352481 PARKlNG tors some STATIONS IGILHOOLYU 875 PA 87934 PA Fitted with two wfltirproot Vplilvlropo holes Max WAY roa THE MAN rams MABSI thrillride on an new sensation the Flying Saucer to like tr llLuq in Qatar Spucoi More fun than barrel of monkeys this winter they loll us the kl noun big way an 277 diam lightweight easy to carry Godly lulled Rolled the Mg deal really going for now out aluminum dos extth lttouq wab huudr 06p add joins initiations my con TOBQGGM hauler Guiboa oollavmtnod ualurl lith hardwood 299 sneer llitnnwoon choGGltN nulblu may amaze nuns wanthomrool Hun adds llz nth sic 335 hardtooth natural d1 rapid and wustruc roapeean CUSllloll wi Puddld Iturdy out near viaa mamas smells nonhuman um nuhaw nasal anywuy sun in uudluflhlrflluiubl Willi polith oasis sisi innumtth momma angst ml luamIL