Radioacliviiv Problematic Radioactive particles falling out of the sky in the wake of the nuclear explosion would threaten life in several terrifying ways but the knowledge to cope with this threat exists if left in the open civil de fence officials say livestock would be contaminated then milk probably made unfit to drink and meat unfit to eat of radiation if washed into the ground by rain or melting snow would render crops unlit for con sumption it could contaminate water supplies Livestock and poultry just as humans can be protected siniply by kcepiiu them in the barn dur ing the estimated 48hour period when radiation is most dangerous before it decays and loses its potency This means provision would have to be made for some one to stay in the barn and feed and water the stock during the entire danger period safe place similar to basement rad iation shelter should he built in the barn for this reason But what about field crops farm implements buildings They cannot take shelter Fortunately radioactive con tamination can be lessened in number of ways One of the best is to flush down buildings with water from hose or pump But care must be taken to see that water carried off does not contaminate wells streams or other sources of drinking water 0n greasecoated machinery water wont do Civil defence of ficials say these implements can be cleaned only with steam it means forthis are not available there is nothing to do but wait for the radioactivity to decay by itseli vacuum cleaner can be used to pick up dry radioactive dust hut thedust in the bag must be destroyed by burying it in the ground Contaminated clothing should also be disposed of by burying in some cases it may be made Certain forms ANGUS sandert teacher Ilia Betty Jane Taansh To ronto is home from lcachers College and is studentteacher at Burns senior school this week lacet Visitors Mr and Ilrs Cameron Ideltac Long Branch visited with Kr and hits Duckworth on Saturday and Mrs Walkin abaw Collingwood and Kisses Barbara and Enid McKenzie at Thornhury on Sandy Junior Choir Angus United Church junior choir took part in the Sunday night service and did very well Simetc Sympathy Deepest sympathy is extended to Frank Brennan and relatives Tomato formerly of Angus in the sudden passing of loving wtie Mrs Frank Brennan who safe by washing hut civiide fence officials advise againstus ing wpshlng machine bulldozer can be used to clean the surface oi the ground and push contaminated nmterials aside where they can be covered with fresh earth This method could be used on crops contam inated beyond safe use Persons working in an areaoi contamination particularly if it is dusty should wear some pro tection for the eyes nose and mouth Tightfitting goggles and respiratoror even wet cloth covering the nostrilswill help Cotton coveralls cotton or canvas booiees taped around the trouser leg gloves and tightfitting head covering like surgeons cap are useful Afterwards this clothing should be destroyed Personal decontamination is simply matter of washing This means scrubbing the whole body with soap and water If the hair is oily it may require several washings The grcatest danger from rad lation comes from external ex posure from radioactive particles or dust settling on the body or clothes Enough of these can de stroy any living tissue particular ly in the bloodforming system lesser amountcan cause skin burns and other damage to un covered parts of the body Clothv ing therefore can provide some measure of protection Although person can become scriouslyor even fatallyill from breathing radioactivedust or eating or drinking contamin ated food or water civil defence authorities say this danger is far less than from direct exposure Radiationcis not new Living died suddenly Nov as From Alberta James Guylander beduke A1 berta visited his uncle and aunt at her home on Mr and Mrs George Dexter ono day last week James is an agri culturiat at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto Receives chrie Mr and Mrs George Dexter spent Friday and Saturday in To unknown and because something is known about it civil defence officials say something can be done about it Civil defence seeks to teach people what can he done Two Boys chosen For Parliament Waterloo Dec 2631 bound Morrison of Crown Hill and Wesley Earhail of Wyevale have been nominated for the constituency otsï¬imcoc North in the 36th sessinntof the Ontario older Boya Parliament which will meet in Waterloo Coir lcgc waterloo pee 28 to 31 Older Boys runmeat is sponsored by the Boya Work Board of the Ontario Councilof Christian Education in which the tollawing churches cooperate Angllcsn Baptist Church of Christ Evangelical United are thren Presbyterian and United together with the YKCA The parliament challenges old er boys to Christian living trains them to give effective leadership in their local church and com munity and through practical vivid experience gives them radio when their son Ronald received his degree of Applied Science and Engineering atCon vocation Hall on Friday Nov 23 Ronald was home with his par cuts on Sunday Toronto Visitors Rev and Mrs Frank Hunt of Toronto are visiting with Mr and Mrs George Dexter From Barrio Rou Wilkinson Barrie Sunday with his parents and Mrs Thomas Wilkinson spent Mr thingshovealways been exposed to it from natural sources Cosv mls rays from the skies constant ly bombard us There is small amount of radiation from the luminousdial of wrist watch from an xray picture being tak en The radiological hazard is not newyardSti leBAKKI raisin Now that youve had chanoeto see allthe rcal understanding at tho moan ing at democracy As in the regular legislature representatlvct are elected trim local constituaacica which they regsion in the parliament The rt of Simone North compris that part of Sisneoc County lying north of the BarrieCamp Boredn road except Barrie Oril iia Midland and CouihgwooiAll boys who are members of groups or Sunday church school classes registered with the Ontario Boys Wort board who have passed their twelfth but have not reach ed their 2lst birthday arc cligibls tovote By special permission from the chief returning officer the clan tlonin Simone North will take place Dec1 Registered groups must have their voters ilsts filed by Monday Nov 25 Deputy re turning oyflcers areI being up mt BELIEF ton on iilitliAI flINARDS LINIMEN pointed Ibmghout the riding and polls will hellranged pa the basis of thcvoterr list received The district returning officer is Rev Harold Davin Orillla CALL THE NB 30 PA 8M We an the us of force about as very last resortwhen all other means havejsiied it rcai war did start it could have more disastrous results than any that1 dwaa previously fought in the Your ï¬le le rfluntingdon Cleaner 80 DOG ZDIONIDN CP placed hammer on anion tric cable as part of demon stration of why such cables should touched switch It thrown sending 37 through the cable Thaw do disappeared in pull of patch STATE FARM marinas Am 5mm Mmhiii 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