Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1956, p. 3

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Mimi filaments Stunning Ailislry And Viiacioiis Personaliiyihrilis Big Coniliuniiy Concert Audience an is Sunny NominatioiiLOn Snoiiviflurries Monday Nov 26 NORTH RIVER vé lunidpal nominations fu Ihicheduh will beheld atSS No 8Nov mat ipdn ElectiondltellDoe8 Township officials aarangod for votilil ona Satnrdayto allow coi tage owners residingin Toronio and elsewhere to cast their hal Anniversary musical artistry The beautiful ly ric coloratura who opened the 195657 Barrie Community Con cert Association season last even ing at the Roxy Thairt sings with warmth and intelligence and her voice hssboth power and flexibility But at least halt of her appeal is her refreshing and re laxed personality She betrays the two other facets of her career all the while she is on the concert stage The slip pcr club star and prima donna sides of her personality make her recitalist of special charmShe does not hisitate to be dramatic or amusing at appropriate mom ents always lookingand sound ing magnificent The singer was most fortunate substitute for Miss Gladys Swarth nut whose scheduled appearance had to be cancelled because of illness At the peak 01 career she has energy and generosity when it comes to entertaining an audience Even as early as her first group of numbers she happily inserted the pages aria from Verdis The Masked Ball singing with gaiety that is contrasting char acteristic to the warmth and feel ing with which she thrilled her audience in the beautiful Die Mainacht of Brahms Her graceful trilling coloratura tones were true and delicate in the lovely old French melody iu Crois Beau Soloil and Paul cncs Air Vii and in the dune ing folk song La Petite Jeanne toli of the second half of her program The only lack in her program was any of the Mozart repertoire in which her performances gained her Metropolitan Opera reputa tion She was quite superb in her Una Voce Poco Fa aria from Ros sinis The Barber of Seville and her light opera technique revealed in her Die Fledermaus and Naughty Marietta selections was flawless But Miss Benzell is also mistress of the such exacting music as the Queen of the Night role in The Magic Flute and it would have been high moment in the concert to have heard her tackle one of the treacherous arias The singer completely relaxed in her second half of the program which Was honestly chosen for its pure entertainment value She hpppily avoided hackneyed numb ofizthe most part however it raudiencé loved such un EITHENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs William Lucas wishvto announce the eligagement of their daughter Laura Bernice to Lieut Boy North of Camp Borden son of Mr and Mrs Floyd VJ North of Powell River BC the marriage to take place Saturday Dec 1958 at 1030 am in St Marys Church Barrie 134 Sgt and Mrs Ray ll Murphy formerly of Winnipeg now resid ing in Barrie announce theen gagement their daughter Char maine Eleanor to SSgt Samuel Roland Wright son of Mr and Mrs Samuel Wright of Vancou ver BC the marriage to take place at 330 pm Saturday Nov 22 1956 in the Protestantchapel Camp Borden Ontario 134 IRYA Purina Hog Contract PrecisionMixed Starter and Grower Local Manufactured Finisher No Carrying Charges and you pay only List Price the day of purchase whether it be bag or 100 bags Barrie FfllmSllppIy Purina vChows forlivestock and poultry Jorge Dairy Eqillpment ll Mnlcaster St PA S2982 WEE an Hate Music song where her knowingand skiliiil musicianship was dirglayed almost as much as it had cen in the serious half of her progrtm There seemed to be no end to her versatility She was vivid and memorable in flashing Spanish ballad El Vito and the next minute sombre and touching as she turned to the lamenting tones of Brazilian native chant From the lovely nota of the Aaron Copelandarrangemcnt of an American folk tune Long Time Ago she chose the familiar Long Long Ago to have hit of fun with leaving traditional rendition to deal With the folk and then Johann Strauss She wisely alternated her hum orous song treatments with straight renditions of such pol ular soprano classics as Oh My Laddie andgavc the slim var icty to her encore as she had to her entire program following up Victor Herberts ltalian Street Song with modern variation on Dear What Can the Matter Bo and Brahms Lullaby Miss Benzelis accompanist iames Schaumate also substitute for the evening was just as happy choice as the featured artist He chose an entirely licnch group for his solo appearance on the concert rings Debussys prelude in Minor Ravcls Minuet and the impromptu in Flat Major of Gabriel Faure Subscribers were welcomed at the start of the evening by the association chairman Rev James lciguson There were visitors from Drillia and Collingwood in the audience ORN ATmBONAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Nov 22 loss to Mr and Mn Harold RnAtllnson int Barrie son nanocmnAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Nov loss to Mr and Mrs William is Derochlc Dunlop St East daughter IlBRTGBRSAt lhu Iloyal Victoria Hospital Bnrrie on Nov 22 n56 to Mr and Mr Joseph Hormeln its Wellington St at daughter Wilhelmina lo LamoNnAuhe he Victoria Hos pital Blrrlr on Nov 22 1556 to Cpl and Mn Louis Lamond a1 nlnhn st daughter steahrnlel MUDDBAt the Royal Victoria Hospb ul Barrie on Nov 23 1950 to Mr and Mrs Mudde lnnlsilt 51 son PKPPBLAt the Royal Victoria nasal tal arrrir on Nov 22 lass to Mr and Mn Albert PepPel 12 Dutiertn so son John Edward snnnsnAt the Royal Victoria Hos pltal Barrie on Nov 22 less to Cpl and Mn Iohn Sadler Cod rington 51 daughter Shawnda Marie ALLANlit the Royal Victoria King to nmefion mesdny Nov loss onvin Allan of Letter in his Bfth year Beloved hurhond or the late Florence Cmpbell and dear flther of Agnes Mn Matt Bell of King Ciiy Margaret Mrs Nov at Chatham Bessie Mn Elohim son of Scott Sta Mule Jack nt home and Edith and Jean deceas ed Brother or Jack oi Swift Cur rent Saskatchewan and Howard of Churchul Ruling at his late resi den2e Letroy until Saturday noon thence to Churchill United Church for service it pln Interment dLh Llne Cemetery innum Casket wui be open in the church train pm until commencement of service Masonic service DODDAt 255 Dunlap st West Bar rle on Wednesday Nov 21 use onus Princewldow or Samuel Dodd in her asrd year our mother of lo Fraser and Horton all of Barrie halting at Lloyd and steck lay runerai Home name roi service on Frldl Nov 23 at inn vlntep merit Barrie Union Cemetery Barrie on Friday Nov is 1956 iinrg hart Hugh Fenne Corners in his soul year beloved husband or the me Mabel Bell dear father or Herbert Ernest nou lien and Mary Mrs John Hamblyl Heated at his late residence The funeral left his residence on Monday Nov 19 at pin for service tn Pauls Anglican Church Couironr Hill at interment adiolning come ry srnNClsAt her home no Barrie on Nov 11 1956 Eleanor Doreen Spence in her 12th year loving daughter or Lloyd and barium Spence dear sister of Allen Muriel and Charles nesting nt the Pethtck Funeral Home 121 Bayfleld so anrrie Service ln the chipelirl day at 1111 interment Midhulst Cemetery SHAWAt Thornton on Wednesdly Nov11 1055 Calvin neginnid saw in his lath year it at tiledtn air and Mn lonn Corinne Lemon mo Mluda Resting Lloyd and Steekley Fun erll Home Barrio for service Slturdly Nov 24 it pm inter merit Thornton cemetery RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING REMODELLINogg BUILDING orAAu TYPES lions nmonaLLiNo gsronaVihoNao mansion newlonmmiNo GENERAI coNrRAcrlNG Phone Pas431321 icon tune in the manner of Grieg first ME AND MRS JOHNSAso wui be or home tothelr neighbors and friends at their residencefli Mary St on Sunday at Percy Horton Christine Mn Chan HUGHESAt Royal Victoria Flopita dell friend of ternoon and evening on the their Golden Wedding anniversary Mar have resided occasion or evening rled on Nov i903 in Trabln Sicily they in Conadauand in Barrie tdr Vclose to haifa century Reception hours are from 230 to five oclock intheottcra noon and from seven to 930 oclock in the Favem TwoWay Fight Innisfil Reeve continued from page one hires rated their bids and at the present time there was be tween 06 and 67 thousand dollars outstanding this year He hoped that the gréater portion of tliii would be paid by the end ofthe year As he desired to leave the meeting he asked the ratepayers to hppoint chairman This was done inthe person of exReeve Cliff Lockhart chumn locksrt Chairman Lockhart said itvwas quite an experience for him to be on theplatfortn as chairman as for years he had heeriamong the contestants He called on those of the No AreaSehool Board who were up for nomina tion Copies ofthelr flnancial report had been distributed James llainey felt that the board had done their utmost to keep down expenses and still educate the pupils When he started the board had fiveunits and now has 10 Joel Prosser said he would not be running Don Beatty am not here in protest of the previous members but have been asked to accept the nomination in view oflohn Websters retirement Frank Kell Jr who came in later said he would only be candidate if sufficient others did not qualify School Area No Roy Goodfellow chairman of this board and member since it was first formed said he hoped he might retire this year lf Bar rie takes over large portion of the north end it will take away lot of the schools although paved roads in the south will mean more homesand pupils Campbell arpresent member of the board while not present had signiilegl his inten tion of accepting nomination Mrs James Lawrence definite ly stated she would not be candidate RobertG Green said he was new man in the township but ha did feel that itwas ttme we got little new blood on the board He would like to see that we got little moreinforniation about schoolaaffairs and Wed to al View his nomination to stand High School Report Chairman Lockhartf who is the lnnisfil delegate on the Barrie District Collegiate Board and of teachers member gfthe property and transportationcommittee read detailed reportot the operations of this board He gave details salaries cost per pupil which was gross $329 per year transportation which cost $38931 and was for rural pupils only He told of the use of the school for night classes with some 800 in attendance consider it an honor and privilege to be your representa live on this board and can assure You that endeavor to see that lnnisiils interests are looked af ter he stated Balanced report on lnnis til nominations will be pub llsbcd Mond edition BRENTINOOD United Church wn Womens Auxiliary of Brent wood United Church met on Nov at Mrs Elmer McQuays with the president presiding There were 11 gtmemhers and two vis itors present The meeting opened by singing hymn followed by the Lords Prayer The scripture lesson wasread by Mrs Clarkand the devotional period conducted by Mrs Elmer MeQuay Minutesof the last meeting were read slid adopted Roll call was answered by vers es from Psalm 729 Reports were read and an interesting tupie What PrayerCan Do was read by Mrs Bill McQuay Meeting closed with hymn and prayer by MISClaiI after which delicious lunch was serv ed by the hostess Legion at Church On Nov 11 church was held at 11 am having the Legion members from New Lowell pres en in Barrie Hospital We wish George Schell who is in Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rie speedy recovery WA to Elect officers December WA meeting Will be held at the home of Mrs Fiear There willbe an election of of ficers and exchange ofgifts Hope to see everyone there ELECTWE SENATE If ever the time has come for an electivesenate on the Ameri can principle it is here now To have political plum of this size directly controlled by the govern ment of the day is sheer extravag ance and extremely shortsighted Cowichan BC Leader fidvéihedgiegnhg Kmioa Youll Gel chimp 84 Be assured of getting whereyou want to go in heavy winter gsnowgor spring mud The sorequ of Knowiagt Local Elyy Personnel Await MidEast MoVe Among the BarrieandVCamp Borden military personnel now at Longue Pointe Quebec barracks awaiting assignment to the United Nations emergency force for the Middle East are Capt Brewster Army Service Corps Ma jor Doidge Signal Corps Capt Lawrence Signal Corps Capt Leonard and Licut Coulston Army Service Corps The men came week ago to form support troops for the Queens Own Rifles then designat ed as Canadas major contribution to the UN truce force inEgpr Now they suddenly iind themselv es in the spotlight More than 250 men from the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals RCOC RCASC RCEME Canadian Postal Corps and other groups were bunked in huge drill liall last week and have been waiting ever SINCE The troops have been issued their CanadianIll shoulder patch similar to the one worn in Korea and have got all their shots and processing completed Storm Sash FREE ESTIMATES HAROLD 239 Bradford Sig cdbiner Milking Wounded Airman Shot Near Calgary Report Improving CALGARY CPLACWilliam Risk of Camp Borden shot through the head with 22ealibre rifle at suburban Bowncss Alberta on Oct Band unconscious for four weeks was taken off the danger ously ill list thlsweek by Euthan Itiesat Colonel Belcher Hospital Eric Smith Bownem bricklayer was remitted to stand trial for the attempted murder of Risk at preliminary hearing on Nov During the hearing it was report ed that bullet entered Risks left temple and left through the top of his head thn admitted to hospth the airman was paralyzed on one side He now is able to sit in wheel chairand has the use of one arm The only word he has uttered is yesn illness caused by breathing gas caused by fermenting silage can cause death and is known as siloiillers disease some 130 monnow norms 9N wnAr you no sonar ilrnolii lliillillilii BUN mm or CANADA Llfe Plansde Annuities 24 ehmnniON 5r BARBIE Hist PA mm rhonr PA illE ciiliiilEr slop uiii Vin Clipboiirdlsl no obligation 10 on an order of storm sash if ovér $16000 GRAHAM Phone PA 84444 Iota rimch morons tron man WORK DODGE hnsmo DEALER 75 Bradford St rooms on osm PLUMBING of 84 DUNlOP 51 W551 dlmq PA 83770 RISTW EATiNG Jun wr mvm war it Eu rA 555 Movingjx no problem when you get WifeApproved Move by North American Von lines worldwide serviceCom pieic Storage Packing facilities CAMPBELL LTD MoleG CuIITODATY for FREE Estimole 51 Villi insulin iio Burton Ave Pb PA 66555 THE GIFT SUPREME An Oil Painting by an artist of international reputation Picturespriced from $4000 to $50000 Exhibition and Sale CONTINUES AT was norm or Thomas Mitchell 56 DRURY LANE ARCA Evenings by appointment Phone PA 82587 on 604 ll meow runmun to sumon signmm turnirvn swatmoose hasi cmfidenfyoumadeamse liecoil 00minng casing loaf Inca figo www com ITRIP W474 or Auto navy normal ranonéi rim co no clllod ammciat riNaNu lt90nly rho non ha Imn alande or amu BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO Emil ELL mmlm tlfltONAi nunm in corwolflolit gnocchitell is nearest you as humid Street 2nd Floor onillIA 32 Mlsslnap sum Em 2nd PArtiway 35931 FAlrvlow 0135 OFEN EVENINGS ItAPPOiNTMflifPHONE FOR EVENlNG Hours nirlnc SiiiiWiilll lust 1952 DODGE roll STAKE PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISED IN THIS lAPEE NOV AT REDUCED PRICE OF $19 New motor was installed JIIDEIXQES Ila Complete lth body an ant signals heater lice would be wise to lo link than we ciliiiiiicrsilosiiiilvr lust taken in from orig inalowner Has heater and good tires it needs motor work the rest of the car is worth far more sting for this unit This is real buy for someone gt

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