omnisc Joe is 28 Years Pioneer Forestry Retires AA mall man with boundless cherry Joseph lea now at Ellis dale retired on Nov 15 alter some 28 years active service with Simcoe County reforestation Dur ing that time it is said he had planted or supervised the plant ing or well over 3000000 trees and he has wondertul love for the loruL Now he and Mrs Lea are re tiring to their home in Hilladale with its three acres of land and he intends to build and operate greenhouse as both have been much interested in plants and flowers Joe hails irom Worcestershire England where he was born in cottage on an English estate son of William Lea head ahep berd there and the family num bored 16 children He assisted in raising sheep and other livestock but when called to try out as butler he decided it wasnt tor him and went back to garden and greenhouse and became lover oi growing things in 12 years spent there Joe then decided for distant fields and in 1911 came to Can ada whcrc the farm of Donald McKay on concession Fios provcd enticing and although he made several trips back home and visltcdolher countries has never stayed long away from concession F105 lilarket Gardener in 1918 he started to work for Earl Johnson on market garden farm which Earls brother Verne still operates on Highway 27 From there Joe went to Bill Drysdaleis between Elmvaie and Hillsdaie Later he was at MarA tins lumber camp near Penetang There for three years he helped to clear from 301 to 400 acres at virgin timber white pine which ran to five loci in diameter Buys Farm in three years he saved enough to buy small farm at Hilisdaie operated greenhouse and also sold milk in live years he sold out and bought the present horse with three acres in Hills da Lane Goldwater who did similar work at Midhurat and George Barr who assisted with the re curing at land by making sure 01 money being set aside for that purpose Joe Lea also helped at Orr lake ai Penetang loreal at Eloxoka Lake Cvevdï¬ Point the 1mm crest Wyevale and Druryw forest in Orv Close to home are the man cipal plot at Port McNicoll and MldlandKlwanis plots in Try and Medonte Wbcn the late George Patterson was reeve oi the Port be had Joe and the ichoolchlldren add to thestock on 15 area owned by the village Ju days Joe was in de naud with the children planting rees in plots Builds Gateway Outstanding events with him vere the pdrchase of the Hamil on property tor Orr Lake forest go 1961 and he helped build the stone gateways that were oliicial 1y cued in 1937 and he helped in same way with the Drury lurest gateway lour years later He also advocated the planting ot European larch which has now grown to 80 test it was in 1979 he was married to the former Miss Ruth Bowman daughter oi Mrs Bowman and the late James Bowman who were among the early settlers Just north of Orr Lake Mr and Mrs Lea have three daughters Amy who is now em ployed in Barrie where she is president oi the Venture Club and member of the Eastern Star Mary and Nancy attend school in Hillsdaie The Leas are mem bers of Craighurst Anglican Church Joe also iound time to serve as village trustee and was leader of TayForestry Club He has been member at Coronation Lodgc AF and AM Elmvaie since 1925 of the Scottish Rite in Barrie also the Rose Croix and of Elmvaic Lions Club He has served 12 years on Flos Agricul tural Society and is on the St John Ambulance Corps Barrie Mrs Lea Is past president of llillsdale lwomcns institute and is now district iconvcncr oi the historical committee thcrc am his sisters Mrs JOE LEA He then took time out or six weeks tour o£Canada west by car and in 1926 made another trip back home He also visited France lrcland and ltaly but was back in Canada in 1927 On returning he took con tract from the Copeland Milling Company Elmvaic to clear large bush lot near Hillsdale He began with reforestation in the spring of 1929 at Orr Lake forest and helped prepare the land on 300 acres for planting the next year when about 350000seed lings were set out He says they are selling logs from there now Permanent Appointment Joe was permanently appoint ed in June 1929 at 0roLake when llon William Finlayson was ministerof lands and forests and was made caretaker or known later as reforestation aide To day the county has acres of reforestation mainly the Orr Lake Wildman and Drury forest Some are ndw growing Christmas trees others HYDRAULIC VALVE LInEks STICKth ON YOUR can nmncm on SUPPLEMENT som 5000 Visiting Sisters Oadcs of Winnipeg is visit Shclswcli and Mrs Bidweil Mrs Wyncs oi Barrlejs visit ing Mrs Shclsweil Mr and Mrs Strachan and Gary visited relatives in Toronto during the weekend Recent Visitor Mrs Patterson oi Orlllia was recent visitor wtth Mrs Shcls well Mr aners Yeaman and Mr and Mrs Yeoman ot Sault Ste Marie called on Mrs Everett this week At Winter Fair Mrsl Wilt Cookburn and Mrs McCulloch attended the Win ler Falr on wednesday Sunday Service Service will be held in the United Church on Sunday 25 at 130 pm Rev am Parker oi Orillia will be the speaker Dalston United Church members will join in the service Sunday School to follow me church service WYEBRIDGE Mrs Cecil Townes is spending afew weeks with her husband at Blind rRiVel There was no school on Monday owing to the illness at Mr Rolr ertson the teacher Rev Fralick is conducting Bible Study classes tor the winter season The ï¬rst one washeid on Thursday evening at Milton Leonards AngusRawn returned from the deer hunt on Saturday evening Birthday Party Saturday afternoon Mrs Roy THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER Magniï¬cent is loaded with supplies at Halifax where dock yard workers are getting her ready to transport more than 1000 Canadian troops to theMlddle East to Join the United Na tions police iorce The travelling crane on her flight deck was hoisted there by crane at lett The Magniï¬cent sped lrom Glasgow to Halllax to pick up the troops She will act as floating basein the Middle East hihmry BertonVRoger Guest Young Army Veteran Dies Of Heart Attack lust in his 37th year Berton oger Guest died on Tuesday ct 23 in Calgary Alberta sud denly following acoronary thmm basis Son oi Mr and Mrs Louis Guest he was born on Aug 11 1920 at Stroud and had been raisedand attended school on concession innisiil Township Berton had time in the adian Army and had then at gary taken up the trade of baker which he had learned from his brother who predeceased him in 1952 other members oithc family still living are his widow who is the tumor Miss Evelyn Hender son two sons Howard and Doug las and two daughtersy Shirley and Doreen all at home There are also three sisters Mrs Ross Brewster Hazel ot Pains wick Mrs Clarence Hodgson Lois of Barrie and Mrs Wayne Lewis Muriel oi Isllngton Rev Mr Steed was of iciating clergyman at the Butler unerai Home in islington and as deceas ed was anAngiican interment was in St Pauls Anglican Church Cemetery Innisill Casketbearers were Howard Irwin Cliti Rut tanWilbcrt Cole Donald Oster George and Elmer Guest Lovely flowers were fragrant messages of sympathy lrom iriends and iamin connection and also from General Bakeries To ronto Quite number were present for the service from Toronto including Mr and Mrs Clitiord Ruttan Mrs Effie Guest Mrs Amanda Guest Mr and Mrs Howard Irwin lrom Elgin Mills Mr and Mrs Wilbert Cole and from Durham Mr and Mrs George Henderson little boys and girls at birthday party for her eldest son Wayne who was eight years old At Royal Winter Fair Among those who attended the Royal Winter Fair were Mr and Mrs Garnet Reid Mrs George Rankin Bruce Kitching Clarence Carruthcrs EeVerley McClung and Mr and Mrs Fred Cook and daughters Mrs McClung visited the Fair onSaturday and returned with Mr McClung who had spent sometime there Guild Meeting The Guild of The Church of Good Shepherdmet at the home of Mrs Charles Robins on Wed nesday Mrs Cairns returned home on Eakley entertained number of E5YpiJ SHOULD ELL FILL iTAs Sim Monday aftcrrspendiug two weeks in Toronto Foggy YOUR CILTANK We arecquipped for prompt theres unused tor look Salter your fuel supplies And tANTc £51 mm ST BARRlE ltT1 5W PA MHNHG We served for some CARLEY on Deer Hunt Rix Beard and EldrcdClarkc left the ï¬rst of the week for deer hunt onManitouiin island Reecnt Visitors Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong were Mr and Mrs George Fleet and Maurice Fleet Toronto and Bob Snead and Vince Webb of Oriir lla Mr and Mrs ThomasExcli of Utopia and Mr andMrs Gor don Johnstono and daughter qt Gravenhurst gt Visiting Mother Mr and Mrs Will Johnstono visited the farmers mother Mrs Alice Johnstonc one day last week Mr and Mrs Mcnvin Nash Brantiord spent the weekend with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs John Nash Mrs Bob Beard and little Ran dy oi Jarrett were recent visitors with Mrs Rix Board Sympathy of Community Sincorc sympathy is extended to the relatives of James Robina whose funeral service was held on Monday Mr Robins was pioneer resident of Carley Sincere sympathy is also ex tended to John Emma snanr and Mrs Garnet Emfns Lil Coul son in the sudden passingon Monday morning of Mrs John Emms Torontostay MrsQHilt Middleton lclt last week to spend few days in To ronto bciorev going on to Detroit Everette Johnstone attended the Royal Winter Fair on Sat urday Builders Contractors or Farmers an and No Hemlock 22 ï¬lnï¬ifrfim on the Job by trunk dammit llllillllill till rare Laring Ontario APTO Two Weeks Stay Joe Moran formerly of Calgary now of Penetang visited for couple of weeks with his brother Ambrose Moran Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Morley Feashy and Roger Sandtord visited rela tives hero on Sunday to Parry Sound Gene Moran lclt Sunday morn ing with hunting group ior tho Parry Sound district Weekend in Toronto Mr and lirs Clarence Carson anddaughtc visited in Toronto at theweekend Recent Visitors Recent visitors at Gerard Mon ans included Mr and Mrs Gcorgo MacDonald Barrie Miss Joan Moran and Mr and Mrs Ed Rey noldsof Toronto Winter Healing co0P Furl oiLs Quhiity and Price own 1qu oila an Mnhut an itr any nouiru nu aduitivar vrico is low quality low arm and trivianor too Service and Supply In Eurpg vluhl now mien Inr in lowered heal contract wtth coun nimon tamer Budget Fuel Payments Kim hlma an all aueny call ing at can you can arrang oudoat naymun ior your dual to null your needs rm nuiy Ilflllh In our ynnr account not exceed our delivery or rumor or ii when delivery ia narmuu an in urnn 31° guru out ouiiury mum Ill 30 these are some of the reasons Coopis supplying thcifuel tor heating more and more homeslnterested Call in orphonew the ur comphny aims resultciaimacosts at along to policy holders Find out toda IF aurancevas careful werand the savings are passed the form of lowercost insurance rqualify for State Farm ln Ken MITCHELL onu so Eugenia St 84088 Barrio nunz Mayr air knavVMWW mu Visit bur Used Car Lot at 45 VBradfo lnspeci These lie Blloc Buys1 1954 MERCURY CUSTOM Cflflï¬ll Built in radio air condit ioning heater two tone paint slip covers turn signals must be seen to bc appreci ated 1650 1956 iiiilll PICK111 12 ton model deluxe cab heater snow tires 10000 miles one owner as new rd Street and 1956150111 custom milieu wncon Custom radioI air conditioni ing heater white wall tires turn signals 18000 miles 01950 PONTIAC SEDAN One ownenlow mileage inr terior and paint as new 1950 METEOR COACH Custom model custom radio heater 1951 FORD SEDAN Overdrive heater 1953 METEOR SEDAN One owner low mileage slip covers turn sigoa i954 METEOR SEDAN Heater one owner gqu tires 1955 MONARCH SEDAN Radio heater whitewail tires turn signals slip covers one owner car in nice condilio jijilndispluy in our Shootoqu 1956 FORD5COACH vcry scarce model at ro duccd price 1955 CHEVROLET COM Air conditioning heater turn signals whitewail tires one owner low mileage 1650 Custom model beater tinted glassturn signals low miléage one owner the breathtaking Morket Square gt Under entirely newownersh SHOWROOMS PHONE l19j95°