CANAoIAéNi PLOWMENE ABROAD by RulEltiiAiéil CANADIAN PLOWINO AM Resell Bellharts of Brute Station past president of the Ontario Plowmens Am lation and manager of the Canadian plowing team at the recent fourth annual World Plowing Match at shillingiord nelr Oxford England has sent home on therpot reports of his trip with team members Robert Timbers poi Stouffviile and Edwin Demman of Portage la Prairie Here is the first of the reports By RUSSELL REILIIARTZ LONDON ENGLAND We never dreamed that crossing the Atlantic could be so enjoyable and so brief as it was by air In fact by the timemwc had tuck ed away our second meal Mont real was so far behind us that the plane was circling this city to come in for landing 10V hours to span an ocean But before go any further feel should go back to the beginning and explain what this is all about We are membersoi the Canadian team that will com pete at the fourthannual World Plowing Match at Shillingford near Oxford England as guests of imperial Oil by we mean Robert Bob Timbers tit Stouff Mickey Denmmn at the international ington 0nt2 Edwln SATURDAY sXcuaSIoNs Tommi OW FIRES EVEilY SATURDAY TO AND iNCt I5 Tickets good geingund returning sorne Sdlurduy only EXCURSION FARES FROM $250 Lindsay $245 Sunderland Blackwater Uxhridge Stouffville Peterboro Barrie $270 Allandale Bradford Holland Landing Newmarket $200 $185 $110 $300 Simcae Coop in cooperation with the 00 Guelph can offer the farmer strum litiflWliNCli an in near lllllliY cirrus Paras Quality of Coop Feed is aVmust and is checlred regularly by your Guelph Eeed Nutritionists Feed rim or By using an 0AC formula we have As top quality feed give best results for the Ontario farmer Now is the time to planyour winter feeding programme and take advantage of Special discounts patronage dividends and Pickup allowances 32 Dairy or Beef Concentrate couldtcostxaailow as All per cwt deliverédto your farm 24 our supplement could cost as low as 65percwtdeliv cred winches delivered it you tareVo pirJrup deduct 10c pct as $205 ville out who wonthe 1955 Canadian plowing Ichamplonship Plowing Match at Blytheswood near Leam Mickey Demman of Portage la Prairie Man who placed third but dual pairyv Ration could cost as low $322 per ewt wotkingiifeand ront close tothe plow nearly all of my one time was htOntario Pldw mcns Association the organlu tion that sponsors the his later natioaal matches was appointed manager at the team and one of the conditions of my appoint ment was thatl act as sort of historian rAccompanying anon the trip ixrny good wife First Qveneu Trip For three of us Mickeymy wife and myselt wish the ï¬rst overseas trip For vBob Timbers it is his third in 1958 he was runner up to Jim Ecclps of Brampton at the flrst world match held at Cobourg0nt and the following year travelleduto the Republic of lrelaud for the world match there1 in 1349 he toured theUnited Kingdom as result of winning the mo TransAtlantic class the year previous agree has become Transvnt lantic eommuter iionweeks we had been prepar ing for this trip There was much correspondence There were CD1 icrences with imperial and with our good friend Floyd Lashley who is secretary ofboth the On tario Plowmens Association and the Canadian Council of Plowing Associations Finally with all the detalis worked out we were ready to leave the farm at Bruce Station which is near Sault Ste Marie on Saturday September 29 We wanted to be in Toronto for Sun day when Mickey would arrive from the West and Bob would be on hand for the Monday sendoff breakfast Traln Running Late Well you might have known it After feverishly rushing around at the farmto be at the station on time we made it but only to learn that the train was running two hours latei llowever we used those two hours to good purpose for many friends were on hand to se us off and we were able to greet themyall without the usual mad rush There was also lots ofhelp in getting our luggage aboard the train including three big white Stetsonlhats that were donated to members of the team was wearing my ften gallon head gear when held the coach door open for woman passenger She smiled andremarked real Western courtesy Little did she know that she was mistaking an Ontario armor for Western rancher but for be it from me to change ladys mind Sunday we spent quietly in To We attended church am or woman Wnaivrnc sumac norm MAN cams aob you may These included Bobs wife and McLaughlin of Stouffville Bobs Laughlin an hour ht sealedbum antic yatonr dense been neat Mivlrlco in antomobiioiiihtlng sheathed Hi Wright motored with friends to Cornwalivand the St Lawrence Seaway during the weekend Singing attlriighirst Dalston Church chair will lum ish the music at Criighurat Pm gitglen Church anointnary on morning Nov 11 Air Implement saea Mlltoo Bouncy is building an large implement shed on his farm ilatloweanParty The cchoolchlldron enjoyed jolly lfalloween party at the school on Wednesday afternoon turned out to cut church actual analanva maa by Anteinn Walton prover that thevaew systemauniieo Illumination All four dunno Ire med ler ti big the operationmused for the tow beam The tourism are standard mama beam while not gcnerallyl rested up for what might lie ahead Mobdiy Oppoalte it Sunday wasa quiet day then Monday was justlthe opposite imperial had arranged sendoff breakfast inga privatc dinin room of the tibial It was atten ed by Ontariosnew minister of agriculture HoneW Good fellow nur old friend lack Car roll former assistant de uty mlnlt ister of agriculture and im pros ldent of the World dlowing 0r ganiution the United Kingdom Trade Commissioner in tomato representatives of the Ontario Plowmans ociatlon the gov ernmont and any other organ nations Charlle Robinson an imperial Oll marketing executive was chairman The various speakers wished us well and brought home to us the great honor that is ours of representing Canada at the Plowmens plympics as the world match is sometimes called Received Two Fills During the breakfast received two silk Canadian flags to fly at the match and block of pol ished Laurentlan marble with the name Canada engraved on it it was to be placed in cairn at the site of the match Theeairn is surmounted by three foot replica of the Golden Plow the Esso trophy for worldsuprem acy in plowing Each of the 14 competing coun tries has contributed block of native stone torthemaaumen which is called peace carrn because onthe tablet is the in seription Let Peace Cultivate the Fields Two calrnshave alL ready been erected one at Go bourg and the other at Upsala Sweden Where last yearsworld match took place We had been told that the Duke of Gloucester uncle of Queen Elizabeth would unveil this years cairn After the hrcukfast the news reporters and photographers had go at us and before we knew it we were out of the hotel and into cars that whisked us out to Ma1 ton alrport where other good friends were waiting to see us off two children Mr and Mrs James Eccles Jim who comes from Brampton 0n was the first world champi plowmun Ivan neighbor and one of last years world contestants and Hats Attracted Attention But it wasnt long beiorewe had to climb aboard aVTCA Vis count for Dorval PQ At Dorval the Stetson hats attracted atten tion 11nd we were fortunate in The sky was slightly overcist when we tookofffrom nerve and headed eastward totbe At lant We flew for time Portage la lFrairie to Toronto Was be was with the tra Mickoy mgto the show walethm giant fattening steer on themtside broodcaw insid See calf cinbgyo an only wligle mitt 25 times lurgoc thanilfol Mrs Mr we changedto noise Strata cruiser Speedbird Here again having in Mickey mman at least one real Westerne in thejgroupl 19000 feetand then rose to21 000feet at speed of 800 miles It was wonderful ex perience for all of usandespecial ly Mickey for the journey from his first train trip Thrilled as said so About 530 pin1we werescrvcd supper and what meal Ail agreed none could be better even if we were eatlng high above the ioudsv Shortly after they bed all us down for the night by reclining the seatsu It was prob ably agoodidea as we were not able to move around anywayï¬ Time Differenee vBy one am 1thesan was com ingup The early sunrise was1 due toithe time difference for London was still on daylightsav ing timemaking six hour dif ference between Montreal and London times Shortly after one am Canadian time werchav ing breakfast and it compared equally with the supper Then we were told we were approach lng London our destination it badbeen lovely crossing not quivervor bump We put downat London airport at am London time and an he enioyéd ilying evehrnlorc The two United States plowmen were there having arrived ear llcr We were toldthat the plows for the boys had arrived by boat lrom Canada and were on their way to Shiuingiord While we waited around the airport planes klanded every little while and then another group of plowmen would he added to the party By3 pm the party had grown quite large We were then rtold that the countriesnot then new would come in late the ight oi early the next day so there was no need to wait While having lunch at the air port along with the two United States contestants the head waiter asked us Who will lwin the world title The answer he got came from Eugene Holmes Of Waldorf Minnesota The four at this table will betops he said and then after pause added We hope We left for Oxford and the site of the world match COCHRANE CPThe towns assessment rolls show populav tion of 3816 thisyear whilethe preliminary federal count showed 3600 only 199 more than the last census in 1951 Thefederalbur can will be asked what happened to the other 216 The dlfferénce fee tial Right now for idstahce th commercial and top gradecattle Cattle feeders everywhere are conversions nowvthatltheyc Istilbeatroln Zephyr visited with ipxas Wat son on Thursday children collected 3940 in our mommulï¬ty for Fundq vGuelph an Oct 31 attended the WMS meeting at Burton AvenueChurch on Tues day rie were Sunday visitors with lilr andMrsL Handy Jr number of years has been sold Eastern Canadian Standard TiYDEu recelves for gt steer compared to poorly finished sleor can he prettylsub makermakes big difference in the typeof finish can put cattle 0ntop of good finis theymetifasfer gains and better feed buy Béefmake INCREASE Your user resume PB ms Seeusabaut iitable feedln prograan m5 Wood reactant On Saturday number of each wood for the itecent xvisitinl Rev flimh hiaolugert of countenance on group of six Do on school the UNICEF Cooperative lrip number of farmers from here took intha Coop bus trip to wusvneeum Mrs2G Bailout Mrs Brown Sunday Viaitors hieand Mrs Stevenson of Tiar 9EVERE1T Sunday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Hubert Shepherd and familyaccompanied by McCrrmken spent Sunday in To ronto vChurch Sold The Presbyterian Church here which has not been used for to PeterSkillings who will make it into double apartment Weekend at Home Mr and Mrs Fred Birch of Richmondvflili spent the weekend at theirparents home in Everett From Toronto Mrand Mrs Albert Glhbs and sons of iioronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson uscpun Blilliiiil PLllli fruitful HOME IMPROVEMENTS sillil to 33500 start now pa meats ar ranged to suit ur budget NQ DOWN smear as LOW as so mom Full details on NHA Home improvement Loans BEAVER MB 129 ananrorm 51 PHONE re asssa ellin ed topgr ore is quite spread bet inding om abundant Eémwmsnairmm 1958 15 trimming at an archaeologist The older Igefathe more interest my themselves of the to any destination icipalities and have been nxdrormf rviiiAjmiir waerr All rgtealuclude gu oil and insura nee New redlna as private as your own to choose from Gall inm rathercar travel Service gt ioznumor sr PWPH 82772 inseam takes in me isms satin TllE Min OPERATORS rusrownor Banal ITo the citizens of Barrie ahdisurrounding territories who avail servxce wehave to offer at our present rate at We in the corporation of the To of Barrie EVeryoner quite aware of the growth of Town The taxi comp rules have been operating withoutan increase in fares since iiiid and since tbatJhe operating expenses have increased 30 As We feel We aicunablcto carry this added burden any longer wehave petitioned the oouncil for taxi meters The Town Council has seenLflt to enact the ratebelng fiftyI mile registered in addition thereof abylaw governing the operation of those meters cents for the initial mile and five cents each 15 of These rates have been compared to the operation of other Mirn fnund to be comparable and fair Taxi Operators of the Town of Barrie Advt IIIIII IIIIIfIiIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIII= ipaid SAVINGS DEPOSITS ernimum quarterlybalanca instant TRUSTS are tar 50 Branch Otiléax 13 ouritopsL sum Head Office 372 Bay St Toronto it lgAilmys Better withBuner ice cream and crunchy almonds top these gay Christmas LightUps But the real flavour is baked right in its bunchfresh creamer butterl ndlng