Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1959, p. 4

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Oanadanony be in prospect Judging by letter to shareholders from Hilton chairman of the Steel Company of Can ada This isnot definite announcemea from the company but invisw of mount Eing costs many of which thecompany la unable to control it will not be surprising if there isfan upward adjustment fleeci less to say if there is an inclcasein the price of sieel wocaa expect it to nimble down through all the many consumer products that depend upon steel says The Sarnia Observer What are these increasing costs One of course is higher wages but that is on ly part of the story Another pressure grows out of the United States steel strike which may force ore costs upward This seems inevitable There is another factor which did not appear before Pri or to the opening of the st Lawrence Seaway transportation in the Welland Canal moved freely Now there are tolls on coal and ore most of which moves through the canal to the Stolen plant at Hamilton other increased costs encountered by push them backward wiwr ro DEMML success Prince Albert Herald Much has been written and spoken in recent weeks about the purchase by Roy Thomstnmf tbe liemsley Newspapers in Britain But some thing Mr Thomson said while being interviewed about his latest publishing venture deserves in our opinion special mention lie was quoted in one storyfrom Britain as having said Veryfew people really want to succeed Everybody wants to make money but how many wabttornake it bad enough to work for itf You haveitn want to be auccess ful to the orient of sacrificing ersonal pleasure and comfort We think those words are significant and we connnend lbernto everyone but particularly be young men and women and to young People leaving school ahd starting out in make their living For we suspect they contain the real kernel of economic truth on the personal level it is true that almost everyone would like to be ricbor at leastto be sufficiently well off that they could be out of debt have the material come forts that money can provide andtbe security that stvings and steadyand cotnfortdble in come can bringl3ut it is the attitude and the approach to realizing this goal that separates the successful from the nonsuccessfulThe great ma jority of people will only work so hard will only sacrifice so much before deciding that the game isnt worth the candle The few who are prepared to work harder longer and to go without some of the personal leisure and comforts of life for few years are the ones who usually come out ahead financially and reach their desired goal It is that same sort of attitude which in the broad sense is causing manybf our economic woes today Too many people are sayingthat they want labelstho material comforts of life bllt they dont want to work tooAhard to get them They prefer to go in debt to mortgage their futures beyond areasonabie limit to expect some form of state aid or subsidy or government hand out They prefer to go on strike to get higher wages regardless of consequences In short too if News of AUGUST 15 13 Back in the days when Minets Point was most ly allisummer residents theannual sports day went over with abang Valuableprlzes by mer chants of towowere jboostjand the repor gave as ahead Minets Point sports Day proves Decided Successrlrni Ryan and his to phone was both seen and heard directing sports George Wright and Harry Callough assisted with their motor boats inequalicevents and President McFaddenflassupervisor in general was assisted byS Horsefieid Gibb Mrs Marshall Fettls Brennan Mrs McFadden and Mrs sllorsefleldlce cream and lemonade were free to cottagers and their guesls all of whom wore distinguishing tag Horseshoe pitching started the day and other sports Were higeoiwau between the llppers and Lowers when thelatters were winners but if neiheavso bad not lost shoe they would hav been pulling yet Manyunoveltlesvmadsan enjoyable daysvwlth rain early morn andlate eveto freshen every thing community club housewnsan object then andwohld still be welcome addup tosaalseable increase in gt Ehr what is taking pieoelintho steelin theri good will andgood fellowship as they can be used in tourist promotion Former Years and rsoeivednvery nus decision from Judgesp company also has tomakeglarger tributions to the unemploymea once fund The list enumerated ivyMr Hilton is interesting in thatlt points out to clearlyzthat there inflation It is host or small things am dustry is also affecting other menuso turers The taxandaoclaloecurlty and bit by bit the cost is passed on consumers Some economists try ilngie oausedor prices the pretend that inflation has been ioheckod out inthe iightol the recitation of expanding costa mentioned by Mr Hiltondt would seem that any hall is but temporary Ifwe want to put pdrmamentychech on in nation it is going to take much great er affort than Canadians have been will ing to make thus far We will have todo much more than holds the line against advancing costs We are going to have to many Canadians mlnot prepared to make the national sacrifices in our high standards living that are necessary to operate our economy on sound and level keel Sure we want to succeed in life But do we really want to be successle if it means golnl without sometiilagfor while be antennas on vrsrroas Owen Sound SunTimes The Fredericton Gleaner makes note of use of courtesyrauob so could help hideous munlty An American 11W was ving through Fredericton when local resident cleared up confusion in the minds of the visitorsu He drove ahead of them showing them convenient weyto leave the city The recipients of theJavol in turn showed wrote the Fredericton newspaper acknowledg lag the courtesy Those people will long rek member that Canadiancity No doubt they will sing its praises to many with whom they talk inrthe next few months gt Many tbomuda of dollars are being spt annually by public andprivate agencies on promotion of tonrinm in this province Gest uras prompted by what the lady from Walr thsrn Mara calls Old Fashioned Manners however ara the most effectIve means that Its vastly dlflerentJttltude than that adopted by many Owen Soundere who lea visitors futilelyyclinibing the steps of the old post office building Comparativelstw offer assistance as these visitors gazearound in bewilderment seeking that centre of any com munity and failing to recognise the words Federal Building as apparently the equiva lentlof post office building friendly attitude by itl cltlzens is worth many thousands of dollars worth of publicity And it costs nothing in fact it otten brings its rewards even to the extent of making new friends gt and outstanding boxer very exciting won decision over Inky Loshaw Huntsvillesn thafipal fight at Gravehurst on July $inme son scored mostly with his punishing right hand to thé bead and mldsection with Loshaw Using machinelike left hand jab He also gave display of clever fmtwork and head and body punching but just couldnt outguess Archie who was then one of Ontarios best seasoned boxfhrs Reactaags Phil Marcblldon who jumped right rtrom amateur ranks into Doublell baseball with the Toronto Leafs was far andaway the best pitching prospect in the lntemational clien gue according to expertsafter Dan Howley got hold of him gain peek at his blinding speed and some that breaks like jughandic he signed him to Torontocontrac Onopeningdnys be faced the Yankees nervous at first and yielded several IllflSln the first innings but ettled and had the vaunted Yanks popping meat of diseased organsoLtbe lcansandR aklyeto the infield All thesethings happened year no wonder Phil told afrlend that he Jolt as though he wereon merrygosound Ifwssxs as AriExt To was arson elle eon aidtotbounderpfi hello ueiek thnhandl menthss caused deeperinlo the hut go on motionll ins tan enabled and the lazy put= their han one of us governments away attire uly milked and our freedom excessively curbe comprises the newmodia of conununicntlon television and re dlobreadcasting Nowspoperil magazines thee atrolclneman and the churches werosll established as dissem factors of ideas in the do be iorebursoucrtcy intruded itself everywhere And their economic slnbllity has enabled them to VWeelcv For Many Kinds for Animals kiln amra Canadlan Press staff erler This was good week for Ill kinds of animals in losAngeles dachshund was the centre of divorce hearing The judge flhally awarded custody of the dog to Mrs Mary autumn bar or dered that her 49yearold hus band Ernest be allowed to visit it at regular intervals Rome police took steps to save dog from elite of crime Tliey arrested Luigi Cosiareili andsaid he went too for when be trained the pooch to steal chickens for his pet Firemen puffed up io0sieps to the top of Fraoldurt Ger many cathedral aftersmoke was seen ming from tower window were met by feloudslof fly anls buzzing happily around the old struc ture ver Cola swallowed live mousenot intentionalLv she explained ha lily She awoke from nap saw mouse ona sewing machine beside her bed She opened her mouth to scream and the mouse pop ped in Blatainouoiir ohm my hope Lord thou art my trust from Iii youth lsoim ms rMost truly great meurcanjate their acquaintanc with God bacldo an early so before bab fixed andideaa crystal asponrrson For The Barrie Ex vLONDON Repair orreplace human hhdy thrnu hthe op ation of bank pare parts is the ultim te obiectiveof asbrch teams which wiliworirin new viaboratories just opeue at nowoed lblethe repair or replace of diseasedorgana echnlques will in valve odiiicatiehs oi the heart theunionso the enables tb surgeon in Mrs Florence Hill of mm Crocodiles have entered Ma layas general else on Candi date lnchaflussein in Npordin plunged lntoa croclnlested river to test local supersti tion that good wfielopie win he allowed to across it safely Hussein either too good orth thinto interest the re tiles was untouched during crossing 0n the spiritual side live Buddhist monks in Formosa prayed for the souls of mosquit oes mice and other animals that have been sacrificed in the name of science The tlailedflales Jinwfia cidedto supply husband for Miss Baker one of the two monkeys that went on l700 mile space trip Scientists want to find out whether space radl ation will result in any bnor maiilies lnreproductio COLLOSAL BLUNDER The MidCanada radar sys tem was described as anvaboir tion colossal blunder and shameful waste of money Group Capt Charles Lim brick 62 who retiredin 1955 as ECAFdlrector of radio war fare said heopposed construc tion of MidCanada but the scientists ramm down our throats Defence Minister Pearkes said the radar line isan Essen tial part of the North American warning system It lies along the 55m parallel between the Distant Early Warom gliue to the north and thaPlne ilce lin to the sou MORE C00PERATIDN US Defense Secretary Neil McElroy and DefencalMlnlster Pearkes metilnpttawd as con Kinsman noun no don England Correspondent Iminer Both the Amen cankeep an organ allvevfor from eight toiten days if we coulddo it fortwo orythree weeks it vvery able Meirose said he hoped to have an extension of next year voilflcuity had been overcome with bloodhboneuskin and the cornea but nowhere had it been possible yet to transplanta com forthd fiflUime Canada3nd for the first time outside the to 1095 ower reactor known as ZEEP wantinto actionlnt thadanadian atomic riots organ the ease of aijtwin actual transplanting at kldheyjhas beenoone inns lfi said alder Americas dos fences McElroy called for more US£anadinn coopera Lion in building additional radar stations to fill oihole inthe Pine Tree system That line now extends from the west coast in Dawson 136 and from the east coast to the region of Winnipeg Defence plannerslong have been wor ried about the gap in the Praia rles Presentplans call for seven new longrange radar stations to be built in the area but Mc Elroy said more are needed The us probably would pay most of the cost CABINET CHANGES Prime Minister Dicfenbaker returning to Ottawa from 10 day vacation in Saskatchewan said there will be one or more cabinet changes soon Newspapers have been specu latlng for some time about the various posts and persons that will be involved but the prime minister declined to give any hints of thnappointmelits he is considering RACE AND EDUCATION VA flagwavlng crowd of 200 segregationists marched on Lottie Rocks Central lligb Schoolwhere 05 troops but tled mob two years agoto protest the integration of Negro students into the previously allwhite school The scene as local and state police swung billlcs to brhai up the demonstrationwas similar to the 1957 racial fights but there was one important differ erence In 1957 local and state forces were trying to keep Negro stif dents out of the schools This timethey were trying to keep them in ewe iThé ifCitiesi yJOENEBlRD Canadian risen staff Writer eepiree from government com exceptflof course in thadic tatgrahlprountries in striking contrast radiogsnd television stations giv us news fostering our ideas entertaining our leisure moments and edu chting our children are all open ated byor under the control of branches of our government WHAT CANADA NEEDS There are two basic requlre ments which the Canadian Broad casting Corporation was dea signed to fill One is naive Canadian programs toCanc an audiences it is arguable whelher the CBC as at present constituted is the mostsuitebleor most eco nomic method of achieving this it is today the largest importer of 118 culture into Canada The second requirement is to provide broadcasting services to small and isolated communities whichltvouid not be economieto private enterprise For the CEO to grab the monopoly oi bigcity television while little Dawlan City had to depend on volun tnry discdockeys did ootilt this pattern The greatdangersinhsrent in an organization such as the CBC have always been that politicians pastas panic of esch travagance whichrnlso apper enliy isvnot distasteful lo the metronome open Ara tburlans coo wasscrum but halt should called to the unnecessary waste of our tax money by that bodywbose ounterparts in other countries provide acceptable entertainment more economically The CEO needs about $70000000 of our money this year it has been estl mated that it wlll ask for as much armament within two or three years Typical of the many little on necessary emplres which are swallowing our moneywilhln tho CBC are its newsgathering serv vice existing news agencies could do the lab more cheaply its filmprocessing laboratories such as even Hollywood studios have now abolished and its audi ence survey department Last year the CBC spent buns dreds of thousands of dollars to find out whether you prcfcned its programs to Buffalo Belling ham and yourrecordplayer But so inadequate are the reports by the members of its audience survey staff in Ottawa the eight in Montreal and the seven in Toronto as well asgthe reports purchased from outside sources that Mrs Kate Altken chairroan the CBC program committee is now enlisting hundreds of voluntary audience surveyors if Canada needs Kates Kiblh hers why doesthe CBCrpay out so much money out of your pocketto build uK this new evidently useless ttia empiroln it head office Setback Forecast Rubber Industry by non onaanN Special Conespondenl For The Barrie Examiner TORONTO Tho rubber in dustry may he infer serious setback Experiments are underway at theFire College onthe use of plastic fire hose Andlfrcsnlts continue as they have the day of rubber fire hose may soon be over very substantial loss of course fo the rubber manufac turers mucn amen The plastic hose which to date is only manufacturedoverseu has several advantages overthe traditional rubber variety weighs less than third as muchla pounds against 758fo 50foot length it doesnt have to Be dried or cleaned And it comes in blgger sizes 01 asageinst and has cer tain definite advantages While NRX originally was con ceived malniy to pioduce pluton WAWAV unwindfim seb inni it also was designed to con entists are making plans to build 355er Milena 595 atorfilc powcrstatlons capable of Emm engulfing producing enoub electricity to 51 servacltles with populations oiFE up to 200000 Yet it wss 14 years ago the WWW next month tbatan atomic chain of it een lt used exclusively for me research although the plutonium it produces still is sold Canadas atomic program we reaction of the crudest form was numb In wartime by mi waved in Mam And standing team of scientists relt putinto operation avresearch Thetransplahting actor withenough powerto flail mmislayed 10 ma amlhe Way tohsrness the atomforv in dustrial power thmtheheartlungmachine working only 12 years ago that Canada tuned Wale canal and am on kidney by theiniiddle of lab governments Most ofgihess war and guided the pro along peaceful lines Nuclear fission was produced Ndmn 039m United Stateson Supt Early that morning lo es tahllshment at Chalk River uce plutonium at nded However only handful of the rmerl to am remains Chief amongtheni are Dr David Keys Canada Limited andDrGeorge the Crown cornf panya iofyreactor re earch and development ll iuAl May senteed in England 2supn1vlng atomi informed Russl and Dr Bruno on ltuii horn pity who defected to the soyiet water as available in their field For lnslanceoa haul of half mile the large plastic hose can carryxnearly six times as much 25 size sewn rules The plastic variety costs the same as Lheiubber variety stores just as well and generally at least on tests to date seems the present standard Just as satisfactory inall ways about is not in uscryet in Amer but has been widely adopted in Britain andEurope Presumably there wiltbe bit of rubber ilobby to break down before it is accepted on this side COLLEGE GOOD This incidentally only one of the minor tasks being done at the new Firs College at Graven hurst AttorneyGeneral Roberts and Fire Marshal Scott have done good job of work aths college This summer in its firs ull year of operation great many of the provinces fire chiefs and fighters have been able toiget the most advanced information in one to three week courses enamcss courses Thebeneflh of enurs the provides at large For the college which ismaln rained entirely by the province functions principally for active firemen invithe municipalities it is downtoeartb institui tion without woolly beads and will do much to improve the caiibreoi our lire5protection in Qatar president the National Re search Council Sir John Cock croft retired headrof Britaine alomic project at Haswally Dr 1w mentors president was University of Saskatchewansnd anumber of physicists now teach ing atunlversities in Canada an other countries proudest stories at Chalk nirnmixc oav

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