was Carminawed when in the present for moi The accompanying letter began ethylene mceudul lnits etlorts the ketchup bottle is presently talent oi tire prevention in the gt Cbnldecarton theslxeot ï¬re extinguisth wan it did There beioreme on the desk to overcome the harder engaging the more serious pro home dun biscuit what may he the answer to those home hoardsgrease gasoline or eleciriul ï¬rs squeeze bottle five inches tall citiclent all salt fire extinguisher ottheibottle and dnudot By the le chemical can be easily brushed run aauomo SCRAPIN shaker constitutes the squccse suflocates the flames subsidednt 97 Dunlop street hydro workers have left iwisto£thecap dry chemical powder hememahers the stainless and neckingihu somewhat east The Bell Telephone and The new Ross Block tenant Barbers Jacquemain has welthered the move from her Mary street loca tion and is already busy with her Secretarial Bureauelieols Though not comparable to an executive suite in the Toronto Bank at Commerce building street lior the in Barrie GOOD nousamrmo time has this office iFu step onto Main young blonde who runs the etenompbicservice arrived for you raspberry growers Accortling to the Department of Agriculture now is the time to fight those diseases increase the1960 yield and ensure iadvised to pruneout anddesiroy whiehplague gardeners To its healthiness gardeners are all old canes Cut antiburn diseased spindly and surplus canes Watch for Anthracnue or Jane Spot one of the most common dis eases oi raspberries in Ontario 0n the young canu this disease appears as small whitishgrey spots They merge to irregular blotches on older canes which may split and dry out as ult Theldeeth oi these canes can cause marked decrease yield little work now anomaheyou happy raspberry growers next year MANY FRIENDS of Mrs Littlekiormerly of Yell eteng street will be interested to know that she will quietly celebrate her 96th birthday August Home Lowther Avenue and walmer has made her home for many years Mrs Liitlh was formerly Sarah Jackson 22 atthe Roulet Nursing Road iorontokwhere ehe native of Sligo Countyplreland Hel husband Mattheww Little died in 1922 and their only son Rev William Jackson Little eight years ago He was for many years Bur College lorontoi Mrs Little has an unusual recall many interesting events throughout long remarkable tour great grandchildren died suddenly memory and can an at Victoria but contain Palm at wednesdaya Shanty Bay Anglican WA tea in lett Winniired Cam eron Waiting to he serVBd are Mrs John Pugh Mrs lnesnn Mrs Ollv Ralke Mrs inn Wels man and Mrs 1D The aiternoon tea was held at Eastlund the lakeside homo oters Elgel Sunmelhag Mrs Simmelhngls the granddaug tor of Colonel OBrlen who lounded the little greysbonty Baychurch gt Guests chatted on the terrace behind the grhcious home re in cool breezes the water Right eariy arrivers gather on the terrace wet the sun sparkling on Kempenielt Bay heiore pass ing in the tea table Family Reunion Held At Angus lhe Willoughby iamiiy reun ion was held at Anglis Park August Oï¬lcers elected or next year were president Mrs William McNabb ct Ancestor secretary Mrs Hilkeos of lIfoledo Ohio sports direct or Edward Ted Wilioughby Shanty Bay The family gave honor to mm Willoughby Mulcaster street who has 10 children as grandchildren and life Childrenv Read Summer Books mm jam cmchm are in this prairlerity are do vourlng books in an unusual ex periment in slnnmer reading Asummer club of as young sters tear themselva away from ï¬fe tilt on ran up 50 during the holidays Miss Bus Brandon public library supervisor says three oiithe children have read bfl more books in one month than many adults read in lifetime bi Wilhelmena do Kong read library books In Her eightyearold brother Peter read In no and Carmen LaPointe ï¬nished as The iiistill children lavaend in books during the holidays will receivesires hookl Miss Bushy says the ehlidren iii the club have read at least 2400 books in July twice as many as during the same month last year Lady Builds Sét or Iuliet Scene vmcouvnnr Susan Stockbridgé would rather build ï¬ufletn balcony than speak from in love with slsvnnt at Colum aa summer achoolof the the ehe When interviewed at the barn scenery shop she was hard at work on scenu for the next production She says contempor ary plays are more stimulating for stage designersï¬hen the traditional ones the University of Bri WIN Alf BRIDGE HAMJLTON CP Mrs Rita Poder of Hamilton and Duncan Phillips of Toronto won the charity pairs event of the Am icnn contract bridge leagues nh tlonal summer tournament in mileage mailman BUOYANCY BOROUGH England CmAn advertisement in newspaper in this Leicester shire town sni Floating salesc oman required mvoncns DECREASE LONDON Eng cr The number of divorces filed in Brlt this ain lastyear was 26444 de crease of 1618 compared with the previous year In An BummerWant Phone as sent ROYAl Peneth High You en Often there arevhnuses under eons tion near where you live childrenmny like to stand the mg and machines torthe men have nuit orh Iorthe day Jhese children and NW into the stub tum run orplvchnsing gonna earry tauounzihysncatm udmms but its the moral hazards we shouldbohmostconcarned about Even when not meaning to be doing ire mel iron than to home suchmnterlnis he is tlsing in bid citizenship ï¬msyouns 1h ut jsuppose its your nose thatls being built endthe neigh hours children make it ee or carry me inside our nitride mm How would you cell If you mllymcrnbout ValIll in moral welteraoiyourown drenseethatthe aw fromandoutotanyylsuilatiinghisy care which hevc style der aomtructlon unless you are In Illl of Jim with th destructive children may do great deal oi damage They may tools and materials they toplaywithorusein making things or fun in doing SchOQI G111 Bec0mes Dentist In Toronto rqaonm or nxLMary anne Charlebois has provided feminine touch to her denial of iice with pale blue equipment and freshly out flowers She has practised dentistry infloronto for 15 months But theres no mistaking the of Hon for Lheauty salon White coated Dr professional look She decidedto become dam tist while attending high school at Eenetanguishcne and intends tormakeher profession lifetime career One of the big advantages ot progressiontor woman is that she can continue to practise otter marriage she says The ideniiarrengement for married woman is to set up her ofï¬ce in he home That way she can ettioiently direot both operations Besides herownprectdce Dr Charlebols devotestirne to corn mmzily service projects This tollshe will be among the den tista who donate their time to Torontos Hospital for Sick Chill dren mg no $10000 trainin ended when ahegtaduatedr 1356 from the and necessary smallinstnnnents She practises with an established dudst for nearly two year until she wasable to buy themooo worth ntdentol equipment or an ofï¬ce of her own About hair at hexpatients children Many hardened to her bynther dentists because she is woman She ï¬nds it parti lerlvi alan to introdu drop to dental treatment because their future attitudesdepend on their early experience of it qhmebm mum Unlversitymt Toronto The $2000 nyeor costincluded board tees me practised in stealing even ii they and their parent dont classify this behavior Hannah lhoylnrefprectising inbsd citi leash EDUCATORS VIEWPOINT was discussing these prob the owners on gt My bulletins Teaching Child skin hair Care of Property and ll and Truthtulnass in Children be had by sen dressed 118 lemsfsome years ago at public is forum when the dean ofa col lege of education spoke up Just seegthowltmuch children learn at playing and exploring and about building under conlt motion TitWhich replied they might also learn some skills and knowledge by pron at opening safe or burg home or store in addition they would be looming to infringe on the rights of others to participate in ele mentary Suppose yourchiid chooses to ring home pail of sand iron the snndpile to he usedin build house or some small boards even some small pieces of lumber he supposes ere scraps You4n see noham inhls tel oi Barrie spending two weeks holiday at Crystal Beach Mr and Mrs Guiovicl Brandon Manitoba orarvlsiilng the iattors mother Mrs George Smith Midhurst Mrs Josephine Mebush Win nipeg is vlalting Mr and Mrs are daughter of Schaeiflngan Ohio who with their live daughters were vacationing Also Murray Mills Dalton street Roseth as Milis ais Miss Joyce timeout need me she is thatoihsmgionnes leaf man when itoomes to helping the their kitchens or any thatmatter From other an ladle being new lath