Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1959, p. 14

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at he or Lin Victim1 madly ADI In his WAL so arm iotbunk All our and relative or and muuy netI ot tho rcernt lost untrue rnd mother told telally lad lillen ol the sugar at Toronto wish to uprru I0Ihtir llllhy od rrlutivrr or Innunetr menget at on omrlnu in pt bcrrurment nn er hm Thomu nuek Wnlttr lieucka BEACH PARK JBIG BAY POINT on inko Simona Swim und trailer tiles nest so relus plrk um oruiieili blrbecflu 31 per our Vin til r1 Prinrwlelr Phone DEC mun l1 use OBLD NEWS IN BRIEF EIAKERS PUNUSllEp 00W APlProiessors oi iiiutes at Kharkov have punished for taking bribes irpm 3000 to 1000 $70 to $3750 for admit ijllfisludcnts who fiunked en tranceexems Komol Pravda re The young Communists gue newspaper expressed that none of the giving students had been g3 FIRE CLAIMS ANIYIHER CHICAGO APlThe lire oi Lady of therAngels Pnrochiitl 001 last December claimed iLo lth vititim Sunday William Ede Mn 18 died in St Anne Hospital where he had been un fiéftment for critical burns ed fire Ninetyone pupils tIuee dun instructors died musty swnlihown TEETH WETHERSFIELD Conn Parker 49 swallowed his tfiletil while he asleep eldfield State Prison Sun Tllb iEeili were removed at tal and he was returned to soil mus INTO CARRIAGE SE CITY NJ AP Ann Budd 15 months wled onto window while her ents were out Saturday and ell 30 ieetinto her own baby damage She bounced out onto pavement breaking her jaw arm and leg but later was pro nouneed in Satisfactory condition Iii hospital unoors lAKE OVER MANILA AP More than 000 Philippine army troops took ovel police duties in the northern Million province of News today hwlng the killing at six pep in the last three weeks At four of the deaths were on politics BEARS FOUR MINUTES TERAS Sweden AP Waern Swedens No er again broke through the dudminute bérlier Wednesday when he was clocked in 3592 in ing the mile at an interna nai track and eld meet gtWEAK START MOSCOW APlVassily Kill etsov Russias world champion deeathlorl periormer got away to cbfnpnratively weak start in Ifibldrfol record Wednesday the Spartakiad competition Ktmietsnv had only 1697 paints Wednesday CLASSIFIED SADVERTISINC TELEPHONE giDA 82414 Condensedr and classified ad vertisements are inserted the die of do or word per insen ion for nndtwo times psi and for three four or live times and penword ion or more insertions 10 additional charge if not paid within 10 days TEE MUNIMUM ADVEIITISEIENT IS 80 IF COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED PAJD WTEIN DAYS=OB skim CHARGED PER sm mSEEIION amlng Events be per rind mummy woosr is 195 Classification All Real Estate 17A Propeny ForSal Graydon III DUNLOP bI rm PA 34252 sAcnillc SALE one nurt Li once llorry hum with IIIII bedrooms livinx room lnd when an Inlln floor pill mm lullI on lurid CO Id be used or inroflie Milne Allin $9900 Mlke an otter In any or monthly Ineludlrll qu 536 NPA ltESALES We hnl two shtdruom brick bull atom with low nrryinr chlllexli ALIo ann Middroun brick bung ow ln nod locutlon with one our huge FARM LISTiNbS INVITED we now In experienced rt tind irrm with conudzrnblo rclilng experience re rcleollor thu omen Mr Robert ug is It your service on all mm pmpenlel APARTMENT TO RENT Modern rod cidnrl hr bud room hem Ind living room or eellrni kitchen tll ulMontlned in In utmost new building Rent ior too monthly lieled EVENINGSCALL uRAYUoN Kalil PA 3460 JAYNE Jams Pli Mm ROBERT KING PA M743 FARQUHIMGU PA mu intum ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7o ilEFlN srnm anillus GROVE STREET AREA $10800 Spotlessly clenn ayrur old three bcdroom home plus lane living room kitchen und inur pim bulb tull bsrment oil hull lundry tuos htrd rilllaced pr to his drlvcwuy errgr lrndscupcd linden Curries tar on per month including intemn principll Ind exec LOW DOWN NAYMENT LARGE RECREATION ROOM Located closo to All lchools bed mam brick bungalow largc uvlng room lures kitchen lourplrre cenmle tile bnthroom ruli divided huement with plurterrd recru tlon room This home in only dcrontcd inside rnd out Lovelv nttuni nnirhcd woodwork see this bomc borore you buy Low down prymont CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Down plymelihnrolind 31700 one the blinnce on one open monogo Three bedroom brick bungalow lrrrc living room und modern kit chen lece tilcd hutb plus show er lull moment oll hunting no routed insldr Ind out nipped with Sam Ind screan It close to both public and high schools Call now or so appoint ment to Inspect DUPLEX $3800 full priee Down puymcnt only noon Three bedroom plus llvlnl room kltobcn Ind brth downstsirs Four rooms sud bath upsiulrr 0ll ileuiinnr lime drive way And errgs cited very close to Ihepeiuz bus and schooL FOUR BEDROOM HOMES hrve un nulcollent selection or iour bedroom homes both new and older type with down ry ments as low as uround $1900 It you ure looklnl or the lurgcr homo dull this allies now CALL DAY OR EVENING PA182379 Burris ontmo Canadian tinnu irel nrtoto nourd lvAlsttt align WAW PA 6648 vurt around carnel from nonwhntrc Open daily mm nun to pint MONEY MAKER nplrtlrienls and rooms owner may occupy one apartment end the building will curry iiselt Iull Elise slumr with only 53500 down or iullhrr iniermntion call Char ggagead PA soul evenings FA gt $1500 nownl $999900 iull priee room hitriizd low with bodmoms in basement Excellent condition year old Close Call Russell WIN to dchtmis Carson PA smlt evenings PA Hist DWIEX 9ooo iull price tlnoo down Up er Ind lower presently rented breed nlr nesting Exqeiien lou lion For lurtbcr lnionnrtlen call Gerald Mullory PA twill even ing PA emz NORTH ENDOF CITY nrlrlr hunzdinw lnrgc living room modern kitchen master bedroom and two large bedrooms Modeln bathroom Recreation room snd laundry room in busemcnt This Imus is abovethe average except or the price You must see it before you huy Cxll George wright PA eel MILES mom Billiard 0N PAVED ROAD no bore lam do res workln balance butb nndputure wl neverluillnz rpnn Good room brink house with rcsrure syrtent bulb Ind iurnoc Gand bunkburn 40 with steel ion This form her wonderiul view ovLr looking Loire slmcor lniniinuni Chores $150 Birth tit Notices nudgcurds does$150 word exlIaIt gt it mlnrerin not PaErrmfih bought with low down nymeltt Cull SmithCam bell evenings PA 373 NHA RESALE 31000 down Full price $12900 Modem room hrleltmungsiuw bedrooms forcedrnlr oil heung ears old omwtijlkzn flu or errors In COPY oer rinr the not err oi lmhupedvlivin dl bedroomstrririr on 61 rte 0m PHI on Is cheek can bc mil The domination All Real Ernie TRLJj SLESS REALTOltr in coma 5m ET IPA 85934 Col on our salesmenmy orrvrnlun FRANK mas PA om GRAIlAilDlXON Home RITA SCANDREII PA 84865 PERCY FORE PA SJ CHARLES lavth PA was Lsmssoll REALTOR calmness dunno urndish tndlirtlonrl II llllle Bonds CQN REALTORS iirmbtr Burriv RO GEES puntLilli HELL ONE DUNLOP EAST meme PHONE PA 85568 ANYTIME naenrsmAmlss MILDRED MOOREL 11051m mum BAiuuz msilucr ILEAL rsiAre Bum NEW NRA BRICK BUNGALOWS NBA RESALES FARMSAND SMALL HOLDINGS SUMMER COTTAGES HENDERSON REALTOR incl mum xvamns CALL Dick HendersonPA 86368 Geno MoorePA 82360 Cllil BrownPA new Member or Huril and rilrtrict ind condonel Dtut hoards Ph PA 82678 It16 MOVING Dont Oriel to transit your lNSURANcE und liyou need extru end my kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 85201 95 IIUNLDP 51 humus l1dlu mil spurs SEE ROBERT Hodges Phone PA wzae dryer evonlnn For Lg und LandFoe Lands stirs nub Av155M HENRY ELRICK AND MlCHl REALTORS REAL fiTATEjROms 15 OWEN Si BARRIE SUNNlnuLE AREA room brick bungalow lnlmcdlutn possession ST VINCENT ST room bungalow with iioislicd rec roution room 515 pel ccnt mort gage rull price $10500 4090 VANCOUVER 51 storey bricir brillcams bur grin at 312900 DUPLEX will ACRES $9900 Dill rice 5150 duwn Vi miles mm min on road road ANGUS ONT Modem room bungalow oil heat inz must be sold to close en en tote npen ior alter BUSINESS LOCATION Downtown men lot 45 1w MINE FS ngllNi room rottlge iurnlsbeo $15m PHONE PA 8553 DURING OFFICE nouns on EVENINGS CALL FRED ll MILLSPA Lem BOB FLEWELLWGIA 35383 HARRY MICFnEYAM551 dENRYELmuK sndlvncnln Realtors li0ven streetyBarrie Ont l7AIBZAIM names 48001403 111me Mn qlle 5Relusefl volcano grapes 2lhecodnroo testers 3nigruty emana awnnte alibiJ Ing Chinese dinner abmcovem debt in 13Mothm penrl lid Cub do And so 10m gt as meters 3902 $1 TYPO alone to schools cillI 1931 IVA1N Norman ShelSweH m1 BTATE BROKER Dunlap Street Em PA 89981 or PA 68742 IVDIINGS CALL Jon LontIinPA 12760 Blunt ShclsweuOro 2919 Lax GordonPA H587 Norman SheisweIIPA eml Int15m HAROLD FORSTER REAL ESTATE BROKER 9a Bnylield street Barrlu PA bots WINGS CALL KARL MAESWPA Q9911 BUD MARTINSnow PM pen down Hm HAROLD POEMPA 84465 Member or Barrio Ind District Raul mmo Board Imlost is slim AP 110 lamlKE dirlmmi and 3353 diner JOHNSON PA 6637 IVAIbelln on nmnoonllhrmk Bungar lows Low down payment Will cen ry or rent Pharid HE 957 Angus 11A187fl2 so Acrtns 0N Edgohill nrlve twu minutes to silong do name use an acre oncll Wullcrr strooitvlllc 13A out tunlone LAND AND Bush to Collvnll lilo notes miles tram Butr12 close to school Suitable lorbulldlne lots Large Irontnge on two raids Asking rice $4250 Make to utter Phone dense utter pm intmedulla l7CMobile tlornes Bolero buying your new Mohlle Home or Travel Pruner ii sure to see this till line on display It RUSSELL CHURCH MOBiLEAHOME SALES LTD Burton Ave Idylljghwey PhonePA douse HIDlull less zlrril CENTURY Mobile Home sl 10 incdrooms Used one month Low down payment or rurnllurc Apply 0guvlr Church Trailer Park alghwuy it Barrie Ivatonne lllLY ceosswlllill mile Paul enter nines 20lo declde 2439 assent bled nd Adults $63 month PA 33515 °rhisiPnEEPhofierplt 82414 BELIEVE or Cldteificnriono OfProperty Wanted We III Around Ivy hum In country Bum MI GrFarms Wanted Am GIVC nil hullh mount or turn BL toil Maliin Inter on on price IKE £773 Iglwghhaflaw no Ulnar Wilson 5L It Uni liraluv ll I7H4Surilmer Cottages conAds to rant Sept rooms fictivealums suit calipla going to work or older yeupir Hosted by in hrntrrr a1 Dunlo West non PA um 71M 17 Apts Houses For Renfi APARTMENTI io hearl bedroom and Bed room hated uniutnlthsd tantra ly locrtrd in quiet building APPLY DlClIv STEELE IJCOLLIER STREET Phone PA 385 or PA 05895 ILLlle ROOM Noun hrooln gmge not end cold wet In vllien oi 2411 PA 7009 17113743 R00 Aplltmuil mud Adults only App to John 5L Huirim Phanl PA 68 Ill138 BEDROOM lloura newly decoru led rent to bottom Nenr trhoou PA 17113149 nmnaOM nunnlow en end location slotnu scum so occuprncy PA on lul 188 uh nbonl uniulnlshrd nprrtnsent Muted private bath und entrance Adults cmpbeu Ave 1711304 NEWLY Detained ARKmenh roam nd prints or lemme entrlhce minute to rtom Ind blu dz Tilfln 5t I1JI30ltlflll aznnoolll in em scu contulned ground llnor up rtntcnl Very con tlnl Agllly Peel pi1i pan 01gtan unmmlthtd mm upnrtxncnt with built end hundry room block Irons muin max Phon PA 37277 I7Ila7llla Moon unlinked artment east end on our route nod iocdtiiin overlooking buy Phone PA £5030 i1Jla7189 BACHELOR Apartment lira room Iputmnnt Immcdlutb pduusion Apply Owninét PA 06161 lIJll1189 FURNISHED Apurtmcnt rooms nndbth Ccntnl Newly doom trdVc moderate rule Phone PA l7JIa7l39 HEATED Apnrtmzni bedrooms stove and trig $15 monthly Agply hill 139 Maple Ave or phone PA between end pro l1Ileetol am lnrtnn St bedrooms Available Sept Phons PA mm between and pm mleelllo Room furnished sptltrncnt clean rungettr retdeentor hot water on bus line Adulu uhstalners Phone PA ems Illlawn Imam upperaparlmcnl mncs northwest 01 nulllo Modern lut chen nnd buulrooln Hamid Hick llog PA ems Illlesion Room novel with lusement nt Minetl Point Outside toilet water on tap PhonePA Mm Rent 4500 monthly 171135185 FURNISHED apartment or rent rooms with bath Black from ggwmuvnnyllnsixedins possessign one even PA 94465 1111864Eh ROOM UNFDRNISHED npartment with living room bedroom kit ehrn and brthrnomGrnund floor private entruncGange PA 35210 111136138 3001mm iurnlshrd apnrtnlrnt in good home Suit busian or nlr rorce couple Abstulners Nn CILII 73 Henry 17Iia7 FURNISHED Apartment newly de corated Living room ldtohenettc bedroom and bathroom sea er month Pilan PA Hm or 32511 Illmuss FURNISHED room upurtment large living room bedronin und ldtchenetteiu Alirndale on heat ed Low rent PA elm 171137439 House in Alliston bedrooms modemkitchen dining and living Enema dzkpllfieh bath Pbument EB was Aulston mi1IfiIael MODERN room apartment piece hlth tiled 110011 throughout luree sun porchnnd storage room Heat Ind hydro supplied Adults Apply 189 Bradford st or hone PA H758 alter non l7J limbs LAitoe roomonlurnhbed spari ment comblu ion livlnz ro no end kitchenette bedroom rung to and trig Grnundflool Centrul gran Phone PA 754 l7Ilwml ximzx rtbfl up xlmIu rIrzmm mmzonmtr 15an Audience so Iiltfleglil Va zillis madam ulldgnndn wwfllflllfiflfiflfll UPPER Apartment rear 105 Henry st Separate entnnee rooms and piecebathroom Rent sis mouthr 1y No children Abrtnlnm lin mediate passeuilm Apply alter pin 111150190 NEW SELF contained heated bedroom comment Stove trig will Incilmfimlfifkefil italego imme one will Apply so Blekest in mm nfi urch decorated unfurnished 3xunin Iplrtmenll inth ollhent ed lights rnd water Couldi rented room tint Across tram DriveIn Thcntro quite reasonable PhonezflAEdooa mnlielso FOB new Jn Creelnm 20st 15 room nullifiedhouse large in den conveniences No rbndlen Rub crehrcr to Applx Mrs pt srtmont two lmlll Inherit Hi0 month includ gt Would Mend 11 quid Irvtutti Automotive iACars for Sale TilB DEPEYDABIIJIUN 18 YOUR GUARANTEE 0P SAFE CAM ECONOMICAL DRIVING FRENCH MOTORS DODGE nesom AND RENAULT CAHS DODGE moms AMAZING RENAULT DAUPHINE Economical fast inexpensive to blv It you are thinking about buying small out do not all to test drive this fascinating vfrench car that has taken America by storm Passenger LDbol over 44 miles per gallon ilioolise heater Undercoating ONLY $1843 Eddy Finance Terms Good Tradein Aflowandu 75 Bradford street HAROLD JORY MOTORS mum mum DEALERS Replifl us All Muller GAIL Ind NA Towinz SEEM 15 BAYFIHD 51 Minus PA 04105 IAiletr Vlau Morors New and Used Econonucei Cals RAMBLER and IIILMAN DEALER GOWAN STREET PA 66488 OPEN llLL PM LII141 $5994 1953 Pontiac Scdnn reconditioned equipped with radio clean cur at special low price You buy to hurry or all and to Midian Used Cars NO DOWN PAYMENT 39 BAYFIELD STREET OPPOSITE NEW LOBLAWB PA l735l IAIéfllt lilomus MIND loo Phono Paine9964 IAalBEIW 1949 MDIIIIIS Dillard lssl stude linker Chum ion overdrive ncst otter PA 54992 IAiilIIee 1349 CAHEV Vanda COEIIIIEIDE flood um ly iAloiite in Al euros vaATELY owned ilso Ford va in Al condition new engine Phone PA 66501 daytime litleaded 15541 rows with ciistnln radld Must sell Owner leaving country Phone PA M033 lAleadna 1955 Pulloer Ltone condition Phone Pit can 195 NASHvStltesman Sodn road tires sideIflnlnzAsontsl£SDE so er en gilt1 pm PP litlimes 55 STUDEBAKER door good conditionIlust setup settle up as utga Appylg Zilllnszéggv st illIodine with cucnlly chrome 1952 obnsmonlbe super automatic trunrmisslon new twotonspalnt goo tinted gluss run or mild with trout and bier res windshield washers flomaxwhegl rut euro our in inéxrelleni condition Pri vntd owner real brmln Phone PA Heal Egtrnsiodfl d1 fik rBoais lid Motors EFT BOATLZE EVIIHNIB mn tor nhd MISQXEIaI Truller CB PA 85435 21 190 lIfl non0M complete reconditi Bill Outborni nont $225 iel 27136191 and non unis 2131439 win dll ririp rdrnntn onnirolr is up recite outbndrdmotot exeel undltidri hondPA dildo Fifilab FRENCH MOTORS Burris HOOVER CUT AND DELIVERED DAILY ii cerium Phone PA 35371 utn in Th Boats and Motors 1953 MARINE Plastic Fibre Glus Port 14 two tone hluo ind white used very utlle Plimhusod mlde die oi lust summer end As new Ill through nipped with in hp Scott Atwutrr otor with intent tic hnlor nnd reprate unit Would soil in unit or separately Pru ently nnchorod in buy nnd can no demonstntnd nnytlmn zllil Business SetVices JOHN C7 WALTS REan SERVICE stoves Irons routers Electrical Appllunccs walling liaehlnes Dryers ltestuunnt Equipment PHONE PA 83912 slsu CAT FRONT END LOADER CONTRACT OR RENTAL WORK EXPERIENCED OPERATOR LOW RATES PA $7848 zvnchs FA esoar wmli soil 15 until aloIm FOBERTS GAS AND APPLIANCES Distributor or PYRDFAX GAS slow Water llcsterr my TELEPHONE PA 84781 29 Penetnnd street REPAI RS WASHERS AND DRYERS REPAIR SERVICE Guurmteed servled CREST IIABDWARE PA 87555 on Dump 51 EAST 31511 ELECTRIC MOTOR Fm PICKUP 0N MEDIUM OB SERVICE turner Motor Need Rewinding and neprtrr HAROL KB HART 50 OWEN PE PA emo hurls mounds Kola sumo Hm sflit PEASTERING STUCCO QUICKBRICK 72 STONE Free Estimates Telnu Gunrnnteed PHONE men or non SALES ERVICEv NEW AND USED vA uulds mold sin TO SI 175 PA 82959 143 Missinan St mill olozw hm SODDING SEEDING BARRIE LANDSCAPING AND GARDEN SUPPLY CREATORS OH gt MINESING 601 mm ESTIMATE PA 898 0AM MANURE Hm PLASTERING TUCCO ALTERATION fit REPAIRS ob ondmril writer nsrron1 PA8r40591 sleeloa Fremlnl uge etc to onto 13 Ont Itisinm Seniéos DASHfs Electric Motors 10 Randi Barrio PHONE PA 875307 51 BAYC TY UPHOLSTERING REPAIRSERVICE ANTIQUE AND MODERN gt Now Ihl um In WV chattellieu tilIn errunml mo in em uumuu Ion mm Vlun experience PHONE PA 34433 BAhltlE law overlied vrmiiil us in to you but dell built er Human Sig1E as iiisome St smu SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED AND CLEANED SEPTIC TANK SERVICE CO PHONE PA66312 albolill ASPHALT PAVING Drivel Priklnu Lou ow WHEELER PA 68961 olllllsibLb 3ACuterirlg CATERER Applicntipnl will I70 received by the undersigned unill Wed mMIIy All 1759 Ilia Dall tion of Caterer or ihfillinll Gildr in club Appuleunt plum state see murinl Kutul experience and lolerencu COLE 3a DUNLOP sr BARRlE IAlBJJWliJZ Business Opportunities FULL OR PART TIME STEADY LIGilT DELIVERY WORK IN IHlS AREA No rolling involved lien or women with our or light truck good day ing record Appllcunt must he sober honest and huvc mo Could he handled by person presently employed Illelb to Personnel Manager Dept 579 199 Bay St Toronto Flat1001MWI gt Dogs Pet Stock THE HBOWL PET 00M 11 GUWAN ST PHONE PA Mose TROPICAL rise TURTLFS EXOTIC BIRDS CANtitles BUDGiES HAMSTERS COMPLETE 5mm FOR Au HARANDTZ MOUNTAIN BY Illsmm Amino Employment 7A Help Wanted Male SALESMAN Do you wantiofla into Businesl for Naurseif no your own haul we all the pmflLs at your lm hours it you answer yesto these questions then you may he the inan we are loolnr rtor snapon Toolr at Canada ted luvs territory alien in the Birds hud land collingwuoo area Successfulrhflpllcnnt should redide in the tcrr ory provide suitable unit and make reasonable invert ment This opening created by the ilill¢llth or our present dealer For iull details lend nlrne snores SNAPON TOOLS OF CANADA LIMITED 4553 First Ave West North Bnyv0ntario Phone Gltover 241970 gt lAlifldbo lTIALE immune Clerk cncc preferred Apply hnblnson Hardware 7AIBIBE BODYAND andzr mun wanted Study worknnd gnnd ay Write Jnmes Ross 77 meldv on anc mliaIm leidrh gEXPElélENCED DRIVER SALESMAN Young married men preferred Salary and oommIsSion sturdy employm to right cppll cunt Mint htve onod rahronend Appl to mountain CANADA Denylsqlrulle jiBAltltlE LTD Tille89

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