an ounca of proven mated 15000 flocked WASHINGTON CPLThe pub lic health service says 103 cases of poliornyeliliswcre reported in the United States for the last week in July For the period Jan through Aug there were 1314 cases compared with only 579 =ln tho similarperiodof 1958 Jhe figures showed that the worstolithreak this yearhas been in the DesMoines lowa area There also have been iargenuma bersof polio cases in New York Ohio Indiana Michigan Minnelt aota Missouri Nebraska Kane sas Virginia South Carolina Ar kansas Tennessee Missl pi Alabama Oklahoma Louisiana Texas Arizona California and Washington Polio is alien agalna major summertime hazard in three Canadian provinces Montreal has borne the brunt of the crippling diseases comes back but Ontario and Newfoundf land also report sharp rise in the number of cases this year In the Quebec metropolis after new cases were registered Wednesday civic healthauthori ties called special medical council meeting or Thursday to decide whether the outbreak had reached epidemic rtions Thus far authorities have scriipm lously avoided the term antiipolio vaccinations till the ï¬lst of twnday cli Fourteendoctors handledtha sagas overilow crowd trca abou eight persons per minute GP Wircphoto cesl The new cases raised this More than twothirds of 0m years total in the areaivhich has population of about 1800 000to 206 13 of them fotallnst year at this timefiva were re ported one fatal Elsewhere in Quebec sixv cases were recorded 17 ONTARIO CASES In Ontario only 17 cases have been registered three of them fatal But this is triple thetotal last year and provincial authori ties are worried Newfoundlandwitli popula tion ofless than and no large metropolitan areas had 37 poliocases and deathtoll of three all of them children lhe situation was officially termed an epidemic TheVilla rrt Provinces seemed to have largely escaped the outbreak Neither Nova Scm tin nor Prince Edward Island re portedany cases and New Bruns wick had totalof fiveone fatalall reported last month VACCINE SHOWN The outbreak did nothing to lessen confidence in Salk vaccine InMontreal only seven vic timshad been vaccinated and they were suffering only rnlld forms of the disease In Ontario only two of thevictims had been given the complete program of three shots Brown worned tarios adults have not 7hotllercd to protect themselves against polio health officials sald But90 per cent of school children have been immunized Deputy Health Minister Dr strike any tinge of the year and itdoesnt takeany particuLar age bracketor location to strike FREE CLINICS gtltlonueal metits problem by setting up free clinics that gave first shots to nearly 20000 people in two dbys and ciosed the wad ing pools and public beaches which had been heavilypatron ized during th hot humid weather summerr As precautlaary the city appealed to the ederal department of health for addi tional iron lungs to augmentthe supply of 17 Sixwere immedi ately flown in from Winnipeg and another six held in readiness iii dToronto Earlier Montreal sent seven lungs to Newfoundland in reply to anappeal Gityvjhealth officer Dr Adelar Groulx said Wednesday with the help of Salk vaccinewe hope to limit the outbreak to 30 cases This would be less than half the number recorded liloto an epi demic year ilT couculcuinc alleging Between renewal By EORBES Biron GENEVA PARK Lake Conchi cbing CPiDeep gulls hetwccn the thinking of East and West were revealed during tree ting exchange involving Eastern panelists and aWestern audience at Wednesdaynigbts session of the conference of the Canadian onPtlhl Affairs yawnedparticularly in the passionate words of Dr Palar Indonesian ambassador to Canada andinthergroaps of the audience as be dug into raw points of Western se llltles Llhe audience all week had generally understanding sympathetic and largely appro ing ofEastern points of view including the accomplishments oi olnmunist China But the ra ing of the points of colonialism Hungarl and Tibet showed that East and West are talking differ ent language ommany issues Communist actions may he dangerousdDrflhlar said but they Care nnt colonialism as the East understands it West came in ruled butun der the Communist system there tpnss quotations Sac nonworkeeslniei can erk tion in British Columbia $00000000 worth of construc on résum loll settlement late Wednesday of asévenweek strike by ironworkers Meln her oflLocal 97 of heInternaLion Associatlo rot Bridge Structural and Omomentallronworkers CLC voted bye 96 ty to BECePiitlle settlement propos Steel Industry Ilei wagging htonoiiijlie nt trike situation SS Mayor ogifted fchild hers has rejected tiggesti cllarles Vaughan challenged Canadian teachers to meetthe grow ecKCut so tit cutjateelpricesk wag increase in current Teachers problem offthE not dresslo the Canadian carrying money were toiled in their attempts to closers ears surprse bound for Halifax and the trio fied as dailer pistols atpllrsuing mployoer brakéman the Scotian the yardflringthe Under Westerncolonialism the was at leastanational govern ment of the country concerned even in the caseof Hungary in Palar added it always Ttlle mmunist CDUthlQSv which supporting crane countries whi ingsus memberuof the audience Doesnt colonialism mean white versus colored Dr Han Suyiu novelist from Singapore replied think Asians do suffer from whitecomplex They still have heels in their honnets you cant blame them you also have some beesin your bonne Kszushig Hirasaw editor of the Japaanllnes whoseinain speech of the evdning log commun was mewhat buried under the barrage whieb the demo are fight followed expressed surprise at the East est gap wh the concur ca is rolled $20hills ch gedh nds the general ayilbt apayof to ex ng perm the in ork township affairs borough coauactorMdjma hear ing he gave the money to Counclh 1hr HaroldLindenin cigaret on hy oomhiiSslon counsel Kelsocrelghton Mr Paynes be handed over the $100 witbth my oootributiontotha fond POliO IsMldjorSummertime fHCizcirdJii Three Provin polio can Momwhylewnksioul OiICouri ndemn At Little Rack LITTLE ROCK Ark AP Four Negro children headed back to school with their white class mates today with police standing by tocnisb any further mass protests by segiogatlonista otficera used ubs and fire hoses to break mparada of some 200 men women and chil dren near Central High School when integrated classes opened at two schools Wednesday but peace apparently was in light today The demonstratorJ coming from rally in front of the state legislature where Arkansas Govl ernor Orval Fnubus addressed them shouted Cowardalf at the policemen Twentythree of In the schools themselves ot Iidfls said everything was nor ma N0 RALLIES PLANNED One scgregatlonist said he knew of notplans for any rallies today Hejsltev Wesley Prudeh past president of the Capital Citizens Council which spear heads segregation forces here Faubus advised the rally Wed nesday to avoid violence Two Negroes went to Central High Wednesday but only one That it Evidencellgainstllerl HAMPTONOnt CP Bertha Momt Whyte hearing evidence against her walked out rnid way through Wednesday aiternoons hearinggon conditions in her ghytdiavendirsloméorAChil en The closed hearing is being held in this village five miles north of Bowmanville to deter mine whetherthe 101 children re moved byprovinciai authorities from the mission were neglected children within the meaning of the Child Welfare Act The hearing was adJourned at 530 pm by Magistrataw Prin niterhearing nine Crown witnesses mostly fromprovinclpl Health andWcliaredepartments Crown Attorney Harry Deyman said he would call two medical witnesses today NOTHING FOR PRESS Mrs Whytey shaken up by car accidentcarly Wednesday brushed past reporters and photo graphers when she left the hear ln Ehe was driven to Whytehaven in Bowmaiiville by Rev James Spiers of Winnipeg who returned to the Darlington Townshipmun icipal hall where tile hearing is being lield Shejust felt she wasnt doing any good sitting there and was tired of hearing evidenceagainst her said Mr Spiers Banting lnstitutes Dr Sinclair hepatitis specialist was testifying when Mrs Whytc left hallo mm were moons The day of reckoning has ar rived for Barrlcs GradeVJS collegiate students Upper Schoolresults released last night are published intodays Examiner Barri North students will their res Ls onPage thand corn hired by businessman Neel May to construct plant and he feared MrMay wouldnot building permit He said he was Willing tospend $100 getting the permit because he could always get the money hackbyadding atew extras to hisle and any construction would have get the classes today will go back todayhaaid Mrs Bates Arkansas president at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People She said Elisabeth Eckford went the first day ofrschool only to talk with her counsellolplEiiza betil has gained enough credits through correspondence to enter college ihnt leaves lelierson Thomas as the only Negro at Central lie is senior Thomas said the Modem at Central didnt doanything or say anything onus wnu naoalvan At Hall High school three Negro girls were to return to log stockingmaskslorced yearold retired tanner to open his sale Wednesday night and made off with 410000 bonds and nearly $600 in cash Emile Vermette living alone on the outskirts of this commu nity 25 mild east of Windsor told police he was grabbed and thrown to the mid by man whoknocked ibis door He said he had been expecting and the robber who was wearing stockingover his head was about the same size as his fricn He said second man stood over him and third went into the house The third man searched all called out iherefls asafohere Mr Vermeite said the man dragged him in and forced him to open the safeJihen they tied him up and left with theseies contents and about $70 fromhis wail Everything was okay Elsie said of firstduy classes The violence at Central broke out after the crowd malclled from theleglslature rally Police Chief GenerSmiUI shouted for them disperse Who thcy didntvthe police inoved in on them with clubs Several men were struck over the head fire truck stood by when the Russian premier goes thatmatter He wanted to catch and Smith ordered hose turned on the crowd Theycrowd broke and reformed later but this time it only jeered and held back illED carnal9 Thehearing was closed to the Br JOHN intimation roxvoxm The rumor nlsts made new charges today that the United States is attempt ing to convertLaos into ainih trimmed salami and NorthvietNam VPeipingdeclared that he too included Dr Jean Moprejof tbe calth depart ment Reboot the Our fire marshals office welfar and Childrenlï¬didSoc etyu icials rwo counsas OPEN Mr Deyman said Magistrate Pbin would havej two choices open to him if neglect were es tablished He couldgive parents considered capable custody of their childreneunder CAS super visidn who could make chil dren temporary CAS ward dont intend tomake any applications fï¬rlpermllilnslznt two CAS an gildiby beï¬ve Pactlit no slgafclanst The ear misha inivhich Mrs 1535 mm Whyte was indiilved occurred mihernia Week or when she was driving Mrs James Spiers to Melton to catch aplane for Winnipeg The hood of Mrs Whytas losemodel car was smashed in collision hut noionewas injured where royal troops have been clashing with Red rebels has worse and become mor sways While the war at words ground on sfrol1tier with bar Com munist ighbors apparently WBSl quiet Reports from Vientiane the Laotian capitals said th eié are an advisoririn trouble Amyc tirinlek Minister Expects Wpill MakeCabinet Changes soon OTTAWA CPlgtrime Minis Reports of cabinet shuffi oer Diefenbaker today returned have been circulating inottawa from western holiday and indi cated that he will make one or more changesin his cabinet in the next few days Howard Green took over the ex ye deathof Sydney Smith He gavenojmmediata hint of Green tam what the change or changes will lks post along with the house hut said cabinet has heavy Comm leaders agenda of work today He said decision will have to bemade by ittoday or Friday on which Canadian company get thecontiact to build an frames for the Startighter jet which the RCAF is equipping some of its NATO AirDivision Speculatioan his cessor in TradeMinister Gordon Churchill and David Walker MP for Too onto Rosedaleu on TransporLMinlster George Hces has been mentioned prob ableisuccassor Another fcabinet post could be created by the reported immln move to thcSenataj iii ï¬red about the possibility of visit to Canada by Prem Khrushchev to the United States He said he does not expect an announcement today or Friday on up on th discussions of his cab more dela in inet chllea as on it neighbor in to watch television tion in the lndocliina kingdom for weeks since Works later ternal affairs portfolio vacated Churchill mov to public wo Ciliéghiitfï¬déï¬l Canada Wartiid der and wastoot warning line along the 55thlllr allel butfthe scientists rammed downonr throats was completely and utterly against this abortion of Mid Canada Line and nearly lost my lob over it Group Capt Lim brick sold in an interview In fact was relieved of my duties for couplebfvweeks when refusedto sign an orderior the experimentalequipmen swam MISSILE nEAD Group Capt dimbrickzretired last year as ECAFdirectorof radio warfan Be orothot he was director of ded sslles Hewas responsible for adar defences duringtbo Second orld War Im no amateur at this busi ness andknuw hat talking he no spokesmen denled nlted States basally bases or roops in thelittla Buddhist kingdom vs militaryanli secur ity aid to Laosï¬fzor the 1959 fiscal democratic bli Nam The language ticle in the fficlal Pelplng Pew pics Daily was re title that uscd by Peiplng befbre Chin interventionin the Kc resolver WARNS NEIGHBORS North Viet Nam ch Laos has accused of equipping and training the cglenbela added to the propagaud public works hasivcentrcd on orrawa CPllJiGroup cs can ol radarsr Line was ii RCAF Air tenaFEflitz ï¬ance Ha Ml theso would have ooveidd Canada at for less cost MidCanada zLine which went into operation in Thorium ion to buiithelina wastath five years ago The MidChanda moo only detection system andcannot con trol thevoperations lot tetlnter ceptors and antilaircr missiles as tholgtinetrce chit south does AGREED 0N RADAR in talks here Tuesday Defence Minister Pearkes and U5De fence Secretary agreed that more will have to be bad Canada to control intercapiorsaiid mis siles gt Group Capt photmd The day afterreading published CF article escrlbingconstruélignMJ the MidCanada Linens colon do goo hat articl is absolutely rlghthe said The only dif ference is that mew bo five years ag He said the MidCan cost $250000000 though in inal estimate was lost man 1100 been saved by construtioniothls proposed ei ht heavy radars and the necessity of building ore dars now wo hav averted IM 50 MAI lm so mad ld0l care they hang mo fronuhdyard for saying all this can Ca Limbrick rsaid im furious when think of money that was wasted He said the Mid aoada in wasno good in th fir it couldnt distinguish hetw aircrattand decoys and built too far south opposed it from the was pushed into it he The Mid Canada Line built was oniynn experiment said while radar was prov If anything stinks to heaven this Group Capt