mammmsr nonuniform Nortbdealer Neither side vulnersble norms arrIs can AK7 hour mm ans on 32 mom has AXJJDS 91063 A78 Ihehtddtnx North East South West has Pun 1V Pun Pm IV Openingicad king of clubs John Stableinof Seattle who has made enormous contrl hutions to the literature of the game tells the story of the time he was playing with his fellow townsman Jo Muckley in tournament it seems that hlucldey is specialist in delivering tough contracts and he was given chance to exercise his talents when he found himself to four hearts on this hand West cashed two clubs and followed willth another elluigkfast laying queen tudled the situation while it didnt look good Apparently spade and diamond had to be lost But he saw chance to make of hearts the squeeze and both defenders were caught in avlse West could not spare the jack of clubs in View of dummys nine and had todiscurd spade The nine of clubs having scr ved its purpose was discarded from dummy and now Best felt the pinch He couldnt afford to throw the diamond queen in the face at Souths too so East also discarded spade This made dummys K1 both tricks and the contract wasmnda There were two key plays by Muckley the deliberate loss at the club queen and the cashing of the AK of diamonds before all the tnnnps were led Slips that pass in the night STROIID Mr and Mrs Red Black and daughter visited with Cspreol friends last week Mr and Mrs Gordon Webb Wendy and Donoid of Nelson BC Mr and Mrs George Webb Margaret and Donald ot Kingston Mr and Mrs Trevor Evans of Toronto and Mr and Mrs George Armstrong and son Mark of Kettlehy are visit ing their parents here Mr and Mrs All Webb this week Mr and Mrs Jack Hughes have returned home from met or trip through Michigan and Indiana Mrs Bert Cunningham died at the home of her daughter in Sauit St Marie after long ill ness Her nephews from here Fred and George Mulholland flew from Malton and attended the funeral seryice Friday at Sault St Marie Mrs Cunning ham the former Edna Muihol land was born in Craigvale and spenther early years in this community Mr and Mrs Ralph Roberb son have returned home from weeks holiday in Atlanta Georg ia and New York Their daughta er Jill is spending the week with Mrs Rex Smith in Queensvilla and Patti and Nancy with Frank Frank Robertsons in Kitchener ACCIDENT During the heavy rain last Wednes av Afternoon three cars were Olved lnan accident on the 8th line fortunately no one was seriously injured One at the passengers Mrs Moore of Toronto is still in Barrie hospib al suffering from faoecuts and shock and her Mulholland still under the doctors care was isllowed to return to his home here The damage to the Mull Psoru ooh one SMALL AD5 youAsst hollond car is estimated about $800 The Vacation Bible School commenced Tuesday continuing till August 14 Children three to eight years of age are to regiso er in the United Church base ment all others in the Common lty Hail Both groups meet in the formoon Recent and holiday visitors included Mr and Mrs Ron Davies and family of St Thom as with Florence Webb and Mrs McConkey Lewis Gordon of Lindsay With his sister Mrs George Goheen and brother Charles Gordon Rev and Mrs Roll of Durham at Roy Good fellows Mr and Mrs Alexan der and Billie Susan Brooks and Barry Hall of Toronto with Mrs Blythe Black Mrs Brown of Toronto at Herb Beelbys ST PAULS David Jacksonis in Royal Vi ctoria Hospital Barrie Harold Webbs mother died recently Recent viaitora at Mr and Mrs Douglas Fralink and am sly were her sister Mrs Wing ert and son Rickey of Regina Mr and Mrs Fred Kelsey and Mrsacarter Dennis and Joan of arm Mr and Mrs Winston Smith and children of Toronto called onMrs Walter Frialicls and Mr andMrs Douglas Frolick Mr and Mrs Joe Pratt will be athome to their friends and relatives August 15 on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary SelfGovemmenl ls Aim 0i Welsh LLANGERNI Wales Reuters Selfgovernment for wales with the ultimate right to membership in the United Nations was among the aims of the Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru adopted at conference here phantom Welsh radio sta tion reported the proceedings when theth did not The pirate radio Wales borrowed BBC television channel for its radio broadcast delivurd in Welsh for about 15 minutes afterthe TV statioo closed for the night Threehundred party delegates adopted platform calling for safeguarding the culture ian guage traditions and economic life of Wales In os pansy mayo Mun aria musmatllrachfflgamm lstas May dimmed renew flammgmmhetweeogow By ALICE BROOKE JUST MEMORIZE So dainty so pretty One flowcraodfcrn squorclrlus ed ging makes 12inch oily Join oustytomemorize squ ares for scarf It for small cloth Pattern 7428 crochet dir ections 10inch square edging in No no larger in string Send Thirtydlve cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be ncceptedt to Household Arts Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Front St Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER gt Our 1959 ALICE BROOKS Needlccraft Catalogue has many lovely designs to order crochet ing lmitting embroidery quilts dolls weaving special gift in the catalog to keep child hop pily occupiedn cutout doll and clothes to color Send 25 cents for your copy of the book llurtle TO Death In llflloot Drop BUFFALO NY APlA gen erator broke hole in the plank ing on partlyfinished elevated highwcy here sndthree men who were pushing it hurtled to their deaths no feet below other workers heard the wood crack and looked up to see the three figures tumbling through space fourth worker on the an dropped through the hole at landed on steel heam and was pulled to safety The generator landed few feet from two work men oo the ground min the Gramykolloyd was under stood to have complained that Communistinaurwtl were beml armed by Communist Nort Viet Nam Grasska Reports nodding tendon said uia rehels are wearing Vietminh uniform Viennioh on Indo chlneoe natoonlistmovement led by North Vict Nama praideat Moscowtrained Ho Chi Mlnh foreign 6qu spokesman said he was unable to conï¬rm or deny the reports about the uniforms He said lighting is continuing In the provinces of Phong Soiy and SamNfl 2500 light Police lis Roulette Spins vnmcn Italy AmStrike breaking crouplen spun roulette wheels hlslde the Venice Casino Monday night or only 50 custom ers while onulde crowd of 500 strikers and 1000 sympathize fought police One policeman and wanton demonstrator were hurt severely and police truck overturned The Casino was closed four days ago by walkout of 500 on ployoes The dispute grew out of the firing of 17 Casino workers Later the strikers demanded shorter hours With Venice bustling with for eign tourists the Casino brought in 40 crouplers from Italian and French Riviera resorts to get the garobllog wheels whirling again Wreath HOnors Civil War Negroes TORONTO CP The great great granddaughter of Negro slave leader Rev Josiah Henson placed wreath at the Victoria Memorial Square cenotoph Mon day to honor Negroes who died aliellgndtng Canada in the War oi ll Mrs BruceCarter who offi elated atthe yceremony attended by some 100 Negro residents of the ciw is the wife of Dres den farmer and descendant of the man whospearheaded the underground railway allegro escape systemfduflng the Arnen icon Civil War Harigreatgreat grandfather in spired the prlncpal character of Harriet Beecher Stowes hook Uncle Toms Cabin RADIO AND TELEVISION TELEVISION CKVB Channel WEDNESDAY AvaJar Test Pattern Christian Science News Wumu Farm Report Portrait of Jenny Womenu Show The Long mm Albert nape Around The Sun Huckleberry Hound Coming Events Western roem Farm Market asooru News Weather Sports euuy Jones Walt Disney Presents Live Rnrrowed ur own Ktng Show an lllnstcrson The onroruen cmeu cac New The Westlxnrman Today In Sports cominqu News Movie THURSDAY AUGUST 1230 Telt Pattern 1245 Salvation Army 100 NEWS Weather FnrnLReport 115 House 01 92nd Suï¬9¢ 2A5 WOTfluid Show Slllbllnd gash as on no naming aunts Western Thetn Fnrm Market Reports News urFSF 58555532 has Papasswim 40 Welthsr us am 7m arm or Cochin 70 wnLrIytnos soo Parade Hg gave tiaun Wm Trnvsl up and Loretta Yo iooo Saber or Lon on man Count Junction 1109 cnc News 1115 The weatherman MI in Sport Community News 1140 Movie Wicked Woman FRIDAY AUGUST 1230 Text Pattern Sacred Kean News wmm Farm Report Movie thorn Ruthie Womennsnow Movie who ran our nose cousins IVE wmm Theatre rum Market Report 7N Weltb In The Mr gecisgn up on Who Known sites non Coleman gt cncfrv New The Weathermen 1ch to Sports Community New mm assssoass sprsdsranepnnuyuw 23362535 =55 ssss gs RADIO ALIVE 95 DONALD nucK BLONDIE JULIET JONES HIDEBBYSEE MONIWHIPUD 50MB Op arm nuns YuMMyWINGEYB EVERVTHING HA5 GONE WRONE ALI DAYI IHEBACKOFMYRANR Nounsrm otcHANcEt VOU MEAN DUEE NUI HAVING SWNDSE BUT ITS YOUR FAVORITE jI DESSERT A5ARESLILI wen MEANER 11ml ALL GEIOUTI GOSH HOVIID LOVET ssEAhxa FAT SALESMAN COME TH noon II moin now4 NEW on JUST IN ilMEl PRESENTS THE gï¬ï¬nï¬fï¬eiieihhï¬ï¬ flSTAN TAYLOR SHOW toEnglishgreyhotmds EXAMINEBIHTE srenov non The Whippet was produced by MICKEYMQUS ELECTRONIC amass wws tmv TWICE DAI LY we sums Tï¬M an mule ï¬m noosems ONOflRmASBZJROIAIiAL Walt untlls pan andltyour carrier has not arrived then call VALLEY 2433 And copy Win he gonna To Your Home nuz sawysn 65 no sxssrsn