casmos 71 MILLiON nouns SMILE Fidel Castro who returned to the premiership ol Cuba waves document reporting rc no Limitslo Of Life Scientist claims Iron NibCF worldta toryconditlonsioraperlodequh éttbcinneaaehas beenlbcre chincs tram Canada it was my mania China in January worti Maud Wednesday byAtomie MM maul antical medical scientist say than is in theoretical limit to human ills mace Hans ior his aunties oi the acts ntstmron health relates than article in Madonna Manzine that bod tissue mm rathas been kept allva and healthyï¬nder lsborag Sunday VlLllMI ol Mrs Dales and Mr and Mrs Earl Dales were Mr and Mrs Hor eovery at 20 million dollars in Fulgencio Batista Castro borntors cash and 51 million dollars worth of property from colla iormer dictator spoke beiorc rally at nearly million in Havanas Clvien Pluzo Smallwood Intends llnriihilating tidï¬imï¬iii aim an nex governmcn PCs In Nfld House In Election wihï¬hélintiiï¬hiliti out the Progressive Conserva Si OBNS Nlld CWTho opposed by Tory candidates Mr gives allows passage of the New Newfoundland sensual election Hollett sold his party will have toundland grants Act by the led Glfliedior Aug 20 is shaping up candidates in all of the provinces erni government two weeks ago as bitter ailnir with Premier Smallwood apparently in on annihilating Progressive Qan curative representation in the ouse The premier has said he will personally oppose Tory House Leader Malcolm Hollett in St Johns West or in any other rid ing Mr Hollclt chooses The out come would decide who speaks for NewiaundlandMr Hollett or yours truly The other halt oi the Conserv ativeopposrtion Roar honour will see John ODea runningun 69 the colors of the newly torrned Newfoundland party Pre mler Smailwood sold the Liber als wont enter candidate in St ilohna SouthMr Renolrts rid nB James Higgins and gritty who halted the Progresivs onservatlve party to form the Newfoundland party wont be opposed by Liberals in St Johns East and Centre respectively However they villi probably be slums Atthe reopening of Camp hells Hardware as Crrst Store the following were the winner of draw made Saturday night by Chief Eliweil electric wash er Cprnahau childs 1123s Turner OCednr Bea Mrs Harry snarling Sirmjns duslmon Francis Flelt sialllof Elmvale Simms paintbrush Wigmore Tor jonbo quart of Canada Varnish Enamelto each of Mrs El Fair head Mrs keno Miller Mrs wesley Jordan Cecil Knuif Hugh Ritchie all of Elmvale Mrs Harold Goodyear JJL gt Smith Woodland Beach Woodcock Toronto quart of Kernglo to itirs Ray Townes Phelpston Mrs Harvey Cotton moo London Mr and Mrs llcr Cook and Miss Dal Taron Ali attended For rill reunlon at the home at hlrs Porritt and ms Mrs Ernest Kncuhaw accom panied the Churchill WJ ladies on their bus trip to Gravenhurst Tuesday at last week Mrs Douglas Kirkup and iam tlyrwllb their soninlaw nnddau ablnr Mr and Mullah Sinks and Kevan at Toronto spentjnst week at the Blnka Cotton land Beach Saturday and Sunday visitors at Ernest Dales were Mr and Mrs Adams and Carrol Ann Mr and Mrs WilliamHu nter and Robin Mount Dennis Mr Elmer Dales Mrs Dales and Ronnie Toronto Mrs Cassie Roberts ni Drillia was visitor in tho community last week Carolyn Kirkup is vacationing this week in Toronto with her sister Mrs Bob Binlrs and Paul Klrkup is with his aunt and one In Mr and hirs Drysdale Toronto John Dales is in Toronto where he starts his course in the undertaking business Jackie Rumbie is spending this week with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Dewsbcrry Richmond Hill valenl 10 1900 years in the human scale ll the causes at agingcan bs lound there is no good medical meson to believe that it will not bofponihla torscicncotn had some prartlcl gay at slowing the process down or even bring ing it loa standltill ha in the wdï¬c some nice unseat In th terml ammslfll hare aging unbe regarded as odiu were lulletbnsicmedlealrwearch calekeunynlhudluuetit ish 1probably preventabls or cure fAnrl since tissue is technically immortal the oormalvlila no ot humanbolng may be ds scribed as any number at years the medical menu at the mo ment is capable of making it sevcnty years hundred two hundred or perhaps more There is no theoretical limit although bythis do not mean to suggest immortality or man kind There will always be prnc tical limit set by imperfect mods icnl skillnnd knowledge and the risky but unavoidable adventure oiiiving outsidea test tube EXPERIMENTS LISTED The 52yearold Vienna born director of the University 01 Montreals institute oi Experi mental Medicine and Surgery dc scribes current experiments he and colleagues are making into the secrets at we In one glass tube inserted in the body of ant develops tiny cord which scientists are studying as new form of life cord with slalomsupply syn tan and connectivetissues The cord may turn out to be an indispensable tool in decipher ing the processes at life Dr Your new PACK chorus lied Buy Expectancy Cancer Machines Emudcanadiflmlted The walled vfcoball bung witbvtheir radiation Janna havoalrearlu been VUITAWA CF Corrununirt shipped The our machines China rm Might our mmvaluennttmhommlnmdi cobaltweench nunneutmnltlmmmo pinchasedbyCour PEAS 62 em LIBBYS DEEP BROWN BEANSis oz HEINZS ASSORTED BABY FO mm on mean 11 ODS FrencheoREssmo turn AND warm assonrnn Seiye snys1t may turn out to be medical curioslw with no no larger significance at all The average human life ex pcclanw has increased to 70 ram 50 years since 1900 honeys Most TTEN memo ro All minority mourn IIOIE cram mlrsnuc iii PARAMOUNT Womanhacsrncisis omits CORN MARGARIN ULARKS host Bum REGULAR on cannon KLEENEX ChlékenN Kama insrims nootroon MANY moan autism we SPECIMD PINK SALMON fém49é esezzzra4se Iif3ew4ee ¢°d¢$°ubn4r49t Tomatoveg gong phy all of Elrnvale SHOWER Shirley Bell bridetor be was honored by anriscellan onus shower held at the home of Mrs Ken Knox lnursday July Albert Healey Mrs John Mur llih onion arrow nun ml stonewall narunrs cums smile sllcnnsrnn EVERSWEE BAooN GENUINE PREBASI SUNEE sms Mann Amifed SionebySlone 16 by the stall at the telephone alchange Shirley thankisi her friendsin few well chosen rds tor the lovely gilta Mr andAMrs Milton Trace and Mrs Betty were recent gusts of Dr Barry Leade and Mrsieaa1ey Cookstown Mrs D11 Bowel spen onto Dr and Mrs Dunn otKern 30 renewed Over an rmthmuhmxmomwuam ySUtuce acnemans mun wrongdoing our FRAME mm rots ouvarv BANANAS mnlflmlmmiusmm outs on roasts nous mug um 40 In Maï¬ib