Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1959, p. 4

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ss Recover Follows Encouraging Trend Canadian business recovery has been following an encouraging pattern during the firsthaif 1950 according to the Bank of Montreais Business hemwfcrv July In contrast to year ago when the initial evidences of strength were spotty the buoyancy of economic activity this year has been on gratifying broad front the of review states The gross national product for the first three months of the year was run ning at an annual ratsof $334 bliiion which was 21percent above the precedJ ing quarter andahoutmpercentmore thanthe average Ior1958 the of PM the befilnmnfim 5h 575 51 observes However the rise in national output has not been entirelyjuniform through out the economy the review any point log out that the recovery has by higher consumerspendlng While durable goads accounted maln ly for the upturn during the first quart er there were also larger outlays for ser vlcés and nondurable goods Total oonlt sumer outlays rme by 32 per cent in thelast three months of 1958 and by further per of 1959 2Supporting the higher level of con sumer spending was further increase in personal income which after payment of direct taxes rose to an annual rate of $232 billion $550 million more than in the final quarter of 1958the bank says In contrast to last year when larger transfer payments and lower taxes con tributed to the major portion of the rise in disposable income the impetus to the increase this year has come entirely from earnedlncome which rose by 36 per cent as result of higher levels of both employment and average wages the review points out can léd ent iii the first Quarter ofM review concludes An equally important factor contrib uting to the rise in nationaiwoutput was aresmnption of inventoryaccumulation in contrast to substantial reductions of stocks in title half of 1053 While expenditures on new plant equipment and housing have lagged behind other forms of spending there are signs that overail capital outlays are expanding The midyear check on the initial survey or capital investment intentions for 1959 indicates that the total value of million $224 million more thanwas est $128mi on more than actually spent last yearj the review states work put in place may amountto $8545 With business activity generally more buoyant this yeal than last retail sales hahe shownarlslng trend and in the first four months comparison were 56 percent higher the increase in the Prairie Provinces being particularly large the of observes All types of reliail stores shared in the advance with the most impressive gains recorded by dealers in fuelhmotor vehicles and lumber and building materials Gradually Birch influences associal security payments and residential Econ strpctlon that typically underpin sag ging economy have given place to the more dynamic forces of demand for consumer durable goods inventory ac cumulation and business capital invest ment that generate new production and income The moderate pace of the recovery while reflecting in part the lack of over all growth in export trader has also re flectedthe virtual absence or general price advances and the achievement of further productivity gains ltis recov ery an ample and solid footings therB IOpinions oiQiher Newspapers 1N DEFENSE DECBC In the current criticism of the Canadian Broadcasting Corp there is one thing Canadians shouldfiiskoeperlectlyaclesr Iris that although the system has faults perhaps many of them kfl oles need the CBC The CBC as an idea has not been proven wrong TheCBC as goodidea with short com iogs in administration is another quesnon For the CBC seems to ho some cobwebs which lll newbosrd is now in process of sweeping out The transcontinental 01ku nutty idea 00 years ago iooand it has workedAnd so was theliansLCanada pipeline and it is working And for that matter what on the surface could have been slranger 100 years agotban two olflca ial lanuguagesin neivland or being port of 1000 year oldvmonarcby 3000 miles from the closest castle gt grooming Not because they work but because they work here They the rhythm make use distincth iinptive people as new aperwo should we guessdsbke the CBC pecans elevlslon has gobbled up many tionsladve ingi dollar ewspspers ha been left with theirhides on fences Bur whetherpubliclyor privately ed song tog up lotofadvertising re ue gt Ngwspapers do have complaint agaibst aub sidiied advertising on the CBC where national advertisers are buying cutrate time with the taxpayers pickinger much oftbe tab As taxpay erswe dont particularly like the idea of help ing somebody to sell cars or cigarettes by TV so he doesnt have to sell them in the newxpspers fieeause we have to eat But also as taxpayers we think it is perfectly logicaltharthe people of Canadasbould support some of the fine public interest programs carried by lhé CBC just asthey pay for lot ofother mammalian like and parks snare the new boardchangedie oscio PétésférhicélliSpeaking Lost Green ladies annularcm flied ad inthe rand Prairie Texas Daily NewsTimes Not only are eseia dies unusual invbeing green bu alaorin that they own buiroid1ointly public schools museums suit overchanging needs But letsmake sure we dont roast the chicken so long that the flavor is gone for good few hours of American television as sicle diet should be enough to convince anyone that this country needs its CBC JOBWELLDONE NewmsrketEra and Express When big Bill Thompson was mayor of Chicago few years agobeholileveti noiorleiywben be said that if King Georgeever came to Chicago be wouldvglve him punch in thenose Our QueenElizabeth went to Chicago and the whole of the llSnu est look her to heart Chicago did whatevery olb city or state in the union would have done had the queen houorediliem wiibzp only Chicago did ithigger sndjbetterCsu adagained from that the greatest amount of favorable publicityit has received in long long time lRACTlCAf PAWOTISM Newmarket Era and Express The analysis of ourecooomio positlouis but one offlie beneficial effects of the visitoflhe Queen Those who srranged the tour must have given thispbase of the RoyalVisit most careful com sideialiou huge uranium resources in Nor tbern On 10 newsprint production on both coasts open pit iron mining takinan an area greater than the whole of the BritishIsles are but few of highlights of the busy schedule of the Queens party They did serve their purpose in drawing to the attention ofCauadisns some high lights of our economic strength All of this was also given publicity throughout the press of the United States and the Commonwealth whidi is all to the good The tour also use border there greatflgrowih polenfial we keep our house iniorder If however we dulge manyof the fantastic utravagances vhich highlight the US scene we are beadedfi forrrouble So we say lathebest TV sign off Tbank you Queen Elizabeth for everything You bavedone an misleading job Aslove is blind those who get married take aleapvlnthe dark saysa cynic Yes hut many ortheni rnake happy landings Most attitudesthe average person has with regerenceh business affairs are cign has that ring Expect aoniiizr iucr Canadian en Stall Writer M0 01 Shipping officials predict levelling off in forelgn freighter traffic heading into the Great Lakes next year The openlugol the St Lawr encer Seaway sparked bigger shipplnd boom than generally an iiclpated this summer The und den inilux of ships tested inland port facilities and foruswhile taxed the new waterway itself One top shipping expert said the seaways total tonnage may remain fairly constant next year but the number of shipspar ticular smaller tramp frelglilers may show drop The lines with regular calls and set routes will keep unjusan the seaway to the Great Lakes said ihe spokesman But urn less shippln rates get reallylow and compe don for business really still it looksos if some of theiiramp ships wontcome back next year gt One of the reasons lorthe big irush into the seawaysafter its laieApril opening waslow rates for world shipping Some ships shoppcdfor baddestand the in land ports wereas ood usany other placelo try to drum up cargoes There as addedcx perience vo nvlgaijngL els beading aim tanywhere in the world rem Montreal Israeli French1 13 tamships of all oedema and Nixon By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian PlelsEfafl 7ka Wu it comes to amudsiingr holdsbarred kind of fight Vice President Richardleon may be no match for the shrewd and wily Premier Khrushchev But in the end in keeping cool head amid the Khrushchev stormL Nixon may contribute in hisownwsy to reduction in ra little at the Big Four Geneva closer If Nixonlmustbavo known that when he went to Moscowihe couldnt be sure reception hed getliut hemay ya can prepared for the shockingdrsplay of rudeness by the Soviet leader who chose the arrival day to deliver 111 against the United States lairusbchev followed this up the nexhday by deliveringa verbal blockbuster before teleg vision cameras in the American exhibition at Moscow where he demanded the US dull its form orbit IV Nixon on one the beaming host again rill Slur or PROGRESS seawavtrrafli To Leirel Off In 1960 many sizes have tried the sea way route Toronto never has had so many ships from so many is away places aro ruins the The initial year to find out costs de lays and cargo opportunities Rates are still falrly fluid on sea way traffic until the cost factor is evident The public drama has focused attention on the foreign shipping using the seaway But aspure omws moor Increase 118 7T0 Encourage Tourist Trade Patrick Nicholson Is no va cation His guestcolnmlilst to day isJ Monty CflfllmIi the MP for LamblonWest have been interested in the tourist industry for 25 years and in fact my first speech in the House of Commons in 1945 was on tholmportauce of this industry to our economy Tourism can become Canadas second largest industry For years Canada has been neglecting Lllll astounding dollar potential which affects province every municipality and every seg ment of our economy During the sessionof Parlia ment which has just endei inc committee of mines foreslannd wafersof which am chairman undertook detailed investiga tionmf the tourist industry and tbeFederal Government Travel Bureau The Canadian travel bur eau was set up in lastand since that lime has been under the ad ToyTenSion EaSe phasized the that north of for an overnight stay at bii country home Khrushchev was ln his mind mayvbava been sownjtbe seed that ll be could so easily vanquish Nixon iuth propaganda battieba assuredly would have littlairoubletaklu on President Eisenhower at summit conference it is possible that in his vanity he may give foreign ministers conference to get the summit stageset Meantime the Nixon Korma cbev encounter has emphss apuzzling part of American di plomacy The Limingvaried of it indecisiono and announce meats PRAYER WEEK Avweek before Nix was to land inMoscoW Eisenhowerat the request of congress pro clalrned week of prayer or captiveSovlet satellites move thai made Khrushchev boll Similarly oaths event the sumed foreign rulsilslérsconfe encezearliar ihla month the announced itwould and Russia for damagesm Loe lnternatlonal Perhaps not sure bowga guest court as result of the shooting should answer his host Nixon rappearedgnt firsts bit unsure of himself though when he didget dgewls his his all down of an Aurelloan over Japan five years ago Officials said this suit was undertaken even though the didnot expect ban the UBIexpeculvwar SEWa poem new volersln rm be wlibmn parliamentary unnowbeisi Foriwukiiledlu lbsrewlllbeile sccideotonlliav 15th hi this eeisloa it is undershmdsble eonsdoienclas Socialists should not best sl anxious to bare these byelect presentation for periods rsng loogfionluied at the present loghom four six mmthsllme The political lids is up which is quite immusl in Brit douhiedly running in isvour sin There are five seats in the theleaverumeot at the morons Houses Commons now vacant Sparkbrook ln Normally byeiecilons yould very largely margin have been called by this time and the only one of the five in cautious seats will now would that category if rayelection econornlcs the waterway is basic ally built or bulk frelghters the bugs carrlers that used the in land roqu for years but couldsl get inio most LawreooaRlver through old shallow canals lbe seaway has changed thnl Now big ships such as lhaT Mohegan or the new Mcnlhelr Lakeboth 715 feet longcan sail from the lakes lo gulfiron ports earryinggraln oncaslbound voy uges are on westbound trips Advertising minlslraiion of it different mid isters Canadas greatest revenue rom this industry should come from the United States whose peoole are very travel conscious There are areas in Canada such as Samla where within one days travel in the United States live more Americans than the total population of Canada It was revealed during the committee proceedingsthat sev eral countries regard this ind try important enough to have tablished separate department of government Many European countries as well as Moldeo and other countries realize the value of the American tourist dollar In the last seven years Mexico In creased its tourist income from the UniledVSiaies by so per cen During the same period Canada increased its tourist income by 11 per cent In 1959 Canadas travel deficit Vwith all countries was $192000000 as compared with $162000000 in 1957 and with the United States our travel deficit was $102000000 in 1058 asfcom pared with 378000000 in 105 This surely is evidencetbn we are not makingtherlgbl proud to increasingour tourist revenue at war are not spending enoughrmoneyto obtain the tourist dollars maintained in 1915 that Canada should be havln avenue from the United States Our revenue last year from all countries was only $352 Mm government so The Federal the provincesspent foradvertls ing inlheilnited States last yea $2000000 and the state of Flor Ida as an illustration spent ove 341000000 This does not include vacantAnn alter the general there resulted in Socialist da slecflon is held deal it mlghl have damaging The constituency olNorthNof effect on Socialist prospects flogham will have the longnt throughout the country period wiibout representative While there lavas yet no so in Psrliimeni That seat hns neuncement from Prime blur been vacant since the Socialist lsler Macmillan the decision in member James Harrison died withhold dresc byelecilons tells on May and The national just as clearly as if an spell without member isthat corneal had been made diet the of the Lsneasblra constituency general election lsinmlnent and uncommitted or one billion dollar yearp yNlilVlElN m2 News Industrial commissioner Sees Bright Barrie Future Barrie moved into the blg time leoguolast week when for the first time at full time paid industrial commisslouér set up hisolllces in the city Swiss born Ernest Carl Bilmono lak lng stock after his first few days at the new desk ii en thuslasde nbout Barrlea pros pests They cant be anything but goo be told reporter That is sincere view Mr Blrmann has hard task lollvs uploilie newly created reputation of the Industrial Com mission in matter of seven days the commission announced building plans for tbreenew lac tories Mr Blrmanns first oitl cial duty was to be present at the announcement of lllB latest that of the Hill plant He came to Canada frdmliasle atage four in 1026 His father landscape engineer moved from job to job finally settled in Toronto where Mr Binnann went lo public school and the Jarvis Collegiate Institute He eniistediu the BCAF at lhaout break of war and instructed in the Commonwealth Air Train ing Scheme Later he ferried planes acrossthe Atlantic asa member of the RAF Air Trans port Auxiliary in 1046 he went intoreal es tale in Toronto and sold land for the is years between then and now As an expert in val ues of sitesfor houses offices stores sndfactorles he brings tnShls new post approfound requirements of in broade plane Esom his experiencebscan quote som awe inspiring fig ures of land prices the Metro arearlricessfor industrial land can b95250 or evades much and in ch seated figure of $2000 per sore but has excellent expos ure fhatgls the areas are open services and adverlt prices here may increase Do the advantages of Barrie se jhansportntlon costs be tween here and onto Mr Blrmann theyd Thé answerns says isconiained in recent announcements of industriesmoving into Barri Industrialisho cli in carefully for or dofornhom AndWhatever local res en the huge amount spent by Florida motel owners etc From the evidence tabled be fora our conunltteekit was shown that for every dollarspent by Canada in the in promot lng travel$l$0 in United States currency wasbrought into this country suggested wllboutany hesitation that our appropriation for yadveriislng in the Unlte States should be increased least 25 per cent each year the previous ear bellevet at the impact of the tourist industry upon ouruaflon economy has never been fu realized but also roost sin cerely believe that titerpresent government realizes how impos thislndusiry is to our econ landfill lake the necessary tour Wist minded and emphasized thetcill factor importance of tourism duribg the g1 Each as on industrial aha siucenrs perjsquare foot ecsiimntes arm is substantiélly less He notes if end Tip ge con nubaiions for the tax asis to become top heavy matter of some concern to the munici polities and industries Toronto he oploes has already passed its optimumsize while Barrie chadsome way tog lie even speculates En is of 100 000people in the still distant future The effect of high real estate avy rentals on indus lile follow or this is criti Places as barrio there fore have the major advan Stiracting small to pr What oflarger industries would say ablg industry prices and heavy taxation isto vporLs Mr Mr Binnann=Nevertbeless he notes tendency for large in dustries to deceniralize leaving executive and sales offices in the centre of the city Barrie is not necmsarlly im likely to attract largadndus iry But the new commissioner feels there are so many factors involved he would consult coun cllPand his lellow commisslob rneinbers carefully before drak ing an approach to the prospect There are too many towns and cities dominated by par ticular industry quite often to their dominient he say would novertake it upon my lhout the council and indust il commission to in dominating influence What eliect will expansion have on labor and housinghere Mr Birmann poled therowould be about 300 extra lobs going with newly announced industries Th Would nbtstrain esosiing faclli Emplo usually met There is tele graph systemalnou workersfl lndustries req skilled labor expected to have toset up training scheme in snow industry factory set up in Barrie within the last few years dldso New subdivisioiis now under way lwould provide sulllci housing for present needs Addi tionally it waspossible to com mutainlo Barrie Mr Birmsnn wb self moved house recently saidconslruciionj tan dards herevaro high and lhe dollar value ranks better than anything Ibnve rundnto it wasa pleasant surprise to onio into Barrie andldiscover the situation jrcgarding housing Rn laecommodatloulsrea ily ova able in th trict noted the new commis on This important for Apeopl firstnro ing into the district Mr Birmanu inayfmd himself an object of interest to local service clubs Hesays his busy life has kept him from joining one before although he admires them but he hopes to have the lime to do so now Iosioroolo wever he was member ol realestata board the Torontoski clubsnd YMCA lic attends the Anglican church hiswife Marjorie Peachey also havingra busy lim Birmann Best es moving into anew use she has toilook after Eric and Ross But Mrs Elnnanu lspleased about her new resi dence Finalswordfro lha indust Eeveryona

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