susPcc Mun Mrs Norman Briggs 34 is helped up theside of canyon from the wrecked auto background in the nnta hlonica Mountains lifa Police said Mrs told them her hu ban sent the auto con taining the wife and her 65 beam Army Lagrange Yeamld mother cliff on lonely canyon road She said Briggs then cairn down the canyon and heat the two women as they tried to scramble to safeb Briggs has been booked on suspicion of assault with in tent to commit murder deSEIII Order demo nine iraqi Prei mier Abdel Karim Kassemhas ordered the disarming of army units around Baghdad to prevent them from revolting against his vernment Cairo newspape Al Akhbar ran the story as other Egyptian papersquutcd un confirmed reports that ï¬ghting still was going onin northern lraq There was immediate sup port for the Al Akhhar story but ltwas recalled that General Kas semwas swept Baghdada yea couP Egyptian papers have been playing up the Ilraol unrest as part of ta Communist plot to spread chaos throughout the coun An Iraqi army brigade was re ported elling in northern Iraq Tuesday twodaysatter1the Baghda governmentclairned the situation there was under control Eupï¬an newspapers todp re peated assertions that 1000 sons have been killed or hurt in the north Iraq trouble area em bracingthe oil centre of Kirkuk and six other oi as other reports have put the deathftoil as low as 20 Todays press reports saidthe Kirkuk revolution was more serious than the cor us at Mosul in March wmmmw Irt KhruShchevsv Reply WARSAW AP spit in my face should go Thus Soviet Premier oonoaro CPlThe Interna tional Unionot Smelter Workers 1nd an nounced today that atCana Inn membersh vote Tuesday was fourvtoone rea liatloo with the Labor Congress Unofficial gu complied here early today showed every MineMill local solidly in favor Canadian Mine Mill ind over of seeking otthevmnve endorsed some time ago by the national executive board Mine Mill headquarters here said large percentage of the 30000 members took part in the voting Results had been receired from most of the 30 locals in cluding the largerones at Sud hury Port Colborne Bancroft and the BritishColumbia locals lt Trail Kimberley and Briton union spokesman said the vote approved the terms forseek lag affiliation which werelaid down several months ago by the national executive These terms are that Mine Mill affiliate intact with the na tional body wilhno cats cluded that all present constitu tional rigth ofthe union mem hership he maintained andthot with these guarantees Min ll accept the samcobligation enjoy the some rights as any other CLC affiliate Prior to me voung the na nal executive distributed 35000 leaf lets calling for yesflvote and the unionsnational publi strongly endorsed th Girl Gets consent Illter Eather Killed SYDEY AustraliaAP crumpled piece of paper found in the wreckage of home in which her parents were crushed to death means that an lsyeor old girl cango aheadwith her wedding Irene Taylor hadheen given her fathers consentrequired for under21s by Australian lawhto marryVDouglas Camphe ceremony was tixedfor Sa Tues the Taylnrs suhurhan cottage Irenesifather and mother Ere killed yes hglac than have the impres hat he wanted summit talks If it were just maciilillan and myself we would have had summit talks long ago to will gox diet he fMy vi Scandinavia would no have been astep to peace but would have led to shalpened HSlOIiS an Americint ask your ate de partnientvTheyvtellone Adenauer West GermanChancellor Ko radAd1enaue doesnt want ordererOfvlfi HangédJnBomhay so AY APLSadhu vallah ihd Shalndas55ye oid co is head for think our minister of tor aim has god intenx Paras resume his fessedrnurderer of 14 so as hanged today Herlairned uni Kalithe god dess of destruction had called him to offerher 125 human and his methodivasto drug gars oi recluses and jtne nl thernw1th stidrs and sin He mounted the scaffold on nhalantLv He saldKali hadp ma ised Him irnrnortaiity and that as soonashewasr ornhe ou nownans nm roncn BASE Calif nr th test fli Thursday of theX45 rocket sliip has been set her until ptive flight under the mg of ails52 her postponed here or technical rasona That brothersan sisters orphan meant she would have to go the courts approval before marrying IEut ireo brotherLeslie searched the ruined house On top of smas wardrohe in his edroorrithe found piecepof arion whlcn fatherhad wr ten his consent vfthink best ng the world for it ght now will he for the man to go ahead attendth uneral at he parentsin St ths Church Th sday On Saturday she will gt be marri there tions hinted that the soviet faring GENEVA AP Gromyko is expected to give Russias answerftbday it the Western demand that he cut his price for truce over Berlin His speech could Idecldethe fate of Herter British Foreign Secre the Big Four conference Some Communist informants minister Alternatively he might tryto stave off alfinal shhwdovyn by suggesting some new approach to the whole prohiem and calling for further study of thevpossi bilities of compromise W09 Wï¬si officials said they bed no indication thatany Soviet cou oessiouwas in the making In NV All Britain said today herZETA machinea step toward harnessing the pow of the hydrogen bhasnfthved up Zto expectat up and forfa system horitys annual report blamed ZETAYsfalldown an energyleak the has nffl the report said Glens today to five years prisonvfour year exile years 105 collaborating Greek Column ZETA was unveiled atBritains atomic esearch centre sing Ccnirolle Despite ec tpenodsof wann dry weather or orestffire ey sho Oneof the countrys largest est tree has been bumingfnr two week in northeastern Alberta Some 200 men have been lighting this hlazéwhich far has de strayed 32009 acresin the Birch Acropolis in Motiptain are north est Jam being prepared momoman can pose senger express bound tromChi cage to Toronto jumped the tracks 11 mileseast of here Tues day uprootlng alepxth or rail jwhlch pierced coach and killed lumen dtuie two women passem gers were injured only two were detained in hospital The 33 ed and It least 20 were njur The train waahound from Ch weardcrailed near Bronte Tuesday Twistedrall pierc ed the fl ofof coach on the ilcartrain rliamil woman who died were seatedhel slde each other in the first of the seven coaches in the ilcar train fine of the victims was identi fied as Mrs Gertrude Doran of North Ban She died after admis sion tans Josephs Hospital in The other woman about to carried no identification tThe body was taken to funeral home In Oakville midway between Hmiitonmdhoronto srarvr HNVESTIGATIOIN ONE investigation to am moved into the arcawithln an hour ofter the accident hap shortly before 4pm Ronald Bryant of Hamilton can freight checker who was lée ass ministers budge ongiving the East Germans status wi the We 1S Sta cretary Christian proposal as and give first priority to Four agreementflo remove Communist threat to West passengerin the third coach said the trainwas moving fast and pened midmphnli in one not car an stopped about 150 fee short clog trestle Rails were laid badly to almost half aunt Thetrain had travelled about 485 mils after leaving Chicago andj as only wmilcs from its Toronto destination Most seriously insured in the accident were Mrs Mary rDulalt of Sarnla who was reported Jo ulticateonditlon in St Josephs Hospital with shock and injuries and Mrs Louisa Prett at Toronto confined to Oakvllle Trafalgar Memorial Hospital with torehe lacerations Amongthoseiaiured who were released after treatment Mrs Robertlllcse Brockvflle with out and bruised legs MaryvStenson Kin cago due in Toronto at 25 and there wercng serious traf suddenly there wasavilggllngf saw some trackmen runnin baek fromthe tr reporten The get more wohhl 31 heard crunching grinding inoise and the coach started to enigma of the coaches om turned owever The derailment occurred only about son yards ironLa trestle above Twelve MllexCreekr Western diplomats myko dodged and avoideddlrect answers saying You know my positionfl Lloyd was reported to have denounced Gromyko tac tics in hriefangry clash Gall tllllEEm Wesitfm solnigtegk told romy ey ten to oft GAEA 5ng lReulers the conferencesnon unlessthey Twelve Israel planes today v19 begin to makeprogress toward no me will Mi BFWWC agreement Herter had given him 511 3101 ms Village similar warning Mond In the Gaza Sir Western officials said an sia repl todays formal Big 12 lsraeli Planes Violate UllB Space Bronte Ten of the 11 carsvsprang from the tracks wit only the lastohe remain bemoan ova Tame The trains two diesel engines stayedon the tracks and pulled three baggage cars across the trestle gouging the thick hridge ers tures pierced well 18 monthsuago Sir John Cockrntt who directed perirnentsa tithat gsheen produced for lirief wt Th deavvas til heatthe heavy tapes cf hydrogen known as today will spend déuteri fused to emphasized decades rnaybe longe to trans late this into everyday use Horas rooms Br sh scientists rn their claims over optimistic In arm in gan re of higher than th gt the supply vwould ble yv ZETAI was adoughnu hape tubecon inin the high tdha hortant forest fires parted Mairit ores scythe met this ye norther Queen andherconsert began twoday tour of Saskatchewan 0n the program todayyasth day of the Aspay tour of Canada are its to Saskatoon and Mad and ha dozen small towns between250 miles of dusty prairie overwhichtlie in el vatorgholds silvay Th sday Will Resume Loans forlllousehuilders mrnwe or Thego manta resume ma mg to Canadian ho build epiemher Prime Minister Diefenbaker said today if E0 its decision knownatthistlmeso builders could beg aiming fall construct The government provided loans of this kihdlastr year but haited tlieproglam at the end of De mb iriel 5Upei Winfield Plnns hrings Region and th Mani ha before thelt Royal hack to the East TheQueen and Tour aw gs ost two hoursin Saskatoon th city that wasrfounded by John head at tefnperan ensive toget from that Lakenarned the settl in FF emperature for snapped who avvurmr re masmnrrnvvw