nmdgm hesluau hot mama mm utthe trlï¬le oriental poverty Refugee Comm Chlnn invade unemploymen to WED AT qoLLIERsmsnr UNITED Rev Gardinerl become bride of Thomas lath Ls°5€im Sensuawsmm Ruth Peacock daughtér oi nerSbantyBny Mr and Mrs Stan Peacock picking out the bestdressed doll prettiest baby doll etc it contest was beldior the drBWilllxMI doll whichzwas won by Michael Bramanwbu used hisrsisters doll as model aLAm PARK activities One or Barries youngest play All the children enjoyedvars grauads spent busy week with nus mos such as ï¬nger paint over 50 enthusiastic ehlldren ing crayaning andrpaperbag aged live in registered Lehd puppets ers Beth ClnliE mum and Karen Taylor kept the the children ohcupledtvlthidlflerent and The younger ones enjoyed doll show held Wednesday the ludges had difficulty mm 68 YiiABS or among and and eat For 011 heriand street and grandpar eats of Bob and Joan Carter The elderly couple have two other sons hariie andHary er van in the Barrie They have 44 great dreu 87 respectively reeently brated their Gatbwéddxng on Vniversary They are the ar ents at Carter iiiSOCIAL NOTES arrl Examiner Social Notes are intended to cover thegeneral udnl ills oi the and ren along therewere no dull muments and time flew until near midnight before the break up Field secretary William Murdock summed it up as the most relaxing evening be had enjoyed in long whxl Sgt and Mrs mu Pollaruk Gamp Bhrden went the week friends Sgt and Piï¬nnner Clinton and don the the min on 5t traditional shiny ooshxmes lauds weird boys baseball in game urs agaius Codrington Fridhy1f children went long bike and aiirbadvtun themby their mothers lh aecondweek at the boys can hing shealr under the supervision of Doug Armstrong Friday was mu Wild Wat Day with cowboys ins mullahs and girls costume was worn Paddi Tucker one the costume by Gordon lhere washsroaringjampï¬re thejbest b0 pheu Derhihoff made large Stale attack on thereit in and monuments one with7000 limited lamps um traditional ride on but tbeorlmt is no saw than John twi visited Roman ruins In Parlstbere were lbs most quietlplace in thatwotld with She saw lypoori danesmi isopopuiar is the story hour the childrenillustrate the stories they have heard with not orful pictures The older ticularly boys and girls par like the croquet game the tether ball Our senior team coached by scoreni Hr on whentit came to the pimic inncb padredfor kkpassed swiftly for both supervisors ad children alike The baseball teams got off to it good start on Monday when both the defeated junior and senior boys Shear Park teams Tuesday these teams also deieated Oakley park WednesL day the children made scalei dam of bestos Thuer 0911 their win expert Sue lsehlrhart gtms The best by best boys war dancing The best girl oer wasRulh lancerx waav Ste The Indians wwbws W330i train attack ended in drawall pad or children went swim every attemoan and to Day Camp on Tuesday The ywpr splashan went to splash on nursday inoming and Friday Several children passed their Water Safety the gmnersiests Iin mom klndvand more people rsthereoldlnd dark Lon without enteritis so armed This ctss elitbgat ytizu stigkayto rbpuetlna aggramd ere possibu C0fllD unfla iahed rprojectsjather than and new ones Adyerso lunar influ ence alsosiress mm If tommrow labourshirt your horoscope indicates that ii next yearsbould happinm id bo soual should with new advanced and an unprovement in your can he exp thl bStus oi tweennowaud October at should not only recei lug rewardior bornon tbiaday will be exiremelysensitiv¢ anddo mesticnlly inclined mongoose sssxaroou cs Canada shillmports large on titles of Higgott and Kn abilities to cause Evan Minor Wounds CanBecoméInfebted VVByVHRBMANfl amusemm 1er am to bea live sissy than dead it phrapbrasoanvadaxe You can be in eieauent sndbatho toughestguylin the world and still succumb in iectlon caused by attinypuuc tura oi the skin Coiered wun Gerins Yoorgskin you see is com stsntiy donated witxlggemï¬ is virtually im leto une ture the skin livsistbout gating thousands of these Jgonns into the woun Déspila the presence o£puy farminK seitms moan unds will become inlected it they not treated But you cant ni hrd to take the chance that this will be the casewith yourown particular wound Why do some wounds come infected and others do not lhatoometlmes is tough and Menswer av The number germs which inter thewoundhot course shellaetor un the fewer germs the less chance of intention Bleeding lnci dentally helps protect you in such cases by sweeping many germs from theinlury Diflerent gelins have chin lbus roduco inlcc allyfyaur comes into pl oiood cells and er in theblood act sresistanca white substances smomzsmu Fan sizes uAmmy W1 Ode and Creed MfsJ to keep your general healthst Lhigb standard mere physical itrenxthaud good eondltiondoel 4° my Weail no 1° have we but they navel ï¬rst cousins lust fluenco upon combating producing gelma Treat Any rlbus ltblnkyou can see the need or treating just about any wound even it it is merely to disinfect it QUESIXON AND ANSWER lbava in both knees ormnnyyeanand the joints seem to slip out of place although Wessonems tic brace Con you suggest any thing that will boldtheioin in New Answer The slipping sensag tion inyour lmeesls probably due to arthriticvchanges well fitting elastic support is prob ably tbebest for your conditibnl You doctorcan best judgeyour Baton Womens eir regular mee 3m 14 in the withzo members and loivlsitoranresentz Mrs Kcama presided The meeting opened with the gt The motto was readby the re and the commenk on the were given by Mrs Rollcall anda period followed There was piano solo by gt Reynolds Current events by Mrs Hutchlsom The program on publicreliï¬ons gt withHusk Watsonas leader and four Girl TGuides Joan Bro derlnk Rilln Watsontrda Saueey and Carol Rose answ ing questions and telling offlieu holiday at the Guide camp near Oshawa 10mm mm mzmww Furrn into BM 10 momentum CUCUMBER RENEE To French dressing mad with olive oilnadtsrragon ybh cw add haphuch chopped parsley minimonument if rsoNnKY omen Fresh Tomato Cuétnnber Relish Sizzling Hot lingers Broiled Mushrooms Tomato or0uinnslioes pen or now the burgers as delizhtlui waiting to be pre on halved toasted bunsat al fresco or ludoormeals Lamhor Veelbnrgen Com lbs lnoxpemlve out Veal ismswa of fat put through chopper twine with slicesonion Vs Burnished rosemary leaves 52 and it he reaper in flat cakes thick WU tableoii broil 10 min turn once Dllst yithsalt had pepper Garnish with sauteed re mushrooms toutprofil style Harioqulnburgerai Putiiï¬ lbs Ereshlean pork 1211 each fresh lean porknndvesl tlirouah chopper twieol gt Mix in tag saltld Pepper on crush min coriander or seeds mun as directediorlnni vealburgers but cover ear burger To serve with slice ol sauteed onion and top with pimieoto ships withimgeJ an tsp coarsegrmind black pepper Wish remove stem and end rut largo rtdtomltoesin bite lize pieces wish and hsupen member sllu paperthiugAdd totamaloes save rear Any daynow its goingito happen one otrnyablrtxirls will come to me with th sole fibre shirt that somehow managed toer inio what we call the mrss andthc inevitable aller mnlh it explain ing to cut tamer whatlhal Now nylon orlon tyreiene allthele miracle iabrics make excellent shirts Many at them can be hand laundered hungun to dry and worn at least or quite whileaiter you buy them Butwhen thelltth womanis awéy or it for some reason hubbys shirts are being seat et aneot tbgsesblrts eal Land heat wetor dryl Some miracleï¬hrea melt undervery low heat Sameizet extremely brittle if not died correctly When you cl tlhre shirtsvwauied we are only too pleased to do them ionJon Bnt plelae kee Ith he no and you wont be inconvenienced by tb oil of benntllul HIM Our shirt seryicelsglvenï¬he same carotid attention thatis givento allyour dry cleaning needs We are proud of the CHIPS moss 18831 nixchm Fto havewnhr maria mud Pkwï¬lwo Intfl lob we do And youll be pleas ed wj the shirtsrwe do or you ELEANEPS