Holidays are daysi part Unlortunatsly some vacations and on an unhappy note Not sunny but enough torsmlnn ourselves that these tragedies are unnecessary andzoan be avoided Wehan frequently commented upon hlghwsy deaths pnwulnmnew that the hot weather his come are be ginning to edge outmotor accidents ss the principal cause of tragedy xAgeln we shouidnotcl they csnbe vdidee atns reportedares thought whichepens oi the luck the way to la never allowed hisyouug doughtersto go rare boat ride withoutweuln lif jackets relaxedth rule for one ride me beatvwssownmpediand the girls aged seven andelgbt were carriedawsy Some noneswlmmers were playing onan tality lather who went down like arockjdwitnpn Another young sumtried to host seine zoosreet awoyrr go intoosoeu energemeatmndwu am abletocomplcto hlsvven ureJ Fifteen boys in rowboatloeded with Quip equlpment much Tbreawers néwspaper usudlly on Monday and it is only the clear how orten were eatety rules are ignorad Common sensetolis that these rules are important Tokrcep holidays happy dayswe should observe lib simple precautions normea The National Labor Journal makes some pertinent remarks concerning the international unions which no operat ingin Canada It says in fact that men is tanglb evidence that such un ions hie becjbmlng alarmed by the pro gress being made by thevnjationnl Coun nilot Canadian Labor Sur evidence it says isconteined in lette received recently by Donan walker president Canadian Welders Association Ontario section social Hamilton one The letter which1m signed con noliy generdiorgsniser otrthe united Association of Journeyman andApprenb ices pfthelgt1umhlng and Pipe Fitting Industry otthe Unitedfltates nnd Cen ado moms walkerthsthewill not be allowed to hold cities or have value nr vote meetings unul he swears MI afï¬davit that he has withdrawn his summon the anadlaanelders As Sudbury tar the dismal failure or 61in ileumguise in Toronto W31 133 this nitdl closedlhelr service stations adds further proof that is besuccessiui strike Import and sympathy This yrlnciplehpplies whether the dispute is between labor sodrman sgement orgss dealers and oil companies Toronto area gas dealers werebeblnd theeeight ball beiore they even started to lock up their stations The dispute novel tbslact that some dealer are able to buy gssllina st cheaper prices an therefore sell it at cheaper prices to the motorist The strike faction would lorce fll dealers to sell at the higher prl Obviously such mo could not expect to win public favor an dividual tosell his products and at pricesthat satisfy him Competition the freeeiiterp system Two iam iliarquothtious mlbeiremted here One TEES trusta good deal toeommon fameas we allmusflfamanhasgoodcornmrwoodor boards gsto sell orc snakebetter chairs crucibles or ch organs than any youwill find broad bardbested 1101ng thoughitvbe thewoods =uetoivm ices peo injure idiot aéidenl Highway ll first nortï¬ hurchlll when it Morrison gengrsl manager or Firs Co Operatwe Packers was driving south from Barrie with Mrs Morrison and their daughter June chmerupon car parked beside theroad and snw no light until right upon He swcrv to the aft avoid collision slid Minter must have pubilc democracy and the freedoms wasi ofllle we believe in the iledc rie Waverley secretion and also that National conned or Canadianlsobor connolly gles on to state that the GenA adlan Welders rnsseclntion and the NOOLare obsolutely duei to the policy meaningthat they are threat to Ann ericaa unionism 3500 tine previously levied against Walker by local 6701 the United Association in Hamilton withdrawn and the suspension was substituted no background or this laffair concerns the attempt bywelders across panadoto have waldingerecogm nixed as separatetrade which move is strongly opposed by theUnited Assoc lotionW laced with the rotors at an American union to recognise what they feel is their legltlmeterlght many or the weld ers have decided that the time hasreome to give their support to newsman organization HTbeothcrreadrix it ensures write better book preach better sermon or picks belur mousetrap neighbor thoughhsbuiidIhis house mtbewoods tinworldwillmslresbsstcnpeth to his door lhs modern application of this principle whe ther by an individual or in world trade is that competition is the like at trade Toronto gas dealers attempting to iorce other dealers to raise their pr found their greatest sdverssry to be plebiieoplnion BAD MONTHS FOB FOLIO Fort William ltmesJouinsl The abilitntiou Foundation for Polio fasAsent is adï¬gglyéhemiudnahs ugiis no to or are ri ds during which the polio virus ï¬levviu 1th iharuoffunpgs we are advised to our run not ma impo nutter also reminded months that no one is exempt from unï¬t or are indica us that this dread kil ler sod crlppler is making advances again in spite of Dr Solks wondrous vsceine only chance of stamping it out is to halve every person vse ted over hrtbe ditchplnning the occupants in it all ed Onon th mt be of parked car us Bradford ok charge an after to treatment at Dr Shannons By caved need through the columns or 7Gjltgtvt and principlhsot theUnited association ministry toldme ls that prevention is better myeiiticsnlnd the Orthopaedicsllynlssbied dy been sttenrledto We are sgtechlsecdon end hydrent are within ll is llde noon Thlslsflleflfthandhlt ot series articles dosh ing wltb llboremsnsgex merit and industrial reis gm in the interning plus imports an Pli maintaining hlgbl oi as dustadal peace in Unite Kingdomrlis the eministry if Labor and National Services While itspowers which or lsrxcly contained lnihe Co dilation Acto£18Qefsreot necessity limlted since they rm rosin cop acquiescence or the periies to it it can and does play ro thei decisivevrole in venting osttrlkes the pro one or theoiticisld olih they than cure The longer can help to keep the prime 1k ing with each other in an eflt fort tooomo tovuettipmbnt dispute the éetei hrdtlig chances of svo ding strike ac tion RESULT 0FCOMMISSION One of the things which has struck me in studying labor relations in this country is the large number of royal commls class which have studied lshor memployer problems One such commission was set up in 1891io enquire into he so lotions between employers and workmen and to report wheth er legislatlon could be dire ed to remedy any mus dy emphasized the desirability of the rapid de velopment of joint con tlon bosrdsJnd of shite couragemeut oi The recommendation of this commission were translated into legislation in the Con dilation Act 1896 Under is the boar ode which had jurisdiction over matters was oflged to foster volimiury conciliation agreements and was granted themes to deal with trade displL as set out in third thls seri Slicer Cecil Dean of day The poldt WhileJho DPWers oi into dispute and of mining the parties to ge in to appoiut cliistorsor orb all mnioers tom near on far includingBauftAlberta sclevelsnd Ohio and from Toronto Orillia Mi and Washsgo sud Qakvilie it may concern not undel clot esiln Vivian be possibly tolerant people don salmoldSorehsad but the dum ranks that dent LIAISO quest of one orrboih jof the parties were very limited the of act was not welllreceived by either employerspr workers The large gathering was composed otrelaï¬vu 30th sides of industry lelt rev luctantto accept government Interferon evenvtotbls ilm ited exten The result was important role in helping etch slde tounderetandjtbe others viewpoint 13me also in instnuneutel when matter lor disputeorlses in two parties ogether for around the table nwmctchrs in conversation with one theserllssou Iofï¬cers glVen peerlic cases ot how they eerr able to bring disputes ousggeedy onecese Ployewwasmtdrtedbecsuse 0d the Lot an inspector 0n uths first day the liaison officer went to uh spot talk ed with both sidesihen en explained the one sides View point to theothernand fin ally brought bringing the them together lasted incur nsiuicn lieres ensue NoLmnny drivers can other park agalnsts fire hydrant witnou ettlng ticket but dutsidethe public 50 the motorist msy park the hydrsï¬tlwith hls atres He wont get parking ticket library at Collier strict aparking meter asllong as he remembers to keep the feet of gaeh meterJuno Landowner1va DMilllstlyyfggVWOfli zFor Industrial Peace Examiner Photo is ity to bring the two use to wer lllï¬mement NATIONWinn salmon For industrial relations pun resenting sum otthesthwience at Queens visit and of Dominion plenary holiday the first at the CanadaUnited Sis ism Psrlismentlry Group ed to bemverloeked The Canadian delegates headed by Senate E3 3119 Speaker Meik Drouin end Com moos Speaker ldlehmer odo ilsledsdt denton and EPI rop The meetings ware as success tul as yrscould hhve possibly hoped Salinity rouln told me There is veryirlcndlyelimate of opinionbctween the Canadian and LS senatorshe explained the American oil Iglud stood Canadas position regard to defence production sharing and our ueéd to have full access In the us market for bass met eir rep resentation intbelleuse I84 undead member that lie or shc world have complete free dom of expression in these guest colmnni Neither the rub iect matter nor the oplnlooeflu these columns therefore willrep resent but the free un lettered nice of each individual guest columnist hope that readers will enjoy these descriptions of Parliament through the eyes of iusiders gases theilnltedxingdom ls sis and all and as 1th prob and am very truism toall invideo into mitt regions six ably entirely the achievement of those MPs who have devoted and end separate re me ï¬rst oi thesemeetings hold some hours of their very busy gloss or Scotland and Wales in Wsshlngtou lest Jsu that cadetsession days to Wok Each has its own ofï¬cewith the us market novrls regional industrial relations officer and statt of regienel conciliation oiiieers These omcers deal with all indust lrial disputes in which iodi vidusl firms am involved in their regions and can the called in tor connotations by eitherside in dispute liforms art the struts turebyw chstrlkesmbe ovglded my mpsrtl basis this service These officers do not set as referees or arbitra anatber noseJ nanny the plant would closed for two weeks on certelndstes ees would near manyot the workers had al resdy made holiday arrange meuls for ther datesftbey objected weot on strike liaison office went to as emp oyer owrs punle by the rtrlk Hnsald have to close plant then as Lam having it all re decorated and am puttingdn new Wash rooms and snew canteenior the workers and that cannot be done with the plant running Asked if he hadjoid the workers that this was the rea sou for the holiday date an der he said he had not and urpr ed that such thing shouldbo suggested The union committee was called in and the employer gavethe tees for the order Theim mediate reply of the men Why did you not tellus thdt befort Wc realize these changes are our bancfit and wouldihnvebeen gledto cooperate we had been in formed sooner lenient you should have explained this to ushefore ourhollda smug merits were made gvawamaa salmon Themed wentbsclr to work and the strike ed if it is essential thatt ere should be full understandings each others vicwpolntohr the part of both labor and imanage ment and that isnwherothe liaison officersperiorm very valuable serviceOne of them toldme thetLhundreds of cipient disputes had been nipped in the bud list by this process chalking thing ov that torseveraiyears the offi eers of the departhientbad to use their po erssparidgiy the exercise distretion eves tbelaimr department machinery of mo conciliation on saild of Trade ahd later minlrhy of inherent he on service wasishle to do good deal of usetul wotloin the fleid industns1 relsi sivioe full play to industries the ministiyof of these lu tsry principle in or their As of the whole tors bdt they do effective workin ingto effect com promises ere th for negotiation The lisison floors with whom spoke were unanim ous on ouedbinï¬la their ex perience they one found both employers and unions readyto bendbsckvvsrds to avoid disputes reaching the strikestege er side they said jwsnted ssirllie if it was humanly possibleto avoid it One at them so ereisroorn enable even trade unionists with very strong politienl views can be in ingso orig as there is any hope at some sort of reason able settlement That seemsto be thccrux otlndustrlsl r5 lotions in the Unlted Klng dam Ev ir7wltlioil the all vaneedr labor legislation and thf comprehensivenesme tor settling dlsputesthe final decisions rest with the bums element and it is in the will of that human elementto achieve industrlsipegce that the secret of Britains envious low strike record lies can remains of sock re correspond if to non omsslm speevu corruboodeoi For The am Examiner uronoivio cw peru BE Somsotihe members deléetcd in the election will bsne loss othgrswdl Mootregrettsbie all probably wai the defeat of Tom Grsbsm in York Centre Mr Graham was but only very able pianwlth Extensive ex perleuce in momapalsltalrs but he was also in sum way no of the in personable men lnfthe Housessd undoubtedly would have made the cabinet bed muons Mam Vernon Singer the Liberal who beat him elsele ability hut bpcouid develdoluto the biggest headache in the Liberal benches Mr singer is ambitious He ran for the lenderspr lastvyear and is dedicated to political life Vilbls in itself means he will be driving for attention never 31 too easy situation in party ranks in addlitigoii tongs aghast youngau ves as one no being mature in his political ii the suirnal accidentally He es thinkitsmisslon lnlile is to run dont neede with ten trousers and the the Liberal party and which their heads to goes through some weird con shares Profit lion withthe CCF iogwlth my suggestion velutlone citing the latest corn is or man manor sensor Clare Mapledoram is another mun of administrative ability who is loss Reports irom area now thatprobabiy greatest coo trlbutloo to Mr Mepledorams derest was derogatory remsrlr about Mitch Hepburn Something about tanner re mlcr whowes so drunk bcwfell off the train Not only have some of the Lakeheads leadinE citizens from time to time teller oft trains in alcoholic joi de vivre but its peo ple have so unusual breadth sud humanity MrJiapledoramsersok appar eutiy alienated some of his own people and made Liberals eomsd at got out and voted to detest xaura Incidentally Philip Kelly Mr Mapledoremfls main cause cf is still expanding The former mluu minister is now part owner of bar llecen bebought apl of The mall Kapuskasiu As bar owner their positions they cant af rd feeling which HWY in the back of know Mr Frost IsnsARv adihoaed ac in our diagnostic mentally