PlTlSBURGll AWThe steel strike is beginning to out dent in Moon work as well as pinch ing the American cconon1y in general The strike that began Tuesday midnight already has snarled plans torthe completion of three Atlas missllclnunching siles near Cheyenne Wyn construction ofmorai and financial support to iiclnls say As lorihe economic sltua steel production losses are asll mated at m000000 week Wage losses are running close to swam weekly rlitc strike hasmade idlc some 500000vmembers oi the United Sleeiworhcrs ol America and some 550tllhworkcrs ln allied mu dustrics such as railroads coal mines and transportation Negotiations are slalcmntcd Federal mediation commission ers hnve Scheduled soparate talkswith both sid iorjlllonday in NewYork lnlndinnapolls Senator Vance ihnpmvcd lrlnga benetits Steelv llarllic Dem lodï¬ said Friday ithntgrrsldenc Eisenhower should hnvc tried harderth avert the istulyrhike He should have shown some leadership Senator Hartke In Detroit WalterP Reuther head at the United Auto Workers pledged the UAWs organizations the Steelworkers iii telegram to usw President pong Mc Donald lieuther sold the ln tryre Jetted the stec orkers proposal for fnctlinding ause it is un prepared and on position before the opinion The stumbling block neg tlons proved to be the on de mand for increased wages and workers had been averaging 410 an hour before the strike gt Picket activity reinains quiet land orderlyin tact almost pent functory 3VDocters Work 111thle CF Threevdoc tors worked for more than to hours Friday in vain attempt to save the life of Robert May how ll whose main neck artery was cut open on abottlc The boy son of Mrs Margaret Mayhew oi Tinunins slashed his right carotid artcry leading blood to the brain when he fell on pop bottle while ronning The boy had lost more than two quarts of blood when he reached hospital Doctors said his wound had almost stopped bleeding and they could iinl Ino pulse Using homemade camp they forced more than five quarts blood into his body gt bout pm the boy started to convulsions and stopped cathing at 30 pm when an rooming an oxygen vainly ToiSavé Boy Artery Slashed 0n Bottle pump until shortly alter 11 pm His death ended long light by Bissonctterbr Benson and Dr 5am JesseL Usinga pump made their spare time The doetois iorced three quarts of blood and quart of dextran into the coy in the fifst 4o minut Dr Bissone the slashed artery could at bcrepnired but there was agood chance the two remaining neck arteries could have allowed the boy to lead normal life Police called by neighbor found the boy in the street They wrapped ntowcl around his neck rushed him to hospita cit of pressure and we had to cut into if arm toiindone to tart thftranrn itusions IWciitréssefZidmits Killing jGoligPrd wainarown NY AP shapely darkhaired itress adr milled Fridny ni po ported that she at and the young golf prushe loved This slaying occurred early Friday on the St aw University Th esa dc Francesco oi Roch said the mandid not return Disirict Attorney ChnrlesE Bowers SL Lawi trance CounLy Bowers 53 she Wnlllll be charged with firstdegree murder The body of Richard Smith was found dangling from his car hich had skidded to stop on road on the university campus zsmith was golf sell at the oniversity and country club Hé was divorced lolicc in Rochester said de Francesco pleaded guilty in 1952 lot shoplifting charge she was asuspendeiscntence and placed on proba for one State police picked up Miss de Francesco late Friday she rode toward Watertown taxi cbb hired at Massenalhe search for herhad extended throughout northern New York stat visi 001st Print In Murder Charge LOS ANGELES AHBecause of smudged handprint in dead womans apartment murder charge has been laid in the 1957 rapejniurder urse Marjorie Eippersonr jP lien had compiled case file tum ieet thick questionedrhun dleds of suspects and checked handprints in two years Friday they announced the 137 Dolst prin th checked matched the oneoo Hippersons wail Itbelongcd to Darryl 21 already in rjaii on assault Firemen from Elmvale Moonstone and Fiillsdalo hat tled 50foot ilamcs more than fourhoursF ay night when Uniï¬esirRcinksz gums Redirriessurxé GENEVA APlThegwestei loreign ministers meet today in an effort to unity theinranlts against heavy Soviet pressurcto exact stiffprice from the st forcalling oiftbe Berlin cclsi Western leaders said Soviet ugh frontin the BigFourJore min isters confereneep it has little prospector achievmg any his objectives in the curren phase ni negotiations on Berli The issue dividing an the Unitedstatcs and emanyEwhat klnd of negotiations sh old be pro posed to Gromyko German pence settlement du the per jod of Be trucengreerhen State Secretary Christian Herter of the Selwyn Lloyd aur Gouge do ance and Wehl talks during the weekend lull in their sessionsiwithGromyko Belorethem was the recnrdloi secret threehour luncheon talk atholic ditty Giles UP Title barred from fee taxing Duch ne College where shellbea oi more the all lean aidpshe told ing suit competition Earli this rnn soil 20New Meir véise hopel eudof th fire destroyed tne $60000 Conc land Mill near Hillsdale The blaze believed to have start ed in pllg of sawdust put ey wnhrthe Sovtct to min or Fridayn recordvthat Herth was reported to have found discouraging because it produced noprogris towardnar wing East West dilfercncesi The Western ministers have oncldded nt Grmnyko ismor interested in nnlngiEast Ge mmmnoï¬wstumrm andgtin forcing Western ngrgp gAéiEfiorlt mm min iiiiisanicjrrnivmii 25 mill workers and about 50 loggers nut worlrFull story page three photo meat to hand ave the unification problem to thcGcrmans them resolving selvesthe he VBcrliridispu Western loadersf hav German settlement would WEEKSTo should in Expelled Sécrei out 11 Firth In ll gonquing 030nm tcp Landsand forests liicials sal tbday fivem stretch at Lake oneungu in Algoogum ProVineialv Park has been closed thepuhhc be th ay ï¬sh ing there in aboutra We The move was supp Beenasecreluv First word the its ing plan came whenca Torontohusiness executivecomplained thaLtwo at his sons and airiendhad been along with Marshall Phillips expelled lands and forestsrintioront con firmed that the Zinnia tea in thesouth the 700square mile game preserve with ts ighter Sentence Commuiedl Life VANCOUVER CF lohn Wanton nipeg wrestler receivedmalmly the gt sentence was commuted to imprisonment Heytyas and gt the juddelio ward Bereslord solidi Righls Neat sass burnt righ no Par ament private plane infectious hepati case at Mrs girls at Whytehaven Missio stomach influenza on hospitallllon morgtwdrke er ming registerednurses were cede lxaminer stall commission membe President Eisenhower has nominated Cana the agreed that some kind of negotiationson southern tip about 10 in es north of Highway 60 the only highway through the park it igone oi fire lakes in thepark on which allowed to Whytes home of children here The disease hangatfected two and at least three otherchildrenarc sullcring from mild attacshi Marsh 11 was tlakendo Is Cdlléd small WASHINGTON conA former member el the fivernan United Stain Atomic Energy comm slonv feels Canadas atomic ergy program is pretty small elfor think they could have done better in saidDrWiiiard Llhby in testunony before the joint congressional committee an atomic energy Drt Libby nsignedrecently as dimham John Williams commissions research director to succeed him on smmmc Libby said in is testimony The situatio is roughly this They the Canadians are trying power reactor They are really and just noWTtalking about build ing aprototype and so on it is pretty smallj eltort frankly think itis good qual ityrelfort but pretty small co operate in the henvywaterewo Dr Libbys testimony included in committees report of hear ings held last month followed cism oi Canadas militafy atom effort by committee mem ber Senator Henry DWorshals Idaho Republican The commtltee wasvstudyi partn to allow the us to transfer to thesecou tries lain onweapon nuclear interma tion deqtilpment ASKS ABOUT PROGRAM Senator Dworshak observed that theU hndpurchased hun oiGanadian uranium andwon dered whether Canada was put ting some of these urnings into rn tary atomic development It seems yeryv peculiar tome it Canada has beenldrng her feet intentionallyr gt What do we have to do carry theentirehurden for everybody Anonymous Club To Bid WeinenIoo onoNro CP An iz on similar tokAl Anonymous is consideringheip ng womenï¬rug addicts in or To dat Nareo ics Anonymous formed in 1956 has helped only men But as result of the cur ropolitan Toronto vice atom the groupmay as 315 to develop heavy water moder ated natural uranium type of quite in the early stages of that seven iiS nuclear pack with Canad andother North Atlantic dredsof millions ofdgllars worth he sai BREVARD NC AP Whats slufted in your in strumentl Transylvania mushy camp instructor asked astudent of the base hornat racigfngrncgcebgesalon yyrepiled lve behn playing it all year l11nd its always sounded like 15 The teacher insisted the horn be washed out and shortly thereafter the red faced boy returned holding pair OLELIlS pants Both agreed the horn sounds better but no explanations were offered YeahsArgue Man Swept Out To Sea ITOKYtl ReutersA man was swept out to scotoday while five youths stood on the shore argiiing over how much to chargefor res culog him drowning man altered the outbs 5009 you $14 but they reyfused saying theywaotedromo yeu While the haggling wen on Harvo Sugao 21 disappear in thesen near Enoshinia louthot etlo tWeaIaJQrlipswithihï¬m rm ranging war supplies agency capable olpre servmg some degr vofgovein mental and economic organiza tion continuity throughout the initialperiodfoi nnuclear warï¬ were announced Friday night byPrirneiMinister efen haker gt This agency would have iul responsih ty andnuthority for all aspects of controlzover the production distrbution pric tarms andthe catching and load ing oi fish during the earl part of anucleac war at lens iolda sober Commons misnomer on Facilities nowwere ready for central core of the uni government tocarry1 on outside Ottawa di activefallout lntheottawn are Bu declaredin tall meat that Opposi on Pearson supportedstrongly want to emphaSizte th the ng ofthis course of action infno my to it avrdcnceot any teinatiouai tension liuinsVSearchedj lo FindBodies till through mï¬isptorgdrarL ing in this small community about 20 miles east or Antlgonlsh childrens parents Mr and Mrs Terrence Currie and flirec other children escaped One child was reported inuerious condition athospltal in Antigonish Police have identified it tlmsas Marie 10 Margaret Roma Carina Dav and Vmcent Fiveyenrold dries sleeping with the six victims in secondstorey bedrooms scoped while 13yearold Terrence es caped from ndownstslrs bed room Mr Currie rescued Allen 1mm downstairs room The ire broke out around Mn an Mrs admitted Police said friendof the grimnet this morning we still It ï¬nd the bodies the six etifilgreni Cans no efircw known imrn dialely they doynot mean any increase in tension one could ho at least that thelhren ought recede Mr Diefepbalrer made nouncement during brief study of the spending estimatesJorthe Privy Council He recalled that theprevious Liberal go hnd talc steps ah in were ing oth th civd and military supplies er thanproduction on SWLlwith delenceresponsihih ncentrated in the nu tional health department spread