mapr umbrella keeps Buffalo flhnk col15 at Jack the hot sun attustriking sonville Fla subsidiary steeiworkers ckehng tire Str ke Lossesgg shut off nearly Wper cent oi the PlllSURGH AHSteel prtr steehnaking ciap aclty ot the United States representing about duetion loss in unte toward 3100300300 today in the third in 300000tons oi ingot steel dolly Weekly production loss to the of the steel strike No endtothe crippling shutdown was in sight Many more millions in wages industry is estimated at8300000 have been lost by 500000 striking 000 The loss to strikers lnWBEes United Steelworkersmanning is calculated at $70000000 picket lines at darkened mills week There is little optimism the In addition allied industries as coal sndt1ansportation have felt the strike keenly About 25000 part olstrikers the steelindusv try or the government that the workers have been made idle due tohuslness cutbaeksw contract stalemate can be re solved quickly Neither the lndus try her theeunlonr has given any Joseph Finnegan directorwof the fedefral mediation and concili ation service plans to meet sep arately with the union and indus try Monday in an ellorttotind basis or rmuming joint talks Bandifls ed BY P011111 Holdup Abraham Rubinoif codwher ol whoescaped prison week ago was accidentaliyshot to the diner made grab lor the dea hrspalrJner ina holdup Federal media dispute will he renewedin New York Monday The strike at Tuesday midnight gunman who fired one shot smashing window Keay sitting at the counter sipping soft drinksmash the bottle bver the gunmansihead When they tell to the floor the second bandit standing by the door with gun handv ran over and pistolwhippcd Keay over the iï¬ea IThï¬l the aiirrned shot at im gunman in the maid The bandit ran out of the res taurant and lumped into his car later tried to run ghappenefl while Watts nd another man were at to rob waterfront diner Arthur Keay former po licemanvand the man for whom thehullet was intended emerged the hero of thevipcidcnt Alew minutes altcr the holdup attempt two policemen arrested George Burton 42 and charged him with murder This is the story pieced together by police man entered the diner strolled towards the cash reg ter He drew pistol and an riounced All right itSa holdup eyeryhody outlle in Hits Netherlands Netherlands Reutersti persons theWestem partsof Hollan today suffering irom typhoid lever Plan Narcotl roaonro Ce FMéo Fred Gardiner announced day hat Riverdal tion Ho pital may become Bahadas rst centr foritreatmeht oi drug addicts llesard overtures are he madaitothe Ontario gt otonto hos italto uallfy or Ontar hospital ser oes commission grants oNnon Tinnisongcentral ï¬gur Fleet Streetsm igges newspaper omised Thursdaynight torial lay at The vSunday Tun under hismanage who now nwnsthe controlling in terests in some 55 papers cover East transact lifetime devoted mry affablel driv Scots dun nib whole FLASHES liyclnnan of Bethlehem Steel co which fabricatu steel pl te Issuers stir cams IN Ln LOS ANGELES AHThe chairman at the striking Uni Steelworkers Union local ased hackinto Steel Company chair an ploppedihisleet on com pany desk in aircondi hooed company ice He was lleldottire vided lor the pickets its Maywoodplant Thursd The company even run oi water and pow chairman and Otto ster plant superintendent evcn were seen to smile at each otheron opposite sides of the high wire fence surround ing the plant Sald Paige fWe slit each othorï¬ de Murville Hosts Tea Party Barley 73y JOHN Gmownn GENEVAAPThe foreign ministers opened round of private Vtesparty negotia tion today on terms bt trues in the Berlin crisis The Westis seeking an ironclad pledge of So viet respectlior the Western posi tion in Berlin US State Secretary Christian Herter Foreign Secretary Sel wyn Lioydof Britain and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gro myko metwith French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Mur viile for inch at lthe latters llla ZsCar Collision Claims Lives atvocar collision southeast ot herbThiirsday Mrs iii Tennis 47 ol was our pounced dea oEnJarrivalat Whod stnckZGeneral ospital2 EmerSOn Norwrch dnver of the other car Norwich was Thomson lt has ices deeply offendi lighting oth his pets ext readsz sonurroursxr eral serious bus ziBtake fscughtlhyJBusesf Two brakiograyrlelns on heavy vehicles is incorporateth re solution tromgth Barrie trait wminitteedo be séntlo all lev els of government and to govern ment olticlsls Th resolution was cited as mishaps when chool bus and heavy tractor trailer hurlled down Bay result ol twmrece field St wilhln the past te months crossed flirliva Points intersection at Dunlap and icon tinued on to near total tragddie Both vehicles were reported out oihrakesa5nd gathered tuni art the lncli copy of the resolution laitlo go to the govérlllrienta of Ontario and Canada localth MliAs Mayors Assoclai ion the OntaiiofMayors and RRVHASSGClBllhllr the Ontario Municipal Association an the Canadian municipality in the Vin Wheréas couldand dolhappen on dan nus inclines elsewherein ent people and susing rio Drug And Liquor iEclipsed Former Blues Singer NEwyoniriAr mule igno day diedtoday 13 Jinnah once great blues singer who packed night clubs from coast to beda wasted coast Boutswith narcotics and liquor had crackedher fine and mellow style andsll had beenineciipse in recent years Her hushand Louis McKa was at her bedside whau she Castro Is Quitting as Cuba Préoiiér HAVAN ouiia AP Castro is resigning as premier to day the aper or 26th July mpverpcntyannouneed His action ha desire to eek an coniid ce romhis government Cuban people in the lace and and of crihcisriiirom both ins outside Cuba The movements Revol cicn appealed to thec try and theipeople to mainta order sponsib ourdestiny Therewas indicationlu ll vana that Cgstros action wasthe result at any an revolutions movements Poll cal quarters pretense llet Castros abs lro prime ministry would be an ads therebycndangelrng innoc wspaper confidence in the re ihty ofthe men who pen to no stop gen Therefore Vehicle in an Ic brakes havingat least two thatqu ivefto opth pro distance iy un ns ous col apscd in her apartmen cumnuoon on narcotics eharg hnsp that didntwork with the hpttle and only jobs despitethehes efforts managervhusband Because ofher arrests had banned her from of Years In it resoived this lheGevernmen olrOntarlo and theygovenrment at Canada be rfgrested to passlegislationre legall trucks and buses overa gross vehleiejweight of our tons tobe equipped with aralorneans oi application or meanrzot autmnattclstopping hr the event of the allure of the in gillar7hraldng system and that with aehmeansot application ï¬ciently etlect vehicle within erected at the top of the hill were difï¬cult to enforce It dri theJimthela ore acciden death was given as congestion at mpiicated by hesft TheMyearold Negro ehter er as takento the hospital ay all alter she When death came she was un derarrestcharged with posses slon at packol Heroin in her 155 Hol ay who had asordld the loans In the 18508 she startedt slip badlyarrest it in nightclubs here in rec The last recoid hearing her ewas longplaying disk her old umhers mode this as called Lady Sings IE corrnom lnMontreal Hearing dian hist ry may bataken in New York City early nextweek Crown prosecutorxdeanPa Ste Marie requested Thursday rozotory commission that would in etiect move the prelim ary hearing at Giuseppe Pepi troni andReneflobert to Yor Object of the commie xi would he to obtain evidendeagainst the two Montrealers ukMr Ste Marie id he would beam If ME former alter appeared Thurs day forprelimlnary hearing cotiesand conspiracy tetratl following seizure of some $800 000 worth of heroin Following their appearance on the narcotis charges Cotroni no statement ly on charges of possessing $9700 worth of bonds stolen lromthe Eroekville Trust and Savings Company May 1958 Polish Pprl Greets Premier of Russia szczncm lPoland Reuters Soviet PremierNikitai Khrush into his Baltic port American automobileior if not riotous welcome The panamabatted premier who mixing bluster and sweet reason on goodwill spe tour Poland flew from vi to coalmiuing ttiwns Silesia to this cit formerly Stettin closeto the vGermanfronti lle was pelted wr bouquets as he rode with Poirshleadersln the along the35miledrive from the airport big ahce co goyto New YorleJnda charged with tralfickiug in nar on Robert were ordered to vol JOHNIABLANC canalsi Press also writer ma or Thelederal gownmuithhs it tight with the ï¬nned Congress hy turningI its nomi or Jus the hovernmen the congress appeared to have dev peace ioliowlngan open battle last spring the cabinetre used to accept CDC execut VicePresident Stanley Knowles as amenthere the committee ZThe decision was reached Wedl nesdayiplormohts said tod Mrlno$iIles isan old 90 opponent of the Progressive servatlve government Wanner CCF member otthe Commons Winnipeg North Centreiha now is oneol the chief architectsota newpollucal party which CM con junction with the CCF dly elec licers are trying tobuiid beaten in the last led tion seasons TWO NAMES congress which Apr uiied its representatives tithe niheman cummttee against government up in ment to the unemployment iiaasur mmisslonreceotiy sub mitted the names of Mr Kn and Andy Andr 0t merit tor the committe The cabinet Vintormants aid with flowers hang on every down town lamp post the Queen on Prince Philip reheing gre mainly mihtoryjunetions ursday alter They arrived drive under hot ll down couver Island troni Nanaimo The their car was almost blocke byvvsome 29000 persons path as they approached Governrn Houser aid the royal rival they went to the islative building overlooking quiet harbortotake the salute atbattiServ ce marchpast The chev today rode triumphantly rephed to annddress welcome byPremier Bennett and in the eve og new gt Labor down one of unemploy cad legisia depart inst Iii Victoria accepted Andras but turned thinning do on Mr Knowles and instead decided to appoint Stephens ol Thoroid Onto Canadlah vice resident at the CLGaliIliated phite and Paper suspect Hepatitis In Childrens Home TORONTOv CP is ailment suspected ofheing inlet ous its atltis has broken out among dreo at Mrs Bertha Morn Whites homeior children at cal Bomuanvillo near Oshawa Doclt lve can tors said today they fear there will he more cases Lind lMarsh ll has been hrouglittnon isolation hospital here ior treahneot DrJ Sin elalr of Toronto Generalllospital has lelt for Bowmanvllie to red minister gamma globulin blood extr to all those whohad con tact the chi hepatitis attacks the liver and causes intens sicknesslt is not tusually fatal One at the most gironounced syrupto jaun ce hour berlandDurhani countica health unit said today We expect to have more eaSesé She said over crowding atersl Whytes home causingconcem among doe tor gt les anjatternoon garden party at Gov ernment House In theeveningV navallire ksdispla was scheduled The Queen and prince leave by air Saturday for Terrace BC then tonsilMay journey totha Arctic and subArctic communi ties of Whitehorse awson Cityl Mayo and Yellowknive It will he the ï¬rst time monarchhae been in the Can Arc JOINS INDIAN mm 1E ed an ant nu eg the Ah Ho Multh meaning spected by all mother of all peo She was untob ged duo of Philipdaitende dime temmén House caAfor 100 goes donors SCHEDULE Today she fwas to or td the 1st Battalion at tricias Canadian Lightdnliantry and the Kings Own Calgary 14th Reg ent in Beacon Is wasto heliol armored Hill ark lowed 131 an RCAF fiypast Theprovince was to give luncheon in head or theflueen ted womenldlesse at the gist seeking nud They iélt alter ving ahan ten note for Queen ncmgtol The women all from Krestova sought the Quoenfs lnterces in their forts to have children re provincial boarding school They Wer toid appllcm tion torso audience would have theiprovin al go lot