titudeln this respectnot hi yoongpeople but also in terms the morestohle wore the omenswe aneednto us it only in tdrme oldertalk We in t®flhémhtedu tionds ontinuing process Altth whattakes place before personleaves schoolfdr the last time is merely the A0 setting oithe inundation or what is to comes And therbette the foundation superurn ture Education the battenstotes fis not or peoplewho resent the disc bllnes oischoldrship It lsaproeess stretching overyeers or diligent effort It cannot possibly result iromsswotting up study outlines to pass examinations or gorglng digests of books so as to write essays Beéause business needs creative peo ple with broad knowledge and capacity 1P iQSPéntY Dr Karl Sllhlille head Hide Ads th has that pr told tsprésentetivas an dot the was eonierence on aico parity should blamed problem drinking And yetisnt alcohol suppéé ofler horoscope trom frustrations unbearably harsh reality Would one wish to escape tram prosperity Yetthe Sayreoldie League once observed at the sulcldesyin the period allowing themarket crashpi 1929 that great many were amon menwho were down to their last on as ell stamens peoplewho were to their list dlmé businessman just returned imam taking part in some or the bloodiest battles of the Paeule was said or the associate who hadvlrept theflrm going in his absence He had worse time 0f Anymore nowmowu WMPBBFNe Press 5an Winnipeg does not have to inf dreary colicctionytdfloes and shopsrlt be appeahngwlth little parkway an imaginative setting to enhancethe commercial and business ilfeof the area And there are men and women in the city today with the professional skills and The community enthusiasm to show howthls eauhe done Theprooloithlsliesinabrletre rtsubmitted last weekuto Winnipeg aldermen tbcMelrir poiltan Planning Commission Within fthe pages at thistidyï¬llttlesummary is the germot an idea ch shouldiexcitexlhe imaginations ol ali tizens whohope somedoytosee their city as brighter happier place in which to live The planning commissions report urges the establishment or seriee of planing parks he tween Donald and Smithstreets running irom Grahamflauenue to tiiegMidlownJrldge These block longr developmentswould not he parks reunions were popuim then as addrnt the 16thnnnllnl oi the Black familym neotion with oiler anbresent one item Montana hen intlie program emaildriving contest was won by Mrs McConkey who was over so years otnze that time At the Arnold getberingos werorpreeent Innisfil Park John Arnold oi Aliiston recounted onie interesting Janis iaboutvthe fondly when backyard courtesy boiledhnalyataiter railroad traveisseiiing facilitiessccording to they werefonleaving lapwhat they left he learned The uceess enterprises udlortunatelyprompla the book digasideagainstt hich the Bankwerns gt We needs new attitudd wwardsduca lion and pereiitsand older 19a ehouid endeavor toencourasethe young iolkto assume new outlook byapplyink them selves to iurtheredu ation This ineed diiterence betwe the not be on iormai halaisyalthoughvthat can be helpful to many older folk out at leastlt shouidfhe markedvbythat exercise or mind that will seesomethlng new acquired each day some lncreasein skill or gain in wisdomthat will expand onee outlook onthe world Drinking himam min only do my sea which wassimple Go after the enemy and keep myself and those under me homing casualty lists criminologist have said that itsel ohie committed only by thoscwho steel or rob or kill lest theyor their families starve prisons would bestrange ly empty Prosperity can consuse and It is aeunbeerabie response face missing that premotion Vic president as it is for othersto iaoeva layoh irony thsaseemb1y line as Ante to trnstrating not to rate that second car as not to rate anycar at all Hard observes But let Dszhhindle tinlfllt It Is an iilcially created needsthatdem stimulants1 lt pools priv bull columnistiits or public buildings such ash lib rary an art gallery or asmuseum The possibliit we are inilnlte and varied but the vista provided would be an enflcingvspaciousnese in our con uetelunglei plaza development in Winnipeg would have benefits or beyond the inanedlate obiectlve of beauty for its own sake it woiiid im measurably imPrnve the value if the land lntha vicimtyPoperty vallies would increase new business firnu Wouidhe luredm the area host of old dilapidated houses and shabby wherewo the cars goYKlbe report suggests rovided beneath 13 mil arlring lots would disappear And LONDON ReutersléOne foggy loodon day when thebattie of El Alameinwas at crucial stage Winston Chlirchiii poring over the mapeiin his operations room inalievuapital slan up times eon peelprobleins down to theandssi ihls sortot weather simplicity at bare essentials the Oh Itlaln Science Monit wont do Eddie Marsh am good lhenhe bachto his battle Melsir later Sir Edward Marchu was Winston Churehiils secretary for annexLug always took nap alter lunch and he claimed his con hudonï¬to the Allied 3in in fll Second World war lay in his having ere ed on Britain war leader to and scholarship tinction and artistic Jll gained widevdcelaim Everyone who was anyone ew Eddie Marsh and Eddie knew everyone in Parliament in Iii think lettérsin paint in in social world that Queen Vi theï¬mes oi Eds ward VII and era of the G80 the literally throughï¬re and water on ems common doorway whichoilered aware the lattesdivs of vote secretary oould resistth viletipn to accompany him the biographer said adding When the house caught fire and thehome secretaryordeled the lire brigade to take action he wsumwopen if mm it too at opera one Marsh standing at his sin shelter irons rain bullets while orders Were being passed as couple of policemen and 81 detachment of Scots Guards were thought to besravely want infllgn this urge to rebuild Athens Mr Marsh hadiaecom Danieedlim on Medlterr eon to the lack olinilueaeeol logic sin caino outwith theidea that posses othluejackets irom the Enchantreas nilsbhhe stalled to in Intimid anoe anoaewmziaenbut Marsh hadnotedlnhirmernoir the aeverthelcssdhé simmers pair suggested on thispecaslon has since beenearrled out to the satisfaction at elischolan Has rallwroteu When Edelst died at the French magazine it oontdlned It is gonadsto say that to my mind helsjndisputablythe greatest ï¬gure in English his tour With the possibiecxoeption ofaKing Alired about whom do not know enouah to form an opinion Lsrmxmmm aeraorammmuslc REMONY together as Christopher Hassall disaloselr inhis hiograpbll of Ed ward Marsh published by Long mans Green and Companyfrmm ted LondonJ CONSTANT common in 191 when Mr Churchill lwhs home secretary group of dly weibrme by hard searching survey of Chicago reportreoeivedI byltbe trafï¬c department of the Canadian National Railways The as uned to perk upthe art ofselisng travel and place it ahead of other types of iron portation Herb Dymen arr ved home fromiidanchester England or three months vacation from gilt heavyweight arduousdob of seeking the boxing championship of the British Empire Red as berry he walked into The Examinermflloe Id stated that aiterthaEnglis elim three years he hadnt seen mu as theilsunior anecday here was almost as Roone for lllenguorthémIx ï¬sh tryto hangs wiies opinion on anyiiung ab etc on ut what it anarchists line from en MI Chur retrainirom personal visit to the ne of action do his opened ï¬re on thelpw house Travellers andthelatest perio Bedchina indicatevrthe Pelping Lodons ill could no more iéChinese In BorderV Area eels Irony ch The name The Barr Examineri pun weddings is past thinth would be well it those who are planning weddings later this year would give some thought to ad important part of the mony the musié Macho the therehas been resolved the con tradictionp which was not thoroilghlyIresolved at th me or thalagricuituralproduCeis co from the cir operatives tan in which minority res Moment ruffled the minor are sentimental lovesoags and there are lneppropriate sane andMeodelssohn wed music properly belongs to the om house and the con cert stage Certainly itshouid neverba used in churebtorltit secular to the oore Thearea meat is sometimes altered that comm may we hiking tree dismveraooaliiies do and trying to dioxin 11 An ectionlstarawsyandtbe jNameroua CCEers have come possible harm of anycommenl iatatbehouuwiih um widths in am not hetero iedJoiliuewss note eventually mel me any Haebonaid hu mo had shag or um butnot very mu particularly his Muenoe lathen does hedoesnlfguliiaympartyhgatmg and reason with the minder pd emu hm elsmallfldit£13527illlcli we barking 99 yes as ea it ongoing talisman lnthris lnsvtuvotmethasnthypnbliem on on timrousbny was at we elslihshlehebaladiing gt hathBuwrd mrsnrnsrimnnusws UAS 3111mm Setohdiimé BY Bastianhepatr Premier Joseph premiisrwho visited the Canadian Pleat sun Writer For the second umi was sighed who to seveninontixs thelioiled states kins as ireewhoelinz campaign on Empeglgï¬manm got their ebullientboss Khrmlr lornli this world as who oh2$tf cm Fro Romanovlch show who otters oeeow moi til penumbrat prestig when hefrweptlnf some time manned totme hung stNewYorhe lewd repeatedly Airportabosrd ahugclw air as daemonsear graphs with show and was G3 ens sheeti new smallhoye Beware altsshooter bleloilr avzor LI and waved cowboy hatvovar Keriod was thus ecnas ï¬lth mun PdWW shpehsalesjman seckingmore Luanwsnesneerouse wuï¬llanwgage gnome Btu rtsiromcrosa 35 5533ndrfl1 ï¬ncsennaue puhll Mommas Yarns to Kwiov from cisoo De ransom 5° are to pichlrpgoo the Kremlin hlgwlg as It isstl1ough goodnshaed touristrseeking erahly more success in thlsthan Kodlshvipwith everybogy intrjadznperï¬mllglylsinoo be wasmors cau ous anwae alrea Mum whom the otheï¬ï¬‚m elated bufï¬nny ehad 13315 it is panel4m rqr weddings Yet 11 otour gr ts did not havelte£ their weddings it some 1900 into popular useabout vvagneranginiiuwwmtelhn campus on as iuneral dirge hum itend seel endlnter corporated itintothe opera Lo in 1850 In the operait En is used at the wedding oiEisa who promptly thereafter proves unfaithlul to her marriage vows Not very litnn background for modernuse Mendeissohn wrote his wed ding music in molar ton as being While upia this north of landcit jto attend the Royal Highlan Agricultural Show learne of something new nd unusual theform of liva stockLproje for Scotlandln theCairns rm mountains in Aberdee Laplsnder who has ettledhhe fsnotw or cpltoo Pelimeatal xébasis hobby th to israie axherd formed nileszswiththe inte tion of exploiting the commu elal possibilities of reindeer as source of meatsupp1y In aflpress interview Mran inn soothe iirst thought of mm reindeer ranching in Shetland during Halt to thlscoua inlMlAtltthattime thin quantity ornindeer meat which tsetse rather like matL imported inï¬ United Kingdomfle noted an thrilling business the northezni slopes at mm meOaEngomMouhlm were dom reserve tin5000 acres of overhudting lSAGREEES WITH WHA amoucs saw region inï¬rch Sweden with reindeer had other iich witherein abundance Mr litaiestahlished reln slopceand whol homing afforests the and room land high above Loch Morlioh lie He brought av reindeer Swe tostar tneuh bier in January He wumor wi toilets whileettheaameflgg