albagc dump 31 his drain miWcsln rent nr Baxter Hall uglier constable ssh mileage floonorw nine special meetings MDeooey tour 5P9 32 Dermott rm mnal meetings $32 live special meetings 340 IEZAdliml land for munici 3375 tan in on by Denney and was bylaw authorizing the application to hc Ontario Moo Improvement Corporation orlthe to build Cookstown yThis was read third dipasScd Anlotion ny Denney and Da wuthat bylawbe intro ccd supplementary road dlturea or 1959 also pass On motion of Page and the ï¬nohce accounts that the clerk telMurphy and Wilson soli turs and advise them that does not own that part ol road nEast hail lot motionhyDenoey and Due that the objection received Sanford Page re clwing of borne street ilom King to streels he received and cell on ï¬le for lurlher din on at next meeting breakdon road expendi of supplementary bylaw line lotslsvfll shows new in CPR tracks and con tion new roadway $7000 derond Con 11 to com te surfacing shoulders and ding 51000 6th line can ction and oase $12000 See Line to complete rm enc hurlacing and shoulders ooo SRlLou fund 10 con ctlon and has $10000 Subdivision new asphalt ps hardsur cs $2700 Filth Lot cut hill and con ct ncw 15 SR cut rake county intersection th Line roadway $6000 25 BR Cons and pipe arch construction ol base $500 lotal is $56000 motion by Deooey and Da wns that the engineers re port onjthe CPR tilth line cross ingba acceptedthe clerk to for ward copy to Transport Com missio On mononyol Davis and Der 1nott cheque or $375 is to go forw uo arthur Adams being Champions wchase byltotcertain tun Sunday was that the Essa towuhlp building inspector be instructed not to issue liuildmgmermilsjto any person unlit the applicant produces prool iron the colmty treasurer that there arson ar rears of taxes motion by Davis and Page instucted township engineer Weir to prepare prolile of all roads within lire Wilson Sub division which la now revised under judges plan lt was decided to send the recve the chairman of ï¬nance and treasurer to the Department of Municipal Aliairs trydiscuss procedure intlssulng debentures 0n oration ol Dennï¬y andDavis counc isto take Ithevrleeessary steps to appeal the township as sessment lrom himcoe County motion by Denney and vls was that lcava be granted to introduce nylaw in aid at icoostruction and additions in Royal Viclbris Hospital Thls was read second time statement gave lhe estimated costs at 31200500 toward which once required 800 Barrie City grant is for $292900 and County grant oi $97600 The balance lormuniclpali ties would be tnulslil 13 per cent Essa per cent Camp Borden per cent Vespra 73 per cent Ora 51 per centand Sunnidale per cent Totals in tenyear payments are Innisiii $38200 in payments ol $4600 Essa $17000 in payments of $2320 CampBorden $15200 in payments at $2080 Vcspra $17800 in payments of $2 Oro $12300 in payments of 700 and Sunoiliole $2100 inpay ments of $290 Mrs Cathcart attending sununer school in Toronto Mrs Martin at Shanty Bay has been with her sister Mrs Hewitt who is ill number from the village spent July 12 in Elmvale Stirling MCCauley took Miss Gleodennimg to Toronto hos pital Saturday Mrs Snider Sr is at pres ent with Miss Richardson lorry Bates Tomato spent Ms Handy Crown Hill and Mrs Max haig Vernet Beardsall ul gt0ril visited Mr andMrsErn Carr Our village boys who work on construction jobs were home for the weekend Mr and Mrs Ralph Kodgson are away on ï¬shing trip Theuhildren are at Midhulst UNNIDKLECBS on Saturdayeveniog July ma friends and neighbors of Mr nd MrstHarcld Phifer met the township hall to exer besrwishes ontheirlhe sena not recentgmarrlage After mgsong and ï¬lms An hddress of good wrshes as read by William Bates 0n behalfof the group Norman Giï¬en Claude Fleming and Lloyd Done made presenta tion of two hostess chiarrs and ashassock in few wellchu sen words Ha drunks for the Adler singing For Aral JuliylGaodfFeil group showered the groom with confetti lunch and lowed dainty er andtMrs GordonBtrie v1 74re1ative Woodstock and Hamiltonrreeen Mr and fan Barrie visitors of Mrs Mel vine Bates and and £8 Another by Davis and Denny would be Federal and Provincial grants ol $712700 leaving hal oily Ratesof pay spent the weekend with Mr social half hour ole Becentvsritqrs cw QUEEN AWARD Sgt MWESthusorl 30 of Mootroaimod Ottawa was among dross who receiv cdlhc George as from Queen Elllabcth during an in4 vestlture in Government llduse Ottawn July 1959 ii on the medal for tw coterï¬g dangerous hylnti luel lire athlonhnody Eran in July 1066 son bringing the biota uuder control 10 Photo coaAL up Since the dnys thelate Lord Baden lPoweil cw scouts worth their liatlges have failed to parade dressed in shortsbuttha tradi tion doesnt impress at least one Conadlaniscout And to boot Queens Scout Robert Kelkkila 20 who attended the lost world yamboree in Eng land considers restrictions or loudraising also should come in rlor review The Sobalt youth said in an in tervlcw that regulations instituted vby the movements founder Lord BudenPuweli in South Atrica during the Boer War are in need change scout laws created in the horse and buggy days don ways ti to todays rocket ag he said Therequisite of short pants on parade Eula no ice with Canadian Soviet Standard MONTREAL GP Dr Cyril James pal and vice chancellor of McGill University said luesday that within 12 years Russias stande oi liv ing will he on parwlth that in Glands and the United States Dr James whorec tiyvrsxted Russia told Rotary meeting the economic advances ot tileLFe Russians were due to thechoos ing of theright mu andwomen and through the best possible training On collective fannhevisited 900 an lewere actively engaged or these 51 had ome workers getting 10 times the amount paid to others Young people were attracted to farm He by high pay they worked hard and skillfullyï¬ndthe op Senale DeiencejBlli WASHINGTON AP The Senate Tuesday night passed fï¬0000000000 deienCexmoney bill for the next 12 months It ex ceeds Presid ntEisenhowers budget request $346000000 The measure voted 90 to 40 now goes to SenateHouse of Representativesconterence to re concile ditlereocea with Home passed version The Hausa voted $746000000 less than the senate plains $380 000000to mid woodnuclear povtered arrcraltwarrler Eisen hower had asked $260000000er conventional carrier but the lions ted aga st any new carrier The measure also ditional rnillions the armymote modern weapons and equipmentto deal withhoth the uncle age and conven nai were Saturday numbers were hnndedout or reading at next meeting tables andpréparlng rodeo Infill rw EIII ezgy len showed the girlrtheir vegetable ondllowor gardens Mnvathcrs demonstrated tnorplontloghowsn Nextmeetlng is to be held toward the end at this month tal Canadianscoot DislikésShortsi boys andtheir scoutlaaden as wholeanll could even he factor preventing moreyoung peoplehom becmniog associated with the rnovsrnenthe clalnied Shorts are out ot style and gunsuitahlelor Canadas cold cli matear trimmer bushlan said Robert lo Canad where yto at wear1longpanta sometimes heiore they are adopted hen some lothe holdings dim had not been ohV nient the taxesare all to amino late and the ropértyp ac in the ï¬n Thauodao standing is that there will he hida oothc sale other In the owners whngwillhid totes and accumulated am Alter this has bcen 1011 back to the owner he murt wait year baton he will on LLclear dccd iron township on them included inthe Ia weaned it ii an unpopular step toforce them into shorts in the scout movement He also crltlrJze regulations whichiimit scout lund raising drives to paper and bottle col lections and apple sales Chmdies use bingo as moire ing meansbhnyet itmi loo ed poo as gam on tabooto scouts hesald The lack of funds was hampering large numbers boy wishedlto atten camps orthogonal To Canada 01115 slolzsreao mount to get homes of their own In cotton factoryha found the same motive or work ll ï¬gure the manager lost his ioh but if they were kept down one third of the difference Wmlldito to themlanagea napalm goflrzy rs an renralmn ioia surrey At least two copies no walked out my gardinai flushing Andliefl Editor Work on Pamphlet HARTFORD Conn an Richard Cardin olQushing of Bon ton and onetime commumst edi catechismlike pamphlet expos ing the fintrinsic evil ol commu cam Cushing in are up st an international consplra in communism and that all whovbelievc in God Catholi Protestan owa Roman Catholic convert livin who production costs rose above set récfeï¬tion tor Louis Budenz of the Daily Worker are working together on laikat Wether eld Monday said we an MIANE hasheon held Iota 1W ow the owner th diner es lm interest on fun an ounce not Iny mo ts over Irithovo the tantamount ol thn taxesr an ount any over the the ho invests this without interest Twelve cleared andmore ofthese an be and ho are lot wiur cottages sunknow moronn End nusHum iihfï¬ earns tsnrperycanyhut thevbiddcr raises the am Opartles have been°if9 on on comma err gimme original 131 We ht tars new ire at the county load lhis will cost sa1aao This site thought to be about the centre no the municipality Theplan tbehulldlog is laid to be somewhat similar to that in theOlodownshlpbofldlng gsrunr 13Rme EDMQNTON cpl 821000 analytical ultra oenlrilugnl nu muhloe has been installedln the department at biochemistry at tha Universityoi Alberta will be used in study of protein from dystrophic muscles andprotein fromnormalmuscl have George Bur one at Shellield Mass was dedicated in 195 gfibi575 AllGood amend some aon Brlnd Tea icky or igurlEs mam mo cm MeaganMm nreanaamvv Eating Mums lndfuehMcl amnion Ind nut 05 IM chopffll