day 08 Sta wasnmarou AP John McClellanoi oday Itn crystal Holt never headsEongdlgmï¬ 255year on mutate Piuiidentriiotia and scandals in the union As parti shahcommitte counsel itohert SvKenoedypdc nouoced Holia to his face as taker oi payolts tram employees tall ydulthats evli Jiotia flaredblrk COULDBUSI OFFA inn otia or furtherqu toning oi and investigating the union in hopeiul tones Kennedy told reporters the board of monitors annolnledby federal district court to help police the Tenm malce the problem removing liolfa as the unions president in separat interview liga Ciellau said telt sure the lib quity at lbast has tort ed the monitors in th Ir urpose to supervise and direct cleanup But senator said Rolls and his henchmenihy tileirp formance have made It crystal clear there can he no cleanu Surrendering Convicts Given Chance To ziiir PETROLS Tenn AP Cun victs who gavp up Tuesday are hold ut iorzzhcurs in damp priso coal ml were offered chan to air err complaints to oiliciai Pat Patters assistant correc tions on misarooerremained pm overnight at Brushy Mountain prison tolisten individual grievances He had used to ne gotiate turther until the 94 rehel convicts left the and re leased three capt mine iorelt Wésdflylfliflii to the urity section of the state pénite tiary at tNashville Will be pun mainder he sd through loss islied here possibly of privileges OTTAWA tcoigec spe ling soared 2397314553 in the moose fiscal year end March 31 ex ceeding by5i05 65 budget Fady hedvliv attened lay bile grants and car arked taxes upvby $10400000 from 19575 The rest otthehudget ill record gross commercial revea ues of $32093505 inquiry ended jlistabdut had started Hoiia made lengthy replies to every ques contaioed littleinionnation gig stifled will movein to deal with gangsters nists narcot pediarsfhave risen to power as his aides inimpnrtant union oiï¬eesn axsarva Answers Mculian lsaid the ï¬nal heari dramatized one the big proir iems of the Mmhinvcstigauon getting real answer to ques tions Hotia parricd demands that he helpdisclose the source oi 3m ooo in $60 hills which hadiigured in the testimony Hotta sug gested to the committee pointing to Own Bert Brennan his right hand man in Michigan Tenmstcri affairs Brennan president Detroit Local 337 refused to answer voiving constitutional protection against selfincrimination Committee investigators said the $10000 was traced from Bren nan to lawyers for Bernard Spin delv codeteodant with Haifa in $957 wiretap conspiracy trial in which th were acquitte Their Beets treateddeep into themine shnit that runsmore than mile ham Armed with 200 sticks of dyna mite supplied for the days work the group demanded se iesci changesjat the prison ogtng in more pay andbetter loud to changes in handling censored mail They urrendered Tuesday nit eroooa Vatiersonaald the sur render some alter prison officials issued an ultimatum liewouid noteiahoiate Ha alsasald he had granted tite prisoners two minor concessions They willnot lose their good conduct time and they will not he punished with aleather strap Thehostagessaid the were treated kindly by the wow nanny WIN it Elist woman owner no Eng lish Derby loner was Lady James gl whose colt Gainsborough won the race clas sic in 1919 in othe formsoi incomet Depreciation to of 32523366 is includedin the rec ordvexpenditures more than hali of which went into oi radiovand telev Thefigures were give publiclyowned corporations an nuai reporttaixied today in the Commons Unlike reports of past ears there is no breakdown of spen 11 red and TV it isvuoderstood that titled poiitan Toronto licensing intohe Cumberland Mountains its armed was whe Toronto Vice TDROMD CF senior po licn qilicer says therenever has heat of Torontos vice jungle inspector Harold Adarnson tesi Tuesday heloretha Metro con ed hustiing heroin mission niteiii parade of csscd prostitutes and dru dicLs described trade in the Dundos strcols distri everal said Ihey he not too much trouble in pickidgup her oin at $6 capsule ASKED aaour POLICY InsprAdamsou was asked by John Gordon lawyer or the pm printors of two restaurants in the district whether it was policyto avoid th that would underground where would he harder tocontrnl No one has ever told me thntï¬ the inspector said ow of no such sugge on Crirzic is crime howevbr you look you dont keep the heat on there things got right out of hand he sa Therummissioo is consi whether the two restaurants have hecomahangouls for prostitutes anddrug pushersktodhe point where their licences should not hercnowod hut in several days hear av amountedto Will OTTAWA CF Federal oifl eials have their fingers crossed that theJLnjted SiatessieaLatriko wontThc ton Lane The opin today wastthat there will he no serious repercussions in Canada ImiEss the strike goea be yond month wee Government ran steel millssome of whom depend on are from the use have ma arrangementsto get are supplies Canada Police Qlies ion Gang Leaders tonne AP Scotland Yard men todayquestloned ex convicts known gang leaders and shady Ldndnn underworid char acters their search forthc lieroi in policeman Police saidwthey knew who they were afterand identiï¬ed the sus pert as Canadian They had one maior cluea iary wi names and address and telephone numbers which thegunman drop ped as he was being chased by Detective eaot aym on Purdy Monda Furdy wasshotin the heart atterhh akmgoilensive tele phone calls to woman from pay telephone and the fatal shot fire frompniothiaok range th other etective went to the ihg charged as ddlaweightboxer array Rabi on leaded call tee car 11 inkth melee aodlaccused by of using shooting ce hccn any suggestiono taking the nu own Jarvis kind of police prexurc rive the illicit traflic ering sterner Gré BASHAW Alta CP yearold hausted and unarmed walked out from behind horn and stir renderedto police Tuesd bringingAlbertas greatest man hunt to strangely quiet end As man oszoo troo and iice usng planes allid tracking dogs had A22 ii sigh one into custody iog their guns reason some look raped from Pano was being held to eohservation after father atepmptherand the couples ve children were found hiudgeoned to death June 28 Cook hasbeen charged with histathe slaying Cooks escape rials lear through nearby farming Some men had aintained night watchat the homes since Cook clawed his through the hospitals mesh window in report tabled in the upper house said thisfear hasheen displayedin the marlred reluctance of the public to buy bonds Investors hadssuliered real itrisa matter of vitalth learn thatthisvinflation osy he overcome andthat one fidence in the iuturyaiu mon all seen th gun in of fan the poii ere arrested at Nikita usoectad skiliarr an to Mental Hospital laerridayr He rslmoved their ltamlli to em rhe stockyyouth still were the pyjamas he hadoo when he es Caped Friday Trousers covered his Mamahottuins He had on top but we dark jacket sror rwo cuts Police said this capehe stole calm was badly snarled today1 by disagreements not only battyeen Russin and the West but also earn the estero powers themselves The Western foreign ministers so is wéraunable unwilling to Ize the oiiensivexagainst Eus sias Andrei com itieain tudy ofithe virtually easement the reportnoted lihRejected hyvthe cdmndttee was fcieep inflation tinuing pride and necessary Bank view of someobservers that sl tinyne governoroi that off Canada was quoted in routine oats moaynsynmrna Manhunt 1et5 Stirrenderi was nhwhere in another car which covered near her Police believed Jositionthot it when ter gas re ooira greatest desirewas tovge to Stettier 25 miles southeast oi hate to 1i was Magistrate Fred toth was that the iii to agi whi Eggswho had committed Cool eneot the reasons apparently ei were unable any settlement egotiatedvaltli theSoviet Union it villi have to be ham mered out in se thei proposal to crat sessions But res secret iks has been frustrated for the time being by Gromyigosjnsist ALth sam The key problem Allies is what price to pay Iara agreement whi aniouot toa truce inv created hy the Russians £6an East to giv th their garr French argue su meotwwould gt id crisis threat Ki ch mum theflu as theistrike began imimms ONQMY walkout likut oil 90 per cent altharAlneric Ste companies not gthe called at retreatiogjrom its demand or gher Vwages and improved fringe hénï¬its Just as stead astly the industry stuckï¬to iLs could not locrease production costs andleisi be able to institute some economies Thmyware the basic positions negotiations began it weeks ago They remained unchanged Wilkins ca threateiééd to pagity an dow tractwiththevli tedSteeiw rir eralgi America dothose proposed the agree to submit 5strike issues to factiinding Md to neutral person at JusticeWarren proposal trys fourmeannegotiating team McDonald proposedthat th dustty andnah tactfinding prode to in th tackinvolved cavities lioy ihomsoa now will leading new puhiisher He wiil bring in journalis slow ldeï¬t said he industry negotiators ianiorsetti wiouprnoeosais M¢D9naid had proposed on lt Wn exigentract grant oga or inackagem increaseanoualiy This was the settlement in WWW pact in insethat ended strike lasting 34 days The industry soughtcontlnua lion at priestwages and bean tits pluschanges to Elva the in try more leeway in promoting economies ihevhaslc we dercoi 15 propoï¬es thatvanch board be empowered to conduct hearlugcon all issues dispute between the parties emake recommendations meat of these issues stair and equitahiesettie bite the recommendations at such aihoardwoold notzbebindv ing we are confident that they would provide abasis or negotia tion and facilitate uicir settie men by the par