Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1959, p. 15

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DAREDEVIL $HOWS WEDNEDAY JULY 15 830 pm WASAGA BEACH SPEEDWAY lieu don ghannt nun in moon eolu on my arm AT Home lulu Travel BEACH PARK Ai BIG on POINT New park on Lulu Simone swim picnlca lent nnc mile aim out and beach in hers Dily unfit mac bar IL VI turn at Painlwilk Putin Strontium Swill mun Ilt Driver laughs At Policeman OTTAWA CPr man who described himself no head of The Christian Liberty Party for Chn ado won restrained by RGAF ceduriwjuurds today wh he attempted fohpproaehAmerloan Foreign Secretary Christian Her teruhehrrivedattheairport here Denote of Hastings Ont told reporters he wanted flm to filo Berta or give sin entconcerning the fourth freedom Mr Dennis said the Christian Liberty party fireplaces the ahat teed Liberal party defeated in the list federal elec on The middle agednnhnbbllsv dressed man did not explain what he meant by the fourth freedom other than to any it was formul ated by President Roosevelt of the JJnitEd States and Prime Minister Churchill of Britain dur ing the Second WoridJVal Burned Blast Rescues Nephew BELLEVILLE CWLarry At kins 18 burned about the mus by an oil stove explosion carried his two nephews to sofelv Sator doy night before flames en veloped hoopla home in Can nington four miles north of here ihe boy was reported in fair condition in hospital He was preparing dinner for the two children of his brother Donald when oil spilled on the stove The rescued pair are aged 18 months and eight months Khrushchev Baked TojVisil Ethiopia MOSCOW AP Emperor Knife Selassie or Eunopl teme pororily ruling the Kremlin Pal ace as guut of the Soviet govern inent caption in the grand White Hall President Klementi Voroshiiov and Premier Nikita Khrushchev were among several hundred guests Radio Moscow reported Khrush chev has accepted invitation to visit Ethiopia No date who set for thevisit which would he Khrushchevs first to Afrio clAssIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHQNE Iv PA 82414 vertisementrare indemdjatlhe 35 4c perjword per Inner li for word for three four or 1079 within lo dayn rim MINIMUM novennsmmmus encore cos FOR ANY chAssm PAID William lODAYS on one monsoon PER sno GEE mumion énmingl Event 5cper word minimumcharge 5150 Birth ud Death Noticeanand Card MTlihnks $1 Noticeavslfio if verse used an outward extra nirrio in no dinnu taken ova the airplane in Jillian Id All WANTIAD copyrhonld our otficc bySpmxthe Duhiiufloa 0n headmi Fridoy gave greatre Condo ed and cinssified ad or one motwo tildes 34 uddi naivcharge hormone inMemoriamv kaolin will amullr lore1mm in mioiiia vml DOUG 1me nnmlc 3mm IVAuni mmum Dpudaihnomtanhinn mos cam lane canon run PA um Jm Quinn roe ell horn went res PA Moon Smith compou PA em Charlta Read ru PA m1 Gerald Malia PA 57m lumbar of igni Ind Bell Matt Board Arin HENRYELRICIlt AND MICHIE REALTORS REAL ESTATE FROM 15 um Slt Militia PsrATEfiALE KING STREETANGUS ONT ennuiroe linerem tanned drumoil haltint In iivtnx and htnatlon Hon cmpl Rafi an ac oak atom don mun Open or lnrnecuon mud nmrt from on An ur thlr outnum Phorin PA was nunmo omen nouns ox xvalNGs CALL YRS WA BOB WINGPA 58 WY MICmPA N551 HENRYELRICK and MI neollors Street Barrie Ont llAMldbl FRCDSE my ESTATE exam 79 mm 5mm luau CENTRAL 85M mil price one than Indian anal hath mill ll no to more will on nun oak floors chmuanouixnu uni woodwork iuu huement run once mares Cuh required to owner CENTRAL fugue our paymentnagd thibal on bedroom briekphome via an villain and union pin in moment nil heathla Thla none in excellent con and decanted sr MARYS school AREA lihree bedroom nriok home only orflimr fifim W1 In em nonlinear Isleel inoprlnrg PA 82379 lioonlhcr Barrie tonal oh and National heui mm iziirdo THE BEST VALUE Fan avoun MONEY momma lThE 000 $10000 $15000 Ion ORE $1595 DOWN Bruin Al with lull kitchen Ind liv eompletely evlll to atom mli Serena decor lludflluida Ind flldded and may other fir 951 $1541 home call hEDn dl eompietel1 decorow rnorma oI rcr and roddcd Located rmr saloon and no morethan lo nunnm walk fronid Por appointment as Wlth Axu olniilrm to tibia Ira urnu on Pi helutfllfll no of th but location In In For mflml wflt no hurl Inflow mp tony homl Return bedroom gar old int tiVlnl room and cannons on EVENING newl lulu bedroomhuh roam attachedflnle Till finished prion unarmed no inopenuon IiA em ll vermin Il new lime mmwm MMVMWiVMPAMavflnlPAbM GRAHAK DIXON PA Gill PASM mmmm BETWPI PAIW JI simonmumn RITA CANDRETLPAM omcanlm lulucalorie Cancunnonon Nkédm new R0 ilAifl GERslIa CONNELL ohhnmlmamallnnln PA esssa ANYTIMEI PHONE NEW BUNGALOW $5500 lhlabroom PWEFYPfiiflhfi th unite if in brand naanrwuiorca nriu will touch iiiil mo one mult with ma airnu Al plum work thnulhout An excellent umflunitylerhhandlman 13 HOME WMJNOOME $148 omenmnhmn $5323me on malt no3 zrieirg nilfitmcilixiiinmfilm bathroome vary nod uic par neenmmnnnunn on thil wide lot nm nowwiih in many mum bundc mu mmnnnWnemwrwwm ror onei rhino nd mino 3mfimrllefienfriirlt mi mm um in on floor Trio HWWII on level walltram rum flan PA woniir ruilpuucnnrn munAm mm moonsx result nixraltr um laxAn numb mormmwna mm nonmo PM Arm HIM Plowman durum eonnon ta HIGK Dick HaldanePA REAL ESTATE BROKER Gene lime em WELLmCTONST Cliff BrawnPA use mam mem Elmfihmf PHONE PA 82022 ANYTIME Ph PA 82678 l1AIm Pox Baum on ROBERT lophia secnc bind we or euconn Park thI PA om dryor rnnuu 53L finm Riki 15 GUARANTY TRUST Mm comm or CANADA BAY ar TORONTO xx Mm mo no mo mom l7Alsom nor 52 Conn Garu Pilot PA L713 In non mlluloa BEDROOM Boole lot lieum REALESTATE anom iiiiitriidi 339 firifiiwnaizs so hayfieid Street Barrie l7Aldl16 PA GPIGCB an illfla lot near ark Centre Street ca con down too month KARL WA um occupnncy lin no auo mumsnow 1m 1Aisad mum enu PA and PEGHORLPAInn mom NWKM FARM FOR SALE ARTHUR ONTARIO mend en new insis HENDERSON REA OR PROPERTY comor St noon or 165 Luz won eonnru ed erooxn nrlck noun rdnl tor nonhuman or dwelling cloantu the centre or harm run price $14000 ocma minim Cleared ievei utllxc ianli Loam aoiL Ample wafer Good house room hathmom Barn i2 Skiiii sneei him or hone 11mm 20178 lNGnIOME FOR SAL ruo hub in owner retiring NOW in full mslrnr REALTY Budnen ernkm 42 Sterling StreetEamiiton or phone Jaehmi um Ar15141 water It fluid idiélliIEi LEOOMBInd lock Gouger mapuh swoon 8e Celflonarnuhihelzeue own inwardno nflhort em EEI on lllllfiflll IIW pinnull ilflflliln nanII VAHH ElgfAIHII Ii Elly2 an CQMMERCIAL in mice hourr nourrIPA H463 COR mm huh PA STouTTAGENCIes LTD SCOLLIER ST BARRIE 11m l7cMobilo Homer warhugryriornnm noon incommen umfignlluuendtvpluet RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOME SALES LTD Burton Av No it 1111th Phone PA ITOmt Vi 7HSumfner Cottages DITA no Broeka leach Ilih Solo Mu to Ana Mt by of Alifinam hi1 on Phiiiin PAMM ma um Ion Rm Sunni eottana on All Couehiehlnl electric It and nutfldl convenience in invariant 17131504 i7J Apis Houses For Rent uniah uu wuher 111 m1 Ills Pnonc PA noon apartment on round floor Phanl PA 5300 or PA 32933 noon rurnlrhed nommrnl AP mum Victoria St Poo PA BOOM rurnnhao continent new at 111 blind Iciiitlul Mild5155 Owen St ME Anilan PM mm iii152463 um Ailmen UNI17mm Room with momma end her in Phone PA H751 111 non so am nrlnlcn limb nlnhoh uniYou engrnca an nun very reuonnblc Phonc PA 34352 ailloads MllDEBN unnlrnlahed room apm hunt with hath and luumiw room block rum main 1361 twine ed and hot water Central can between and on Phone PA Mm 17 591 3311an Apartment our new Steel sosohuol sopPuts entrnncn and note on mont PA no noolvr Apnrtmenrno heating Ind tree electrical Etienne tzeiidwn noon 17 loilsa LEEDMDM Aymflnt fill no sails no ghoul PK IP19 i7 67 APARTMENT ml electric stave elohle trio Avallahienow morn em clear PA Whiner front mllh Met Real Phone PA 515 SBLPEDNTAMD modern ort merit hot Water aupplied one no room ucln floor Adults Phone PA Mom after yon viilooms humoure idenl for hccneior or career coup stove and re Irmaathl su pligi compleicly rilt vale and eonlord Phone witaft 430 pm l1J1utr maul room apartmen eomhin ntlnn iivtn room 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EL hurinou Services soonmo mqfl BARRIE LANDSCAPING AND GARDEN SUPPLY Mm Ol MINER l0 CWANDDHlmm¥ irAulomolive 1A+Cars for Soil IIAROLD JORY RILthAiiMlku omchduhhromm BAYmD summon PA 84165 Midtown nosr nELlAELE ohm Used Cars no $th convertible Iompiotoly equipped nu nod acrenl soonl mo oldnnolulo Moor hudtoo mo Meteor Cilih canoe ndio use cnov nelun sadau ma cnev Bel Air outgonuo nod Pontlcc Club Coupe rcolo ills lass hedotoi Sodnn colinput lossiontiac neluxn Sedan luool helmm leaerett N0 DOWN PAYMENT as mum 5mm 0mm Mm mum PA Hm tar1m Viau MOfors Newand Used Economies Cors RAMRLER and EJLMAN DEALER 11 GOWAij hiltEEl PA 66488 hr ruins PA N262 1A in MEEO $1435 Can he Phone New Lowell am ilkisms 1952 BUICK Sedan tnp running rendition no point nolo Phone PA 7063 160462 1120 scllool 317511 excellent condition wllh Learn to go on rehool route con act to party hneuc meetinl Ippmvaiml school hoard Best orlcr Phone am an or on Murdock at Guthrie lArlw1£2ifl ml lvmrhoiz ndia15 1m Meteor 6150 in olnrmuoile eyunner aria 331 Ford Conga run Custom radio for so Pontiac Wrecking Ford mercury mo con airmen one gin sulxlt ofun gt III one lAlsom 1352 OLDSMOBIL Super with Illwmattc tranmssion practically new twotori 1P3 anon chroma tinted filial run or lltiin with root and hackuotr naehers windshield washers lndelumr chromnl wheel Ham WM wail ilrer Mlaretfe oer etc no car L1 in fallen condiflm Pn only immedia none Meteor curtain cluh coup d1 33 Tiling 5mm PA 89816 10AM HANURE POWER nowm SE17ch SPRINGTUNDUP mum nElloLE nonnwnnn ll stint Btu Barri PA m1 Lloomwr STAN BRYSON mommy amtion Uapperton St PHONE PA um 341m AcnON Pan aumnozme cmnmm norm oncnmc EXCAVAHONS ml FISH Panes PA Enid LEE uAnE sglwlmowr LEMAY Epsom Concrete laurelcon exocvrled Poottnlalnd wells poured and beckoned at not me Back Koo wwk tron Loader nmer shovel Druiine Gravel Top Sign mppited Alro water up piled PHQNE PA 82325 OR PA gigging VLAKE SIMCOE PAINTINGIAND DECORATING Work done by Gerry Van Gonna Free mnm CALL FA 87170 Hssmuwlr Rich Black Ldnnfl FRESHCUTROLLED ODI nmvflm on men BARNYARD mun PA 8Hti16 0115 only him Demonltntor hrand nlitiu on new $5950 in man FULLY GUARANTEED ELNA SEWING CENTRE iildlild BACK non AND mom END Poooloo Eleerrle wATERjHEATERs xi ratr hutr nu mnALulrlorl Imam 1ng cartll 11114 Coal8 ONTARIO HYbRo 30mm ST PAm smm TRUCKSWANTED oeonoEcaowE ooumucrlon mummge Kempcnl en at Victoria on mom PA Han Iim ECTRiC MOTOR Hume on uznnnr SERVICE HAROLD HART room or PR PA was lurk union gr Electric Motors 10 Ron st horrid PHONE PA 35801 alau BAYC TY EUPHOLSTERING REPAIR SERVICE ANTIQUE AND MODERN quthotimntononum ehuurfidd I154 to Baautilui nm or tree tilllatch Kan than your omennec PnouE PA mm rennin Mmmudpmibuh youle on our hum mi in nuck nun trauma st lmfllfl Continuaion merit iondlnl IVeiiilll ludiafllz lull ehlckhoe ann hoom line cement bucket Phone BL heats kiloin or nan emu Business Onportuniriei Difimmn WIIIM for HITHI WinnMun hlVE It hilt 50 of dry norm maron in to 12 ball Er week In an ord ern cool rclie inrhmdunrglvu i515 eiy $5000 netufirgflt Could he dirtrib onnncinl relernneer phone nom ner eie to mom Alan ool orkwnod 1m Toronto 41 is Dogs Pet Stock THE FISHBOWL PET ROOME GQWAN Sr PHONE PA 5m TROPICAL FISH mm Employment 7A Help Wanted Male rumor mm STUDY OBSERVER with an experience In time lfiuflv methm MTM mine in III advantage For locni em ploymunt mithl traininl period at three mnflthl out at town In tervlewliwill be conducted locally noon REPB immediately Mr SilLucy 125 James SL son who SALESMAN EXPERIENCED roll New CAR Denim Demohatrator Supplied All Camping Benefit Apply HaroicilHiilfLrdlv as humor 57 wnsr PA Mm Rep giving oeckzrnund

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