Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1959, p. 4

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Exnminér Want Ads Doing quick Resultsij one TOdayDial PA 3241 8fllE BAIIIE EXAMINER TUESDAY mnunv in Births AYmAI Royal VIetorIa floo oltal Dalrte on eunda Pen not to ur no In Anne so no neuua SI Rama damu II cnwronnAt lugl vtetona Rorplul Danteou on my 11 I9 Ind ammod 0m suuon dumb cumAt new Vlotona Non rim Ratrla on Pro to HP AndIn let an 1131 Innertoe Ian Larry Doug TAYLORAl RD al VIcIolIn Hoe fltnl Barrie on and Feb to In and urn Vernon Toy Inr nee Benn comm oI mfm eon Chrlntopher out All Raul Esme Clamftcofione 17A Property For Sale Norman Shelswell lulu istAIzanom Dnnlop St Room 37311 MONTHLY INCLUDING INTEREST PRINCIPAL AND TAXES 312500 FULL PRICE Death it won decorated rooms luring mum Suddenly oh none In Sham any Read Ber rla on Sunflu eb 21 low Rton Pnnlreom Guntt beloved nmhand or Chn south and dear Iauaer oI Helen In neuron and non room or Bertie mother nl Stanley oI Vmeouv Vlolet Inn Garvln Ind Perle Kohl ootn eI Irrle and Dome In Bailoutl oI onllIa In hlh mu your Rama at on home menl mica rIvate nude Feb 24 mo In ermenf Dalrte nIon Cemetery No low rm pleul by roguet IHII rumAr snunybrook hotl tal Toronto on Monday Feb luv some Peeler beloved one band or nalo Wood and dear rather or HIny wullam Runell Predenelr Dorothy Ethel Mn John Donne Robert Jlmu Ruth Doruu Free on 7le Albertth Jon Endnyelri no at anne nen Rome Dune mnernl emu Violins Feb at pm In termeut Ixtn LIne Cemeterym1 nan nun shobwell HIM wtth III Anuhed room urehen bower eparIment bedroom Ilvlnl room and Irltehen AlumInum nornu and neuron and phved dnvuwly CIII Joe Lourun mm arklnl ment modern ContIna Ilve Jonah IPlfl mont mmpletely donned Alumin Iled pIeco hath lull huement and mu llndulped huhThu II exec tIomIly Rood NRA male or pl loulan call 141 Golden ROOM BUNGALOW CUOSE T0 SHOPPING AND SCHOOLS$8900 FULL PRICE Thu an excellent room norm wItn hot water on hull and gurumy IInInhed In nod or nummeut uement AIru Included la For pertIeulnlv ealI INCOME PROPERTY room hrIrk bulunlow unment apartment beluu bedrooms Ilvlni EXCELLENT INVESTMENT flee Ihls ID year old very only um norIna and screens not water heat decorled throuholfl hurl In Memorial dry room er benuulully landclog Term cm wllh around be arranged For Inner Inlorrna McLlLLANIn luvlns memo at our dur mother Man McLe II who plued awey Feb 11 In our homo the II loudly remem clln to her name 73 335ml nix In llIe elm rare lull lwnwhur In daeen Iurt the lime Sa mmed ever remem smug ween ob Ind Fem milIn manor of dear me and mo er Mn II Eggnvhu neared avay Pen Andlvlvhlle aha uar In oeaeeIul ee Ker hungry we ahall alw keen lmlzaLy remembend hr bind An Infill Coming Events RUMMAGE SALE GOOD USED CLOTHING FRIDAY FEB 27 am AT THE IMYWCA 26 OWEN STREET IAulplcelyliWCAAuxllllry Ao Pub Seaboard INVITES YOIITO DO It Now 11 YOU NEED MONEY lm worthwhile project be It at the IIle Accumulated hm mummIl or to that ov Ire wInter nomon gal Minnayour lanaiIll hm LOANS $50 to $3000 Ilthuytndflmunmtoyly bummer WITH ABOARD 151152 saunas The Seaboard FinanCe CO or CANADA LTD III DvaP ST m1 RARRLD PA oom Di rectory 4987 Trcvol TrgVéllfingQ OverSeas Contact BARRIETRAVEL $ERVICE DUNDoP 81 mm an EA 65474 uh nth our on later CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified ad vetfisements are hearted It the rate 4opar wordper Inner don for one and two hmee 3e =per word for three four or llva amen and we per word for or morr lnsertlons 10 addjtlonnl charged not pnld within 10 dayh MINIMUM jLIDVIIETlSEmT 800 IR COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS 01 will CHARGED PER SIN GLE mSEEnON Comma Event to yer word mllllmlun chaIgd L50gtBlnh Ild Dem Nofleeo and OIrdI oNf gluon $1150 lnMemqmm 7d TIFFIN amm Eut Did Home ownen Ar hlvln an dlnlnx one not req two or three monthl Roae Broker PA Hm Member Elmo suavxm Bull 160 on 8th 8911 Se ante Ind Puollo ROOM Home In Rood GarRe volxenon on ma gluon Avllllhle to non call Joe Loonln OUR SPECIALTY ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BUSINESS OR GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTIES INCLUDING LEASE BACKS CALL JOE LONGTIN Telenhono Day or Ivulnx PA +9961 or PA Hm YOUR UsTINGS INVITED WINGS CALL Ioe LunnInPA 321 Everett shelrweuOro mm Nomn shamanPA In Lex Gordon I1AIo 15835 BARRIE At the Trhllle nghm PROPERTY WANTED of hellmrl three bedroom llvlnl room fikhen Ind would nlor room or dlneue nerty tun ponedon or Call CALLIDAV on EVENING PA 82379 OnealIo dlnn end Nntlonnl Real mm Illth I1AId CA5 bldfl Anfia m5 an f1 mu L091 80 etween new salmon or Iell Home Phone vPA om IvAqIo Ind hehelor emoner Wlehln nu PA ml Am DAILY Cnosswolln am 115 Lulu ELWL Conn Pinonr Kline 881m REAP 1m Inna ol thlnhlng have en wlth about sum for down py ment on an NBA reslo home IVAlull oondltlort 17A Properly FOr Sale CARR IolAPuAVRNus leyflIuBI quflymmvlnufipa SPOTLESS HOME ummm 3mm uifif room on dimmerxwm bedrooms Mlle rulnom uroeua and name sale hue 1m werloo Bu home ll Heed run or nick $35 NE at um and of mo DOWN Snun house on 11 Icru nu New lfiweu call me 50 ox on com gin analan PA RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW MACULATE Lovely red mil IIIII um mm ultra modern when and dluluz area one one the ulcer recrean no Thll home In our youa old wall bum end well phnnbd on numb Imdacaped lot sltuated on Nohou street Subnun dawn pument mulled For Itht Inlonnatlou we mm mm PA In loot rpndltlon rate Ithooh Garea Now Ioreed aIr wltn ell nunco bedroom and uwlnl room rta loaIn Roonve llru one room end vlu room Cell ctrrue Read PA 54 mu lnu PA Mon RD No Id GROCERY STORE home pllu grocery nun or the me of home room and bulk II turnca stqu do all hun ueu nd could tripled Owne anxloue to on account In another hunIn call smlth ginmash PA 6448 emu PA LOVELY RED BRICK BUNGALOW Attnehed laxaxe stael beam con muctlon Forced II on heatlm bedrooms Llndul ed lot For qu detllll cell ilqu PA ml ovenlnu PA 16 mm CALLI Ruuell Caren roe PA um Jerry QuhnmPA on Cam want res PA um Smith Cuminfl flla PA PM chuIIa Bud nae PA wlw 11H STOUT AGENCIES LIMITED 8VCOLLER ST PHONE PA 8590 ACRES WITH NEW BUNGALOW bullon Huh llvllu room II ruffill one53m lot wIter echool lcron road north of urea roll nnoa MIDHURST AREA acrenth bedroom cotlue Drama IllRIC lull but m7 prenura mum mu prlce GROVE s1 WFSI eomIorubIe bedroom hrIelr 11 Jane llvlna room rumm wlndow ed utenenand nleoe nu Ir real SERVICE STATIONGARAGE Winn Ellen IIImenu max bu tlblnt Agency lot we RotDwell 12 ans You WI hvlhdr We have nahlnmutd our eon new lamb of All Birth GalI110 and cutdun XIII In Bomb kn wdnoxm RI uool Idle Goth PA 1qu Elli Md HUI7139 17H PAblfll contain DI Blylllfl not MMJA Plum All Raul Estate Classificch I7A Property For Sale SIESSRR 108E T0 SHANIY BAY SEW my Roam II fly IWIII mm mm maun Dunlent rot runner Mar all no mole Ia noon to no donned Inn II located In an an am The male noerooot room upper room ml one mant room you 9ch oath rfloemmnoméofl In no tneel cooncum or earn Pull fin met Plouord PX Elan PA SUDDENLYSPRING not It you wen will then nome ooa alu qu lot Winn lubed ovunu Drink ome Ilv room undo room wItn of eel all to mono Prom hunt trance ule men won van stuntM oeran dad bun urully decorated torouunoui me home cum Im aunt unoer munch on em down For tull emu eall tha seanareu PA um avenlnu PA race or Bally Pteiloru at PA an even Inu PA um REAL LIVING AI Low cost Tbblmmhmhanlyly old mod III on llllunl ll Innm ImI And 211 plvod drlvavny on mnln floor $3212 Rm aflféh 5523 °ilfo3 nA Can onlumuhmm or calls PERCY FORD PA moo mm PICKFORD PA mo Rm SCANDREII PA was GRAHAM DIon PA Hm SLDSEOR REALTOR omca PAuou lember Burl Ontno Canaan and New heal Mala loam FORhgTER Rm mAn mom RareIa PA 66453 PAINSWch 15 down build on mm teefidmfc fiber Wovflamoema and bedroom Clue to mamme Owner KARL MARSHALLPA 911 mom NESTLEPA um IVAu HENDERSON Auon mm Human AlIo AL FquIlhamnPA em chkfleuderlonPA was Geno MonroVPA em lumbar Elm Ind Dhfln Ind Datum Ill Ml Ph PA 82678 IIIIo Room ond Board MOVINGP M1 hr ti mt INSURANCE youueedantvao rueo SEE STEVENSONS DWIDP IT Hm II7dlu OFFICE SPACE Kim IIIeon Temple 11 gm II Ilomlll lowdoe ea It mm Irau to 22 1L prlele vault Keaton Rene mm monthly AooIv 2115 mum luplflnlendant 2nd noor 11JABJOM unturnlahed urnn Annbl MINI 15 Ill my mu hnte Phonl PA Ill444d 3225 35 APP II 17 Irma It mod Rant reuorlable not Inter and VII emllll PM PA I417 171 mm Hanan IV to when matte lumen Cent not 1111 turnllhod room vallnlala Inn to Atom gt 273 nrao Flinn PA run he wam wlth low All RoulErrore Clnnificaticna I7J Apts Houses For Rent Room Hooaa wIIn oath acrea Irom school Immaolala ponenon Pbono PA um mIMI Room unturnlahed ull centIn ed antrtmeut heated laundry Ia eanu Poona PA won or PA 5711 1774644 noun room IIIroInhed art ment with nu and no In en couple pnIemd aunt Demon Pho on BOOM Aoertmant ehnre bllh hand on or two chudxen mental Vary Humble Phone PA 515M or Ivnlv no wnnley Street 1714643 Room Han wlIh bathroom and motion convinlcncu or rent on Phone 1114661 Home Apamnant anIInbla or mutant new In Camnib located Appliv Yuulml ut sully Shop Dunlap zen Pholu PA Hm 111060 213 $me enmeo Rayonlhlin Poona stroud 94o Ill4147 ROOMBum Iphrununl or rent AVIIIIBII Flbmln lb clue to our atop none PA MIN or PA 1715 17ldl4i SMALL Aplflmlfl hdlttd Sun hullnul couple or 2111 LIVLIII omo °eé°sl 55 nee one osmium III4m 010m nwr Lynnmom room Ind auu loom dell oontaln Enummonmfih°fi no nu Road IIImo hum room turnIahed apert mant Mn and Mrllontor new dacontod Rmonhblo Phone mfll IM49 WWW 26 new eeorn eI Rod Jun Absulnen only Con la or wlth blby $55 per munul yplfi II Slalom St or phony PA 171649 loom unlurnlaned not waterfiag out on on Icth Leenon urtonp Ave III II Centre st name 11 loom Apartmenl Vllllble Hm Two mud llorm Barrie modeg Itlloehen and nusus l7 emhlnod lplflmufl wanted wlth nova and PI down or budneu In Eulmner Id18 mm mom can love EV contra HIGH ddIl room an room heated WISH one Pi eoou 9mm neur alohlhlgnighb PA We PA mn on no Int454 nlow unturnnh BOOM man eh on unlumhhed Ind dn lugplltd No ob ecllnn and Mid 92CIIm orhnd St or frame Flume I1JIIII lull Mod but time up mono Stove rm ruppfled LInn dry InfillMina lfilnr glee P2 real men 4€v51 ISARooms for Rent mam nxonoord Cantu Phone PA 34648 AI40 mm Redmond Bllllneu anowmmw ISA4549 if AMIemotive lACarS for Sale Midtown MosImmune DEALER Used Cars ml at teor cyllnoor Sedan 1951 IMeor EIde nu Ford staeloo Wuou maroon ralrlaua Sedan me Studebaker deluxe door 1950 Mom door hardtop IDMLFold Sedan Chev RelIr Sedan gt 195 hulek Specie Seden 1w lord M4011 Rxpreu 1m Pontlne Sedan ND DOWN PAYMENT so HAW mm oPPosm mouwo PA Mull lAIem ViagrmlglelS EAL Clrl Automotive IACarS for Sula SMOOTH QUIET AND LOVELY KRAMER MOTORS LTD I45 BRADFORD ST I956 DODGE REGENT Station on Bennfull twov toned In Egon Ind Ivory one owner tradefully IllID $1495 I954 PONTIAC Laure LIIn Sod Mm too fine nylon not not 11 really cl Eu 1958 VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN One owner Low muem Eldlo sharp $1425 KRAMER PA 66652 1953 FORD SEDAN Blink in oolot helm him 31 nlb In earnl IMMI7161 I953 CHEV BELAIRE no car BIdIa heater gunpr ammuanodn Paul $845 1953 CHRYSLER WINDSOR wllh both equipment men and autoch nod luxury car $695 KRAMER PA 66652 I951 CONSOL door ledln Elk MellonI runIr good rooming ear I957 TRIUMPH TR3 Converuble Low mIIelle one an er Heater ndlo direcuoneL II no $1695 I958 CHEVROLET Behlre Executlve drlveu Eeater automntlc rldlu undemoneu eld wanheru whitewaun Lovely tone Ankh New cu slur ee $2723 KRAMER MOTORS Ltd 145Bradford 51 PA 66652 SEE THEM DRIVE TtH you II LIk lose FDR curtom button lilo llloPhorId PAqu PrIe our menuIn Aurvmo when lul mod Emplaym 7BHelp Wanted Female BAYC ITY UPHOLSTERING REPAIR SERVICE ANTIQUE AND MODERN SELL OVER PHONE NECESSARY WE TEACH YOU 80 IN TWENTY MINUTES Desk Space and phone providjfl at our ollices II you hivesI pleasollt volce you can elm good Income on llberhl couF mluion basis AGE No BARRIER IP32 YOU ARE OVER 21 f1 Convenlent Hours con Arranged PHONE Bmle Examlner PA 66537 15 Dunn Bet 114 De H131 dnuord at from DASHS EleCIriC Motors to Bait 5L sonIe PHONE PA 36307 DENNIS MORAN WATER DELIVERY AND SNOW PmquNG Registered Nure 1545 yun requlnd or gorysomomognwfim zxiuliitfintfiu lamIon alto INSmun cam cum at Collela St Toronto 1H onfif 1H PARTTIME STENOGRAPHER BOOKKEEPER can work mornlnn nx anemoour Konr ed lull Medanan anucane AUDI In penal or Writ BEAVER LUMBERjv CO LTD 111 Stadium street PA H543 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE relNow Imor Need Iawlnan Ind Room HAROLD HART 53 OWEN 51 PH PA am Immuotpl DRESSMARING ALTERATIONS kdlh Itenu and munoo wear Price moon Kn hank WIIA 1a nunlon Rm Amount iHONE PA 8873 lnlnl lppnlntmlah only Imfflhl Wm NR Kl AND ILL WIRE MR You ELECTRIC 13M YOUNG LADIES IllM 19 II aduISRRWR um eminent Jo WIN lood more No axpecrlencq you 81hr flan mom JOE OBRIEN QUEENS BOTH uni8 pm ONLY THE FISHBOWL N0 PHONE CALLS PETROOM Wall PA 60086 Employment 1A Help Wanted Male EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT MANAGER PWoloé OFFICE BUSINESS mm mm Apply on Sivan PA Moot HAROLD am 111 mldulxomttzmowofi WNWJ relenvd Pb SSDUNLOP so WEST DARRIE 73464 PA Mm WOMAN or men not work io 35 535 mnl 0m 1510 mm Wom my help In HuhmAn mod on cmvenhncu Must be ma live In Phone neeton 10 or wrltg Dr or Mn 11 Max tAIul elv slum MaulBeet Dunno finart ALESMEN atartIna Income between so or month oenenoln on qual Idoa am or run mon to out Nedoual corporatton We uno £10qu oommlanlou and filo mum the man selected welrare booon Hard work wulberequlreu Indvnwlllnlu eonnlder men between Ih exe eonnder men between the Ixu o1 7DEmployment Wanted require Tquézpmoéntmm ml Wednesday PA Hols Rm Afternoon 12 Evening Goo130 mm 1AIeI1 YOUNG MhEN or mu Immau mm 11 who are Interqu In permenu Job with OM future Starting ny VIIIh bonu mngemonu or thou who uuallty JOE oDRlEN QUEENS HOTEL 11 am3pm ONLY NO PHONE CALLS VAIuv wounn mm to cm rot reuhoo cloud In my own home Cum nu PA woos 1H LIABLE Dny Clla for I765 ue ehIId Phone PA WORK WANTED 1n EV Rm m5 ARM eo Box as nanlo Dummy En gargemehIAnnOUrICém PICcelthe NevIs ofYour Engagement NQW Flu Inhls fOIIm and return to THE Em EXAMINER Boytleld streeo Borne Onoorlo take ploee on Date charge for Nollie

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