Opening leadqueen ol hearts Among the important weapons declamr neeifl in his arsenal tricks is good working ledge oi the standard saith Sense of the saiety plays which gulatly come up are so well so well publicised average player has no diflicrdty whatever in would in and executing them The la comes when the more representatives oi the spe suddenly crop up and de clarerivrnust rely on his own in to provide the solely in an unusual combina on Declarer won the heart lead the ace and lcd the queen spades When West showed tsouu was finished He had Gonstruction Men Protesting 3E Etigiéii5 5525 5315 si sggéiiiti 55 arr agg ii gar lag spades Ila we have seen the lead oi the queen oi spades whiia it guards against the poulth that West has our spades does not guard against East having them gt Nor will the play of low spade towards dummy at nick two guard against all combinations the EastWest cards The one sure way to make the hand againstrany combination of the adverse spades is im declarer to win the heart lead in dummy and return low spade at trick two in the actual case East cannot then make more than one trump trick andlthc sinie would be true West had all the spades marrow The management oi trumps is Notcalling For Tenders TORONTO CP0ntariocon ction men today protested strenuously against the Hydro ectricPower Commission oi tarlo dolng construction toork th its ownlnrces rather than ior tenders Th objections were made in salon toa committee ini Vgating the powers of boards commissions in Ontario eyzwere presented by spokes on glor the Ootario General ntradarshssociation Ontario dBuilders Association On tariorElectrical Contractors As we on Ontario branch of the one an Plumbing and Mechan cal Association and the Ontario group at the Canadian Equip Distributors Association 17 is the iirm convention of the construction industry the submission said ttrat the policy ced hyhydro of carrying ut its own vast works by day abqr employed bytha commis on isaxtravagant and wasteful WILSON BUILDING IilllEliTliIlY Corner Simona 8t and Fred Grant Square Barrie Ontario wnson osrsoramc CLINIC more oc new omen EXCELSIOB LIFE INSURANCE INDUSTRIAL accmouca cone urn moans smasca co urn COMBINATION ma assocranon mania NEEimAu WBGHT Accountants enemas or comes DE PERKINS Dentist mamas nannan nnsmsss amen sraca avunaoas ieiuvllona ra was and contrary to the Canadian tree enterprise system URGE COST AUDIT The construction roen urged the committee to recommend that an audit ilrm be employed to investigate the true engineer ing and construction costs of Hydro construction methods and that Hydro call or competitive tenders ram private industry Therepresentatious were con tained in text made available to the press in advance oi de livery iha submissions quoted state ment from brief rï¬ented by Hydro to the co ttaa in Nov ember which said there is no in dlcation that construction work is done more economically by con tract The construction in wishes to take exception to that statement todays submission said and added The construction industry has carried out and is continuing to carry out government works pro grams with an etiicisucy and economy that cannot be matched by government agencies using their own forces ELABDRATE ENGINEERING The earlier dro brief also said it is impossible in most cases to provideclear and precise speciï¬cations for the en tire joh at the time Hydro con structioo starts On this the construction rub mission said it is agreed that great many Hydro projects are large and complex However many govern ments and commissions have de signed either through their own engineeng static or through private consulatiug ioeers projects at complexity equal to and in many cases greater than those of Hydro They appear to have had no difficulty in preparing clear and precise plans and speciï¬cations and in calling for tender based on these documents Birrell Ont Head Of Sacred Party TORONTO GP Shipley Blrreil elected ilrstprovinciai leader oi the Social Credit party in Ontario duringthe weekend presented vapoint party plat Ifor Monday calling far pay asyougaiinancial policy ior pro vincial financing Mr Birleu saidSocial Credit would prohibit any future prawns cial debt and pay all existing debts to embark on current ii nancing plan lsxmmro lilTE Wait until warhead it your carrier has not arrived then call VALLEY 1Ax1 sun DRIVEYOURSELF cans AND raocm PA 892433 AttorneyGeneral pr daarged Ontario cos AUG BROOKS SIMPLE MESH Roses the most beloved oi all newera This single one Is set all by the simple mull Youll enjoy this crochet youll be proud to use it in your home Pattern 7319 crochet di rections lot 12 15 inch chair set in arm at Send Thirtylive Mata coins or this pattern atarnpa cannot be accepted to The Barrie Ex aminer Household Arts Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ont Print plainly NM ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER Our new 1959 Alice Brooks Needleth Catalogue has many lovely designs to order crochet ing lmitting embroidery quilts dolis weaving special gilt to Donald MacDonald with general hennlrchmeuWol pub no lie oilielala over the natural controversy SHOULD OBTAIN PAWS He said it is about time those Wren and that is what they are in the legislature obiained acts to back up charges they hurt atluch people as ourselvesthodeoent ahdhon est public representatives in this province Mr Roberta saldli he carried out Mr MacDonalds wishes to continue the inquiry into the deal ings of Northern Ontario Natural Gas Companf atodt the more general we become pa persecutor it is true there may have been in expansion oi totrlheryaod comm are most deï¬nitely was Mr Roberts said the catalog to keep child haplt plly occupied cutout doll and clothes to color Send 25 cents or your copy at the book RADIOMD TELEVISION mtnvrsrou cxvn Channel WEDNESDAY II 11 Ten Pntlm Chriltlul HalMI hence it Weather larm Report show NunW Mano Our urn am Open House ma rmy Ila mun the sun Ch mrena Newsreal Huckleberry Hanan Coming Dantl Western Theatre NIWI Weather sports Leave it in Beaver Wait mania Pfllenu One Mutoh Berle Eat Manonml Havauun was mm Cinluiiir car New Th Weatherman resy ln arts Communit null rrso Late Me THURSDAY FEB 10 Test Pattern 9s New Weather ram Rerort Al emooh Movie Womans Show Nunery School Dougial Fairbanh mull OPEn Home Roundabout Mattie Mu Pieces of ht Whistle Town woody Wood echo Caminl Even Western Thetn Farm Market Reports ESP sEsEsEsEEgeee Spanuses sssggsessas tee3 =89 B=l= usageEE eee ssarspeuu 388883 New Weather arts 55mm Doctor Hone anUll umle uufl 10 Unlaruean Earn Lgretta Yaunl show no Vila Count CBC ll Thu Wrathman Today in Sport Cumulth Nm ll LII lilo may my 20 1180 Tent Pattern run Sacred Heart 1200 Th aoidbem 1130 lel Imm PM i1 MM Womans Show 145 Nursery School no Advootuer of mm Holiday no Onln Econ L00 EM PI 30 Howdy Dandy IW Hidden Punt ISO Mighty lion MW 000 Coming Event so Wertern Theatre 825 Farm armt lobar oao News so Weather 645 Sparta 700 Tennessee Ernie Rod 730 Gunsmer 800 Count Honda 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EXAMINER more oau be purchased in glossy print torm PERM SERVE MIL PHONE PA 821 Bahrain THURSDAY PM 1101 Muaa llrgillon yarn spa or 1212 Market Report can Ellen gt col counts rum and Nawl Eradian NM Stan 1on Show Bulletin Boards Radio Ffllxldut News News Fusing Ime News Bill Eannm In Eeadilna uni Farm hum aspen gflolrt or Mr Hgdlina Nm Bulletin aouc New Jack hnttia Show News Tech Topics Newman Hockey Ernach News and gpofl News and Dam Sign mass AM aoo Strength or the my us has luaun show can News and art scam 945 Farm Marhe Ewan um News and Ep sum RnBiOnli WeItII Hcaflina News New groom Roundup awland sport Nur Stan iay or Show switt non Man shownma mew New nanmum Show FFï¬psflPssPa999nF99rrrrrr SS38838585258323535333838 33 1201 glue Femlnn hm epo ar 111 Noon Market Report 1274 artI mun 1230 avucul ilAl Simeo Caunb Home Farm New Headline NW Shulwlm saw Bulletin Board Radio Proloom Ne EE News gill Smut III Kc dilu Nun channel n9ng New ml sureano on Round am and apart jNem Naws Ina 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