its Yrs The soltiy tilted sheath will be making the rounds this spring In sleeveless versions its cool lines will play motor role in fighting hot weather It is of cotton hopsacklng in beige with large rose print in blue red or brown The wide neckline is undercooer by his bonelike buttonland there is wide belt to show all pretty inure THE STARS SA amaulra FOR TOMORROW This days influences are pro pitious or routine sliair men tal work business desiinxa sen merally not stick to matters you know best and ioliow welltested procedures Its not period in which to embark on unimiller enterprises FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your outlook or the year ahead II very pleasant indeed For the lance of 1959 be alert to impress auperinra with your ahiliU Iinca display ot initiative and enter prise could pay all handsomily Special merit could win racont tlon both jobwise and financially in March midJune mldJuly late August late September and or December Personal relationships will be under good influences for most of the year with stimulating caper BIances in the domestic and rov mantle departments indicated be tween early May and midJuly also in December Soolnl and travel interests will beiavorod In late Jutl early August and all threugh December Avoid both extravagance and fatigue in No vember however Adlildhnmonthisdaywiiibe warm hearted eliicient and en dowed with line Intellect Try Different Lenten Dishes One of the chief advantalea of using rice or Lenten meals ia the variety of imaginative ways it can he served Madame Johnna Benoit Can dua tamed culinary expert Ills greeted special riee disills llte redpes demonstrate how two foups of cooked allpurpose rice can serve as basis for hearty meal Following are three mince FRIEDRICE Irepared with Cups cooked tbsps salad oil legg cups ailtpurposo rloe cooks snd cooled ltbtpa boys sauce it cup sliced mushrooms Va cup parsley minced shallots minced FAMILY SHOPPERS WILL HURRYF START 51 NOW 20 PCS SPECIAL neuron ear lovely OpenStock Dinnerware at lpooial Low Priest Cupa Beacon BreadandButter Plots Dinner Plum Coupe Soups Only gushion Special nullon eontn woma Kimmy in mi Sigma colours Cookie Jar room 133 Dainty traotlve and uh ml Honeysaw Erectl art Ipcclll WK ttspMoaaodtum glutamate Eeat salad oil in large to llinch frying pan Break egg lll path Stir quickly to cook are Add the rice and the other ingredients Stir with fork yer medilnn heat lifting and turning until it is warmed i6 10 mine Serve as soon ll ready servings VEGETARIAN RICE hepsred with cups cooked rice tbspa butter hops allpurposerice cooked lb cottage cheese shallots finely minced Minced parsney to Lle Salt and pepper it cup sour cream commercial Melt the butter in nucr 14 pan Add rice and oottlxe a1e souft cllgm ahailota Br ell all P9 Stir together with fork Iovar Cook over very low heat ut 15 minutes or juatonnllih warm thoroughly stirring nceor twice during the cook period nylon cottonvprlnu with crisp trims Stop Stool am sun inmhuh stool 137 lowdown Special HoltApron tuhiast 47 Value serum 12 oz 16 oz rooo PilliS Plastic FoodCoatatum nat urai colour wsth coloured cov err Wondertul ior storage Exceptional Value wnsololr lollsun loos savmos Heavy can Rubber Backing blue 24 by gamma lPlzclAhlnFamily Ihopperswili he delightedwith no LongWearing colourbright Rugs in attrn ve Nullwent MoneySaving Low Prieel VII moldsl no srona nouns 915 530 11211 Daily an 1m Noon Wad No IFS No am No BUTS Everytth you Purchase at Zellors is Guaranteed Satisfactory OIL YOUR moses neon BIG TEMPELAND BUYS ATHOME FltOCKS 398 Evargiasa Cotton Prints ln many lovely atyles colours and aim style sketched also 18V to 24Wondertul vow And so smart oneth for AtHome wnr now streatrwear later may to launder SPIAL ï¬lms ne plans like name and every HeineProud shopper knows that flleres no pines mu Zalters for Home manna de alsnod to unto you Home more at tractive man ever It mommy lttle out come and noel 2th PC sn com AND ENDTABLES Reg Price 53195 you Save $695 Kentresistant Plastic Laminated Tops EranTip Less Walnut Mahogany oak Finishes folding type speciau STROLLER with cum en outrun or as Ihonnins Mom Evin consort hand our areas sat 35 SPECIAL MDIIIIY SIMill 15 Ill PRICED Fort EXTRA BAVmGstelhese gayca out ffsaiicloth cotton prints will eyour kitchen anehtra nasal Bright reds hinesoz soldieolou psmrnar white able Complete flhVGIlrilceyfllldlflflip MlRRO SPECIAL 267 nonyam it humans rams so low pricedyoull want to stockupvnow ior Spring and Summer nwinsl Zeilera zrand momman include Popllns Percale and Broad eioths colourful springright patterns Allwondermlly washable MoneyrSavim Pricel SEWING BASKET 770 HANDY Slim6 by set by ins Woven Toyo with aatlny llniilz srtom Loni tolls oféllllllflilWlll OR THESE VALUES SMAIL DEPOSII WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE EVERGLAEW 1le so ins wide Wonderiul washable cottons in any Prints and Iar solid colours Thinde 79 COLORFUL PEINIEI Wm POPUNI gt in washable cottons thatan superh tor blouses drum eta Selin IhriitPticedl at wonderful poi Spoon 37° arm rmca lopular size spools in assorted coloura gt gt amino