TO ADDRESS illil CLUB Mrs Gilbert Stewart Bag nsni head at the extension department ol the Art Gallery in Toronto vrlil eddrcss mem bers of the Barrie Art club at meeting in the Public Lib rary hall on February The lioroatoborn authorlw was educated in Canada Italy and England Sbe is married to Gilbert Ragnani proieuor of the Classics department Uni versily College University at Toronto The couple lived in Egypt or live winters when Mr Bonsai was director at the Royalltallsn Archaeologi cnlexpeditionwhich excast GumsRoman town Mrs Bonsai or four seasons de signed all coshanes tor the Royal Conservatory opera is tlvel in 195 she organised the extension department oi the Toronto Art Gallery in an dim to expand art culture to suburbs and rural areas iier subject on Monday aven VingwlllbeWhatdoyouseei SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Lorne Orsor Midhursl are spending iew days in Toronto at the home oi the iormers sister Mrs James Webster They will also be vls¢ lting Mr Webster who at pres ent is patient in St Michaels hospital Mrs Alex Derocha at St Catharines is spending month at the home at her daughter and loninlaw Lt Col and Mrs Rogers Puget street Mrs Deroche will be staying with her grandchildren while Lt Col and Mrs Rogers are in Texas William Deroehe St Cathar ines is spending the weekend at the home oflt Coland Mrs Tu Rogers Puget street Mrs Winter ol St Johns Newloundland has spent the past week at the home of her sister MnDick Steele Gian perton1treet Mrs Winter is the twin sister of Mrs Steele and it has been some seven years visited Barrie Mp George Pear sail Btirton avenue are enjoy ing the company of their sonin this weekuid Major Sto Andrunyck who arrived yesterday tram Earner Germ any Meier and Mrs Andrunyck nee Muriel Peassail are among ibe first group of Canadians who will be stationed in Germ any for three years Major An drunyck it here to attend ooniereaee at Camp Borden and will bo returning to Germany on February 11 Muriel sends greetings to all her Barrie friends Fun and games were enjoyed by little friends of Robin Chris topher son of Mr and Mrs ii GlarkAllred street on the egslon of his seventh birthday Robin is student of King Ed ward school Allandale Guests were Ronnie Hubbard Laird Mitchell Ricky Westfali and Vernon Gilhooly Barria Examiner subscribers who at present have their pap are delivered in Florida include Joseph Maw oi Minesing who is holidaying in St Eetersburg and kaewhose Florida address reads 22m Lavier street Laimand Florida SILVER WEDDING Mr andersy Garï¬eld Hall Beeton were surprised by per ty held in their honor on the oc easion at their twentylittle wed ding anniversary The party held recently in the Orange Hall Beeton was attended by friends had relatives After an evening at playing euchre bullet lun cheon was served and toast Out Of Work BLANDFORD Eng 03 Karin Stebnltz has lost her job and leit townall because of her wiggle Seventeenyearold Karin is eyelidï¬vewa four inches tall brunette some4nd all the boys in this Dorset market town stared at her wiggle which she couldnt cure Girls in the street copied it talked aboutit tile chaps nudged each other when theyspottedit 5ilae boss all my Wiggly elk lookedhad for respect chi business jinn Karin en People inithe shops around talked about her wl uiinhappyvand 1e me has gone home to herGetman rn olkslnCheddington 35 was proposed to the happy cou pie Vernon McQuay brother oi the bride and Fred Hall broth er oi the groom both at when were witnesses to the marriage twentyiive years ago attended Alter some humorous reminisc ing Mr and Mrs Hall were presented with asiivrr tea ser vice and other lovehr gifts Guests attended irorn Walpole island Toronto Kitchener Brampton Newmarket Alliston Boston and Barrie LEAVING FOE mums Mr and Mrs George Danger iield Toronto street will be leaving by air early next week or Hollywood Florida where they will be vacationing for the next month Mrs Dangerï¬eld also plans to visit her sisterin iaw Mrs ida Goudle in Ml axni MARCH 01 DlMES The response oi Barrie and Simcoe County women to an ap peal made by the March at Dimes Campaign for assistance as oanvusers and administra tors has been overwhelming Team captains for various dis tinct armMrs Jsehnan Mrs Harper Mrs luch Mrs Brennan Mrs Car ter Mrs Glenn Mm Par kar Mrs irahanerI Lamb Mrs Slessor Mrs Simpson Mrs Young Mrs R00 Mrs Noble Mrs Rn Archer Mrs HEaddcn There are 215 cenvassers helping the team captains mixed euchre$erty was held recently attha home of Mr and Mrs Oscar iiickllng of Crown Hill Prizes were given to MrsMaurioe Partridge and Oscar Hickiing Consolation went to Mrs Gough and Gao net Peacock ESSA ROAD AllmlABY Mrs Jim Webb conducted the installation of oiiicers held re centiy at the Essa Road Presby terian church evening auxiliary The following oitleers were in installed president Mrs Cheesmen vicepresident Mrs Fraser seaetary Mrs Burke treasurer Mrs Spring social committee Mrs Cumming Mrs Spring Mrs Gates visiting commit tee Mrs Cumming Mrs Earoldiwe Mrs Webb and sick ear Mrs Jim Webb nonstopmar The oifiolal board meeting of the GuthrieHawksstonelastoral chargewas held on January Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Earl Scott delegates to the Simooo Presbyteriai executive WMS held recently in Barrie reported that thesimeoe Pres byteryhedexoeed ts allow tion for 1958by nearlyslm Thematywasvotedtogoto wards the building needs in Korea and Cold Lake Albertm It was announced that the Young Peoples union willeater the Simcoe Presbyterlal drama tes tivsl to be held this spring Psoris no snosMALL liAu DoItYoursell Kit Harmful To Child oarsma Ont cmch books and pictures painted by children art or Oshawa public schools Missflartgrnduateorthe0nt aria college at Art and wthor ot What Shall We Do in Ar told home and school group hers Bieourage children to make things iromcardboard boxes and to cut ï¬gures lrom plain paper discourage ready mades she said The donyourself kits have come in an age oi pretendtoda iiyourseli she uggested children should be given large sheets oi plain paper and poster palate with large brushes instead of coloring books that are not only useless but berm LONG YliWNS CINCINNATI iAPJackie Smyth 19 yawned Thursday and the yawn lasted three hours Miss Smyth was walking along downtown streetvwhen the yawn began Something clicked inher jaws and she toimd she couldnt cloeeher mouth Police took the young woman to General Hospital it took specialist almost three hours to repair to damage HELPS MAILMAN LONDON Ont CP The Womens Institute at nearby Listoivel is urging the township mocil to see that names or householders are shown on all rural mailbox REAL COURTESY GALT Ont CPLEtiquette is more linen good manners it means utting tho condosts ol others Mrs Harper told womens institute panel discus sion here Paint Trediméni Eggs in the Parish hailoo February An invitation extended to allmotbers and special welcome to the Scout and Cob mother of St Giles Refreshments were servedby hostesses Mrs Seal Mrs Roberts Mrs Stirw and Mrs Kerr Tim BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JANUARY 81 iiI Equality For SWisS Ladies Improbable BERN Reutersill woman is happy what do poiitiu mean tohertilsheisunha wili politlu make any dill can This slogan emblazoned on posters throughout Switzerland was toplctrnm Aerbing to Zurv lch today as the whys 150 000 VM maleprepared to decide whether Swiss women Willi PMs cs 09 up In it appears certain that the women will lose Conservative mflmates here give the antiierninlsts twothirds majority Adds Floor Appeco ay ELEANOR noes red alephaatpeinted on the floor at childs room red white and blue stripes on kitchen linoleum formalised garden scene on the wood floor oi dining roomthese are just some of the painted floor coverings that imaginative homemakere are originating to brighten up under foot areas While broadloom is usually chosen in sale neutral shades since such large investmentis not easily replaced painted floors can be as colorful as Josephs coat and can be changed at will Floor enamels available in wide range of pretty colors to it any scheme dry quickly andare very tough Clear ï¬nishes for floors var nishes and shellacs are also tough saddestdrying The floor must he eleaursnioothand tree from wax to be properly treatéd There are special wax removers iorthls purpose Now lets get to our red ele phant and histootprintsl He was out out heavy brown paper working irons picture in childs book Alter the floor had been enameled pearl any and was thoroughly dry therpaper elephant was flattened againstthe floor cellophanetaped down and so outlinemade with pencil Then red enamel was applied The ele phants footprints were similarly treatedand led to thecloset and chest of drawersa broad and etfeetivejint VasJornaatnessl Another creative mother gave her childs floor pleasing and Insurance rrrou wanr mouse as PA 8510 er Call It no noise our seen IIIVINIOII NEURANCI praciiial mottled eiiect The old terra cotta paint was dull and showed every dusty iootpriot Alb washing thy floor and letting it dry this doityoursel homemaker applied two contrast ing colors green and yellow to the terra cotta base The green enamel was applied in swirling pagan using sponge es appli ea ter the green had dried the yellow was applied in spatters The mottled ellect thus pro duced is extremely practical too ior kitchen floors The red white and blue strip ing done by another homemaker is highly Practical and pleasing Broad colorlul stripes painted across the width of the room made the narrow kitchenseem wider steadiedmurels on floors while more frequently ured by professionhl decorators are with in the capabilities of the de termined amateur Alter the design is painted on painted carpet to 1twill be the first nationwide relerendnrn to decide whether Swiss women should have the right to vote in federal ailsirs mw as omen or to ijederai cabinet was summon But tradition in Switzerlde dies hard and tradition or the pest 1000 years has down that only the men as the bearers arms in the coimtrys deienoe shall have the right to vote Equal rights forwomen idswitzgland todaymosnxeqoal taxesand that is For near 40 years sidin gems and eirs tried tang their way into political equail by introducing misrea dums in the cmmirys 22 semi autonnmous cantons which would have given them the right to vote in district affairs Alterfalling in such reser endums between mo and 1966 the sulira etta switched their at tack an in 1957 succeeded in he the ttovota motion in need in federal parlia ment may at the no campaign ers are women They that womens ambition sho be with her children andnotto tneddlsinpoiitlce Quittian as Dancer Says Celia France LONDON butler can France artistic director oi the National Ballet oi Canada an noiinced Friday that she is guit tingesadsncerattheendqt the season and will devote her time to administrative duties as eoihpeny artistic director The announcement came just before the 37yearold ballerina As for designs these canlbe it found in any library Formallud gardens and early American mo tifs are particularly popular The pattern selectedshould be har monious with room scheme and the same applies tooolors new 1959 cHsv SEDAN For asliow as s95 res MONTH Ballet this week titals getmerriedtoetnyinthehome Woman defestone qui AgainSt COminunism Moved Soviethomen Lead Field mt OlEngineers And Architects Trinity Guildilian Gala Bridge Party Valentine hearts cupids bows and gay streamers will WWW timely setting tor agela bridge be arson on sored by the Trinity Guild lhe party is designed for an eveningnl ion and fellowship as members and their iriends will vie for variety prises altered to the winning players Auxiliary praldent Mrs Caldwell will bebop mm wel come gues which as in the mum to be spring in the activities at the organization Mrs Stan shies is party mm vener and Mrs Gosling willtllee in charga oi relruh men consonant ansr Clearli dw rovid beam tempt tar iineeleaihmd hid it into the leather then polish The clear wax furnishes 15m teutlon tram scratches and snacking without the color of the Methanm BATHROOM BIRD WINDSOR Ont CF Frank Connell issued an ulti matum that her bathroom is not iotthe birds Artsrhersongot rid or one sterling they immd in the bathroom another appeared trom behind partition UNITED NATIONS N31 AP The Soviet aimll ahead oltho United sum Canada fag architects Mll The survey involved quadsn to sovemmen is and winds Inflation in Savers sepllm thattbe dmlailfledu giuuninsuchooonbiesescn ads the Federal Republic West Germa my switnrland and the United States provided greatly inmued opportunities 99 STUDENT mama it said that among anxiouslag students in 1957 there were fewer nearing degrees in States in 1956 Canada reported that in use it had17708 male engineers and 24 engineen Enrolled in 1955 wen mm in women or Glens coalescing was he specialty most frequently muf tioned attracting moat engineers aeronautical andelet deal erroneous applied ms icl and civil engineering would also appear to alter promising opporhmides or qnsliiied will said sum in want to assign women Chiba tolnpervlslmoihniidlnllohebt cause this may involve the climb ollsd iosb dollW women eon mourn mam mm KRAMER MOTORS hlmted us ananmer sueso slum soars lliclllpllifl vautr AVAILABLI iMMEDiATEiY hh more mums ewe underarmn Apply mention Little War