smarhsamnrnas sleepy Villhoe Once WiCked Spot Guam canIla Pre Correspondent ADM NZ CF It valid be hard to ï¬nd outta more placid village than Russell inthelonlyBaanIslandsin northern New Inland Yet ap pearaacs are deceptive When Russell celetrates its 150th anniversary in March it will look back on hectic past Once it was the wickedest town in the world0nce it was the capital of New Zealand Once it saw some of the most desperate ï¬ghting of the Maori wars The population at Rusell today is it is picturesque little town centre or the big game ï¬shing boats that bring back iightingswordiish and mako shariu Only an ancient building or two bulletscarred church and few plaques point to its place in history MAORI SITE Russell stands on the site of Maori settlement called Kororar eke it was by many years the ï¬rst place of white settlementIa New Zealand Whalers chose it as their oii season haven because at its sale harborng anchorage and plen tiful provisions and water Many ships returned year alter year iorstraplng down andoverhaul while the crews went ashore to live But the population was aug mented by unscrupulous traders escaped convicts from the penal establishments in Australia and generally the scum of the Pacific New Zealand did not become British colony until 1340 and in tbeearlydsyldlmmbtynn iabutiujosprevailed lhenativaoilhearum debasedvithtbeutmostthm oughnmbythevhitesandaom sharedintbcirueusa PACFICEELLBOLE Grog shops flourished and thriving trade was doneinmp plyina wbulm with temporary wimirhmthenativewomen Riot and debauchery werethe order 01 the day No depravib wastoolowiarthetownwbicb became known as the hell hole or the Pacific The infamy of conditions prob ably hastened the decision Brit ain to take possession of New Zealand and establish law and order At Waitangl Just across the bag from Russell the tint gov ernor Captain Robson and the Maori chiefs signed treatyin 1M0 acknowle the sover eignty of Queen Victoria Captain Robson set up hisfirst capital at Russel But stirring events lay ahead Maori chief named Hone Hake declared defi ance of British authority and in nu cut doivn the flagstali above the town as sypnbol oi his oppo sition Grim lighting ensued in which th Maori talent for war was well shown The town was sacked and burned and many lives were lost quarters were soon transferred to Russell did not long remain the before peace was restored Auckland and later to Welling capital oi New Zealand Head ton Russell relapsed gently into sleepy placidity Plan Spending For Arrned Forbes OTTAWA CPA system of priorities for spending on weap ons and equipment in the next decade has been sketched by the defence departmmt Authorities say there is bound to be overlapping but that in general this is the order ol im portance for armed forces re eauippins WWW Air defence of Canada Antisubmarine capability TheRCMP air division in 11mm The army The air defence oi Canada has held No priority for some time butmthclastyearorso the countrys anti submarine cap ability has tended intake prece dence over rearrning oi the air gt Wmter OaSlS Ear Seed Birds Mmeis Pomt Fublic opinion hasbeen dIv ided ever since the Manitoba Maple arrived East as towhe4 ther it is an asset or mnuisance True it is wonderful for quick growth in newly settled subd1v isioas and brings welcome shade inibut few years time but spreads fromfallen seed and root and must be kept down Despite this however it is reality wonderful as winter oasis for seedesting birds in migration This year they seemed to stop for longer periods than usdal probably because of more ieqding trays and feed At Minets Point it has been tbé area near the flowing well which runs fromthe home of Fred Piiher as an overflow to an open tank beside Minets Creek at the bridge and to an open tank where many residean get their supply seed develops into do ter of four or live seeds each attached to the base of single wingabout one inch long light and almost transparent This breaks loos but only in cluster and not until towards spring birds however arr ing wildernesssoon iall tol ad the snow all around the tree will be well sprinkled with the dainiywings but mostly minus tha seedat the base Zronomo crr Prospecting activity throughout Ontario con tlhued muagt yea division The armys position on the scale is unchanged TOTAL CONSTANT in recent years it has come to be more or less tacitly accepted here that the defence budget should remain in the neighbor hood of 31700000000 This ï¬gure used to represent about onethird of all federal spendingbut the proportion now is not much more than onenuarter With ceilingon defence spend ing the defence planners obvi oust cannot carry out all the equipping program they would like to at the same time Thus the system of priorities Home air defence likely will contian to be expensive even if anti aircraft missiles supplant manned interceptors in the next few years And alter deienee against the bomber and air breathing missile must come defence against the intercontinen tal ballistic missile The primary object in antisub marine capability in the words of Defence Minister Pearkes is systemto detect and track sub marines comparable to the radar system which detects and plots aircrait POLICE FORCE ONLY The armys weapons priority is low because its role is still not clear it is thought of hereand is tending to think of itselfas police force held in readiness for United Nations duty There is one aspect of defence thinking here that has received little attention so far This is that Canada rnlghtbe better advised to convert more and more do fence spending into economic aid for underdeveloped coImtries In this way it could make more worthwhileand more lasting contribution to Western security 175 Murder Counts Against fixNazi ANSBACll Germany AP Karl Chmlelewski commander at the Naziconcenbation camp at Mautbausen was charged Wed nesdaywith 175 counts of mur gar is triaihone of the biggest war crime proceedings before germ court Ais expected to start soon The state prosecutor said Chmielewski act had tors tured and killed thousands of nations Mauihausen prisoners from many sen oLrINI cum svscmu VELVET FLOUR 39c Fog cAKIl AND PAITIVI PRICES EFFECIIVE JAN 22 13 29 DRAW GROCEIERIAS CO llMIiED SPECIAL 5mm IuL 0111 uch srscuuh ROSE HARGARINE no 999 SPECIAII 59 ILFLmIJINs SPECIAL 93 Int 01 TIN spscmu 45 istt o11Ius cIIoIca MALVII SPECIALI for 19M 01 TIN SPECIALI for 49 seruoxmux SPECIAL 2633 IIFL oz ITLI OUTSTANDING orrnu ms cmme WQRKS or WILLIAM 19L Now DNSAIII coaIpLANus Tliuï¬zANDRoNlcUS Inga FRESH FROM cALIFGRNlAlEIIIP loLIn HIADII New Low galcsi LobLAwsinnshiv noasrao aunt mm corrsr iiiPiggé llyimer Fancy Slruvvlsarriosorhu flylmer iunuy Tomato Juice this flylmer Ch Special Protess Pens 33 flylmer Choice Diced Carrots 2t 21 Sauce mu llylmer iuncy Sauerkraut arts 21 liylmer Choice Sliced Peaches 21 31 Viiyimer Fancy Asparagus Tips Jrsu 31 sroaa noun mam 830nm to pm TUESDAY 830 mm to pm WEDNESDAY 830 am to i2 Noon THURSDAY 830 mm Io pun FRIDAY830 am 09 pm SATURDAY 830 am to pun Spariail Lobiaws Kitchen Pride APPLIPIE are me 45 iï¬gï¬ 39¢ SERVI WITH LDILAW ITANDV OLD WHITI flfllill srseIAL wrsrovs PiZZii concurs maï¬a IPECIALI IIosIrss mutunvcntaus 29o LOILAWI ccrrao IRAND nArEn DAILY WHITI wnoLI was CRACKID WNIAT £0st THESE BREAD 535513 37 Loanws mm iliiiiiT In mm an 25 was 89° LOBLAW QUALITY MEATS gt sPchALI LEM PiliiiiglflifiIIMISTS llalun VIIWHOLE on cimnscurs NDERI ORCHOF sprIAVfl45c CIALIMIA 7P¢Ik5ifléstll3i 739 man canal TIREIIIIESSEII Bilillliii rovn 3H7 BREAK H51 Blunt 55 select noun amp CHOICE lllllllllltll Hist viola swumhotnsucuungavaiusu has MAI In sunspovtonpvnurrs