itmuq llva IOWT lm cartoon II The floor plan here is some what different than the usual run However careful study re veals its many advantages long living room has dooraccess to bedroo could also serve as sired The other tw are oil to one sid forhgirlitvacy many mg Notice part xgngemuiutchendlnctte ar wom The ll shaped men is triumph in planning It starts with builtin oven the door andconipletes the with the builtin range ear entrenceway to dinette Another modern touch is the dowel trellis 24 inches in height abovo range Cabinets above W5 provide hnndy storage space for suppiia havatory location off kitchen landing is convenient one Laundry and heatingJaciii es are located 19 the basement Standaéd Buildetrs bluiiénonï¬ coating 75 se may tained for this design No 465 For further information write to QUESTIONS ifvr arm ASKED 17am ving trouhl wiui rnolsture forming on the walls inro house If the furnace hum er is shut off the air gets too dry What do you sug geatt There must be proper ï¬nance between room tempei ature and moisture content lt the latter isexcessive it Will deposit on the relatively cold outside walls Proper iiuulation in the walls will reduce this tondency but wont necessarily cure it Try ventilating the house one fewminutesveach day Also try ahd keep your temperature fairly constant night and day it seems that your humidiï¬er is supplying much moitsure It you can just it yourself suggest that you call in local heatin pert and have him che to operation This seems to thesource otyour ouhle lion planning to spend most of the winter down south Is it better to shut off the 011 burner and drain the heating system crxkeep the heaton at low temperture Theoretically the house and contents would not be dam aged iLyou leaveth heat oï¬ allwinterhloweven it ery important yousee anyt thing which couldjbe damaged byifreezing is protectedfor re unwed Personally pramJo leave little heat all th time waround 50 degreesl the consumption not be great or course have someonezmoke Tho Building Editor Thermï¬e Examiner Barrie Ontario Mjust hointtie space is avuydav existuica adinn wanna aha It may lurprlae many to real re quired for tastefully appointed Powder Room betstalie old houses for instance built at i344 3QF1j 26799 cu in Enclosed please find 75 for which send me Book of runs cntitled 71 Low cosr HOMES son CAN ADIANS Barrie Examiner OTTAWA CmAerial surveys to locate minerals in Northern Ontario and Manitoba and the Keewntin district of the North west Territories will be next step in the federal governments northem development program it was learned Thursday hint of this was contained in the Speech fromthe Throne at the opening of Parliameotlhury day in the statement that money will he sought to continue current development projectsand initiate neurones The present program includes spending $100000000 in seven years to development roads in the Northwest tlerritories $65000000 railway into the Great Slave Lakearea and total of $7500000 over five years for each province matching the federal government contribution for roads to resources CONCLUDED AGREEMENT Ontario has just concluded an the federal gave entails photo magnetometer survey over North western Ontario to lcoate mineral depositsThis$$00000 survey will help in planning location of roads into the igger deposits In addition five ors roads torresourcosrarelo bebuiit in Northwmtem Onthriounderthe agreement at total estimated cost ofs15000000 shared equally between thetwo governments Similar surveys arevunderstood to be planned for Northeastern Manitoba and the District of Keewatin the area of the North west Territories that borders on go northweswrn shorevioi Hudson an mineral surveys are to be undertaken in the every few days to Please make remittance payable to The Surveys To ifindMirierci1s Queen Elizabeth islands the large group of islands north of Viscount Melvmesomd um galleria bonds Thishas concede 500 miles inside the Arctic Circle The islands are reported to con tain huge deposits of oil andgas This country has affirmed by in ternational treaty and through statements by cahine ministers in the Commons that it plans to exercise full sovereignty over its northern lands including develop ment of the minerals in the oon tinental shelf Under the tErritorial roads program highway nowin being built around the west end of Great Slave Lake to Yellowknife and another is planned from Yel lowknife to Sawmill Bay on the east shore of Great Bear Lake Eventually this road is to be ex tended north of Coppermine on the Arctic coast In The Yukon road is planned from Flat Creek near Dawson to Fort McPherson al most 100 miles inside the Ar Circle humanly few miles west of the Mackenzie there it later is to Arctic coast gt The question of route for the railway to Fine Point on the south shore lot Great Slave Lake maybc ettledthlli year The Alberta However Northwth Alberta and Peace River groups have pressed stronglyfor ggthe line at Grinishaw in Riverregignc least years ago There is uh ualty cupboard somewhere in theupper or lower hall that would be perfectly suitable for or them may be liid to Homer 1t has been foimd by the Cain adlnn Institute of Plumbing and Heating thatthere are countless ways in which powderroom can be added to existing homes andthebestpartofallisthal ranch project usually costs for less than the home owner is like 1y to imagine The Institute alw recom mends that reliable plumbing contractor be consulted while the new powder room or extra its is New Life InInterest Rates new you as Interest rates in the United States arebe ginning to edge up4agnln The in crease laslow but many finan cial observers think the trend will continue for while Onefactor is that the US easury is borrowingmore ma ayto meet the federal def icit and mustpay higher inter estrnta toget it Another is that bankers are convincul that businesl itself aoon willbe back to them toborrow moretbnnithasbem for about year now Still another is that the revival of home buildingand the addi tionai spurt expected when con struction weather is better is causing more demand for invest ment funds had thus tightening tlieirnoney market And finiluY there is President Eisenhowers announced public cam gii against inflation This will upporttheederal reserve boar own drch to curb infla MelindaWienede as tight as it deems necmsarry The treasury will pay four per cent on its new longterin hon This has caused existing isting longterm governmentse curitles toedge higher in yield thriiitis tohslldzeodahithlower in ce so at ayfs uyercan get more from the bonds despite theirï¬xed interest rates Businesshas been ahle to nanosits recovery to large de gree out of its has and management mes more confident of future prove ment there will be more demand for fluids Present business planning how ever calls for little increase in spending for capital goods the plant and equipment needed to produce consum pods But the slack in this demand for funds ls expectcdtohe taken up hythe demand for mortgage unit volume almost back to its peak Spend ing for new homes already is the federal reserve board contin uing to hold that future inflation is the greatest danger ther seems small likelihood that th supply at laudable funds espe clallylnthebankswillbeal lowed toloutstrlp demand The federal reserves great tear atyltrnoney gets too plenti ful the urge to speculate wili grow leading to aboom rising prices and final bust so bankers feel that all signs point to slowb rising interest rates NS Fishermen One luinpllhead OanOVemment HALIFAX CP Some fisher menin NovaScotia aie alreédy reaping profits from system of govemment inspection that won 132 active unuTAprn Na nal ea Products Limited en uraging insane to take more care in handling fish aboard their ats and in transfers from vesse to wharves ffle are trying to get our houscin orderfor the new gov ernment standards and inspec tion Smith of National Sea Products said And were getting the fish in excellent nape gt gt More or tul handling has meant an increase inprica to the ï¬shermen Nationals program started Jan and since then haddockhas increased Hi cents pound for top grade and one half cent poundfor cod and other fish SPECIAL STAMP Afisheries department spokes man said ï¬sheries ofï¬cers are assessing Maritime fish plants nowPlants that plus inspection and whose packagedtish is up to the government standard will have their product stamped be fore it reaches the cohaurnerJ nllje government standard for plants is high Stainless steel back to its peak reflecting both higher building costs and mid toward large houses The consumeralso is borrow ing more money to buygoods lhe volnme of instalment loans turned up after long droop Vutor makers in particular ident that car ea will on ch Will Ling in use claimjn the availablefunds to belEnt Aud wini Eisenhower warning against further inflationand with make its Welcome News TOROMOCP11Ié Ontario Federation of Agriculture has welcomed promises of extended grin ï¬edit and crop insuranco ven tmfederal ipeech mm HaroldGroer of Ottawa feder ation president saldlt was the illhifmihmdihvi oneI Mr Greer said the Ontario and Canadian federations have for years been asking for no in surance programand farm credit The insurance program would give big ill to specialised tumors such as inilt and tob acco growers whoan more vul nerable to hail anddlsaster dam agti than the general farmer he Since the insurance program would be in cooperation with provincial governments the ins portant question remaining was how long it will take to put it into effect Re erring to the governmepts avowed intention of making farm credit more effective Mr Greer said what farmers need is some thing similar to the Industrial Duvelopmeut Bank This would allowfann co perative and boards to get ioansat low in terest rates Inspection Plan tools must he inedTheremdst be concrete floor sand the over head slriicture tree of dint War ers must be in good health and wear rubber gloveii disinfected two or three times daily inspector will be anm uring packagin Only fresh ish new regulations alt add pickled fish are not included The fisheries cm ahivsaid the new standards have already increased the price to fishermen who handle their fish according to speciï¬cations GOOD FOR CONSUMER It will mean a1ot to the con he said Our big at we cant police tlets Mr Smith said fishermen land ing about 100000 pounds of ad dock handled under the new tem can expect to receive an extra $1500 This means an extra $20 week to each man aboard thï¬vemel new systemmeans simply thatabonus is being paid the fisliermen for premium prod uc New handling practices stress extra care in thevholdLExtra caution is alsoistressed in sp ling washing packing in ice shoving cart inn5515 limitation union iii your Friendly Allied vnn unbroken 43 EchRd Barrio ang in modiï¬ed 3wili possible forlawgna to proceed on any lad gnslinv yo coma may on with all the materials you need and chop carry oubanywork necessary to discuss your reouir eats Youri yniillwolkordersand we carry comesunder the for out ltYour Centre For cement Rooting Tile Lumber Paint Plywood Complete er Supplies Coniplete Home Building out EXPERIENCE is yours for the asking ALMNDALE LUMBER and Fuel to Ltd in case noao usii Indium well behisix Wheth youre planning home renovation of in Keep Blowing Fuses marmauohl Walla Oil Burn idle6 Sunk anon mp 54 Sophia5t he lea in Donaldlo long changes around yotn ate the overhaul industriai plant and equipmentWinter is ï¬le but time get work done In winter small jobs get better attenï¬o You get theroen with the skills and know when you want them And during the cold whether iull building industry jobs can be more economical HOME IMPROVEMENT IDANS up to $4000 and up to Illyears to repaynré available under the uni HousingAct through your Bank Governc meritbacked FARM IMPROVEMENT LOANS up toT$5000 and 10 able through all banks years to repay are alsoan