aymmnAMwmflJmmnu RICHMOND HlLl ACTORS WIN CALVERT TROPHY Crack left president at the Richmond Hill Orrtaln Club receives the Calvert Trophy and $100 award from William Rees Ontario Sales Manager of Calvert Distillers Limited while actress Sheila Slegarman looks on Chosen as the boat play during the Central Ontario Drama Feeli vsl in Toronto last week tha Richmond Hill clubs presen iaiion oi Clerambard ra sultcd also in the best act ress award for Mrs Singer man and the best actor award for Robert Peace on other member of the cast The group now will have the op portunity of competing for the main Calvert trophy an id shooo in cash during the Dominion Drama Festival finals to be held in Throoto May 1533 New CBC Proposals Aim To End Dispute MONTREAL CPlThe CBC laid it will likely submit new lengthy and detailed proposal today aimed at ending strike by 14 Montreal radio and television producers in dispute over union recognition The strike started Dec 29 spokesman said CBC officials were drafting the new proposal in English Mood night and it would be translated into French before delivery He declined to disclose the BarrievForum National Panel Farm Broadcast Will Canadas small fanners get the axe next year This will be the subject of panel discussion in the banquet room of the Bessborough Hotel Saskatoon onJan 26 l1re occasion will bethe wind up of National Farm Radio For ums semiannual and the first day of the Canadian Federation of Agricultures annual meeting Saskatchewan Wheat Pools will Spenser dinner Panel members who will dis cuss this virile question will be Dr Hannam President and Managing Director of the Canadian Federation of Agricul ture Dr Thair Econom in Department University of Saskatchewan Olaf Drrnbull VicePresident in Saskatchewan Farmers Union Chairman will be Mac Pherson of the CBC Farm and Fisheries Department in Van couver Following the halfhour panel discussion Farm Fonnns across Canada will discuss the points raised bythe panel and chair man Then an hour from the beginning of vthe show forums in Moncton Ottawa Barrie Winnipeg and Lacombe will re port on their ï¬ndings to the na tional audience terms of the new offer but said it ll more detailed and lengthy than any that we have made previously Meanwhile spokesman for the producers said standing room crowd oi 1100 attended variety show Monday night at Cornedis Canadlenna for the benefit of the strikers and their supporters He said the affair was so suc cessiul that the producers plan to hold it over for two nights and then stage onenight run Thurs day night in Quebec City The performers were drawn from Montreal artists sympathe tie to the producers who demand recognition of the Association des Realisataurs CCCL by the CBC as their bargaining agent While the CBC was drafting the new offer Monday heads of six unions representing CBC employ ees told mass meeting of their members that the publiclyowned corporation is trying to stall set Ontario Driving tlernent negotiations hopingfor break in union strength One union ordered its members back to work Union leaders reaiflnned their stand to continue picketiog at the CBC studios but the corporation reported 11 it 2600 Mont real employees wcrlr at work Monday and more are expected to return today Eldon Wiliox executive vice Dresident of the Association of Radio and Television Employees of Canada ARTEC said ma jority of the unions 800 members had returned to work in obedi ence to directive issued jointly by local and national leaders But 150 ARTEC members do cided against returning Calling lharnmlvu Free ARTEC they held another meeting Monday night and drafted resolution to union heads They declared they would not cross the producers picket lines Law Appeal May Be Decided Today TORONTO CF bid to has not occupied this particular have the Ontario Court of Appeal type of offence it is open to the upset Chief Justice McRu ers ruling that the provinces province to pass law for it He said that unden several le carelese driving law is invalid gal doctrines which have been was expected to wind up today Elliot Pepper assistant di rector oi prosecutions opened the appeal Monday with four hours of argument based on the contention that careless drivnig is not crime and therefore does not come under the Criminal Code Mr Pepper said that if the courts abide by Chief Justice Mcftuers Dec ruling many other Ontario laws would be in valid The Ontario chief justice de cide the sectign of the Ontario Hig way Traf Act covering careless driving was invalid be cause it infringed on legislative powers of Parliament Mr Pepper argued that the section of the act under appeal is not dealt with by Parliament and since the federal government Fed GovernmentfPlans Control Mineral Rights CoastWaters OTTAWA OP The federal government apparently intends to exercise authority over minerals under coastalWaters although it has never been conclusively de termined whether they are fed erally or provinciallywwned reliable authority saysthe federal government soon will is sue exploration and development permits covering minerals in the lands under coastaliwaters that how been defined by interna tional mementosCanadian The result may he legal battle witbthe provinces to settle the ownership question and along with it the question of which gov ernment receive royalties from any oil and gas develop meal The extent of Canadas jurisdic tion for mineral exploitadon in coastalwaters is defined in an international agreement reached last summer and now being rati fiedhy the so signatory coun tries This agreement pro des that the coastal state has the right explore for and exploit minerals as far out from the shore as it is possible do so There are Tbe provision appl only minerals and who fishingrlghts and other matters which arocov er The question of which Canadian governmentfederal or pro claioxercises ltnisdlction over submerged coastal lands came before Parliament two years ago Several provinces objectedand the government allowed the bill affirming the federal authority in limited area to die Quebec British Columbia and Newfodundianddï¬bjected on the groun provin ts might be infringed liesourcleisgh Minister Al ton Hamilton sought to offset ob Jeotions with an amendment that he suggested would limit the lands in question to those under Hudson Bay James Bay Hudson strait and Ungava Bay This ap ed to satisfy some initial ob cottons by0nurio but apparently not those of some sen ators and the bill was never passed by Parllarnent managerial on number of applications or federal exploration and develop meot permits have been made Hudson Bails knownto be an area that oil cdmpaniesore ino lerestad in exploring for oil and £85 applied to the British North America Act both federal and provincial bodies could deal with different aspects of the same question without conflict CITES INA ACT Mr Pepper also said there are provisions in the British North America Act empowering the provinces to deal with property and civil rigth and with all matters of local or private in forest He suggested the careless driv ing section in the Ontario High way jiraffic Act deals with civfl negligence not with criminal negligence The substance of the careless driving legislation was to cocooi traffic on the roads Sydney Paikin oi Hamiltnn the lawyer whose peai led to the chief justices will present rebuttal Mr Paikln handled the case of David Yolles of Toronto con victed of careless driving after police clocked his car at 80 miles an hour on the Queen Elizabeth Way Dec 13 1957 Ice Battle End In Sight MONTREAL CF Depart ment of transport officials say the end of their month long battle with St Lawrence River ice is in sight Two of the departments ice breakeHe DIberville and the Ernest Lapointe smashed their way Monday to within mile of the 12 ocean freighters trapped in Montreal haer since Dec The department expressed hope all may hefreed by today or Wedlt nesday gt Meanwhilef downstream at TroisRivieres the Poseidon it mmtonGennan freighter was continuingherioautious voyaga towards the ocean The Poseidon slipped out of her iberth atfth cast andof the island several miles dovvnshearn from the other ships flier do more caught harbor officials lurprlse since £131 Montreeirhorbor Monda rrnorn tends extend business to this country industrial Gamnlasion er Ken Bath to currently seek ing suitable premises to house machine shop which will be set up for the firm The change should ha great benefit espech to the employees of the planL Mr Hewitt said They will he manufacturing specialized pro duct aod employment should be use in the future it should also of longrange benefit to 0mm Want Import Inspection Change TORONTO CPlTha Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers As soclatlon has called for changes in federal import Inspection ro gulations which it says have the effect of making Canadian mar kets dumping ground for dis tressed fruits and vagetablea irorn the United States Delegates to the annual meet ing said three Windsor wholesal ers had over period of time brought in 000 packages of fruit and vegetables condemned ea rmfit for the Michigan mar ket Western place in Asia and Africa It was here the West must prevent Communists from cast ing asperslons on such terms as democracy Economic aid was not anwgh The prlrne minister said the United States is being met everywhere by the Communist technique endeavoring to plant oï¬nn Man New President 0nlriday Jan the regular meeting of SimoneMuskoka idle Underwriters Association was marked by the installation of the neghhr elected officer retiring presdent Swain of Barrie stated that he had enjoyed busy but wander in year as president of the association The installation was lmprcs slvely handled by tha inimitable Pat Monahan CLU past pres ident of the Dominion Associa tion of Life Underwriters The new officers installed were Inunediate past president Ted Swain president Maclsaac Orlilla vice president Piixslay Barrie secretarytreasurer Le liever The imports delegates said were made under regulations which permitimporla of quanti ties of up to 25 packages of such produce without certiï¬cate that the contents meet Canadian in port requiremanls Association Secretary Robinson said such unall quan ties were supptsm to he brought in for personal use rather than sale but they end up in the warehouses The resuitlons asked that the quantity into tha try withhut an inspection ce cate be limited to one package of each commodity for personal use lheFassociatlon also asked that fruit coming into Canada carry label indicating the countryof origin in letters at least as large as the grade stamp Mass Hockey Enquiry Tomorrow LITTLE CURRENT Ont CP The school board will find out Wednesday night just what it was that caused 60 out of 124 high school students topr mass bookey Friday in this Mani toulin Island town The students returned to classes Monday andbegan pre paring list of grievances against principal Backing Their parents will present the list to the school board at its regular meeting Grade xm student Dean Lock yer one of the leaders in the student strike Monday refused to say exactly what the complaints were He denied rumors that teacher instigated the walkout None of the teachers had any thing to do with it lt was reported that before Christmas four teachers on the staff suggested to the board that perhaps Mr Decking was not well enoughto continue his du ties The board offered Mr Beck ing six months leave of absence but he returned to school last Monday Board members then suggested he take three days sick leave which he did At os Scarborough School where Mr Backing previ ously taught teachers and stu dents described the former Pres byterian missionary in China as sterling gentleman and an ex cellent teacher Federal Grants To Hospitals OTTAWA CPUFederal health grants totalling $414668 have been awarded to five Ontario hos pitals the health department an nounced Monday $173703 award goes to the St ThomasElam General Hos mud to helpvmeetcost of new twostoraynurses residenu grant of $174726 was awarded to the Kirkland Lake and District Hospital towards an addition to contain no beds and community health centre $80673 cant was awarded toassian the coat of new 58 bed general it Fltalto district Olt You Get PLUS ServiCe When you Advertise eals Creed lt will join in freedom and for free dan in the magic for the hearts Ind minds of men everywhere mitowu Hr Dieienbakara am speech since completing roundthoqu trip that included villil to Asian cotmhiei Ha lg there is is greater telchange no is between Wastern oountriu and unwnmltted countries and need where possible for chairs in Canadian universitiu for study of Asian alfalrs and Common wealth relations Agreements made at the Com monwealth trade and economic conference in Montreal will lead to LOW students and teachers re ulvlng scholarships and fellow ships in Canada in few years nixed But Russia also la aotunmlad thought expression Isaoclatltm and religion pledged to those who Police Chief Talks to Kinsmen ï¬ngerprinting as means at identification was die subject of an address by Police Chief Eds ward Tachirhart to members of the Barrie Kinsmen Club at meeting recently Chief Tschirhart accompanied by Alderman Arthur Morrow ot the Barrie city council was special speaker He sold 126 sets of prints were taken last year in Barrie for criminal purposes and for visas He mentioned that there were approximately 600 000 prints on file in Ottawa oi persons convicted of indictable oileoces alone Alderman Morrow spoke of the many changesvithntuhad taken place in Barrie sincehe come to the town as teachero mathematics at the collegiate in 1922 At that time be said there were only three public schools and onehlgh school in Barrie President Bob Workman an nounced that the winner of the recent Cadillac draw was Dan Wilson Blind River Diefeiicliaaker Urges iulollbebenciilathatflowfm and apolicy The prime minister said While have no inlarmatlm the number of Asian studaitl have leaned hut in the last few days that the number of African mama now studying in Moscow Budaput and Prague exceed 1000 and you can be surethat there shall be lacuicaiad the ideal that are part and parcel the principles for which Moscow atanth Canada he raid must he pared for larger role as it will no longer be middle power but one of the leading powers in the West Because Canada was almost it Iola could Imiversally trusted ha unique one Divorces Heard lindGranted First Day lit Supreme Court in nonjury sittings yesterday at the Court House Barrie Mr Justice ï¬arlow of the Supreme Court annulled ona marriage granted six divorces and ad lourned two other can where he was dissatisï¬ed with the evi dence produced lhe plaintiffs in the adjourned cases will have an opportunity to present fur ther evidence Several cases were at the re quest of counsel put over to the next sessions Counsel also in irnated that settlemaan would be made in some oftha clvll actiom listed Terence Brian Connell was granted divorce from Stella Mary Connell Doreen Edith YOung was granted divorce from Donald Calder Young The judge announced the courts dis cretion would be exercised in favor of the paintllf Custodyvof the tines children of the mor riage was granted to Mrs Young Costs were awarded to MrsYoung against Mr Young The judge granted divorce to Edna Parkhurat again Basil Parkhurst advised His lordship they had agreed on settlement terms Alice Mary Blackle was granted divorce from Ray Blacklock She was also grant ed custody of the child of the marriage Madallnc Rose Bentley was awarded divorce from Gerald Bentley Custody of the child of the marriage went to Mrs Bentley William Raymond lermey was awarded divorce from Joan li lcrmey He was given cost agalnst the correspondent Arth ur Pedwcll in an undefended action in which Murray Cook was the plaintiff and Joanne Cook was defendant Mr Cook sought and was given custody of the child of the marriage marriage between Marjorie Margaret lrene Jenkins other wise lmown as Marjorie Mart aret Irene Taylor aodPeru Lloyd Taylor was nuiled in theï¬EXAMiNERf When you advertise in your daily newspaper The Barrie Examiner less important advantages there are many hidden but neverthe These PLUS services are all designed for your benefit for without RESULTS yourvadvertising is waste of money These PLUS services give you the results your message deserves rxrrnirncr iii an srnrr The ad staff is trained in writing copy making layouts and in merchandising This continuing process Through the direction of Thomson Newspapers head office all mem bers of the ad department are oontinu you move merchandise TWO ally getting ideas and methods that can help Mlll illusorer srnvmrs Not just one little Junior Servicebut two Senior services Metro and Stamps Conhaim Fourteen months of these mats thousands of illustrations are kept on file for your use AT NO EXTRA CHARGE TO YOU better sales results now rouirnrnr in addition to new modern building The Barrie Examiner has spent thousands of dol lars to install the newest and finest kind of printing equipment All this equipment was installed all thl read EXPElllENCEll seamstress Many of the men the hack shop haile been with The Examiner for years Others have spent many years working inother tine printingshops All of them are conscient ions aboutthelr work and take pride ma will be in good hands aria onmnmrn sunmrncror 25 moms As part of the Thomson Group The Barrie Examinerhas at its beck and call the corn blnati knowledge of the other 24 Canadian Newspapers Through our Director of Advertis ing office information as to successful campaigns and new ad ideas is constantly being sent to your Examiner ad staff This can help you greatdeal for other merchants in your line in other towns are facing the same problems yours Min mun ounurr up in NEWS nonunion You can illustrate your sales message with ease got money spent so that you can have your sales message clear and easily good clean newspaper Your sales message as you are Their solution can be More and more every day the news stories of the Barrie Examinerzboth local and 113 tional are getting better This is of great concern to you becausa good news story beside your ad attracts readership For instance story on the sport page about cur ling bowling hockey your ad whichmight be right hesidoltl rehearsed cru rs wear or RESULTS rvaav notion seam In etc which most menin town will read can attract attention to Billsï¬e lxcsminer Aropiseniï¬ddfiuillibé pleased to Zeal Counsel declared an