AMONG TROOPS taking part in the Canadian Army exec cise Operation Snowdrop starting on Sunday in an area northwest of Kirklnnd will be ii men of No nals Squadron and No Air borne Signals iroop from THE MEDICAL MEN load lied packed with medicalsup plies onto the transport for the base camp Standing in CORNEAL METZGER op erating room assistant from Toronto Military Hospital cen tre supervises the packing of casualty on to sled The casualty is placed in specially insulated oversize UK T615 Camp Borden Their duties will be to provide communi cations between the base camp and units in the exercise arcs and with Army Headquarters at Onkvilie Ail equipment willbe moved by sled as the trudr is Pie id Keddy of no Stnyner Casualties from the exercise area will sleeping bag which can be opened in sections to give medical attention without com pleter expOsing the patient to the low temperatures which will be encountered Inside the Sailor Really Versatile shown This sled carries tent and moldng equipment for ï¬ve men The men will live under canvas and their source of heat for the tent and cooking will be small nap thn stove base campand then flde back Examiner staff photos MAJOR STEREN Div ficer Commanding RCS Camp Borden discusses last minote details with Capt Cook in charge of the party inking part in the exercise The unit will also have with them transmitter and receiver on sled capable of being operat ed on the move The exercise is scheduled to last 11 days and troops are expected to be mummrlmurmmtms SNOWDROP back in Camp Borden by abut Jan 25 Army trucks will take most oi the equipment and personnel to and from the base camp Star Torry Curtis Rakes In Money By JAMES BACON HOLLYWOOD AP Tony Curtis ouslness advisers have lust told him that he made our times more money last year than Unlversabinternhtional Studio Thats the studio which first hired Curtis for $75 week 10 years ago of course last year won rocky one for the studio but evcn so the comparison is amazing can remember not long after started at uI Curtis recalls when one of the top producers advised me to getout of this busl nessthat had no future in it also remember telling him want to be movie star Thats the only thing want go that singleoess of purpose is what did Forth Hes also in for healthy cut of The Dcilant Ones which is headed for 3000000 world wide gross itn the picture that brought him hislgreatest critical acclaim knew when read the script that it would be critical success but lm even Stanley Kramer never expected it to be commercial he says PLAYS DAVID yElven Curtis rare television ap pearances have that Midas touch He made one last year about matador who conquers fear Com ving up this month is one where he plays David the young poet shepherd who conquers fear and slays the giant Goliath Curtis feels the picture that was the turning point in his career LT council of Windl nee recently arrived at Camp Borden will be liaison officer for the 22min unit of the 4th Field Ambulance Camp Borden who will be taldng port in the exercise The unit will be in command of Maior Would Protect Newspaper Men wnsuincron an Legis lation to protect newspaper men against punishment for refusing ro GOLDEN Don1N was Sweet Smell of Successm to reveal sources of information In one year Curtis shot from it he played the worst kind of mend 19 HWSS Rel allI contract player to one of the golden dozen stars who rule CPL WOOD of No Signsl Squadron is tittingiy dressed in parish to withstand the cold conditions he will en counter during operation Snowdrop northwest of Kirk land Lake Fewer Kill 0n Highways TORONTO CPLMore Ontario residents drove last year but fewer were killed on the high ways The department of transport says 1958 figures will show that while motor vehicle registrations and gasoline consumption in creased sharply fatalities were about lsoiess thanthe 1279 in 1957 The ratio between deaths and distance travelled is an alltime low Arthur Rowan chief statistic ian for the department says there were 77 deaths per 100 000000 miles travelled in 1957 and 7s deaths for the same mile age in 1956 The deaths had in creased yeorly over 10 years The gt 1958 figures had not yet been bag the patient has wrapped around him plastic film to prevent the bag from getting wet through condensation It the bag were to get wet in sidet thepatient would freeze greed viJyWilere are in evi dence it is easy to happiness depends on material things Much more it rests on the knowledge of duty weliper formed and the satisfaction of job however humble welldone At the beginning of th war he believe that was on dreary patrol duties in northern waters but was soon called toLondon to serve with the plans division at the admir alty He attended many of the top level international confer ences and contributed some of the technical data on which deci sions to invade Sicily and to open second front in Europe were reached Lambs is married to daugh ter oi the late Sir Walter Corbett and has two children James 15 and Louisa 12 Now 59 he holds therank of commander of British naval forces in the Mediterranean lie takeslthe top jobof first sea lord in Maysucceeding Earl Mount batten who becomes chief of de fence staff the US Navy in seizing Okin awn While Americans were invading Okinawa the Illustrious and other British vessels were attacking nearby islands The illustrious was struck on the deck by bomb delivered by Japanese By ALVIN STEINKOPF LONDON AP Sir Charles Lambe soon to take over as Brit ains top sailor is study in ver satility He can pilot halloonorwplay polo He is anexperiencedmoun tain climber an authority on suicide fighter plane ithin zo painting and EM Plans minu British planes were Butlambes chief business is again taking off from the car ihe sea and the navy has been riers deck his Only career He prepared 10 Lamhe was cited for skill and it Immghly Studying in NM bravery in attacks on Japanese colleges at Osbome and Dart oil installations on Sumatrar mouth Since his ï¬rst sea ap mm is man poiniment the old ship Em Sm he is ukgï¬o was 99 and 19 185 pm on the role of submarines in in mefl ea turewarfare Lmbe mmmkd But as flyer he is also keenly served on just about every type of war vessel end has taken 0156133 in and Pi c° hand at other the navys inci dental activitie including inter WP Sim to 14ml V0 FAN national negotiations and high mm dlflmr 513 91 CHTile Que 31 mm pacts that every man will do his becheeds of the Knights oi Col 9d duty In aispeech in 195s the ombus representing 70000 mem FAR EAST ACTION sci ip bars are seeking to have Gang His most exciting experience cali to duty so clear in ads declared Cnnndas national perhaps came when rhe com wareasilybec mes dimmed by anthem resolution to this cf mandedxthe aircraft carrier ll self interest in peace time feet was domed bythgknights lllsirious which collaborated with When icovy snobbery and state executive cmnputedbut are expected to be sharply loweri Traffic fatalities on roads pa trolled specifically by provincial police in 1953 dropped 13 per cent tom from 850 in 1957 it was also announc The totals do not include fatal es towns cities and other municipalities not pat rolled by ihe OPP flie attorneygenerals otfice whichiostituted crackdown on poor driving year ago said the provincial police can be justly proud of the accompflshrnent Tony esiimiites that he will glrms 31 500 000 from two pictures ikinsandGo Meet Education heel it was my first outside picture and everybody warned me against doing it but it was my iirss critical success An my gal Needs at Home Federation Tells Government OTTAWA CP The National Federation oi Canadian Univer sitystudents making its voice heard as seldom before in its his tory has called on the federal government to meet education needs at home before looking far ther afield Mortimer nonwry NFCUS president told press confer ence Wednesday the federation opposes Prirne Minister Diefen bakers suggestion of large scale exchange of students within the Commonwealth unless the plan is in addition to national system of scholarships and bur saries for Canadians studying at home The president announced that NFCUS will hold an independent inqlliry into the dismissal from Laval University of physics stu dent Normand Lacharite nrncrnn mu armors Lachariie was ejected from the University of Ottawa last year for charging the Roman Catholic oblate Order with religious pa ternalism in an article he wrote for the universitys undergradu ate newspaper La Rotonde He was ejected from Laval for writ iog another articlealqng similar lines for that universitys paper Le Carabi The University of Ottawa is operated by the Oblstes Mikoyan Indicates Visrt to Canada Damon licylSoviet deputy premierAnastas Mikoyan indi cated here Thursday that al though he had no plans to visit Canada following his present tour of the United Stat tripwns possible future Mikoyan made the remarks in reply to question from report ers during an informal press co ference at Willow Run airport He indicated that the trip 9W msuaiscf Acton ins44278 051 norUh would likely indude visitto Ottawa ii on srrunnnr cAsARET STYLE courlss oriva ToLTha Music Maker PINE CREST Hwy 27 miles north oi Barrie mue south Elinvrle miles west towordAnten Mills gt more nasnnvsrroivs mono striving1 mation of national universi student day March as part of Education Week in Canada March 17 Eurpdse of the special day would be to better acquaint Canadians with education prob lems On that day said Mr Bis trlsky NFCUS will seek an inter view with Prime Mlnister Diefen baker to learn the governments viawon brief submitted to the government by NFCUS year Igdo asking for increased student NFCUS also announced pros Two oAvsrmnAvs TURDAY rcsentatives Wednesday by Rep resentntive Francis Dom Rep The bill would exempt news paper radio and television re porters tram being compelled by federal courts tnreVeal their sources except in cases affect ing national security Mario Torre television col Monday Jun 12 pm 5210 Jackpol 1001 sou course sr Chapman and will be prepared to deal with all cas ualties under Arctic conditions After initial treatment all cas ualitics will be flown out the area to Camp Borden for advanced medical treatment umnist now is serving 10day contempt of court sentence for refusing to disclose on federal court order the source of story Doro said his bill would extend to the federal courts reeognb tion of newspaper mens privilege already provided by law in 11 states insurance John Stevenson or PA 85201 or Call mm as Dnnlnp sum STEVENSON INSURANCE CONTINUOUS SATURDAY FROM 230 PM All thé sultry drama oflénnsae Iliams hourrec Prize PI