ï¬lmIm Barbarian Socialist MP Blackburn who has becnsoiourning inGrceceand flee the session of Pan timeout endedï¬has opened her mouth and put her foot in it an remark thigh measures against the Greek burials when engagedrin hunt on the islandare ll cly to boomerang and have decisive influence on the future of theSo ciaflsFparty Castle statements made after she had visited some of the Cyprus villages were immediater eluted by those in duthority This is what she said believe the men are being permitted and even encouraged by the authorities to use unneces sariiy tough measures in search in villages where shooting in cident has taken place on the grounds that the men are engaged in botpursuiL 0U REBUIIAL lmmediatc rebuttal was given by any Glenda chief of staff inthc Cyprus area who quoted specific orders prohibiting in discriminate roughness unneces sary destructio of property and colleetivqmum Vc meuures on the part of British troops There isno question of indiscriminate brutality he said hlef critics of Mrs Castle lrowever are other Socialist lead James Matthews member of Socialist National gnecutive quickly made it known that he completely dissociated himself frbm the deplorable sentiments expressed by her it would be better he said if Mrs Castie tried to under stand the difficulties experienced by the British troops MrsCas tie on the eve of the Labor party conference has céttainiyhot im proved lhe prutige of British Socialists abroad Jt is because ofthc imminence ofthe party conference that Mrs Castle has put her foot in it very badly That is shown by Mr Matthews next remark can well understand some people preferring Mr Aneurin flown to MrsCastle as the next chairman BEVAN INVOLVED TA we indicated an antartieie few days ago movement devel oped at the recent Trade Union Congress meeting at Bourne mouth to have Bevan elécted the nextparty chairman in View of general election being liker within the next year Mrs Castle at present holds vicechairman in the normal course of eventszshe would be thenext chairman It had been suggestedat Bournemouth that she might be persuaded to stand aside inifavvor of Mr Bevan Now there are decided possibilities that she will not be asked to stand aside but will be pushed aside because of her indiscreet utterances in Cyprus oarrem vraw Jt is definite part of Labor panty policy to stand behind the troops in their efforts to maintain law and order in Cyprus and the Near East rNot longsvagou we heard an exposition on this by Arthur Gniffiths partys policymaking committee We have to stand behind our boys in the forces he said Things are different from the dayswhen we had small pro fessional army Thoseboys re the position of chairman of the our own young men doing their national senice That is broubt home in every home from which son has gone into the forces The people demand that weotand behind them so that is labor By attacking the actions of the troopstn Cyprus who have seen their comrades shot from bebi stabbed in 1th and hi ed from treacherous ambush Mrs Castle has gone contrary to Labor policy She will have to answer for it at the party conference when it meets in Scarborough And that may well make the way very easy for Aneurin Bevan stepping up into thecovetcd posi tion of party chairmrin Barrie Fair Winners in Craft Work Continued from Friday Leather Craft Ladys tooled purse Hazel Stan ford Stayner Avora Thompson Stayner Mrs Don Ferguson Tooled wallets Mrs Don Fergu son Mrs Lila Hare Mrs Ma son Oro Station Carved ladys purse Mrs Don Ferguson Hazel Stanford Mrs Lila Hare Carved wallets Hazel Stanford with an exceptionally attractive travelling case Mrs Lila Hare Mrs Door change purse Mrs Lila Hare Hazel Stahford Mrs Don Fergu son Belts Hazel Stanford Mrs Lila Hare Mrs Ferguson New Mrs Lila Hare Mrs Ferguson Gioves Mrs Lila Hare Mrs George Orr Coldwaten Metal and Wood Gifts Copper craft picture Mrs Shelp Mlneslng Nellie Jones Stayncr Mincsing Wi Aluminum tray Minesing Lamp Mrs Les Goss Goldwater Bowl or tray Minesing Wl first and second and Mrs Joe Lennox Article of driftwood Mrs Les 6055 Knitting Ferguson Matched key case and idcain leather Hazel Stanford WI Mrs Mason Babys jacket bonnet and bootees Minosingwl Mrs Gallows Mrs Wilma Giffen Mmeslng Childsv sweater Mrs Sutherland Marilyn Moore Barrie Mrs Lindcll Adult sweater Miss Pat Spring MrsWilma Giffeh Mrs Sutherland Mens work socks Miss Pat Spring Mens fancy socks Mrs Sutherland Mrs Wilma Giffen Mrs Helen Stong Mens or ladies gloves Clinton Fagan Mrs Wilma Giffen Min esing Wt Mrs Mason Mrs Sutherland Edenvale WI Mrs Catherie Melton Article of Fairisle knitting Mrs Mason Mrs Sutherland citntan Fagan Quilts Bedspreads Rugs Pieced cotton quilt Edenvale WI Mrs Catherine Melton Ap plique Clinton FaganyCoui son Wd Mrs Orr Afghan Mrs Sutherland Crib quilt Mrs Wilma =Gffén Edenvale WI Rug Mrs Norman Wilhugitby Minesing WI Rag braided rug MrsAl nHisenylmvale Ch ton Fagan Miscellaneous Article of Italian hemstitching Miss Pat SpringCllnton Fagan Article of crossstitch Minesing WI Mrs Wilma GiffenMrs Helen Stong Bradford Article of tatting Mrs Helenstong An article made from flour bags Edv envaie Wd Mrs Orr Miss Pat chiefs with different trim Mr Don Ferguson Mrs G0rr Helen Stcng Article of Swedish Helen Stong Mrs Mrs Orr Four quilt blocks Coulson WI Clinton Fagan vFoam rubber corsages Mineslng WI Tharnton WI Edenvale WII special display not covered by any seetidn was whiteero cheted bedspread exh ited by Mrs Wither Jermy of gBarriee Pink roses with green trim gave tbebedspread pattern and color and thicklfringe followed the border Consuuction of Londons liraf falgar Square begun in 1829 was at complete until 1887 FASHION SHOW MONDAY SEPT 29 TUESDAY SEPT 39 AT THE NEW nItyP¢rish Holl 24Colllcr Street Barrie Siph Ticirets On Sale Now for 35c wouid be Mmvvw nanr rrvfkgVV Home Jaycees Present 5300 Cheques To lionsand as vrsw of use secession new wing or the one Fellows Homerrneemranoe is left wants ï¬nial Ytlthi As an escape from the civic receptions hand shaking and other rigors of royal tour the Georgianhay Development As sociation is investigating the possibilities of extending an in vitation to Queen Elizabeth to tour the Georgian deby boat during her Canadian tour nex summer Decision to issue the invita tion was made at recent meet ing of the directors of the GBDA One of several such as sociations formed in Ontario in recent years the Georgian Bay Association is also one of the largest in point ofarea It embraces 55 member mun icipalities from the =counties of Bruce Dufferin Grey and Sim coe arid the districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound Its sphere of influence includes for the advancement of the area in the fields of industry tourism and agriculture We feel that cruise in Georgian Bay waters would be relaxation and inspiration to the Royal Family after so many arduous civic receptions in the southern part of the province said Neville Keefe general man associhtion It shame if the Royal yacht visiting Canadas inland lakesfor the first time should not be routed to the best waters any subject ovchave to display the beauties of licrCanadian dominions Short stops at one or two key ports in the area wouldenable hun cds ofihou5ands of resi dents around Georgian Bay to see Her Majesty Many would not otherwise have such an op portunity the general manager pointed out After all said Mr Keefe what have the larger centres to offer other than the standad civic receptions opening new buildings and shaking hands with civic dignitaries Lets leave her withthe inspiration of the beauty to be found oniyon Georgian Bay Its memory that probably would remain withher long after the recep tions and handshaking are for gotten In other fields the GBDA has agiled special meeting for 0c tober at Which MPPs in the Georgian Bayarea will be special guests The board feels that as the elected ties with all agencies and in dividuals that will further the economic advancement of the Georgian Bay region said Cranston of Midiand who proposed the idea of the joint meetings This will be the first group meeting in the regionbetween the GBDA representatvies land the séven federal and10 pro vincial members serving dis trictyridingsï¬ gt Another board of directors meeting in November will act as host to the newspaper publish ers from the55 member mun icipalities in the Hfardlung GBDA There will be fulland frank discussions on the aims objects and results of thca5lt sociation to date Turn to page fourteen please Onlfhursday evening the Bar rie Junior Chamber of Commerce opened the5tl59 season at the Community House The meeting was chaired by DonyAllen introduced by Jaycee Bill Hen ry the speaker Hebsr Smith MP provided very informative talk on What the life of Member of Parliament is like Mr Smith outlined his duties with regard to his constituency House CONTRACTOR HOW wing to the Odd Feuuws raverngt presents the key mime new Home to McFadden superintendent of the home of Commons nndiarliament com mittees gt The presentation of $30000 cheques to the YMCA and the Lions Swimming Pool prolectcon cluded very successful Jayne Dominion Day Festival Repre senting the Lions ClubBert Jen hett thanked thedaycecs for their very outstanding effort in community work Al Dndds ex pressed his thanis and announced the $30009 would beused im medialelyvto further the building proiéctait the YMOA campsite Jaycee President Carl Green ough presented awards for out standing vvork toRay Brill Dos minion Day Festival and Cari Mason for his effort in conduï¬i ing successful Effective Spea ing course Doug Chick and Jim Bewick received honorable men tion for their work inthe Domin ion Day Festival Guests at the meeting were Bill Logan DOE and Bob Rehiil of Youngs Draperies The Town of Barrie has auth orized request from the local Unit that the week of October be proclaimed National Jayeee Week The Barrie Jaycccs are who the host club for District ll Fail Conference to be held innbarrle Oct 4319 Plans are now being finalized for what looks to be veryjnleresling conference Pan els on Parliament procedure as wellas other workshops are being organizedto train the young men in Leadership Training Mr Wil liam Henry will be chairman for the Fall conference CANADA OUTPUT HIGHER Canada now ranks sixth in the world in manufacturing output and manufacturing new employs one out of our working Cana dians ART BASICENGLISH LEATHER CARYlNG BOQKkEEPING TYPING CHEMISTRY FOR NURSES COOKING HOMEMANAGING FOLK SQUARE DANCING roux AND SQUARE DANCING CLAS Counciland affiliated with the Ni with the director Miss Louise Co Classes other than thosc listed may ment of fifteen students would he expected Classes will be conducted tWo nights each weekom Tuesdays and Thursdays registration fee of FivexDoilars payable at thefirst regular class Two Dollars Will be returned to thestudents who have an attendance record of gt80 or better BAnRIEoisrRIcTCENTRAL COLLEGIATE EVENING 1C dnlzed the following subjects if registration is sufficient LEATHER TooLING METAL WORKING SEWING Classes in English for New Canadians are provided without charge BARRIE VDISTRIICT coLLEéIATeBo Lassa5 TYPING OFFtCE MACHINES TYPING SHORTHAND wooowogKINGg MOTOR MECHANICS SESwill be sponsored by the Simcoe County Recreation ï¬ht School pro gram Those who are interested will get in touch ey be formedif théreis sufficient interesteA mi 730930 pm ace7 not vritLh Ia all MP5 and representatives know the needs of their constituents closer liaisonwould lead to more econ omicbcnefits to the region as whole through closer coopera tion with the members wm1e this association is non political organization we cannot afford not to use all Vmeans offlobtaining the closest The Bar eIBraneh offljheVCnnadion Legion Wish To Announce unlit our sermons wm as needs uv THELEGION Melvin AT 11 pm WEDNE Draw tickets Member Take Notice That followingharried streets between on the workinarneiy Name of Udlreet DunlopStreet Wes northvside EssaRoad west side of rum Laneway anyowner may within 21 may approtie the saidrwork will be considered The Council of the Corporation of the Town concede 110 we of west limit of Buys Street north ofsouth limit Application will be made by the Corpoiation to the ysafter the first publicati the points hereinaftl 1T° 209 westerly 262 sued Sodtherly of the said workundertak width Distance Ontari Municip on of this notice lie LOCAL IMPROVEMENT Wle gt of Barrie intends to nstruet as Local Improvements therundermentioned works mentioned andqintend tospcciaily assess the eostupon theland abutting directly swarms Estimated Corporations an of Cost Construction Cost with th but bafor doing so it mayappoint the Abuttln Year to he nebenlurod tamper Foot Mooror gt4 undertalrl tot