ramnanmtkaiammnmavsarriuus By MAXINE JONES Womens Editor Plans for slmcoe Countys Eighth Annual Art Exhibition are now well advanced and this promises to be the finest ever The Art Exhibit Committee met in Barrie recently andeieeted it slate ol officers Llew Beaver of Barrie member of lastyears com mitiee and immediate past president of the Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Assouation Was elected President Mrs TarBush oi Barrie is the Secretary Ed Hooper also of Barrie is Treasurer and Mrs it Church of Orillia publicity couvcner During the eight years of it exidence the Simcbe County Annual Art Exhibit has been held in many different centres throughout the County amongst them are Coilingwood stayner Alliston and orillla Members of the present com mittee from this area areMn McVeigh Ed Hooper and Bert Young The Eighth Annual Art Exhibit is scheduled for Nov and and will be held in the Canadian Gem eni Electric plant auditorium In barrie The committee considers this location most acceptable with its spacious and bountiful interior and line acoustics and stage For the past two years it has been the custom to have special project section in the exhibit The idea behind this is to encourage artists to try their hand at something abit different from their usual style and to preserve on canvas many of the old landmarks of our area The subject of years subject was country stores Many of these fastdisappearingaiandmarks were perpetuated on canvas This year the Committee has chosen the subject of old mills in Simcoe County and its environs it is hoped that many of the artists entering paintings will do an old mill for this special project which will be hung in section by itself at the exhibition Plans are not yet completed for the opening nights festivities which include an outstanding person in the hit field as guest speaker and opening ceremonies by well known individual in Simcoe County The committee expects to make these announcementslin the near future The new ioolt was termed High Spirited at the Fall Fashion ltevuc held Wedncsday night in St Giles liali on Cook Street Higher waists highcr hems higher shoes and shapciicr shape set the theme for this season The line is rounded the normal waistline bilsfuily relixed and everywhere skirts barely skim the knees off the ground from 18 to 20 inches said Miss Bea McQuade manageress of the local Evangeline shopand commentator for the show Simmons Company showed coats furs suits and frocks Evangeline displayed sportswear accessories and jewellery Miliinery for all occasions came from the shop of Evelyn Tuck and shoes for dress and sports wcre chosen from Pearsons Shoes The modcls Mrs Alan Gerow Mrs Douglas Conlon Mrs McKee Mrs William Hacon Mrs Raymond Heap Mrs Earle Smith and Miss Gcrry Bournc were wearing Beauty Counselor makeup with the compliments of representative Mrs Prince Presented by the Ladies Guild of St Giles Mrs Tarling was the rcvues con vcner To the accompaniment of music and across stage with an autumn leaf dccor the models exhibited the latest styles The coat silhouette carries its bulk largely on the shoulders Costumes frequently have hricf jackets dresses maybe highwaisted wide and pulled or slim and draped Top Parade Prizés Ar Cooksiown Fair At last weekends tootsien Fair the winners of the special school events received extthou ora Newton Robinson public school was the winner of the Legion Plaque for banner deganneal Leiroy placed see on Gilford placed as and Steeles Corners second in the class for banner costume or school colors The school at ivy made the win ning poster weicoming Prime Minister Dielcnbaker and Holl ows had the neat best entry Lefroy won lor its school yell followed by Middleton Jimmy Reain was the spelling Winner for grades five and six and Carol Cherrington placed second For gradcsaeven and eight Mirdza Jaunzcmls was the accurate spoiler and Larry Vig gen the closest to accurate Winners for the decorated tri cycle class were Jimmy Couse Douglas Black and LarryCausc in that order For the decorated doll carriage Gail Downey Di ane Henry and Louise Wright were the top three gt in the parade and costume com petitions Stroud Womens Insti tute was the winner in the an tiquo float class Thornton placed second and Boston Wom ens institute third For commercial floats Brad ford Lions had the best and im perial Oil was second Bali Plan ing Mill and MasseyHarrismrgu sonwere tied for third spot Fleming Sod had the best mo crn float Alliston Business mens cntry was Jud second and Cookstown Curl Gluhss thi Mrs Gordon Rix had the wt ning old time costume for the ladies Ernest Banting for the men and Pinhaiion bfï¬cer Seareood Results Of Early Warnings MONTREAL CHBill Con neli makes his living by giving advice to criminals but hes on the aide of the law soitspoken man of 46 Hr Council works as court pmba tion oiflcer for the rehabilitation service of the Federation of Cath olic Charitiea He believes leolr arda can be made to change their spotsit theyre reached young enough in the last three years Mr Conneil said 78 per cent of the probationers he has bandledrhave made good in society TEE BIGGER THEY ARE the harder they fall Seems to be the theoryof Julio Girls and boys flip each other onto the mat every Thursday and Friday evening at the For youngstcra first set of muscles or for the businessmans longforgotten bioeps theres also wrestling and weight iiltingtwo nights week at the The welcome mat is wage WNW hme do out to anyone wishing to take part in the Ys weekly activities Honvey Haibour To Be SiteOf Parley Concerning 19000 RN Thcfourth annual fall confcr oncc convened by the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario to be held at Haney Harbour Geor gian Bay Scpt to Oct promiscs t9 attract the attendance of more than 100 key Ontario registered nurses This years conference on Leadership has bocn designed to provide valuable information paufa CAeWie On Saturday Sepfembertwentieth Paula Muriel cherrie daughter of Mrs lliam Norman Chetrte and thelate Mr Cherrie and granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Fred CWails of Hamilton formerly or Barrie married David William Robertson son of Mr and Mrs William David Robertson Doctor Andrew otflciated at the ceremony in Timothy Colors range through the whole brilliant spectrum with empha sis on greens purples cooltohot pinks and rcdsand blues Brown makes wonderful comeback this fall Hats rate head lines of their own running to the globular inflated look in invorted bowls or pots and blownup berets Stockings such fun and fashion with hemlines rising and legs back in fashion call for hint of tint Shoes are pointed tapered Tstruppcd andall with narrow needle heels Chemiserie leads the way to fancy footwork and the beautiful leathers of the new season endow shoes with more elegance more sophistication more fashion From its earned days the YMCAYWCA has helped young people bnild strong and healthy bodies thrnngh athle tics and physical training The invented basketball and volleyball organized the first summer camp for boys has taught millions of youngsters to swim And one of the finest things about the istbat it puts muscle in their characters too The Barrie is no exception As one mother said When have things to do and places to go drive the boys down to the and Im on my way rimsitting pret for knowtheyre in good hands and will be even better boys Alien take them home The YMCAYWCA in Canada inl Barrie is one of our great forces for the mental and physical education of boys and girls With the home and the church it has helped to mold legion of youngsters duringthe important years into healthy weli adjusted citizens The Barrie is certainly doing its job in helping to make big men out of small boys fwhose lives are short in years but long in memories They Will be appealling to the public for ï¬nancial support in the near future Assist them to make the memories of Barries future leaders happy ones Treats ilomevBuked Bread Cookies Postries Pies Cakes Meat Pies Buns and runny gtDeiicious Dutch Specialties Welcome in every home 127 DUNLOP sr mi PHONE PA was some soreAl Eaton Memorial United Church in Given in marriage by her bro thcr Peter Norman Cherrie the bride wore gown of white Chantilly lace stylcd on trapeze lines The trapeze back fell to slight chapel train and the ï¬t ted bodice had Sabrina neck line and long sleeves Her tiny heaovbow was of satin trimmed with veil of silk tulle illusion and she carried white stephanotis and Carnations Miss Lynne Pringle was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were MissEvelyn King and Mrs Palmer Uxbridge The attendants wore bellshaped Edenvaie WI Has Interesting Moiro The Edenvaie Womens Insti tute hold its September meeting at the homerot Mrs Mc Nabb with an attendance of in members and two visitors 3011 call was answered with What left undone today Mrs RWard commented on the motto Home is the place where we grumble the most and are treated the best The membersdecided to hold their annual family fowl supper on Oct 24 Mrs Goodfellow and Mrs Ward were appointed conveners andVMra McDonald and Mrs Bert Maw to look after the entertainment Mrs Giffen strict director gave report of direetors meeting held at Eirnvale Mrs Graydon Giffen convener of healthand home eeonomics introduced the speaker Mrs ton who gave ï¬ne talk on Foo She waslthanked by Mrs Allan McNabb The 14 memberswho took the iniilinery course parad ed withtbeir new bats which were many different shapes and Colors and very prettyu Mrs Ciffen had Aquiz on Health Rules Mrs Gordon Giffen conducted quiz on Paris of the Body The meeting was closed with the Mary Stewart Collect Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Degeer LAv AWAY SPECIAL dresses in soft gold and emerald green Veivet Theirhéts weré matching and they carriedryeiii low and bronze mum and bronze roses Bruce Sproui was groomsman Douglas and Robert Robertson the grooms brothers William and Gordon Schwegler were ush ers Receiving at the church the brides mother were brown delus tered satin with an orchid cor sage The grooms mother as aisted her wearing dress of im ported lace with corsage of pink rosettes Guests from Barrie were Mrs Walls Mrs HowardDy ment the brides aunt and Mrs Gladys Hamilton of Los Angeles who visiting with her sister Mrs Dyment for several Weeks MANY CANUCK PUPILS in the 195657 school year there were 3297450 students enrolled in Canadas publiclycontrolled schools mainstay nssmumo wonni Smart wool tweeds plain failles Iartans New dress flannels cottons cotton tweeds velvets cqrduioys etc To make your fall and win ter sewing worthwhile and interesting WEBB SON Dry Goods And Ménfs WEEI 267 Bradford St PA 88632 Ipron tonurscsin public health inst itutional Occupational andprivate fields of nursing as well as those In the armed forcu Miss Carol Adams educational secretary of thoRNAO is in charge of the conforence and among those participating will be Dr Hcdicy Dimock director of Group Guidance Montreal Chil drens Hospital assisted by Dr Robert Croolr professor of educa tion Queens College NewYork The conference is in inct an intensive cducational course pinn ned and conducted lna holiday setting says Miss Adams The conference itself will be conducted in small groups will concentrate on the spec interests of group members in general sessions using panel dis cussions films case studies role playing and demonstrations The sponsoring organization the Registered Nurses Asao tion of Ontario has mem rship of more than 19000 reg tered nurses throughout the province of Ontariol NEW OPPORTUNITY The memory of Princess Mar garets visit to Canada still lingers as plans aremade for the tour Elizabeth and Philip next June and July Gahanoque we think should seize this opportun ity to invite the Royal party to the 1000 islands area Too many Royal visitors have come and gone without enjoying the scenic beauty and restiuiness of thearea Gananoque Reporter OPINION WAICHES MOTWO ARE ALIICE EACH ONE BELIEVES IN HISOVJ most sincere expression so generously rendered byrwbljcii Cookstow Agricultural SocietysCentenuiai Celebrations hie an snco ssfuL of our appreciation of tbe SIGNED 0N HERA orarceas Ann omacrons tits been long time since ive seen any of my boys come back to oourt too But at the same time Mr Connell isa realist Some youths Just cannot be helped by court clemency Many need to be convinced the hard way that crime docs not pay You have no idea howsome acquaintances who live nutside the law And when tough exem plary sentences are handed to these neighborhood heroes am provided with an impressive ob Ject lesson for my charges Mr Conneli feels there is float Mr and Mrs George Melvin Gray announcetlie engage ment of their daughter Kar on Elizabeth to Neil LeighI on Fox son of Mrs Fox and the late Mr Clayton Fox The marriagewiii take place on SaturdayOctober 4th at oclock in Burton Avenue United Church Barrie cues But until better routine la introduced henld hut olfen der should almost always get break The average age at first ottelr dera is 19 it you can keep them away from penitentiary there is good chhnee of molding them into useful eitilens Once theyre ex posed to the bardbittcn pros its pretty tough job He said large proportion of errlng youths come from broken homes and lower income families But this was not the chief co mon denominator Almost without cxcepiion they have backgrounds where there was no proper discipline Much more parental authority should mi compose be shown nowadays Mr Conncll was private in vestigator for several banks be fore joining the agency won YOU AND YOUR FAMILY CivileDefence ivatML sand your FAMILY Civil Defence is your teacher in survival meth ods for national or natural cm ergcocics GENHN uremia Choose fromdthe largest seiec onot ltevers blcSkirts north of Toronim Lamas waaa srRANSMAns TONI VISIT rite cooo acorn our snumr SPECIAL PRICES 0N Mm trams oseouAmr RCA vlcrolt Stereopbonic Equipped HighFidelity iiudioPhonogroph FIRST LIVE snoWING or RCA STEREOPEONIC IN mama Supersensitive AM radio also available stage for greater sensitivity New New tweeters especd Floating ActionRECA NewLiving Stereo Tonearm diamond stylus for ml Li ng Stereo Pickup Speakers 12 woofer and iwoiirï¬ hanger ogroove seplt Supercharged Chass arate stylus for 78 rpm tubes FM 13 tubes Amplifier output 12 watts max PM 14 watts matching speaker system with 10 woofer and two tweeters Walnut nanomuaa AM more WALNUT FINISH wrrn axnm CABINET sPE New rash in vision intrusion $4200 ALSO ON DISPLAi oracnnr PUMP coin sins an uncut ens rinse UNITS PLUS Manrornan sham