DEW Fortunate Q9 1°an AVlly Noneyéienver in nroernnen in because the Schooler m5 nrrure lore enthusiast cucopnged everyjllpil to make marma unlm only give direction aid in mount ingzmeirspeciiinsj M7 ind old Ilh whether or note warrekirzon the exhibition ndiwo os PMFW JOIL BURNER gt 25 FURNACES ll 15 BURNER ERVlCE the in nib it the alll The an singingfrso and gay on the fairl nuï¬tre green on asfloe as on The men Ind lulu pretty to So lets raIe then maidens Ind To the runinning its months lilillionl oi attend our big city exhizitions year 1nd tans thousands to our tall its place in atlile for runny conlorrllna seams vice in the Calw 013855 VV lAN1llltiPcoNln0LDz wrmnlsauuosrnxns SSGT nnx smmox or signs on it presented wit the Canuuntï¬omes Decoration lulu53m Burn Commander or mom in the puddle Thé oceanz don is shaded for £2 years of manorlo continoolls set but the friendlierv smaller fairs in very special neishhnrlinese and in ones own Mme If them nreNew flotilla in your sweaty dn invite Lei in llge mu Ben ï¬le ed real crosssectlon oi the llle of theirnew country Fairs are one community enter prise which help nuke good The movie version of re Egg and showed some dolightiul piciums oi tall dail Jin full swing The prize was omrded or the best quilt was quite dramatic in its recording at motions of delight and disappointment only wish it had been in to color ï¬ll look lnebaclr memory to he Fergus ml failwhich saw every ouiumn during my girl hood This was Ithebig event ll the lives oi all the school children It tookrwp ce toward the end otSeptember every ono had holidayhe ï¬rst school holiday since the sum mer vacation it seems to me there were many values in the annual oc casion when all rdlalls led to the fair Village and country people mingled in caniree holiday mood The prizes werenot large Certainly no sewingprize for ohm or anything eLse would send hoyio college as it did in the movie Almost every class had good number at en tries The tempting piesg¢oltes and cookies the jars oiulmii and vegetables all ware mouth watering Whet care hadugone into the agghens in go colors the fine lice dailies thecroch eted pillowcllsesl The chieltens geese and ducks always her an admiring aud ience The small boys and good many or tilewilittle girls too who livedintmvn pester ed their parents to be taken to see the livestock Outdoors in th ns the pigs calves almond hors es had steady stream visitors When hour of scene whére ï¬rst Flh lame snail mate unique conlribniron to ity life and tbey the wholeth mart of 1111 good chm Itrey rainpd tonighqu ioik oftiie wax while activities oi liie The Poet Whittier whenhe was asked to pen me illnes =er the Izmi turol exhlirition 31 Ameshury wrote these words Give oolsjllelr gold and linaves their poWer Lot Fortunes bubbles rise ahdtallgA who sows field or train flower Onplpnls tree is more than Copyright 1W llmest Service Harvest Thanksgiving services in Christ Church Ivy onSun day atli om Rev Capt Mundy ehapl at Camp Bprde at 780 with REV none Rural Dean of St Pauls lnnisï¬l are our special ministers at Centennial Fair Several oi the lvy residents attended Cooksth Centennial Fair on Saturday Sept 20 Rt Hon John GDietenbaker Prime Minister of Canadawith Mls Dieienhaker was one 01 the high lightsvol the occasion exteded to MrsMaud Wilson in lhe death oi her brother Hamilton eet Manor Wtdding Guests Mr and Mrs alongwith Mr Rediern and M1 ended the Mary Elizabeth Reggie and las Barry Mllnrov Trinity Col lege Chapel onSatu dny judgingï¬arrivefl on alert boys miéralls th hihit ofterr displayed and rather strange land and sea scapes But how proud young artists were of their pic tures Th collections of press ed leaves are always outstand IBECIBBY homer Slmeoe Gill$181 Barrie Ontario BARBIE nxanmnn 111 Printers and hllshers smsonsnanq Lnnmn wmson osreommlc cumc fi EMWSIMTWN AT YOUR HOME We honorarium nary ow itth yourselrto son and common the nUMONr DELUXE mmws it is Struiy dowthat youlwill be proud to have onyour Mrs Kisxldc of Orilllawénl win held on in St turn Anglicanichnroh But 0m with Co olTflnlly Amnlc Sunday with llr and 1513 ayes Wm foam lhinhglting Sunday Sept 25 Cooke ol Mmo wished tie iHntlrEg vvilh his parents lrmd Mrs Cooke this week rrom Windsor Mrs Johns and Tool of Wind sor visited at Portriages re oently Mr endMrs Stanley Living ston and Mr and Mrs IRBolli veal and girls oiSintaluta Snsk arevlsitinztwith relatives here gt BE Pnnrnnm The Boy Scout Amotto rllso file Civil Defence Be prepared for disaster by joining Civil De ience It may save your lfle our REllABlEZSERVICE When the englnéolyour car is right youll surloo the cold cold mornings and wont he We usearfly MI Fido EV sifllRTs PHONE PA 852419 million SPECIAL JELLY sucns A8504 fled flavours Knsnmarimw ml clilsr SPONGE TOFFEE cnocomrn more Assorted Centers 49 lb ZBBNIT lllillT mosnoomwoonnlv STORMS DUMQNTS mane1N owns qunAcu this offer MWM it you replace them with DUMONT wwnows during Noravlvlnlvr or interest nonunich 1959 rrnruilrs GEONWEAIHElt srmlrr go on averagesize windows sorts Nonown PAYMENT ur so YEARS 2r PAY approved tor NEA hank Mons mmco CAULKING Conrolmb on Am llvsrnnm TIQNBitsthe 1325 Monroe 1mm use innrnonrno scrim ADJUSTMENTS 0N ALL rnmsnnwcn urmcmnm no large oubrorru eth 33 WARBIH lhu Murmur uhnonw in und ready rimmi on on now Allin EDORE the weather becomes dlmeult Phone Beiver orWood or Mu lninu norn window bered mnnululureu by reputable na awnmu Forginstallgdrorwsnshronly estimates phone Beaver and Hont BUDGET TERMS FOR ANY HOME IMPROYRMEN AS LOW AS $9 BEFORETHE snow memos nonn TO OPEN cannon nouns End the constant luconvenl enceol hard to open dam out an and lcflpE Now the time to install con venlent up no over gu ale uoorn ndellzld moi ï¬nalop Sectional Steel Door linll dawn or upIt touch wlor no outward prolectlon perfectly bnlnnced Bonner ma ml primed printed complete hardwnre only $1960 wth lites sum size 83813 Spineless STEEL ISINKS Single bowl 20 13 mb 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insem lmty curLemme urnnn mm he no lie roxlc trolled nine Irma un be pnlnled to much or contrast your exterior min or omore rimact lve hombgnerlor Aim mutual renaming pine storm door with molalscreen inserts For no esilo mote phone VEuver tony BUDGHI moms Clear Plastic swarm wmnows human in polomnn lheet humus rtrlps Tech zr tare ma CAULKING cauucma Vaults noun 2n on enabling ohmmoss 1491 um before the Cold Viethen rr srnP LADDER ONLY $155 urlllllflllijlllillblllinf lmssrnAlvs ason For homertr so huge minimum earphone Ili 100 unit 595 PLAINYWan erzss man so Afso r1 Low listTile Ilnderlny ser1flvoz AOAK FLOORING REGULAR 3mm no monsoon Arfvouki novice commrt Mil ennui day or eveninl UMBE Annulnar your one convenience one rrmodo BE