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FINli 11111 Lunatim 111 butti rot31 111111 pica111 Itilili 11 Lir lvtu lii 11y Kn1111111111 1111311 111 iftUVllillllll III liui 11 yum1 tt 11 31115 1i1i lil 11 your 3111111 Uni ram 11 1111 xii11 11111 to 111 pm MIil lnl Java311 gnu Walter Stiiicam l1 1111111 conipliniriticd 111111 11111 ipiiiiacd 1111 111111 111 Inr 51111 11 lt littlllbiilt 1111 iconic 11 ltll Alfred Willies 111111 Sui111 Fullupiin Hit11111131 1111111 3111 11 paircil 11 1111 lininr hall whrru VE lliffilittfil titre 2911111 111111 211111 01111 lliwfixJ 11 131 111 1114111 lite1 211 5111 111 1W It McVittie was tfltitil SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By llev Thus White MAY 31 11113 INTO BABYLUNIAN lIXIIJC bidet1 TtXli Com 11111 1111 11 ictiirn 1111111 the Lord 1111 1111 Lit251111 lthl lti 111 17 VINTRODUCTION 5021111111115 Tlll 1110113011 11v liclnbuuns 1119111111 Illt pcoplc brought about 111 division of 1111 1111111111711 15 111111 1J1 111 pruplicSiigd by 1iiiali 11 lJoruhnarn lUuu 11111 11112 111 win gradual but iuiiiilic 115 slctitly lttlllit 111 1511101 1111111 iiiidcr Aliub and Jezebel it r11l1 011 an open apostacy iiid rchcllinn against God Finally they wore currlcd captive into Assyrizi Tho lesson for today deals with 11W lilrl 111 HIHWMHEI llmlimn dutiful +73 il llJ iii111 11111 121 cal 11 GHILDREN OBSERVE VE DAY C1111ii1 111111111 11117 11lKr1li1 11 ils i1t1g hr 111 11 111 1111 ASL 111 Hail litJr 11 h1iir fur ticstriganr 111rt 11 UNElini 11 ADAMS COMPANY 10 ll UKth $1 lORONH UNI all rim 1gt SHAN Welly 1111 Ht TY BAY 1111 KM iv1iir 311 min 111 ll uiiir 1111 1111 111 li 111 112 111 Hi ii 11 111111 111 11 2311 11111 lurk tor Buinia 13311311 le tllllttil 111 1lllt 1111111 11311 11 11 11 11 11 1111111111 1311 li 11111 tut11 111 314 iliiujr Mutual Benefit Hiultli iiiil ttl1ll 1Uiitllliil 11111 and 111111 litllltll111lli Pllll1llS 112 illitl 311 lliiilit llfii lirililflll 1111 VI It 121 t1r t1lL 131 11 11ii1l111111 111I1lt1iil 51111 1111i 11111i1 1121 111 lHl l= 111 1111 11 1111211 Mll 311 lgtlil1i 11 rlfwit 11111 nltllllit Vi Him 11 111 1111 db Vitltlil 2115T lliilzlilitl Lil l111111 Flz ltutli Mr 111111 11 1111 an tin1111111 7w Ak liartriig 1111 111it 111111y fllitl 111 111111111 pm 111111 11111 E11111 11 Troublesome light the Hard on the System Its the cough that Mich the cough that it 111ml 11 pct rid if the illlgll artiiiiiliuliitil by tickling in 111 il1n1ut that SILWS the nerve lllltl tliruttt matLing 11111111111 beeps you awake at night Ir Woods lairwag linu Syrup help to hlltVl this coughing condition ltyouothing tho irritated parlL loosening the phlegm an stimulating tho brunt111211organs and align 1111 is done the troublesome irritating couin may lit r1111111l llr Woods Norway Pine Syrup has been on the mullet fur the 181 48 years The Trade Mark Pine liwa Print 351111 111111111 large family blt about times tinnli titlo at all drug counters flH 111 lil 11111111 11111 1111 11111 il yiillt 11111 1111 1l1t 111115111 llii 1111111 111111 111 1mm 1111 1111 11111111 111 11 1111 1111 HllV lmi 11 11111 111 111 1l1 11 11111 111 12111 11 1111111 llm Milliunrto Iiiir1l Turn110 Libs 111 vimtort in January v1 010 rcauut 1111 1110 opposition 11 All 1Tgt1121s landfill plan said Aid MOUNT ST LOUIS has that I111 111 pimple 11111 11min 11 non 11101111111711 111 114 111c 1111111 111111 11111 1110111 rlwmm n11 11 Vcp111cljr 1111 Aid Mayor llardrmmWd 1Vr11 114 111 211 15 icztariil 11111 01111111111 11 1111c1mml 111 111111V1V1VV1utdont 111127 11 up 1111111 Wm 111pr iiitiaicfg Misc11 Vlltliii 111111 illlvlild Although inunihci 111 ihcIlvIWH DHH 111 11111 and 11111011 inlvrcstcd 111 Mr 411111 3111 Art 11 111111111 1111 both landfill and airport rcaliziiigMHhh Early Swill Sundial V3117 lial llarric will how to 1111110 111113111 latter will sonic timc A111 111111211 fzivorcrl 1141i Em Hi 111 1111 1111 ratcpaycrs let1110 llll Aid Cowans notinn 1111 1111 i311ek cic farm hc rrhtcd at $1000 10 Milk lmi u11 eaiglatidCtaiccshwith no rotercnco WA 1il closing days of Judah as 11 kllilg dcm In thc dtiyr whi 11 Icicniiilil proplicsicd During Ill days 111 Josiah Jcrcmiali was iblc 11 11111111 tlic king in many rcforins and itnl awaltciiing llZltll lint lioidkim not liking tnc gloomyi witlook prosentcd by him With its cnipliasis on sin and 1119 jutlizhicnt which was bound to follow 1lI scciitcd him Jchoiaclnn fiillowwl his fathers footsteps in 1111 rc Iurc 311111111 protcstiiil over 1111 ILttlttl 111 1111 pan of tlic innin 11111 11 111211 litlliill 111 1111 erosion 1111111 llilt 11 the 1nd 111 111 ltli llllt 1111111111 wtccd that 711th 1111111 11111 1111 matter winii 1111111111 11111 111111 iiispcctioii 11c also lilizltflttl UVlI assessinX 11 Huntsvllv itlI 121111 lots for 112111111ng collection 110 Ml 1011 that 11 51111111111153 111111111011 11111 great an assortment of rumor 1111 11nd 1111 was making the cort 11111 1111111 lhtytrciisurcr pointntl 1111 1111 amount of taxes 011 $1111 arrrssinmit would 110 about Jill Mr Barry also protcstcii llli lack 111 word cutting in lit111 Ewart and ncgljct tit sidcizilhs r11 Fair Play for the yard chckiah iinprismed 111111 to the Babylonians came and dcportv 0d 111a first company to Babylon Jeremiah was rclcascd and loft behind with the poor and mgrii Ilicn followcd tlic assassination of ltdcliah the governor and many tlid into Egypt against Jcrcmiahs Farmer izasouniia so all yauusel Ask 111a aboutBritish Americansramaziug new Peer less Motor Oil Its Alloyed to preant oxidation cut repair costar Drive in for Spring changeover today The BritishAmerican 011 Company 11111112 OU ALWAYS llY WI eco NFIDEN or 51611 0111153113 Jack Madrln linclnl 11 1lt11l 1110 11111111111 11011111 inntlc 111 pur lthaircnttlrclglulc approach arms 1111 itlIELlltLl A111 tmvaii lit1n given 111 support AV motion to rcntlhc 113 acrcs was 71531111 iiiiauiinoiislvV with tho ox tpliuii of A113 VCiJivanl onithc ni1 iliistantlinlt that 1110 first years litlllzll would he detltictctl friinitlic ipuriliasc price it CollllCll lecincrttjr buy ilic land outright Explains Fixinc 211111 In explanation of tiicBarric Flyn my lnb Aid Cowan staicd that this was dcfinitcly not spcialcliili but company being incorporated for the cooperative purchase of it aiinl 1111 Win Clay 11111111Vlli 11 111onc 111 tlitgt1111tor turthcr way if they Wlll to own 1112111111 and learn to fly lliciufc already over twenty pmlplinin 1lii 11lli Illtllill who 111 said on this basis Win an acroplaiic and tin1r 1111111 cst Ill linvitigan 1ipurl iii Rat110 instcatl of itistaii tuilnciiscd 111 11111 field is 1111 1111 lzinp 115 111111 111 the motorist in the tuniiniiiinty wishing 111 have llt111ll 12111141111 streets instead of wagon trails through 1110 Town and iixrarl trail apprbacliiiii 11 iron the tau11111111 111g farms towns and citicr gammy SS8 s111w111w1111111m Painted Years agoiand th long run you choSeothc most coonomical lori dusting protectivepaints availa 1e Painting with Sherwin 1Williams is unsound investment in house beauty in surface en durance in protection against obitlo st 11 sell pr Fiatisfied becauseyou know that ear and weather and in maxi um coverage Thatswhy peo ple the world Tover prfr to use SherwinW1 Vamishes and be sure 011 aint HERWINWILLIAS Look for th paint dealer witli thefamous CovertheEarth sign lliams Paints and of etting the nest aints availablenow as always oull nd him pleased to give ert advice Ask to see his Colour Style Guide beV fore you paint or decoratelV 51 PMS VAVISHES ENAMELS AESMITH Mama 1311111449 seated Ilic Rccvc suggested tlic 11111110 inaltcr 1m gonc 11111 on 1111 mart inspcctinn trip Ak licvision 111 F1711 B1 luv Harry Stewart township Iciicc lvicwcr while giving rcpuri 1111 11 IOlILllipltle ntltiisighlmic 111 10111 11110 11511911 that thc piesciii bylaw ltnvcriiip fcnccs is 11111 lcniciit in 1that 11 allows posts 11 be up to 33 101 apail 111511711111 stays 11114611065 11111 111 211 1111115 apart 1viiii11vi1ilctl that this 11c coriPCIed and that posts nc not 11111111 mm 11 apart 111 L11151111 Light at 11111101111 111111101 was passed 111 author ilc 1h llydrn 11 1av0 tlic strcct light 11 thc highway and line put into commission again larbzigc Icndcr Atccpted The contract for the gathering of lakcsliore garbage was let toJ licrtguson and Son for the sum or $1603 for total of 30 trips this 11 cover areas and It accord ing to the garbage bylaw drawn before opened Warbl Fly Powder lhe Township Clerk has still on hand large stock of warble fly not ben put powder which has out to farmers Anyone requiring ginore powder should get it as early as pdsgible Buy $20000 Victory Loan Louis Neilly team captain ofillie local loan canssrs and Harry Hughes were successful in obtain ing an order for $20000 of the 8th Victory Loan The motion wasto sell $20000 now holding and buy $20000 of the last loan Highways Dept Okays $30009 for Roads Innisfils road appropriation has received the approval of the Dept of Highways for the sum of $30000 the full amount asked for by the municipality This is contrast to former years when the appropria tions were cut considerably refund of $1080 was author ized to the Playtar Estate covering taxes paid by them on property in Craigvale now owned by Webb The Trasurr reported that another piece of land assessed to this estate was not admitted by the executors as there was no deed for same on rocord This will have to go to tax sale so that same claimant can obtain deed Accounts from the variouscom mittes were approved Council discussed numerous Slig gestions for recognition of valour for the service personnel on their return Coun Eldridgersuggested that certificate framed be p119 Other suggestions whih required the spending or setting aside fund for expenses met with disfavcir by most of the members They agreed however to pay the expenses of hall rent for any enter tainments arranged but Would not go any further along these lines The question of completing the sending of bracelets was brought upby Deputyeeve Banting The Clerk suggested some member be appointed to see after this as his would not permit attending to Council will make tour of the roads during the last couple of days of this week The next meet ing will be held in Thornton on gadaygunc in the Orange feet apart and foticcs 111 used withstays not more 111L111 111 inches fourth tender by former Vooiitractor was with the tendersavrc advice and compelled trith themand IJcr 131144 him 111 11 tlicrzr hc lied Standing but above all else is the fact that in spite of tlic cx ample of what happciictl 111 Israel and in spite of repeated warnings Judah was guilty of me saiiic sins She refused to honor thn Lord and obey Him and God dishonorcd 11111 byperinittingllic enemy 111 1311c 1121 captive with all its SllilthImd misery Docsunir nation need any warri ing AreV we drifting Gad alonc knows how rapidly but drifting we are The upheaval in Halifax was but the bursting of national boil While we in no wise seek to excuse the sailors who with drunken civilians made such ultcr tools of thenisclvcs and did so much damage the loss of life and the damage done must be laid right where it belongs even at the doors of our government which has encouraged these young lads to drink alcoholic liquors This is but the beginning of the harvcst which this nation will eventually reap under the hand of Almighty God Like Israel and Judah we are still too blind to see this THEPOTTER 1814 Like the blacksmiths shop in the old world the potters house was place for men and boys erlemiah was sentby God to watchthe pot ter and learn alesson to be passed on to Israel He saw vessel mar rcd possibly because of some for eign substance in once the potter removed it from therwheel and remade it into an other vessel The clay represented srael in the hands of the Divine him 01110f the way but vlicn Pam The Prbphet Was discourr uged with Israel and ready to give them up as hopeless but although His work had beeii spoiled by the perverseness infidelity rebellion and idolatry of Israel God would not give them up andonly wait3d worthy vessel Read Rom ll THE POWER 510 Israel be longed to God by right of redemp tron Just as the potter with the clay so God had the power and right to crush her and cast her away fur ever or He could cleanse and rcmould her as it pleased Him Some will say But why did He not shape her aright Unlike inanimate clay Israel had the power of choice and when she chose to have foreign substances in the forms of many Sins in her she was marred for the noble vessel God would have made her to His glory Like the pctter God did not give up Israel but He has set her aside and later He will yet make of her vessel to HisVhonor Jer 247 by His own altmghty power God will do this for any nation hrh will earliest ly seek Him 21910 PUNISIHVIENT 5a 7a Judah reinsed the message of God would not choose to doirtlie right reJected His pro hets pleadings Isa 65 Rom 1021 so that God said He would scatter themas with an eastwind De struction was to come upon them and sweep them far and wide This came hirerthe wind and they were carried away into Babylon He who scattered has promised to regathcr and He will do so and the nation will be born again Ezek 1117 Zech 818 OONlOLUSION How many of us have sung the little chorus VHaVe Thine Own Way Lord and then gone out to go on the same old way dolli jList that which we please onerverse athing hu man nature is and how determin ed to have its own way The Heavenly Potter takes us lust as we are full of the impurities of sm cleanses us in the shed blood of His 5011 our 8111110111 and moulds us into the vessel He would have us be The dost He has in His heart and min for us is gathering the clay Al for their repentance tdmake 1011 and thlr Canadian farmers have never 17411111 fairVreturn for their 1111112111 icy arr forced to my in protected Izzarkizf iirdlafliizlyibigl priccs 111111 to sell in 1ri world market at generally low prices digricultm new is 110 mic1e to carry its idisability 13118811 to 714178 ffbklfflnfbility removed This am only be 11111111111111124 perforation 77199171551111er long range 21111111111 Progressive Conservative policies that willpermanently ensure fair play for the farmer Here arejust some 111 the points in the Progressive Conservative plan for the denite continuous and permanent protection of farmers against income collapse and wide of tremes of income uctuation At last4a farmer ghts for fair play for farmers For more than twenty years John Bracken the Farmer was the undefeated leader of Farmers Party Today as leader of great national progressiveparty he is deter mined that throughout the length and breadth of Canada there shall be square deal for agriculture fairplay for the farmer on permanent The Farmer shall be guaranteed at basis proportionate share of the nations mbome Farmers have seldom had fair share of the ration191iriconieRarelydotheyApermanent policy for forward receive ajusl reward for their endless Contractipricesohall be guaranteed labours John Bracken meansTitostop tofarlnrSby law once and for all the unfair discriminaw ation against farmers the oillust economic piacticesyvhich make itlm podsible for farmers toobtain fair will be based on the farmers pm if prices feiLthe fruitsiof thenlabour pprtignate share of the national income These prices will be an It lathe responsibility of the nation nouncd before the production seasons says the leaderof theProgressive Con begin servative Party to see that this great iizeqiiit1Vshall not be perpetuated know where stand in the matter Let me make that position clear It is not foreordained that farmers shall worlcfor less pay than anybody else or havthheir children receive only Giles quarter the chance of secondary edu mtion or onetenth of the chance of universitreducation that other children get or See their wives forcd into lives of toil often 12 but sometimes 14 hours daySundaysnnd holidays included The trgublc is that no one with the erg permammly Join in the ght Help necessary authority has determined to him to win his lifelong struggle to give correct the ham economic 1115 of Agrif Agriculture place Canada15 psmr culture ity riotfor daybut for all time to come Thefipricesi guaranteed will be cal culated by nonpolitical council and This policy Will increasc present erage farm income by not lgss than enty percent It takes farmer to understand farmers problems Only farmer knows the full economic injustice from which farmers sullen Today John Bracken is ghting for fair play for everytarmer The leader of the Pro grcsswe Conservatives is determined to bring security and prosperity to farm Today John Brackn the Farmer seeks thenecessary authority to put into immediate operation the farreaching Farmer your help ghts for lie feeds WI 19 VotefdriYn PROGRESSIVECONSERVATIVECANDIDATE as habitat 11 the Pwnmivrctmmmn 2119 on 111116111