lniziie lelrulw and for th ltil iiiwit iiiLiam sent in ttttl hut um lli iimf iho 1m lttll it active meniticr in liaisiiien for lieiiisclt is on ni ii Hi the limit Virtniy limll tllitll ittttttlulltt lam for sown Vtils i5 it t1l llv llltltilL wt littt il Illumllzh lmp ll we of lliirrie bet tie went Hm uh Mm All all ii um Hull Hill lluh of tlilt mu 11 bOn of the litl Dump 53 1tl my Wmmpm BMW ni nt the niitiiiii ill Vail ltlw LL MI Sllll KI iiiisfllth ittl Alillltillt itnll lug mm md MM EINHN llgll Humid mar My Hth wide Hf Barrioo Vow ms ieieiit tttk time been tp Hnl luiiidmi iltuiutt ltlstttll iiih llt unis ilii retire in lliwl mwmhmwz before iuiiniif tho tutt tIt li iii Liriisui lliltltliltlilllllltl prior mmm my If Hmng EMIW ii ll 2H Bani Wm Alma mm MN Sprv lwrnm seeding In Smicoe mas ioinpleL ottoman lttJ imp tt liiiiitlviii utitrc ti Wm ttilttILJd tut llltllllillll was Miss llilicn Mlllttli hm the mm IN ill 11 hqu in Tm 1mm rininl very much growth Agrlvuuur liwittllli it it it Jill mt wig llllti lizil nit ht ltllttl ltlv Vl nllcWnlali mm filvn HI my mm itgttii nil ItittilltlJIl Ml litlltliill 1ill fill lm SHUT liize stated that the onlltlon Iw ii and pnnmd Anwmm ma In 1iil ifiiiltVictlny Loan tuiii my iu becoming enticil and Ni toinier iltl npi 715 17 In fl Avi himtar of Suptan uiil lliknnlnl XML him will llft lrnl ll IN Ml If IV Tldtbpiltt for Military tisiriivi Ni lilflittl ll3tlttllillt011 it the rain and mid either on mm mm Mm It mound blitft that chziir ml much lung thin WM gm FWD mblliimon wow talifwnmr xing iclhioilp ltiyioll sctioii tit Igilillillittl mi tilt in wt pi lhem hp hlmnnsg Six lmtot Vtsl unit In the lust jun tioni lilt will iii in idl$ licturiiiu Host he took it ill x15 Ctlw VIC mi Wm 10 luxmnml lltlhll it lHtm It position with the John ll Ciriwcll imfv IOlm drlvcs hr the med nullimlmmh yim Niki himndi Nluknmix Cmsummm Mu TMHMH mmm Ovllifaowhilc stitioncri at London tress tubcl icceived Sllttllltiiis Iiiltl hr ii tiillil out mru WALL AMN Paydble 1th own it its i1l gt vr lt1iiiyx liitt It immut iivlt it ililtl illtl hlis liltll lhiilp tiiiiot illSvl lttml with of lllt inqmiii twiiiiio llzursuii if SAFETYSERVICE was never more im portant than it is today Not only is Spring ttaic heavy but many vehicles are overage and in poor mechanical upon the good mechanical condition of your car oglrruckf 4i THIS WEEKS ISSUE 70251Copics lt55 Rid Cowans Plan To ltcm No 50 uncil Turns Down MakeStagrEOn Airport Active in Victory loan Campaigns in Two Wars iii xvi it ii liilltlih wt in It ilhi ii iii iitl lliv It illl iifi iti lilil liii lil iLl ttl if ln lll tit tlt ltlttilt it lyltltll ti Ltng orgilll plou liiliitoiiic cunt of ttvttwutu ot ittciitioii from the citizen CQNiiriiiiNG RAtNS titttt tzll lit con to liiiiiH till lulll lvtl ltti fdl liv 1il conditionafter hard punishing Winteri wleykye thetst step towards safe driving +byrseeing the General Motors dealer for complete Safety Checkup Let him put your brakes into scund efficient shape Let him overhaul your steering test your wheel alignment and tires Let him check your lights windhield Wiper and glass Remembemthe life of your vehicle and the safety of yourself your passengers and othercoed users allyvdepend largely ft Pigffelfoiru By Playing Your Part in support of the sum Plitlllltlllttl Sii0iisjiireil by the tiliiets tit Policsl flattens choicest thousand motors Dealer for allrode Safety Scribe TtlllAYlh Harris Motorsh imted THE BAR BAPRtE Otlfl if gin the nor Git nptiiiilicr lfllll glitterintuit Valerie Gainer Brian Proctor rear llenrys cla Parker McMilliii Jack Patton Roy Edward other members of the fam ti Outstanding Float in Barrie Victory Loan Parade liiix 111 itrvn hit wi LinAyn All Wilyi EIlir iltztco Food For Europe union wt to pinrii=t nvx liqlifitiit HIM ttt it the hint llttttlv mi lllt me t=iii tir xiiiu lliltttll in ltziirie tltt Hi pith drawn it ttl ii iii in tlltW tot Irit lt win stunt iii liultl Putiirir ziiiithJi ttli llilt Little liiiicpul he tl tillt roll tl lll it tl in 1lt7d lllv minim iiirliilcl m0 incur inf the shift Kttltmtl and Itcrumr student Lloyd minim Ill Allin chain it llAnJJp now lilii luv cnc= toog turtle Chairman RE+EX MAV if At itch ill paiiidc on it xixij the hirer flittl owner ot this tttlllt is Stewart lthl Photo by illtllll Studio lillllt Did Fine Job for term ClllllllSUIll thuiiugh jib of publicity in the 8th Vill LLB was dcn hr icxxivrestlinc champion and font bzill star Michael Chopcsuik of Public itll tit us Dominion Government Lii istiick liuducts Grader at the CJ iizuco plant Mike tackled the dc tailed and complex job or looking Witto 71 Clair ltiitclirr ti nilt Kilt 399 rlmhrjt 16311 Dutbth in mil rilllldli Leninmi Rim vt wb Juah task ind Henson lrTCJIJiJtl ii Njiiiiati Hooper llirrie ti Villsill Klltlpp itlllllmt liiii Parker ilzlchlillin lrtcli McBrng Wil ilnain McClain BvlClWl Mctutiheoii lrznk McCuthc cierri Mc Dugdll McVeigh Stainlev litlcon Ho Cirti tohn Patton William lerritt Brian RJlstoii lDOuglas Simpsw Ovvsn Smich ilicyiil Smith UPC12 lhintpsd ldwaid Wallace James Weldon Norman Wyiies Iscnooi CHILDREN In connection with the Victory Day programs in Barrie schools Principal Moriivrn of Prince ofWales School converted the pu pils there Friday afternoon Arn ong those taking part in the pro gram were Francis Urrv leader Bruce Helfyetd Bernard Cryder man Keith Gardiner Leon Periard Joan Mackinnou Joyce Lambertu VBeslse Tarilo Christine Rodgersl Barbara Cole Muriel Harris Jean Harrisp Terry Cockburn Judith Miller The nrralors were Dag mar Grose Dick Kirkpatrick and Iannotation by Winston Churchill land James Bertell read quotation lot the King The pupils of Miss read from the Bible and prayer read byShirley Flowrnan Tlie responsive reading wasled by Dianne Carruthers with the pupils of Miss Youngs class The boysjand girls of grades one and two sang hymn This Is My Fathers World andu the pianist lfor the occasion was Diana Hill Juli King Edwar School Principal Bell assembled the pupils at 130 oclock Thursday afternoon The school given their lives in the ccmflict and the names of seven former stud entswho have died in the wai were tread Lennard Gosney George Hen son Norman HggpenLMcCron at Smith The name of Norman Wylies was also read althoughlie himself was neiier student at King ily have attended Mr Ben led the students in three part singing without accompaniment of The lords Prayer Now the Strife Is over and theNational Anthem prayer was offered up by Rev Dr Sinclair chairman of the Board of Education in St Marys School last Mon lay the pupils assembled to cele ilirate VE Day After the singing of the Maple Leaf Forever the mes sage of the Minister of Education was read This was followed by short synopsis of the European War by Murray Hnnmei Prime Minis ter Churchills speech by Frank Le Vay and tribute to the Can OBSERVE our flag was lowered to half t174 lb CBSS ling the Barrie than quota this tiniiw but the salesmens paths were made water by the public 1818 livns The chairman had an ex cellent team working with him on parades speakers iodides pict bulletins rally etc but he kepi various subchairmen hive without having to clamp on half nEISOn Mike Chepesuik was born at Fort William of Ukrainian descent His father with the spirit of the pin left his homeland ti this land of opportun hi3 fortune in Canada with establishing home He lcc ted at Fort William and applied silt diligently In 21 few yerss he acquired sufficient money to re turn to the Ukraine and get mari rieci Returning to Canada 11 on and Mrs Chepesuik set up than home and raised family of three sons and three daughters The subject of this sketch um born in 1908 Growing to inan hocd he entered the Ontario Ag culturalCollege at Guelph grea uoting in lSOfTVSince that time he has been continuously employsJ with the Marketing Service in the Livestock and Liyestocklzrcducts Division as LivestockProductsl Grader He went from the tario Agricultural College to Tel rcnto 1932 Aftera short period heret he went back to Toronto but re turned in 1935 He plyed rugby with the 03th team and with the famous Toronto Argonauts from 1930 to 1934 inclusive He also rowed vsilh the Argonaut Club In wrest mg hoewas prominent con tender When the British Empire Games were held in Hamilton iu 1930 he won the British Empireg championship in theilghtheavyl In 1932 he married MissVFlorencet mast in honor of those who hadiggympseabf Cavsndisb Prince Edi wardIsland who was in Toronto with the Civil Service whim Shel met her future husband They have three daughters Carol Bel bare and Marjorie An ardeutl churchmen Mr Chepesuik is chairman ofthe Board of Stew aids of CollierSi United Church sings iii the choir and teaches the Baraca Class of teenage boys in the sunday School He is dir ectoroi the Barrie Horticultural Society HlSllObblf3S are gardeng He joined the 2nd Battalion Grey and Simcoe successively to sergeant lieutenant and captainby 1942 is Quill7t tormenter of the unit and holds majorls qualifications Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables increased sharply Canada during the war years Carr adians consumed total of 109 pounds of gmatoes and citrus fruits per capita 1944 compared with Haitian forces by Joan Pincivero The celebration closed with prayers for the dead and God Save the King Turn to page night please 58 pounds in 1939 Read rules To Classified Advts lir Lciioii hi the He first came to Barrie in ins and fishing Foresters in luly 1940 and rose from the ranks You have yourseltto blame if you have to pay higher rates Hillll Affilitlt tilltjtll Wftlllfi llllt it My liw iliviil Awii ll HiiII hi PtJ llitlllll pil lliitrtvltl tn nil ty itiilttiii ttzlllltlltillt plan lit tl ti tin ltl ltw lli titt =i= fihviid 4Ilttlttlt litl to itlllitllll ittiiiii ttli wt tvc lttx ltlli up itHiv ii it innit ivy iiirt ltrrl wii it tiu ifiiuil Wlimi tit tittttt iIJil tlic lloziitl tl liillvntmii Mail II who lziic Zlizit piopcit the The Hunt ruined iltvw iit tii ltti iholil owned liiiti thil ll lYtlt llili ii Ilitll One month lvit iiiizhtl the re port llltltdl iii nliltdlltll thit tlic school ititliit tillt on of thc nowi lit it it til oiiiziiizillr bctii 111 in ll7till humid liklml hr thc lo ii and thcic were It ilctitiito liiiutivtiric The Btklltl Moiiitiiy iiitzlit llttll pmle reso hitmii which lltlttlttli itsi5 iiiiiiiil tn unreguthc lIDlll viltl lll ll tlllt liic iiicinlci of tlic nllllltl indi citcdit might be IiItJllltl month bstirc Ii sirxcyor could he engaged tl the wait tiiiiilzirly with oth ltrllllltf of the some brief re it dint tiiiivlcitzii ten Hit 05 the lutbtltlltl sftnni desks etc Pro lllV ninipittcc chairman ll hictullunuh swirl he had been to the school fun times to inspect the furnace and every time found the cellar locked and the caretaker not present Elliott Reynolds speaking for the Association told the Board there was to be 2i meeting of the Associa itTuiii 190 pa 3e eight please clothes again But demob with it new questions to be answered new decisions to be made Rehabilitation hr itself raises new problems for every 77 errservice man and Woman 71 This Government wishes to assist our veterans in every way possible themselves Our Branch ready to help you solve to discuss with you in dence your plans for the future the various courses open to you by which you can most adventageously realize your aims Settlement and Busines may make decision and Bring yoiii difculties to us Let us talk them over fully and frankly thAlleTOR AMIN Ill llltil the Imxn it to tii lituiirl til Edit What now Soldier Its happy day when you don civilian li ank in cooperation with the yindividual problems They will be glad Gratuitiesaud MdneyrGraufsj Education and Technical training Land and many other rehabilitation measures offer new opportunities to you which Lil ti o7 In London Missing Since Feb 44 ltiltllii thc ll liiil lttli ti ipw tittj tfltl llo Il litililvi vi mi Ill itll tiw tv lv llt ll 3th flllllt till hirl Iltl fill tllliill lloeaiiLl liiti 4i ttll Iii litlttltlli it it titlitllltWl in it lilac lllLlil oi lttttll ll tttxt ltltl li iiiclltr it in it ilfv mod thin thw llt ii illlt hoiuuisc liccii umiitlctcly tltlitil tilt it llt iuit llcpljsiinz to lcttei Hid ll tiltl not llltfl did not know what inc that night lltttt the name of thn Yiitii teiiioii had been hllHttii crii respoiidciicc tollowcit it flit um Sprain hutl tiyct it ti tit lttll iiid Him Ht with llll hiiii pcisuii ill ltttcr lft0ll by Mr Ilil iti Spmiii last Thursday lil Ii suiti shc pitlllftllilllT ltt olivl Vein on Siieaiii taint out on lvtiiltltllf it 15 iiioiitlismogo tie it not return ziftcr the blitz itiul list of his effects win out the officers ot hit unit tilt1i were notified llowever these officer puss on this information young iiirmzins lillilllfy Amt litv reply to queriescsincc made they hove stated that he did not return tand is technicallybbsent withovit leave Mr and Mrs Sperm have writ ten numerous letters to friends and with it ftt ivlii llil liiit Kitty it tlitii iiiii itlt it ii iii tint ii ll ii il Winn ii Hiti 14 idly pllllil ilalt vp lltttlr tllll pit in inn ilization brings to rlestablish Managers are your personal complete con etsity Loanshose ii choice difcult Incorporated 1855 Emergence BARmEE Nettleton Mgr ALLANDALEF Stevenson Mgr lv iv Mi mueu UDtT ii griiiiii Flt Sgt Vernon Spearn litr Raid tt trait mi any iit wit xrt ll uhltttiizi 930 Wilt ti tii my int wti uteri it with lid ti ii ti Iiiui Li iii 15 ii ttttti ill 1W mvwisi ti iiituiiiiiii li itlt Hi Ktiltihlil1lllttgfiV iii my in wt you up ltl itllllil lii luv RV Wti rm on ttr iMivwi =t lliiicii lltltttt VHFCt Eitil llttltit the RUN lily llil ln iiiml it it tiHL lilitlylt Hil liiiHl ll tiwi no rm luv il lillll ivit lil it Am in April lfltit ll1tltlll lln ui tivlt it tho trillth Sin liiim iiiil iv SHllvitltvl ll lvivl what it tlitf lll of him llr tirlictl to tlir liAli ll till lt ll it xixi will lrn ltnhrt llww min tllltl iwtiibcr the tiniilv Itonulit younger litutiici 3w ill Owing to May ill being it holiday The Examiner llllfit go to press earlier next week Non5 budgets from cor respondents advertisin copy including ClassL item are required to lif in The Examiner office nut lutcr thanTUESDAY EVENING ii Read and use Examiner Classifieds To