Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1945, p. 6

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is 9362 six VTER BARBIE ONTARIO CihADA Ans is tL 1180 lmcoe 88 oan Mi for etunns re ountmg flint hm Elgil Hiii 1r iiti l= in ll ln rim by Monday the ill out yei St in 89th for an itVtiiiglt ht Wen it 3i iattaiwt tummy and returns nlr xii ms lr ltlhl Admin of Men nd tram it fit to tiilttlixirtl ifttt umiiuhtr lint iltll on trillinto the N1vyArmyAir Force 47 lotJl tn Humid ltr tnt Fwy in 47 Hi mount Cllltllufl li7 1+4 1310 ii liix lt liiit ll ML my f3 5L iii titiiii=iir Mir rpm 1mm MAJ M3 ill lnvltll of colour tll rte ti imitations Softone tiring new in ii iutiiiusliciie Jii i114 charm and freshness to all liilit bit iltiw lltl tit ll ion Wilton washes like him VI WW ti Vitilltltt Harbor 13 ii 11 it Wm law 6160 48 Ixl it piii hi Ho finishes Hat tVelxet li hush ierarid ELA lCA 31 Semhiiltl and lines KWICKWORK GLASSIYE vl 7i Vl ll 11 Your Nearest Elastico Dealer llllH Iownship it 1109 ROBINSON HARDWARE llzt ifltllt lit Jip It NH mum in tltittlli i= INTERNATIONAL Home concur LIMITED ll umu lull Hun iiimil mm tiuiu imam gigging 3w tv mu viitihl yttorccoonornosoopsotyttrploprearvrapboouo11r33114rr iony tlli tti iii wl it yiiwiit vi it iiiti vi JL if It lw iiiviii min l2l to llltiti ti ivt lril itlllli lit ii lzttlv ltrtl utiuii Heir ks iiiiiierwii vi 14 ii mi tup 83 849 800 r1 wt urvt iiii vi tt tiuwil El i5 it iltt it it witr Us ill it ttwiitziitlivl liotii page out it ll mm iit iwl iiini tSilHMf lllt ii it It iiivi li lltti Hlljdlijiui EEMHHH will NH in twin tli it ltl ill til it lttl tvl tttl the Ft AT iiNisH 40 iii ipt il iiil hikrjtii mule Ilii if ii ii ii in It Hm roman iii mt lilttti1lrllllllll it hitt ln Kiltl iiiiiilttl It ll MM qt ti tltl ixlllil lll illinilxiiii Cll tllt 14 Illl ill HI by my no lllltlttlll xtwii itlcziil lu ttl tlitllll thlllli HH NH thaw ii iiiii Lilivili lvii liw kp fii hunt lu lunlJll ltl lipid tw Ix11 it ll Illt ll lieiiilti in in i3ili of Simone WcJ iii tt ii new mini it fiiviicii it it ritip lvtAtti vn ti ltll Illt glltiv MN tiiiximiiit rillfrtm tin tHt xii int lo lh tit it illtt liH Ilit Iimt llllll= lwitnv tt In It il riiililch tutti tuvl tit Iii ili rm lI Motill Iiiw tint iilili limit wt in it Htttit liiltt iwmhl iilmiw IJfllllortllvl9llrr110v339rellflrfmr9rkkllIJORPoIJJJ9J9r ll vt 741 tt tl NW tliivriihii thc llllitl lldl ltl umc 1pili at in li liiliitd il l1 flH IMi WV illll liltllwllitln it litlllltlgt bought lilttt Uphill in IM VIEW Ids iylilhe n4 ig ruv int lit v1tt thic bitlttl lllJlt it ill itiHHtl willin huh Um Hm Mummy fnynduy MI in rte in HM Hi in it tits it Wt tl With ltgt it lupe iinit urgiinici itcl rm HI mi Helm tIli punt aintm tllhtllt ll tlttl to ill of the tfiii itth ltl ltll it itll thd the overall pittrite iii the 8th tI Nil JHw Lrw iii iv Mini1 iyiliii llltl ltrlltl liimiezi md ir illtltili Lr llrllll mil whit home ii nun mm mii imi pl tln anion ine 1lvfltlltt to linc vi it Hire illr tiltdtlx lt Tiviiilvl lm pl we of HI pi my in Mi itlltl Nix lttltlttll lil Ilil in nl tweii winnith Im ltlttvvitilllif itti naturally lttllittl MariMere ViiMy yiutoi it Wit it iiul lttl litlti ltwi lllllll 1lldl eilltv lY Vll ht WK in In ill llttlt licrt llui 3H my in mum in fowlItll whori uni imitndl tlr min HIV lii=e reached Sillttttltttltt uh lead and use bxaintner Classifieds clot us clothe worrying about vi HP Mm ii ii murmur ill In It5 usnm ll tl imp lliirrtcii Illnil iii ttlt rl iiiiizziii IH 1H my md Mm vilttittilt tmnl lltt irl Illi tho littlltltltl llll ll Sunday iitoi iii lioiim lllt WT your tires Weve been in the business long timerind we last dependable service lliiit iiiil ilitiiiliiyiit wow it Mitt ttt xt Vtxllilfi pti tttl hillctl Mr iiitl All ltinothy livillny littl Brnllcy Wit NEON illicit BO CD Reliable Provincial Tire CO 57 ELIZABETH Sl PHONE 2691 Visit the Only ltccuppcrs in Barrie iii Complete Tire Service bvain rib14 lt7 Bay Street vices to you and MUHDOCH MACKINNON independent Liberal Carididate DulfeririSirncoehiding Alidndw you have alright to know some thing of my gtialiiications by training and ex perience to represent you in the Canadian House ofCommons was born andlived and Worked on farm in the atmosphere of good larm home taught for two years in the coun try School at home Thenl studied at Dalhousie University Halifax and at Columbia University New York City In the latter place took my Masters Degree in Sociology andSocial Sci 1encethe study of the forces that mauld and If elected to Parliament shall serve you grungeville Ont Mitt 8th 1945 Ms ttJ in Arturt liltl NW ill be tltitlgi llH my liigtilithtle 58 till lli th old li siittvrcil some hiring ovti Min liiuirvt lZliniulc tllltl Sunday l$llrllgt wuhnn illltl Mrs WoolGrowm Organization WOOL SHIP COLLIZtT T0 ur Registered Wurclmuse No Obtain sacks and twine from Local Agricultilrul Office or lliosff Bowman Churchill or Himene District ooperative or direct from marl Thanks fr in Chairman Gmdmg illtj it toulrl not llll it ct ti he Hows lower was WWW Prompt Settlement to the citi ns of Siiiitoe West liyl the unit chairman News budgets from 091 Dear Fellow Ctizcns On behalfI mspondenlsv advcrhsmg of the National or Fiiifiiice Coins copy including Classi mittee of Simcoe West would CANADIAN wooi iiiowrius Liniirrroi VEa To All ElectOrs in FELLOW CITIZENS As write these words to youl am listeningto Vice of remembrance tram Ottawa for our Canadian heroes who will not come back because they have given their lives that our freedom should remain Their supreme sacrifice must not be in vain We who are thanking God today fofthe victory they won inydyzfiig must build for betteranada and better world It in this spirit of humble Consecrationtorthat high ideal spirit in which you all share this day thatl am altering myser and only meaningloif my being candidate in the approaching election ask you not to thinkof me in terms of the traditional politicianseeking office and power SternDuty daughter of the voice of God and service before Self were the overwhelming thoughts in my mind in the moment of my decision to allow my name on theacred 4ballot soon to be placed in your hands Thank God FarVict0iy Gail Save Thrilling MurdockdcMackinl llttlil clfurt illttl the hiicst ttli ilm uhiih represents the Itllt iri tilitl of sum llltll llic llll ltltl have the skilled men and Lit ltirx littlllt it till the mm mm mm mum MIL model equipmen give You I1iltvlllill thit hiltil lltttllt WVWWWWJ Itl tllll My lilt liiitlitih tho iiii AV DWPHHHM Immiin Spain loituimtc iiiil tho ticndlv lliis lllninc in this lovely scttiiig irnittiy it tho thrlei it llllllll iiiii lttltpitxt With ltll iiii cllir over their tJllttltl of $100001 In the piihll sziviiiszs iliiiuii lititotf urchinAir lilltl that the results were very good The Biriici Tanning oiiipzioy With the llllt plant trophy in Barrie with 120 Conno ciiiploycm wcrc ncxt With 117 of their ohjcctivc Cliirkc and Chitin Coiiipiiiiy ohtuiiicil 108 The NH eiiipluycci subscribed lttl pcr cent of their pinto lhroughout the unit the Barrie Bell Telephone employee were highest in the group payroll livi rzioiigvith lltflt The Bell Telephone int Colliiigwuodwms lllStl high uith 125 Clyde Aircriitt at Tolliiii wood reached 122 ol the objcclirc and the Collingiviiod Shipyard workers subscride to the Loan to the extent of 108 lt ch lttticiciit superintendent and Flilll it is in the truest sense home it is ttlltttttltlldtt but true siitl Dr Murkx flllmt to inimy of our young inni Wqlltl people today lllt the wrong tIititttllltill of home ziiid that is why nmn iiiurriiiucs end Mr tragic oily The home must he plricu of gtlearning ti plucc where friendship love and truth fiiiil fnll sway Allitlplntlllllit solo by Al eiuli ot St iitliuiincs ius lOlltltl red The ceremony closed wih the tiiii at lnrwiitii singing of the dedication odc by the choir unit the National Anthem Muiiy visitors avziilcd themselvcs of the opportunity of inspecting the Home and iill exprcsscd the opinion fieds are mquired 19 be like to express my sincere uppre OOPEWTIVE rho Examiner Ofce of this Unit who have backed up theEighth Victory Loan so gener ously Although complete figures not later than TUESDAY EVENING Toronto Canada DAY MESSAGE UFFERINSIMCOE solemn sei through youto Canada This is the simple ciation rind thanks to thecitizciis Iltl iiw iiiiiwil wt llilltlillt iiitilil vlltit Stlltliplltttl of any liiii lt in Cltlllllll The Army litlfitttllltll In Ii tittll lit Vlloi lliiiirls tlltl thrill security to farmers incomes shape humansociety and of the great social problems faced by thecommonpeople Later spent yearin study at Edinburgh University Scotland Following this preparation have spent twenty years in myvocation among good rural folk like yOurselves always in touch with their problems If have one bias it is in favor of the common folk and against all who Would exploit them and enrich themselves withoutde cent regard to the needs of the ordinary people with all my ability Sincerely yours $135 per 100 lbs nhim tilt lilnt ii xvi thinl y1lilrgtllhwrinhi fin lfiig BARR your ltlttltldli tlltl El lob Itll hw Inn FLOUR MILLS limpLit on fiiituittiiy Mar 11 ONE out of every three men working in Canada is on the farm Agriculture is the nations most important industry Since 1955 your Liberal Embroment has kept farming in the top of its list for action Look at the panel left Although fewer men have been available for farm work production hasincreased more than 40964 splendid recordol achievement liberal Action for Agriculture Here are some of the practical steps which your liberal government has taken for your benefit Guarantees of minimum prices for farm products for victory liven beforebe twin by securing foreign ma kets taking off surpluses and stimulating home consumption your Liberal Government 1assisted in raising totalfarm income by 45 $75 During 19 war the farmer for the firstltisn was put indie sound pOSition Of knowing exzictly hrowhe stood financially He was protected against increases in his costs of production and guaranteedh market at fixed pricesxfor specied volume of produce1n 1939 farm income was $772 Trdde agreements with 20 countries Debi cancellation took $225 millions debt off farmers shoulders Took import duty andwareirchangc mx off farm Equipment SSayed apple industry by special marketing agreements Premiums paid on high grade cheese and grade and BI bogs AVheat Acreage Reduction and Prairie Farm Income pay ments made in 1941 to tide far mets over until market for wheat found mg FARM occur cAsn muons mounts SALES CHAIM nonucrs siiowu lN MMEONS or nouns Export contracts operative until 1947 act as floor prices under farm products The above with the Export Credits Insurance Act will maintain farm incomes through ourpostwat period Appointed August 1944 Agricultural Prices Support Board to guaramee for postwar 000000 an increase of over billion After tbevwdr you Liberal Government has arranged to keep farm incomes up by floor prices on farm and fish paid ucts and by foTign trade to improve living cuddly dons bylliomily Allowances Nairoan ngsing Pimjrasm improvement Loans Ace and iothEr social imcasures Mariel rm To enable farmers to intprove their working and living con didons your Liberal Government has provided for intermediate and short term credits by amending theiBank Act andpassing the Farm 1m rovement Loans Ad and timber ling hrranged thatthose twishing to build new homes or repair extend or renovate their present homes can borrow the money under the National Hons ing Act 12 Inaugurated annual farm pro4 friction programmes through cooperatiori between the Depart ment of Agriculture and farmer5 organizations in every part of Canada conservation of soil and other natural resources together with farsighted projects for irriga tion road and Other improve ments as soon as manpower and materials are availabll Vtheme Liberalzyou act for your own and your farm Tilystontinued welfare Cosh income from the Sale of farm products millions in anioni KEEP rr UPl Burro AYW gg pg V01 Al am Incomes Rose Stagll 000000ini944irwas VwqrWmmfv to secure agriculzures future by it It yin if plan leiu AmityK 44 mvw wa 4a

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