ate 110 csell the neural ttnmf ill ti Hill dill51o lillli luiliflt liti ir iuslnililr iint sill txml lirllll rough lulullln tmz ttt non to IJIH atom to lllt In it lzii win mn ttittirx ll Stu IS irr xv mil lltlltil ll ETHEI CllOSflJtNl ltt nrl 50 llttliliip Slitit omvzoaua Iin RcsiiltFr0iii lng Boy it Blind TWlmlttzm SIOIPID UP SINK is no cul nmity whm titlcni in Illl house Leave it to turn to Hear out the HltRRVJtlillt oi goonrisltiiiguitti oiiiti ll oi Waterll be running litl again in no time In dozen ways Cilirtts helps you take it mist lull Strengthwlt destroys controls of outside Cthtl In wlurioii grand cltancr tlit ttll gum and dirt lrtr you fly through litmy cleaning Iqu dorlzes gallium pails Keep it on hindalways Never dumbr lyc in hot tram The amh 111 lye itsrlj nuns the water Its lovely hiehd VVsVo smooth and so White now as melt mgcnq jwyw 17 1945 momma CANADA THURSDAY MA Wzu Umhd ttl Ili ivl lvt llrltsl Hill ha ltllxil tlxtrll ttl litit titn Walnut litti Hiltlll lltitl tilltttt lilfililit ll lmztilirl ilt Inuit Hi louvmdt ili Izil With lntriihou Mri IU 11 Slriiiitl Itrotxvdltv Mn dirmtit lotk Lind ilrs lvldllifs firat ltltJlllt Iillltl isroliitctl With it Nlllll lltl litislYinItl stimuli uii pirwntml supirviuir Hump iltlltllll i1tuto os win am lrimllitt li ml in tllt lllflitlll lliiligtltit thornmy 1MB Williiir Mm litlim Jock lliiinii 11 wax With llll YMCA it Kirtlirner illllt SIlill Iloopiii SJziiltl Hum iMrs Ftilhli jtio tiltltillliillfi in ttllll lllll Willi li ltlll gtiilizt Iill i421 lttlthtl HAHN HIIZNS INSTITIVIIZ lmi ttr ll Jltt lllllt ttlti lillrv VIi itliioiiii ll llll was lltlll lll llllltll illltllll llkl Wanted Men and Women Who Are Hard of Hearing iiii140 Siltlllf risk honing llhl If you zirc ltlllpolZlIlly itltiltnvil lltillltlktl liy Illigltir llll2 llilf hriol lttilritS iiiio tohuidonud or lroiuilitirl wnx HIfllllllLlli try this the tilrltxl lwvity 2lll pm ti ltrltij lltlft ll rr In Art ri lhr lexiun llitiil ii thi iltlllilll 7o im tli itttrnmt it out Imi xtoei Alitili Mill lu nll ourk Fittv tlliltlftll llniizi nc hllkinlt Hunt ilIl tlll lltlnlljlitlll llix llti lint ti tilnlti llt iltliilwti Hi zl tltgtrtltl lliilltlltltll tlii Mlvluti Mini iit ill llttl liv lr ilii lilili lll1llirl tinl Ull Mrs llllll it is tintt llztirit lHll iil tlilrtliit iii lIllll to llll iiiiil lioyx camp at linlirrk lililt oi iltlu lirlt ltil in Itr viwllmh ttttliiil at Illt llltl tlllV till ltuiitilii vill lu ltliriillun hllrx hintln llll IIl lto lixliils iltll eJllIll llll ltli llifl liiili lli ftl thVIl tlitl lii hm not niirsiiil on Illltlltti lliv mnin SIIVtt that tinn lhii iniisoinltlzllll liv ilm Lltv liltttttl Ill lllll lhc Ladies Auxiliary nhii tlt lcion Tllllll lntz iiltl to italiqllvl tlll MJV fl lti lltl lt lirl llnll Allir thr ukiiLl tiltt llllittl wrvvd by tln lllllilV ii iitt ViuiwiiK lthttltlic ltll ilimm ftqu lttltl ullll lllt liilii on May Ill lllt present officer llllluillllt for in Vtlllotlicr smmn llny tlt iri titliivu ili Mil nun ltltllllltlsflltsufentV MN Jun Show tonal mu tl viiilotblrurlt Frcd Iroeiihzilizli row Il1ltVItriv liitk Mrs liil Illt Wnotnncd the Winners followx tliititt tiuiitl Il lhorntoii rllwlnitth913503 mg yinw sz Vllll ltitIllll lit llt lltltl tl lll$ Shanty lluy King high ivcrniu Mrs rrwn lizilgh winning team tln lloiioix ers Grccnhulgzli iciipt Mrs lDrakc Mrs Slltllll Mrs llltll nioiid Mrs Drzikiz first prim and lovcly bouquct of Spring lltthtS were prscntcd to tho riptiiin of WI llltllt llltt thczitrc party coiiiplitml ii tl cn ltilluJrti lti55lrilitl1 VicePro lllltlltl vmiiing team by Mrs Km joyzihlc evening wc MMM Jllllli ST INIHJ 5M Hm Large Audience Enjoys Recital By lupils of Miss Brysan Quality Youll Enjoy it Stir LA INIHL lSlItA lNiIlll ll Mil ti nu convert tlthlt drivgit tuikc sale ll mlttrtldy llt would llri tcvimtttdng ltazilv ii Nils at llu mt Hnll lr= Vining wt vll hm nun Elii it ltillri Mull lilt llii iii 11 and lzllv tni xx 31 int VHllll itnl Tili lltiii lllllJ it min iit trlt 1x lhi liili lt iiVi il1t lt1 2i ii ilit Ulll ll ll ti IIIlll lull i2i lln llll Sly lac Hal ltlilt lI titlJllUlt litll lul llt rlltluiilt mi nuizr titizl llt rm illlttll hi Klllullt luu iil Liln on lllt ltllhl limiti cllutiii wutni ilulliitrg lll itil 11 main non rho ll ii tt it pininnmo liHlf lw iwuliltli vtll WVVV UN llnlu kl lilt lll uiiptiuill litilltn ttii1iiiit has who ll HI nut tut11 Iltlhli llllldvllllllltrilllldarlllridilaJ4ottlrloolivrrlnzllrliol NOW in OPERATION BETTER FOODS llilufA itcrnli siuic ttiltidt iizthlt fJILLK ltilililll lII fllilitll Wilma Htl lll lllIJ Illt ll Lllllli ItLIlKl nlint Hi tnlti lei Huiiyllll of tw nw lllltl lll ll liltllt ilt ti Lotte otii mtthth ting trlttli iii1 illitZIT tli liit llltl lllt liittl liO lliiilitil mill lu ltlllill l1iZt i1itrtit Aim iltiltltlllv lIllllllllIIl Ill ltt oitt mull tno hlttilllttilT tiittiic ii ii llzltl ltill iIlI lttil iii lit illtiii tlm tlul lilt lilitt llutt i1il Iiitlin lliiii lint ltil Elll ill llltl lunlllli tinli piililir II tti lii 3Il iiimint lltlldl luxll tlIilJlTll urinl lhtst Hallw ttll vutl tlnilci llnV why WW WNW llllHllelth til Mi 51th Mowi mlmhpr by MlVlitliliii Vlm ilgtii tllletlx lllt Wiilki anwniof tllllllliltll piihlic lionth Moxvmll tziktmf xiiitut Altman Slumr umt turt Mo pmno pith Willi Min lhywonlNlW lw l7ltll titiltti tlt killfmmlhll IttIlVftl than llt lullllviiil Itltlttlitlr ttiiir ic tn ilth il It ittLitio Mos Cluh litultli IllllStfi SOOpllIIIISI cElccts Now Otlircrs it on Mary tart Stall ortiunutlv toiiiity oiiniil lllitlllil tli yhhllllltlttl lini pnlilir lieiltli pllxlt hrrc llii fillttl iiziicd npon to ill krll Illllll lulqmlhg tlItIt tlill llt Illk tit it at llttllt2 Littlnt wus lVlISS lltllltli lAtilt who sunk in wry tim VUHpi ltltNnitll is rhuirinzin of lllt toiinty in Wm gm by Mpmtph oniniittcc on Public llfilllll tlv liit lilttl iiii Itil rllttl tinir titllimtrs til vtlRilHl WIIV littVt iiiiltlt lnlttrson oi Iort OMMMJNNWNMMOOmrJINOOoeo oooocotamd ttvllilLIllttV lln ll hili llltll hm limit ltli itlltl fillix itiiis MtMulion who Sunni ininilwi Ilnitiitiriit Mos MtMnlion hos tiiicI th llltllllltl Iilltt tlitl lliXllilltl QUANTITY WITH QUALITY Ntws titulch in Barrio Stll on tun ivviuiic litl1 topics of Tim Ilzir Add llit ml Ho igt iiiiiti till iniic in lilitllt xtirin pit liiiiiV liiitlttl iiil lltlli nl nitl ii pztit twin lilw pniiio iniiiihon lV Miss Andl ric Examiner ivcry week itC lilloin worii ixcvllcntly ltlldSilhtllpllttllF to this nivis 2i ltlllll of Shi plurs with XltltSHUIIlQlHi copies in tho town lllllgtllttl lltiiltllll lhv Ivtpiiidinndvzintc circulation too sn chmd with vciy llllt tltlll tlttilllltitl ul lni Vino stint nil Is Irm NM altWW liIilttf ill ltiui by Mos ll1l lillllllllt ttlt1lttlllttl lttlll it it Hi1 ii tlililtitt lli tillttl til lii lliii llillliltllilllli ut itiivitc Ii lllliiltlll li ll lltl ttitltlllli imini irnwt And its uol Ill itiit In tni iii JJill 1v tulltitt til tuti ti Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Arthritic Pain Quickly Mi llw ltili lllt poiforiniiiicc Wilhl ltltl itlltll llllllt ill ltill liihly llttlhllll hllll Illlltll tlttlll tlllt lioth lltlllllf ind tcuchcr liir Vltltilm lloVitl tho illl lindcmopt tho prournni Miss llryson was tho ltilliltlll of livziutifiil husknt or li5 pivsoiitml by her pupils imp now pvtiiinus Ci ww lllt littl litrs lillt lovil mesons Barrie Frosted Foods Modern refrigerated individqu food lockch keep your produce and mouttrcefrom lctcriorzitionkccp the hatV Come in today and let us explain the pleasure and cooiitiriiy to he derived from renting foodltrckcrortolcpliono for information arthritic ilicuinritic or llfllllllt pain try this inexpciisivc ttlnrs litlllllti itll iiot nicnlioiicd pnckng gr Ru prpscrip lilltll vorc Miss itttllilllit Butto ltliss liitrqiicliiic uviu Iii Winn llllt you suffer from itllJ ltttllllj luli and nw ltititl ltplttlllttlth tciitio coin lvtiltwttilttl tlitl mVVHTV lioiin hi filiplwnsoti itlltl li ll lionic rccipc mrrli liiiii liitliw llvliiitiilitution ltlllll ilH iticir from your littgzzist Mix it with Ill1tll of water add the jiiicc of ltlllttllS Its cosy and plcziszint You need only talilcspoonsliil Oftcn within 40 lltlil LUIS ltlilsoii llric Mix Miss illllll llllnrlli ltw Etltlll lziiiu lilliitzitit Soc hlittlltVP tl ltt lillitn than 133 two times diV M15 DUN Mill KHthl MIN Frtliotirsw StilllOllllliQ wornMittsplen Iis lobiiis Miss lominc Toniliiisoii Marjorie urul flavor sealed in diil results zirc obtained If the Dziins me not quickly rilicvcd iiidil you tliristunn Rodgers Miss liiniiccs llU Illll lccl bittcr Riirx Prescrip will cost voii nothing toitry Ktiill iii lltilF Etiitt Vilciiu Corner The impending postwar era with Atiriiii limo Method tvst that 50 lift llltlltll llttlll to heart mil much You must lltltl betterl Jiltir uniting this 12niplc test or oi pi your nioiicj bink it once about Aiiiiiic ltor gtilo it lunihlvns Robert Sltnt litiiIiVl Iiulsznii to llll itid good Hill lltljtgtl sts L855 than tt tier average Baking fo bake brood iusr right use Eleiscjimgnns FRESH Yeas Bread plays Elipart in todays meal planning It is your familys most dependable lowcost ener foodsupplying Vitamin And it is extra use JAE for Other foods If you bake at home Fleischmanns fresh Yeast will give you good bread evcry timelight sweet just right tasting loaves Ask your grocer today forFleischv minds fret1 Yeast withthe familiar yellow label Cicadasfavorite for over 70 years iurrtlulur rennin by nun2 of FLIIKHMANMS froth You ivory day ThinkIll Jam II on Ixulloni natural um of tho knnnm Complex Vitumlm New tnltlllltl5 VlV bllllt llt rest but fresh rvspmisibilitics to Ill its members stiitcd Mrs Nlllliltll llarrctt prestdciit of tho ldlll1tll Service Club Iwhich have much appreciated zissistmicc when tho Barrie Active Service Club and Czinteen was getting sttirtcdi speaking at the final mrinq mett lug held in the Granite Club lor into Mrs Wickctt said the prick ring of prisonersofwzir boxes by the club would be biotittlit to till end within the next few Works Total of 800000 boxes continuing 400 tons of food were packed by the Land seairs Friday group during the wur The sewing committee llllll th Tconvenership of Mrs Ow ens will receive $500 for expendi tures Tlie committee is preparing 16 layettes for babies of ATS girls in England married to Canadian servicemen The sum of $5 WIIS voted to Information Please the Landseair service for troops at the Union Station The sacrament of infant baptism lwas performed at Collier St United Church last Sundaymorningby Rev Lewis for the following babies Barry Dennis Paddisou son lof Mr and Mrs George Paddi son Shirley Margaret Rose Terry daughter of Mr and Mrs Orval WBmce Beaumont Henry son of Mr and Mrs Martin Henry Norma Erryle Norris daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Norris Bonnie Charlotte King daughter of VMr and Mrs Douglas King Toronz to Judith Anne Green daughter of Mr and Mrs William Green William John Alexander Coutts son of Mr and Mrsnl Sandy Coutts Dorothy Pauline Veitch daughtermof Mr and Mrs Veitch Atv Central United Church the lRev Bewell baptized these babies Heather Jean McLean daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald McLean Paul George VDesjardinVe son of Mr and MrsDesjardine Valley Joanne Chantler daughter of MIKand Mrs Kenneth Chantler William Alfred Devisnap son of Sgt and MrsrDwsnap MichVaelV Cadogan son of Mr and Mrs George Cadogan lencgheadmiarters riages involve foreign girls numbepofihe wives are Canadian servicewomen and stomp are Can adian girls not in the services Their numberestimated at 1160is high percentage of the Canadian girls in Britain New marriages are taking place at the rate of 6503 month and births at 350 almond must figures for service mar ridis oveVeras to other than Can Ntllllil Withi inlcriiij ililll Wiltlu PLANT AT 20 CQLLIER ST Barrie Ont Em Print WM MM oiir uitiiicv refunded if it does not liolp yon llucx Picscriptioiiis fm xm Mss ms pmci ML NIVi snlc ind rcconinicndcd by tiltill Miss Rcrtio ltliilliiilliiiid Miss Tummyanolmrlmng Drug Store lliry Minnikin Miss Ruth Cantor llt3 lfllltfiltlb Wl Illtl Mn Elton lli linrlottc hlllhlll Mms with llltil from Jillll yllitlltl Vlltwtll Miss Niiiii Millcn iiid 1H notnilnrs prrdotu lliini ltltillt tofsupply funds for two Zttitti of ltlll for ovcrscus lllStl wuys llllll nitn piiptr hzilvuttc tlllt lnkingi litnltltt llltltlll llithiitt lplii Vhlolhziut tilliilL Phone 3750 leleiIOIvIWINVIOIl IIFWI iiiIJGIiIilillrl iii rAiNswuu wouicxs ixsr Nymw cr hauling druggis thliss 1olicl Allen Two Moria mo ADDED TO COUNTY oiucstru PROGRAM thc luv were llr Sllitlrl Mrs llit Kong llr ll ll llnrniczi lopiilur Minus 5m and Subjects oft it Itl iillttllll and lilttszilllll purl htill hlls vm Johnston Mrs ltlllltt1 lwo nurses have been appointed to the Sillltot County public health commenced their duties Miss Kathleen Abbott W139 we Whey dvill he at Bradfhrd and will cover V7 the territory in that urea and Miss Quin on Tiirrmit Events Clinic for Patricia Phillips Wm work out of chectivc Children to be ilcld in Burric Effective Way Miss Abbott whose home is at Sclionilierg graduated as register ed lllllSO from Wellesley Hospital Toronto in 1030 IS nurse in an industrial plant at 0115 lunch was provided Vllll M55Mahmr Hm going to Toronto UHF Carr Mrs Cook Mrs Alllivelsny Inst yew for course 5119395993 public health nursing Miss Phillips whose home is in i03kville graduatedas registered Four readers per copy is the cr nurse from St Josephs Hospital newspaper Toronto Reckmied thus some 28000 people public health nurse at Chatham and Hauihtign until enteripg Toronto and Mrs wch cnjoyctl by tll week How to Plant Fertilizers llcqiiiicd Crippled and Orillia of introducing Visitors Post war New Ideas in Housing szilc of bulbs and plants was held with good success She then served bonnie old and Mrs ltfo 28000 READERS pm WEEK DBLESDIJPV timnte for weekly She then served as IhesoupnScnsatian ihewarion read The Examinercvery week mpfvm rural Cupids combat report on Can adians nowrecords 27265 sewice marriages since 1940 with an es timated 13000 children born it was shown in figures compiled by de Afndlor yourljlumily delicious ovewireSh Quaker Corn Flukesl or the benefit of Canadian girls are wondering what the Eng lish or French girls have thatthey havent these gures show for that first fugue that not all these mar Yes your whole family enjoy Quaker Com into that big blue and Flakes Thcyre crisp light easily digested with delicious freshtoasted taste that st cant be copied And all the ovenfresh crispness the rich savour of spunripened corwthe zest of the maltare sealed by special process right Flakes MONEY BLACKFGUARANTEE OF FINEST FLAVOUR lsthe guarantee backed by the makers of Quukcr Corn tinker THE QUAKER QAT COMPANY OF CANADA MITED yellow package of Quake dttodayt Get YOUR Corn Flakes Be sure to visit your gr free gift useful and beautiful fruit na and give YOUR family real bre wt overtfresh Quaker Corn Viu treat tomorro 335