page sexism ms anemiaer festerrimiraiuo Mmwrwvi 7A lHthtl tkl CLASSIFlED RAT 51 08 SAL an we WW lll Nll llltltllts out tutMi ST ANDREWS llttlltll Clhllel Illtlttili AN lliuNN lutswvrvl One vent lain tlltfi tnHlEi 1= um it not p111 within dlle of Lune in replies nll =t and iv are min Slut cloning cents lt minznauii cenis if itn accepted 11 wrrmrsnh yu 31u1= Emmi mm liii SAL TO GET SPECIAL CASH RATE lii 22 days of extra vzrizi lim LI it 1i AND FOOD News till 4111 mowing CLA SSlFlED ADS LOST AlltHlllHltJtS tutu Sn la uvw Payment must be made by Wednesday tEItA xlilxvltllatt Nth 1111 lli up Al Hill Ant itlilhti 171 Iut ji ELF WANTED 5H trill 25c extra hrt 45 My mg Hill iii lioluy nv id llliill 1mm 21zl iillillrl ii 1it Inch ifLt lp LLtli Sllllll lHX lill VII tors LMM II 51 Will ii wosrxi Hrrxiwt filll Jam 315 rxrrin rt room Lff in Inn liu lil my liial Apph XX SUN WASH lxi ili leliyh uh All l3 Ni It WK 1x 151iiiimirmsr gutif ill 1125 iil in 1mm 1H Lilli it II 11 llllii Iti VW III ii till lill lll Livr mom FOR sn Sn 54 7h luv do III i1iii1vox llttlllixl II iiiiiifls Hi we ilili vL vil In Ill til Hill It ii liitiM lmlil til It llli ill lll ll ifl IAI Iltiiiti rituali sinyoi 113 tn 1A Thywt II llAtlllH ll 11 IIlI II liiii ii niniwe Sxtsl th fuiin Ni Appiv Vtvilt ii lil zl Applvtle iluziri ii in hi ii up It it 1ui till IMii ftlliiuwii hi expert 5x fit ii liitvri IHtllllltlY FUR Hl AIlii1vii llvii xvl Ili itii VIII 1111111 it TWWIPI lip II II vit1 iii iitir ill iiI iv it it illl tt iiii Inltit Iii ii 11 llt tlliit lpu li witInt iltllll 11 in Sttitli 11 mm In 33 HH ll ll il Itlirdl ttlttllllk INA voi lll mini411v iiAiivs mnoiirn siri 111 1e it In ex ellint Itllllltll $11 lt lilipliiiie liltiili IN 72 i= llii ilr il vi illiriiilI Plit Winiiil unai iilliliH ifiil Dmr on rt lll lltl il itii Ii lp iliTl gt11 llivinv Ill lllrl li Fl Ii Illilvltl liip lltitwi tn it pollution in Sept Pllld tI1Iu 1li uni iu11v 111 lttltii lutlt firt in lllltl til Jill It ricmiirii izii iin twi SS Nu ii 5111 oi lHl wi Loos ioii hll no in Slinnittaln loii hip onnty of II II tiiiiivoe wt ite ltlI tXtitl tvwl and IIRKUIITISIIKH If It IIIIHIII IIII II II xi 11 ltlnlllltllllili Jiifltiiiii l11 wind ninI IIw IIIIII III II II fol and 11liminl Ililltll ApplyItol II lrcd ll iingt 311 1lieiI iufl 1R RAD lam lmvetl int 101lhi rosrrrons WANTED it you only Hip Examiner llOthliWWillK WANIH by the lidur My uiuir Iltltplioii 3058 ii Ira ltil 11 lillii lovxir rllvii iinunii il1siiim Uh IHI ll ii Iuuiif ll 11va Hulll ll ml ii 1iil 1H Um IllI tl gti Alt we with incline iiwip Illlillfitllllll ftttltll Slltilil lhwim ltl 10 lltl lxtl ii mile or 11 lltiL 1111111 lH HIHH iiiii it Mi II IIIIIoNL liltillllOW iiiniyi imw liitii11ti iial Applt ti le Ill lI IIILIIIII t1 liioiniton ilip an ri utwiii ii 11 iIluii lliliu llllli ilt v11 49 il iii gt i1 Ill iltiiivliliiil fruit Ill it lrilitx 11=ilie ii lil iii Ivri tlit tiv 4111 titi1e1 uppl rt the hole lie ltlllI 111et tlltitlt =t li imwl IIrl mm mm lic ii ii lit i1 4Iiin lliit Illi Ill li III liixt Mill lll inui beta41 ii llii lw llll II it luv Hwliiittvl IHli ttli to the otlritvll Hi Il1t4llllttl utll iliili li It ii1 IM li Ililf iluiii lli Vlllli ti ll Jans iliiii lpl FMwmm==II 1l1I ii l12 Ritiitlaxg lainlwl rvil AUCTION SALES LH II IX llitl deliznl ittgtlllltl1li Ptt iiui ptilil Ii Wwl litite til late 11 to Altitl li Illti 11 iiiil iili11i win1 11 ill Mellonzild mile nthiue ilirllb II pl lii Minn 11 lhorntnn lt iIiI tl lmi Iiiiisitii tii Illrili Inn1min tiHl fl lvi lliiltltlti flu11 model ItiIJl lluiinton Ont iitl tiw PROPERTY FOR SALE it tiny you 1a no la unmva lIll Illl lli the Uni uh l11 hue been foi Iii browned 14Iti 1111 PI iisnwi 11 fliilivizlti nii iiiairl Iiilll IIlIIHI win in it YOUNG tiillll Ill Iltl AOci OllLlll llllS lll Slll lilIlV lillntlllll il ltll 35 tuition nulwell liitllril or pli iiu v1l1 Yhiit ti 37 1l lllililil Barrie Hot illlt All Ii run 111 not talc lli ltit 1tllv il Imlx If 11 p1 WT lAllO SAIL in fan tllli1i plum 11H IgphIlli 1115 vl Hilltilts luv Jim lf It tion ie1on1lile lhone Milli oi 12111 llwl Itll ind intline tinml up il lll lllike St Zlfllilfllxt It Strum lernili lii 11 lml llll Ilil mar III 7W II IIIII lllllXltlltlZSlicl1itrn Ian11 Ilironni sinpended by liiltll litiiI III II IIII II IIIIIII III ilIIlvliilillll1tiItp HM iii Blake s1 11mm mm in li1loi Ditto 111 15 NW ii Wt Witti ii mmainifthis136mmiii 3I511iIIihmw Wl aim at HIV rrvv Iwtii II II III II it I01 fl Mliiriutu Humane whoa W13 fIvjAujjwInWm III II III III II Hi ililo billet mm mm Dalton Phone 300 it Mb iiIpmi imiwli tllltanV ll lOlt BAH 1131 will at lvnrl IEII II II II iiiii at Im their lunch llll Ssie till 11m iSlLUtx WW vii1iiiu ii1uii 1rf $300 up Aunt foi lliliil nlllk I1 ll l4iii it ll111lt l1i1i lM rli M41 it lll1lIlOlIiQ IlAIl lItI IMIIIK IIIII YIIH hm Illiltllt Ilux Ill lit lll ltIllilIll to he il iiltl litlttl fill lli villiltlllml md lt iv OllLC oion 1is re 3s 51 to iniiliiil the full gttlt III II IIWHII urrr IErtbonowilla29l mu AND 1mm niill ltt kit ilr ligiiini mslhhu ExcellIleitIcorulrtpnI IAIIIiJIIiIIIIi III11IIIiIIimii inn113 so ttiiI numb fiiil uiizii Will mi familiar unv lI ShpnhIVI Ami liitla fulwiIil metal crib iir in lliiigivfid 20p Wleiiiusitiiy Il lliit if tli late lltltlrtltlll ui lhiiriitun r71 II II II iiiIilIv 111w also psie duel two Hisgglfltlcfllglllml2192 hillI sprliius uui llilltt lhone Slititl ms 5AM ln hli wile linil riwhl effect Sltlf 11 lilii ini Spioule Auc Applv 183 Fliwbom it nI or Will it 100 ollier St v7 llllltlillli thpwIIFIBQHASIIIx ha nal ivnArNor ANTIQUES wantdllle AN ALLsiiuaiiiiiiisniNoMA WWW 111 1W rise IV but Aime gt 320 llltlltl pp 4020 McCQRMiCid noun but rminiz Nay 1mm Unto ovikstnwu unitrip Ml of black lllNlII clover 1iiiliiiiii1ioti UH POTATOES ANTED Phone tractor on steel in good wmkriit gtlllllll equipment and household clIiIissjrrmdtiiif IIm=rreim sop West End Store tlllrti Wes Gal Tldl Phone tiltl2 iei Ill IW Jilltliill Also iieaiiit $40021 more 7430K elteets Sale i1 litlock Rut ledge Aint l920x SPINMHIHII 350 lb Ill Llutiil iiiittlrl linger lion Apply flux llilltlt lIxani VANllZIwtillpay cash forbandlSECONDHAND PIANO 51 ELM Friday NH Fk Ciulsm suntlble for SClWUl lltll IOl Lot 11 on nnidale sale of in Mimi UllftlllOlL Phone 3392 Iqule sale Apply Box 19 lVllllfx farm sti ck uno iiiplerneiits Sale sing Ont lm20p at pm lav 121211 Doom1 moron tiiiiplte evenings 3201 lllgt auction cet with puller and veiiiuis irIi good MI condition Altai front part wall URI nY lthCS fv Sittlll want s0llx JIAy slim lNossI gmmmp FOR SALEvcabm alum Hump on in v1 lsun Ma 1IliiiiI son completely equipped gnpd condition Apply 32 Graiivillc St PHD WII OIIU hinder stntTtthefor repair Apply Allandale JZOp lIi lti lili llJiLit Pl neI STILLIARD sruMe MACHINE Wh 21th wanted Willahuy or rent Apply CAMP OR LAUNDRY SlOVlu burners uses wood or poenhontas mfg cmm Pratt Box 112 Barrie 320p hv crinplete with oven pipes eto Phone 3478 720p PM in cottiiLe ivanettt pull out tiri bvd lirdsiin tractor with pl 1w iggivlgloltlliElimecilfis MH din now with Store 35 Essamlload QAllan CHESTERFIELD BED and one chair two beds with springs and black team of mares and it yrs dale 3M20bI Apply Jones Staynei till mattresses Dart Aime St Tele phone 814r12 Tutti21b west side of llcienvale 20p WANTEDPatrons for ermanent wave marcel hair tintillg finger Elgnnyfigs 1191136212lgmsgluly wavind lI re in Schoof BBIOWEgrIVISnt rd 3205 ONE SHARE in First Cooperatwe medium gladioh bulbs it Matt per 27 HEAD OF BEEF AllllI Packers of Ontario Ltd Will sell loAMGdFHmI Fmrll IJIHR Skrold stocker cows with calves CEDAR POSTS wanted ft in rasonable Apply 62 Parkside Dr PJIOI it We edmf will dlld COWS due to freshen liIiiit lenvth coarse and slightly crook Robt Lightfoot 7720p Emu 070W 10 ClARSltml H811 Wyevale Phone lrjlmvnle edIasuItable rm cribbing accepted weeney llli leyfield at none 51141 FOR SALEl USECl thresher driv belt length 110 ft in ply Als 2365 i721b griglte Iltoss Smith 3336b II YOUNG GRADE COWS bewstrachamawasoscum goingEIIIugulefeIIIpUgIPIgl Us IeIma om Isz cc tr av L411 Phone Om 810 20 cylinder practmally new pump roller FParni Ltmu vith jack and new elctric motor StmmlI May be seen in operation for the nExt two weeks Apply to ClarISHADYHOLME Advanced Hells Pure Dunlop Stayncr TelsohnneItry Yorkshires LjJOIlt serviceable 2712 720p age few bred sows Also limited quantity Erban oats Eugene Smith FOR SALErl Premier Spic endlUtopia Phone 810141 ii iiop Span vacuum clean 3110 bedroom set white enamel dressing table DURHAM regIStered ddlk 19 chiffcnier and chair onefoldin hEIfGTS f0 8318 EOOd milk 101651 sandwicer bed new one single young SOWS advallCEd ICRiSIFIW Rilndtch FMS qurngegmg steel bed panneled with springs bleedm Byng biallfl AWL tJ mane lm my gig O212a2111 Zvghfttmg VII collapsibl wardrobe Applv 141 azllan Donney Midhurst lllil $233K lislltlfllt$RpLgS IS og 81n Phone 2996 7ZL 20p stone Phone OlO 10Li 24V21fb NOW THE TIME to get your YORKSHIRE SOWS lllL El goglgpgggnm13253 Eladicli 1bulbs in have few in June all young chestnutlsvllId IfIlAIEEIxISII 139 II giggle 1400 sound and re true $30 Apply BIOCkWEIL Slay humde g0 bulbwle hmpd and Rock lllCl Ham izhire ellvbrids varieties it be 100 mm Stuart Coriigan Lot Lou lnlt la Phone 20123 20 larger $2I58Jber$lmllilmixednlnel Uisfil PhoneI 731llI CII1I1UI from Accredited Flocks GoIve1n common 70 Tractor for ium blooming size $150 my 100 Ont commit Itigpetd 15613337535 SgiItIiIIIiiignIfiIIeIcIrII3mg III saleItaInd plgw Ion gngnggI 1901 Sfplijhgesggg 63 07 7111551343 IRED PURE BRED scorcn Liliurt Chicks Write or call f1iiIpiice 115i con xon uni yAf 210 horn bull Rosewood yeaiznlrl from Kelly Cluck Hatchery on Clapper 11 con ton St Phone 2320 24414ttb FOR SALEM0del Case actorI good milking dam and sired by the RADIO FOR SALE 1942 Nut FOR DELIVERY now Hillside 2340 hIDII with egtension limSIBeatnbred son of Klaynior Beau electric phenbla tabla model 191 equipped with new pistons and Ideal MCCIUUE Pllelll5l Coulwrme Ieghmn BR $25 Del ing DrlC ADPV Shannon V1 htindred lltilieiiiis till Blood tested slesves and new maizneto this year Out WI Station RR Barrie 720b also Case Centennial12 Bfurmw breeders iadian Approved Hat liery Ple order now for these IGUERNSEY BULL yrs old well tractor plow Terms my be ar bred and flillt blood tested lurid 2I SIETS DPUIBLE HAATENESS for ranged 1IelldbleI bash infI desn Holstein bull registeredI 13 IIIIIIIIlIglm Em ChickSI p1thICIICkCI15I dc 561 one 316 11 new goGlbgugl7 DUPth 014 FIMEI Tay 014 BS6 old Will sell eit er Cainptiell livery this month or next Agent WELLZROTTFD MANURF and it 01ft 80 Pfl alghisfeil 17300 On on WNW BOT 17 Con 111 lsm Cllmtllllll MUM Stlalltnel Mldhml hp lhlack 114m soddin and cradinlli gt Phone Lefroy 13 9200 an done Lawns repaired Ashes red FOR SALE Two clearic YhOt 37 setting non for Julie orders Wp are thw rank TEAM BELGI VFILLIES my the WI handle large Sue saw lold well rnatcliedzioaii color silver SEW 0111 till ldms 19C91Cl snwnw opp tltli tlll Ii ylt 111 tltill tilt ill fiti iiii 41 inI Ill ll the vikia IIIIIIII HI ici ivii ainniii lXllRllCNLl1li would like itlt1ll 1n repc heme Apply it irrie fix aniinii 20p mim ion y=iil liIi IIIII III III lliltl litltl Zili ii ii illlti tin II II Iu llil ll lllll lil1 pm Tumnv ull lflll iviif t11 WOMAN Itemes plittlnt houscv wrk from not till It 30 111 in Ilhirie Apply Mrs Fred Scott An gus Ont illih YOUNG LADY Ilis office vork switchboard saksmnk or other clerical work housewife lllCX ccedin Put hours weekly lhiiie 201 llr$ HOLIII iLwrl IiI 111 I1l In Wit lili lltii Wt who ii 11 wi Sliniul lili llziiii 13 illlp III llCll lltlt ilil pint Wei wl Ill ltli 41 le 1111 4ppiI Ill Iluiiu YOlllxSlllllllS Advaiueil tonsil liiilll XI It months iltlrpplI iiilitlieis Little lik1 not lliiiil ltd it win tutti ii Ht vi lnsl iiiizati lliine Slltit tlltiltll liCO Hit llliSI it 11 ft SKEW LH 2111 Viv it title for llltllitliI ium lltIer Niall Kai lltltl jli iiiw Apply ll Hz lllilI IilllitIiui ui lw Iliiqiii lut 1liiiiii litrili JilI illit iltl ll1liy Nu Sliolii li Ttip iiltll3ltiill ll iixll ill1 ltll ff MI liar15 lo fillii lvltlllllitdtldlllll 1ik3l ii it Hi tiii mile Nice lltiltlll iii miw il jl1HlllZNI5 Jilliiii lll 1l 1in 3il itii lii1iI51 Lgairluii nl loI lilitliiiillt llIinn at once lO llox ifilvi Stayiuv miiwiiii 11 priv to quiet Ont 111w it liihi home Fuitabte tor soldii unit will Mrs John Kell and Suth 0mm Iri Villllll couple Adults only Emmi Wl iiniiie lttro Ztiill IlFlllili riw Apply do Vlllliilll lllllll If phone 331 13 Lllili ImI OWS ron SALPLL Holstein rmmm lliii1ll Holstein iult ulI mlv 11 Apply llalic ilziytirlil s1 Phone 21111 3001 thin ltl BLUIII COW milking Ill loitl ruck tons quantity of farm 111 pleinents Apply ill Scarton llli Barrie lhone 807111 lllih 11 HOLSTEIN CATTLE WANIll Pure bred or grade lreshcniniz July August or Septeinberrpply Box Barrie Examiner blip WANTED Say you snw It In the ExnnilnaJ milI IASTURE Say no saw it iii Yha Enmliierl lA Sltllll FARM Itithw gravel pit toi sale Apply llox ll llarrie llx 22r20nl lli1lllllll llltlZ liilt il umi Isllltiironu ow In Ailtl dry freshen lol mill row also pintJersey heifer bred March it llil ire lioriitoii 30 If hi ISllOlll HORN BULLS serviceable one grandsons of liiutoot Seiimliun 1in lillklllll iniiitnlili liiiii liitli iitl FARMS FOR SALE Hmmnsnw ll iiiThiI Exnnilnor ABOUT 73 ACRES PASlllRlC land ieet with plenty of water Soon hardwood bus and some reforest on it ppl Robert Oirock telephone iiill Ivy 22 ilfleOii 5H llll tollACRE FARM for sale1 lziy loam East half of lot Con Suniudale Brickclad house with lliltlllilrlll and furnace Apply Ar thur Gibson Stziyner 20p lN BUYING SELHNG OR RENT li FARM see Dinvioody Farm Agency Barrie He is in touch with the farmers from day to day and is in position to meet your requirements 820p gown SIXROOU llOiltl ern lliiJ to llaiiie Iltlliilit xr llvut Illiawnahlo terms tixliil oiitict ll Owen St HAT MIDLAND Plumbing lleu ing and lrmi LIircmziI Strikers Phone office 17 Midland Residence tfnr digit calls MIDLAND IOmu IIOOIIIOJWW CHICKS itl lllilllil weeks old in mi ITliOOMlIIl IlliNC2lO ilointri llfitKII llltKS six Sixth 1rd Lorre iltltlt Iltll villfl lillxtY laiiii ie Ilaiii SW 10 ltiiviio Hthi LIlIiI me at otfiie Still 111 33 p111 or rite lluiitci Ronni ll llaiik of Toronto llllllflllltl liviriit lit 20p HAlllllZl lltitli lllfKS loud tor and meal Have had the Faith rain tor Jl yeiis and batch oiily is laid by our own flock Scull toi piire lll Phone illlrll Barrie liin Kenny Shanty Bay own Dlmtfb BABY tllltTKS and started pullets lianip Rock llanip Sussex hy brid purebred llaiierl flocks from blood tested flocks Hatches every WednesdayWrite or tilll for price list Rioinlvys Hatchery Ill lleniy Stll1rrie lhone Ilfltitl t7th BABY HICKS White Leghorn HEWfondaniidiljiwk and Leghorn lly ginp biids 11cvuchTRnrtvdiRviekrs each for May aid luiie ltwee Leghorn pIullets Slle each Ramak old Leghorn and llybrid nckcrels 6c andil7c each 1A Crows Elnivali 18rll 241620b ROD AND RO SIRED Barred Plymouth Rock chinks All birds Government inspected handed and llltliliN llANll FOR SALE Iig acres of land on Highway it It inile north of Barrie Sinai insul Mi Wle Hll lFiIi ACRES 100 workable balaneei IM lih ltwhmh miles LionrStayner Good MW ho llmw lliiiilrliiis Baumfiled brick housceJ EmmiV ml Wlhilw IMN rtine foundatitrider barn steel mvhm amid winHi lmmlilrvot hen holis anddrivc shed TEDS RADIO INN lillizi mm 1lIlhone 9612 Creeniore 8l82lp lion bun Harry liviss RR nllt modern equipment Barrie lhane lllllll li LtlpIiGOOD DAIRY FARR14200 acme gies0u facer service 140 under cultivation 60 in pasturrxl itood clay loam llrooni house with lhvdrn and water in house and barn Also jioornicottage for hired helpl Igood barns wind iiiTtkinTiiiachine DuffV lelectric chopper watcrvboivls steel Nil stanchions On Highway ll 211 liniles from Barrie Close to schoolt INTAUH READINGVIMIT cm faiid church TheItiipportunity to selli St am 111 milk Aprill 10 Henry Smith 223i 16 292Ifllizibetli St Barrie 82024b pimimriio DEORAING Elnerobertsrin 15 Owen St Tele 1mm HARD re Wm Plumbing Heating etc CARPENTRYMterations general repairs Satisfaction guaranteed Owen UPHOLSTEFING and furniture lel pairing latest fabrics to choose from We will call and give estiini Sirot 31 Collier Si Bncl ate Phone 2320 InrOduCIng up WANTEDDead horses and cattle for free pickup Phone Barrie 3617 or 4545 We pay phone charges Gordon Yloung Limited ADelaide 3636 Toronto 3252b FEATHERS WANTED Feathers and feather beds of all describ tions Highest prices paid Write to Queen City Feather Co 23 Bald win St Toronto 31625 MNTED Threshing Imachine any size Give full particulars as to condition and price in first let ters Apply to Box Barrie Examiner John Bowman Craig vale 320p WANIEDAStiffleg derrick 411011 capacityiabout 40 boom Will party who called writenor pho Geo Thomas 116 Donlea Drive Leaside Phone MA 0221 evenings Mo 1235 320b ROOMS AND BOARD Say you saw it In to Enmtuen MISCELLANEOUS aranteed Sy Wt sawrll lltwl he hammer DR ZESMAKING DONF Mrs Galloway 35 Miilva ONE AUTOTRACK Chev motor for sale Price reasonable Ray rnond McMaster Cookstown Tele phone 32 ring 23 723p BEATTY WASHING MACHINEr for sale Will sell cheap for cash Apply at Carusos Fruit Store formerly Sasos I720h OLLRIM KITCHEN SINK with All work on in cans Temporary Address 180 Bradford St Phone 2616 ilOIml IlerMlmNW Phone PLOWING AND GARDEN WORK Also lawn gradinu Apply COlf 218 Bayfield StBarrie 5418221 sew06m maww Fired Central Business man or 41 g5 Moors4 BUY NEW Bonn foundation garments for coinfmt For appoint me is write or phone Emma IM l75t9lI Elinvjale Tel 30 5420241 About 100 flags worth from $5 to sireachhave been lebrintions missing in Barrie slnceIVE Day cc Most of the flags are those on poles that stood in front stores along the main streetssomewere also taken from homes The police are anxious to return these yen to their rightful owners Only two have been turned in to th police station to date Any onefinding oneof these flags or knowing the location of any please telephone the police office 2121 man preferred Phone 2854 122010 ROOM AND BOARD available at Woodland Beach Guest Home commencing June Heated cot ta running water Reasonable Mtlrsaw It In The Exanilnsrl 17219 Phone Elmvale 10 ring or llephurnJcloA SForgis condition Also will buy or rent r4 fr7 COMMODATION WANTEI any youvuw It In The Examlmn FULLY MODERN or 7room bungalow or house Permanent re dnts Can take+possesslon any imePirone Jenkins 273920b WANTED TO RENTBetween now and June 30 unfurnished house in Barrie or Allandale 501 more rooms by reliable tenant Mr Son 65 Elizabeth St Phone 3094 Its200 TROPERTIES WANTED Say you raw It Inlhunmtiger WANIEDJour hltse 501 bit mi si Ippy anagcr n1 Ilatpiie Barrie 33201 WILL bAY CASHFOR orbroom cottag in HardenMust be gofod or electric rfrigerator BarrieExamlner or fiveroomecl in Barrie 1f pos mice 14m Apply BOX 13 esApply Hickling Allenwood tank good conditon HarryMrv renhSNorth Sta Barrie 72021p CHIEFS COASTER WAGON sale large size brand new condil tiong removablti rack sides $10 170 DunlopStvBarrie 4145 720p AGENT for DPLaval cream scpara tors and milking machines and coolers Anply Bette EW jield St Phone 2916 or 3003 720n MATERNITY DRESSES $1 each smocks 50c each 1I pair boys trousers $2 mans tweed gzrey coat size 40 ApplyII EIiOIIWrs8v gt St FOR SALEBabys swing high chair gocartfikitchen cabinet dresser oven for electric or oil stove Phone 2081 121 Penetan Si 720b ONE DEERING BINDER Ht cut onemanure spreader MH one sd drill 11 hoes Mi Sam sci 4th Con Innis ll Allan dale 740 for lt1 lurkey eggs for nArcnING EGGS from Dork cirr nish Bantams also fed male biids sinevaricty Harry Morreii rth 8L Barrie t42024p TWO BEAUTIFUL BRONZE TUR KEY HENS at $500 each Also 20 llatCllIllllI John Montgomery RR Staynci 20p WOOI FOR SALE Say von snw ltin The hmulnuri WOOD FOR SALE standing by acre or half time Apply at farm Sunnidale Road Gosslinrz Box 104 Barrie 6t120p QUANTITY OF SOFT WOOD cut 12 inches cords on ground Al so 1000 ft of hemlock plankAp lqualter Smith Ivy Phone vy 33 020p MIXED HARDWOOD softw00d slabs and poplar for sale 4ft or sawed any length Delivered Den nis Moran White Rose Service Sta tibn Hayfield St Phone 2907 18221 cu mane and tails Also bay Percheron gelding yrs oldItwo Percheron mares with Spring foals Apply to Chas HFell rm Orillia 920p FIGS about 100 lbs weeks old Holstein cow at foot Holstein heifer 10 light mare suitable for driver 1or saddle years old chestnut saddle mare 10 years old Gordnnl lrvin Alliston Becton ONE YEARLING BULL yrIhorns shire cow yrs old luev May 28horn cows fresh two months milkinng White well yrs old each pics aboutVliltc 12011bs each yrs old 1700 lbsonerdnppt2 gray horns 150 Whitqlmghorn Barred gelding yrs oldfI 1500 lbs cheap or would exchange for driv vRR Phoi one blue roan ed and blondtested If pigs 10 government approval fresli calf or enquire to Barrie Phone 2735 4922 20pb mohairn gelding pullcts 20 Sell Rock 405 As rt inonscxcd 995 Now is your last chance to have lflock of Gihniires nioncyniaking pullets tor next winter All eggs set are from rigidly culled inspect stock Phone write Gilmorcs Poultry due JunblBreeding Farm 60 Pcnetzinp Street under 24 ZUZlb GOVERNMENT APPROVED chick bargains for this week our next Nonsexed Barred Rocks 1095 pul lets 1705 cockerels 005 Whitelng Austra White White Leg arrcd Rocks Barred Rock cphnrns Black Minolca wllUllSCXCd Corkerelsf White Leg 995 ed Heavy Breeds pnllets 1595 cock CIS Team harness and farm wagon ercls 895mzsasoiitcd Light and Med Deering seed drill 13 disc guassseedcr Deering mower all Frank Woods No 90 Highway This ile west 81112 must be sold of Allandalc withi ium Brev inder Apply to above prices advertisement Phone pany your order 920p cries Guelph Ont nonsexed 895 1895 2weekold add 6c per chick Shipped COD accom Top Notch Chick MANUFACTURING must pullets 24200 II WV BUASTIING inside or out Stones 13 BAVBURTQHIEL cm C9nstlle stumps iellsrlmdgetr Ailtlior tied by Explosive Division Toron to IiMoi1iiii ExplosiveOper ator Phonemivtf Aurora 52224nf REDBUGS COCKROACHES RATS All pests exterminated by Govern ment licensed fumigator Cyanite Gas or chemicals Guaranteed Bar ric monthly arrange dates by writ ing Earl Abell 93 Ellsworth Ave Toronto gt5742tfh GASFUMIGATIONS by safe sure BIKOE process Est 1920 Occui pants need not vacate premises other than part being funiicatedd Manufacturers of famous BIKOE Insecticides for every insect prob lemKILLS roaches bcdbugs moths flies etc Workmanship andI products GUARANTEED Orders may be placedand fumigation dates arraneed witl FCIEUSOILiIO Wor lslev StPhon 2606 Barrie BIKOE CO Ltd To 31226bl NESDA may 23 UNTIL QU Dunlap St BARBIE Phone MEMBER BARBIE CHAMBER or COMMERCE OPEN WED ronto FLAGSWANTEDI meiammwwmmwmwaenpmwzo