Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1945, p. 16

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$th 3131 vs Fum Tractof and Fatal Accident grams icwil reg by the Kansas State the gmdq fatal lain accidents machinery and iii in Lg the greatest tractor COUNTY Assrssoc iNltleitL CWNfritl yr III gen Kain alnez lJrl lwrAr when their ttatt One of them 1291 SA 1163 dry 111 mac falsity llLllfl wiirxi die tractois One la irZ llit lli pkg Sllfi Quutt Rent fate lioned on or Iizw up that illlJrL 11261 When lllt with Hull 1ul when being iitra 11 one HEEL th of llltll near the edge of 11 tillltlhllltlll lllLlv c1211 lit lea lullitl illtl new rtl 1317 Htil liupi ilttlll Qt 35w and 50c run mun sham oi 511 or Heel 1eit111ut lurch tidtltif ll time vlttt tillrii tractor liln illtil 115 ml the tall itself Five itltll result their lzlil One of lililltl l1 Lin ivcz by 4i were fatally injured by 11rw1y plough thtl tvm by uni llldclllll the 1121113 fwit lllIiI train the zewtiai and he fell into the t1kilt Ariillieis violin caught in the llllllll Nuts 77 ii lltZ liiiillI lllllllltilzi Illllttl Len caught 111 the powertakeoft their tractirli leviite II III kI mI Lt ilis ll lltlll1tltlI llE il li 11 IpiLttl tlf flllll are TI II flit imp on linu not 1110 Eli pl 3111 ll SliiIui gmrl SO llltlIlli vrt Ivtlii Another farinei died when caught II WITHIN TINImp the lrilflilf hm t1 inn huhll yindtlllhl mu li Vlllltlll lenii wt lwli Hlr ml ill Ii 1i utrh faring lliilu and the am mm in may rm tltlltll would not teltuse Still an lays ieiIvi1s run over when crank Little of leegit 1ttl Viiv lllr tractan While it was in lttilIlllil lltllll Mr and MN IIlI Itivlit lloyes Agricultunil engineeis say that SIN Ntlllt llilri VII Im itlI it not all of them accidents WVDM With it llIm Whit 11 My mic preventable The best pre IHH Hm wwmld Hum they IIIVI ImmmI llie liurchill Womens Institute IIIIII iqilancemand the determination thflthff 32 int to take chance Pm MU t=ii Mr ll ltit group photo will lw taken il ii ligu THORNTON lJ lack SpeerReporttd Safe and Mrs SpCers re Phone 35130 Barrie ilillllii lln ii lit 1ll2111 111111 13 tlltll latziiia rlllltl liiiiiiiax emwli the good news yesterday then lark who was reporiel 1=1iigt on Apr 28 is now safe lll liiliiul Death of Jerry Ramsay Irwlt has been received her of Kile death of Jerry Ramsay vlir l1 thud taken place in British Colum Ilia Mr Ramsay walt xi citizen of lniiitnn about 37 years ago tt2ti la Hawtql tllltltll liioit 1I put 11 end 1t lloti liritrrf Mr illtl Mr 11 ftil ll 11 pen on I1th ltttlt Oili 33ft Ln Mclxuiidd itilj lti llltlll illiltrnc dur Mothers Day gtL lll in the Sunday Sund 1y ul tlwic tenrlaiae II The syiiipilry vi the tliilill Ml did RH MM icttiuilit lr lw 1d blissfu Anne and liesvc xitt1uljIIIId mm III IIII IIIIIIIIIII IIHM tan lukarddatterwn ttllllit il lilt1ll1 uelpli on Saturday IIIIIIIIIIII II II The sympathy of the Yillltlltlllllfv mp Mimi pl MIL tunniii goes out to Mr and Mrs am Hi Allistwn on Dlillitl turf Donnelly and family in the loss of gvlnputhv 440571111 to my Eiieznmt their daughter Zella iMrs flus Ml Imd Mp ll Meir in ll Nlll wiritiiiili1e spent =hI Word was received by ii an Mr and Mrs Mi non of the death of Me lluhhard llauuh returned with in April ltl lte Hubbard whose nceks visit home was 111 Nova Scotia and who had trained at Camp Borden was Read rules re ltifMlltil lltt frequent visitor at iinnons Iym hm yumI liIIan The members of St Peters lllhlv lo pay hiplwr min 111ltIidd the Rural Lift lIlL 11 Thva II mm IIIIIIHIIIIIIII II this or THANKS II III Hi for BANQUETS lOST OFFICE SQUARE Ill HOLMES Proprietor lluiie lixaininer $200 tiirtty in advance is iron 01 luliw it talent IIoclriuiiia lirililplttftlt cud lint and 21 lw llti Elva III II jw iw ii iinl1arlei Itll lilil th llyil Vin ii noon on illfv iii ltll 91 thulv sin II lloiiilo Mr and Mrs Mervyn lattendcn at Orillia hospital in Congiuitulations Sunday visitors were Mr and Mrs Donald Weir and June Craig luist Mrs lias Harris and sons JllllLlll lattendeii and friend uzidlcs at Chris lattendens Mr an Mrs Nelson Matteo and Lor lllf and Alice Ayres Allundalei Geri Ayres in Iwn llnv ll Half liiiilnl It CUPBOARD HIM COURSES OR LllNCHEONS tilzJIjul it Furniture mil ngng fit it it lluii tlllil 13 anvihuwI lt on Home till Il in iili II II lilll ESLlIJAHKAlN XI 15 li II quiz at Thornton idiot on Mai cXc 1ii II IIlII III Read rules re Classified Advts III 03 IIIH3I11I3IVlt 131 IItIIsIIIJI ivalue in ziiiada than Ihe lluiu lIr II IhDDAYI lm hw WWW blmc 30 cd is exactly what people of rural I5 IVIIIII INYII have to pay higher rates areas need MAY 1111 llxaininers Classifieds eiuula tion of 7000 at cent word Itll in mrzrvioniniu aJ IIItl1ll itoiiiii in tin sd 12 Eitevensin lit May Mc ellyrI nu lti iieiii 31 ll 1111 iI MIL illLI gt applyg III IIIIII ct Viieuv lli pztilI lllr Ti rI tl Ma Ill lll iv oil Mi lhn Smith trill RCA iiimct Illjlll Ill Ii leiiui VlCtJlill May 15 Mrs llanildI daughter tin llnrr 1i vttn Mill ll yal nunin lvI Vii 1131 tIi yr lleil ii ii itlifllltvliII dear ll lltbiilfl uni lauitl l1 MARRIED II IIJ III I1l7rl lvlifilltwt Bar II MrlI giI on liiTIii 1Eil3 bvi teithc iiI jI it li allr Minnic nitnlici 3111 II lzimI mantel of Mrs McDoul II rill ltl tmv late Alexander Mirl llil alrv biaitfiil me Hzmld if one that v53 lovei SJ dear 310 lli ii and ALEver remembered by 2111 Win Iiwitzer Crown Hill Eaiie and Thelma liiihfyn in nirin rIv lit lli Il ll lrzn lllitlir mower in IPDWMI his oneman lt2 sell his hiiltintss zob cupboard Vitiri irt Ii 111 pataur k1 ii iiiuncr us irpiitzir Tenn win at 12 oclock Ellili Fzr lcr Clerk llut Auct ncer illinic Citkstoun LYNNIn loving memory of our de son and brsiher Pte Robt Jam Lynn 2th was killed in Lb at has residence Tuesday May 15 Bell beloved hus Marshall in Interment Guth May 17 Toronto G3neal on May 16 1943 John in his 71st year Restl 11 at Bshop Funeral Home1 lilmvals FIuneral Friday May 13 um Interment Elmvale or 1927 20b Glasscos orapge MARMALADE $7216 777777 LETTUCE 609 ul span the xvidfst iOrly has bdy is rest In tlr shagm at grate is only an empty ti restzng place IGJd COttld hr31d llllltllsixllel boys young gallant grace dstant land is honored wltli the slew of his day IBLit his spirit is in Canada his them Air Force father vasnnvrccanm and srj lfiscampbell wh EAiLE ed in crash at Rock r1tfe air station on May 15 Double tier Beds and Springs Figs3 Tins CBier 1943 in the service of his enun CONSISIDIG Pans Chairs Tables Miscellaneous Metal Containers Tools Tool Brgres Rubber Ground She Paints Varnish Fl WILL FEE uer scarringbruinsinter Eriay litres EjiyaarandGOrtlcn PhillipsAugiencers Classified Advts rlf to blame if you llet 13193 head and use ExaminerClassifieds 113 purer Burrn iiiiiiis Couetry Klst CutStandard wa BEANS ciiiiii AilmeszCholce roiiiiirors II AylmerCholce unnatural Clover Lee or Paramuunt PlLGllllllDS iiiiiiiis Hoi lrr iii0 tr 9g 12c VEGHABIE msugn iceberg GRAPE JUICE ass22 23 PEAS ztsrzst Eiiisarrrs 25 Chateau 7350 than Ij19 LEMBNS Idoz SunkistINavet 3W 45 carriers 49 69 Sunldst Nave new 739c1 Zloaveslgq Zor Eizabeth St IMay 14 1945 Marga Ellen Sharpe widows of the lafe Iohn Gordon in her wear Interment Barrie Un curettry May 16 LlrOn Saturday Mav 12 at her home 24 Belmont lcacntc Zella Jane Donnel setl beloved wfe of John daughter of Mr and Thcs Dannsllv Churchill dear mather of Barbara Mar Joan and Mary Jane Rus lntermenvt Mount Pleasant Cemetery May 14 20 oz this rorua+ 30s er and Si proud and of dear sari iad13n LE 20 oz UM IQnmrlu No White 11 HONEY rm girth rrouii 20 oz nonunionmesh Dally 14 BREAL 28 oz tin 24 oz jar roch quieth slee the trees thelr br gre brave and ncble airman II nI we cauld not save de 113 one last farewell gmdbye to none 24 lb bag Valentine 91 136 California IGttEEll PEAS VT KEY PLAGUE stback in the long to reduce lhegambling element in turkey raising came re iently when 5000 turkeys on the supermodem ranch of Hill Portage La Prairie Manitoba teii III prey to strange new disease that it nith live 379i math have mm WWW 83mm are beyond this eaflhiv minor The FinanCial Fog strife IThe disease is said to bespread by IIIII II If II Aye Ifmm mortal pain flies No practical rernedthas as MM We know yet bcn reported for thi latest ammmm=4 r21 mug 21 LBJxv 10 oz In Makes IGI Servings Londonderry 11 iciuziirii 11 11 Wall oz tin tow 4v ltssissippl CABBAGE c1512 10 1156 Kelloggs coniiruiiirs 02 tin I1 gallantairman smiles 101 he 15 home again Llslmsr Ouch ooi ma mo hdoa urn at Mm Diiiir ii Aiiiir 3i tlltiSED Persons usinidump otter May 19 will be prosecuted FOR NEW LAND FILL SCHEME LOCATION TELEPIHONE BOARD OF WORKS Car bodies or other large pieces mustbe broken up in suchslzes as can be handled at land fill scheme Telepho For further particulars ne IBoaid of werks Barrie 3273 IiLIovingly remembered amissr14 ly missed by mother sisters and brother Balms4n loving Iratt who assed awav 23 I1944 may More and more each day we miss him Friends may think the wound has beakd Eut they little lrziw th= Let Within our hearts clled ver remciubied by 1115 sons daughters and granzlchtlden 20r SMIIIlEIIn memory TilTm Geo mi who passd aiva 1941 Peacefullv sleeping resting at last The worlds weary troublesIand trials are past Ln Silence she suffered in II She bore fill God called her hcmc to suffer no more Lov1nglv remembered by patience 20pr memory of John dustry but officials hope to keepit localized The unusual feature of this new turkey scourge is thatitstruck at the lardest and probably the most modern of turkey farming projects in the BritishEmpire At the present time there is no indication that this new ailment willcause many Christmas tables to go empty At present theWest supplies an estimated 50 to 65 of the turkeys consumed in the East The loss of 5000 turkeys would only account for one car oad of the 7000dd probably need ed to supply tli Single copies of The Examirig cents tromlocal iiewsdealersIvH If your copy of ThIxaminer fails toreach you look on last ad dress label received Subscriptions Husband and Family payablein advance affliction to theturkey far ing in East this season TOMllT0 12111315 Campbells TOMATO sour 18 oz 131 10 oz tlnl 11 Guineas RASPBERRY Jim 24 oz tar 29 All merchandise sold at your Domin ion Store is unconditionally guarw anteed to give 100 satisfaction IIlb lqubelloFrechly Ioround COFFEE Domnolall grades qt Will or 99 VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY 35 FRIDAY SATURDAYgMAY 17 1Is I19 Tekas 315 To less II insult Texas Seedless errrsrnurr mess or 253 Cooking ENIONS ocMimonI argues LI Mitzi

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