wwwsNWMWM 1va L9l COLAIEW wrrn smart itJANlJfS SUNDAh 15 IEICVCIIMAT BRYSONS Tea and lirndyllhop LOOK FOR THE SIGN Illalith St iiiiO Wmw Phone 456 Grace Gospel Holl Ii Mary Slittl Barrie if Central United hurch litV BEWELL BA Ilitillt IISU ll lilytntll Organist and hoir Lender ltiii=lcr illi lllftllitr fl licltevcrs IKM villlliflilIy School lliospcl Service lilli Mcctin lLUItirL LIFE SUNDAY lOl NDJIIIII MAN 13W firgzittntiir Class 1530 PMsSUNDAY SCHOOL 31le LORDS PRAYER Our Father to Gods House on His DayI iott are cordially iiiictli 71 ission Free Methodist Clappcrton Street REV BALI Pastor SUNDAY MAY lil 191 200 IlI SUNDAY SCHOOL 215 Till PASTOR Soldiers andstrangers will find cordial welcome Thurs pinPrayer Meeting oliier St Baptist Church REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY MAY 20 1913 ll AMSANCTIFICATION The Lords Supper PillBIBLE SCHOOL IllThe Most Valuable Thin This World Affords ftfff PillAfterMeeting for cllowsbip Praise and Testimony dimlnesday pinPrayer Servme Friday May 25 ii prirYorrtlr Rally Service taken by Toronto YP Group Strangers Welcome E327 II rinity Anglican Church REV HOWDEN BA Rector WRIGHT Organist at this mission Collier St United Church REV LEWIS MA Minister Mas GRIFFITHS Organist and Choir Leader RD SUNDAY MAY 20 iiits ll ANILHIIEREBY wr DO KNOW THAT WE KNOW IIIM ParSUNDAY SCHOOL ereo GIvE THANKS UNTO THE LORD FOR 1112 Is GOOD olvotion Army COLLIER STREET Whitsunday AMHOIIY ICOMMUN ION foil AWLYoung Peoples Bible Classes 11 ArtMORNING PRAYER Preacher TheBectoIrI PMsSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 PMYOUTI SERVICE All members of the youth organiza tions Cubs Scouts Brownies and the service The Officers in Charge MAJORLAURA COLLINS LIEUT ELIZABETH MacDONALD SUNDAY MAY 20 1945 11 AM AND PM 230 PittSUNDAY SCHOOL Guides Preacher Capt theRev Jolin French Cliaplain No Armoured Corps Camp Borden Trinity iresrdEClWilfmeeta for this service All young people are cordially invited will attend Fires pmIRSr Womens Aux Wed BlipmsYouth Group meeting Thursday 8ptnI Friday P1714Cl1113131S Meetng Behiiid the processing department Saturday pmPublrc Meeting is the locker area of 32 feet by 28 Full Gospe St Andrews Aesbyterion urch FERGUSON 13A Minister ihdardy Mus BacrTqM Organist and Choirmaster Tobernocle 20 Mulcaster Street Barries RevivalgCentre Rev Thomas Latto BA Minister JAME SUNDAY MAYV201045lt 10 AMSUNDAY SCHOOL In AMWORKING TOG TTIER FOR GOOD 0F Hoes Wonderful Speaker Luke Shaken IEverybOdy Invitch BURTON AVENUE UNITEDMCHURCH REV GREEN MA ThD I111 Minister CSUNDAY MAY 20 1945 11 am and pm REV SINCLAIR DD 7190 PM PRISONFR Duetzi His Lov Fri 11 AMPOSTPONED JointServiceIofl$f and Church at 11 atm Continuing till Sept Everybody come Members of the 58 will take part Distribution of badges to Trail Rangers YoungWorshippers League Serial Story fierAccepted Offer Who MadeIt What Was It IEPMaSuisjt COMMUNISM AND CHRISTIANITY Come Worship wEverybody Welcome MOTHERS DAY SERVICE nous United Church tiSexrvice of 55 mar Church at 130 pm I6 IIIPostponed Mothers Day Service omumxead and use Examiner Classieds itllil1itlill it II 121 li If it it it iiI IIII ItIi if ENGAGEMEN TS titl flit liitiial titti Mi it with ltii it floodlit trtithy ii v1 Iligt litiil Illl banile lit arctldiint in Lille line it Iiillli on lzllit lit and tln lit flu nitrimun tin in tt il in iIoiiiict lllfllt ilt ti Itir lt it in ftl ol ll who it li tw iIl ltli pl tlt minil ituoitzi vlttnttilw llt tii It Mi fill ill liilt llim thinciiil llilivilllll ltit nursi titlll of Yin1 titil tlt litttlI Alitc1iuli lfilh ltiti iplcr wood Nova Hto in Illtlfli ti Ztti into ll Flfilili lritl ltiltflldlll will il phrvc at hlncli wit ntlocl trll tI cOLD arouses LOCKER SY1IIVI NOW OPERATING lfcld back for titmt Ivnir liy upfitliiiitlil luii tilcilrgelflrircc illorJ ability to secure in iiilihll tho necessary iiroderii crpitpinent liar ries first public crviic coltlktiir age locket systolii itan in opera tron although some of ihc detail linings are not tIllilt complete The new cinnpnity Willi liltvni lnesotr as manager is under the Barrie business name of Inesotr Frosted Fonds Individual Lockers The plant is located at tolhri Street in the concrete building tilli feet by 30 feet which was purchas ed for the purpose from Richard Ilurst It has been rebuilt and in sulated with 11 inches of Palm wool Fittings and fixtures are all in immaculate white enamel With office to the right oftlie entrance the main door opens on the receiving nd processnrg dc partrnent To the left is the large chilling and ageing rooni kept at temperature of 34 degrees Fahren heit After chilling the meat etc comes back to the procdssingrroom and there an experienced butcher cuts the meat using an eleSgicsaw and it is then wrapped placed in the sliarpfreezing oom under temperature of degrees below zero Fruits vegtables fish poul try etc all g6 through the same sharpwfreeigbefore storage in the lockers Moistureproof wrap peryand coittainers are used feet Here are arranged in tiers of five the sanitary steel lockers holding approximately 250 lbs each The lower tiers are of jhe drawer type and those above have separate doors all with individual looks temperature averaging to Sibelow fzro iskepthere All temperatures are maintained automaticallythrough an electric control system bysthe huge am monia compressor in the front of the baseUfent It is powered by 15 hp motor and the unit has capacity of double the surface now The Suhday School will meet at in operation There is tafsoijenty 11 am for the Summer months Come to Church for the use ofIbutchersEor purposes as required plumbing by Moffatt Prices Board has announced gta4 ernrent tltgt if it it til lhiit In human licinii Itrliitlli oio lnr tuuirrioii tiulli littptttid that IIII lilt IiItI of Itlf liiiidit HI liit lill lllllll lliirtllltl lit Jtltl ltt ti lltll ll1lll loitc Hillhowl that two thntts were vciyl ttitot ltnm tt ii if Til liil IIIJER BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA lit llff ltilllti rssf iltf Ix ilii IIflet IlltLIl llillillOl OWIN1J ONriiiMi ON AscrNsron DAY It ll if it in tv lil iliritvl tili HI IIII II 1I iT in lltttt lltliii ti iii llillitl tl tit liittc ll fixii iii itiillillli llti it Ilt ttI tin tultllt ll lilllll lv ll ttt liIllflflltlll ii iii v21 giml that oi tllcii lll lI iiiti Illi ltlliciiil itiii nil ltv iil luux lityV li at the llillt lltrliitf tr iv mt lll lt iillt thii ltilii Llli llit tailllh litiliitiin to liii tttllifl flulipid in Lari Illliilfll Hill llitl lllllc of 1m continuation IIJT liiil cm tnhmd lo ttint wrth hid against tll fin tutud thmn to go hand in hand llll ind through all the days til tililiiilllfulltiti lltltilllll lll llltI hayirtno htt lhv iticiiifiers of the llill lone lli tho with iiii it the war ojziiiil the forces ivl lll lit lllliitlil i4 nncliittiitin Archbi hop tlwcii tiiitanlntit llicIvtctinui 0f tlrrist int llll continuation of innit liar nicinbtis of thc confirmation tltrr Jlt ltltll Maiic lieavcn itiicit Lcc arrutlrcrr llciicldzi ftrlt liltiliztra lllll Culci may do in wlrltllfllt llildti Illltht Iilll toirtititce lvanncttq lilascr iltlll loli Fitgtrztld Alison ilit iittit Iiltilltlll Itiilllfl iiecir iliili Nani liiliit lititry Lynn llggllltl Bruce lllilt Pcteidngepli firntth floss ELI lttlf l7tllllll Following the service iit thc hurth Rev Mr Illowden invited itllit ill the congregation to wtcial colliering in the parish hall ulva they had an opportunity to thee Archbislifip and Mrs Owen ZELIEHS grass EMPLOYEES MARK torH ANNIVERSARY Vlednesday May Zellrs cele brated the 10th anniversary of their business in Barrie with staff ban quet at the Corner Cupboard The tables were arranged in the form of aitdprettify decorated with daffodils and yellow candles with green holders At the head table wasa base bearing the flagsof the iAflied Nations The menus and place cards were in Zellers col ors of green and gold Guest artists forth program Itvere Roberta Tuxford and Rose marie Jones vocal soloists accom panied by Jean Livingston at the piano Followingthe dinner local staff artists Ingrid Rosilainenand Mrs Harold Mills led the music for hearty singsong Zellers stare has served Barrie since May 1935 in the promi nt of space in the basementforex All construction is in accordance with the requirements of the Fed eral Govt regulations Frosting equipment is by the Canadian Ice ICo of Tordnto the building con tract was byEr Lafanville wiring by Agnew and treating and All restrictions on the import and manufacture of repair parts for farm machinery and equipment are to be lifted July the Canadian Extension of war service gratui ties to include Canadas foreign going merchant seamen has been autho zed by the Canadian Gov 1ocation at 60 Dunlop stfeet ndl there are 25 employees Managers since the store opened have been First year Abraham second year Wellinan Tony Decarie then manager until 1940 Rat tray from 1940 to 1942 and Tony Rain9nd cg Wegther AM the time this is written wed nesday night there is no let up it thecOld wet weather Rain has fallen on the last four days and thc mercury dropped to 30ITues right Twentysix on Friday was rolls rst 385790 the coolest spot of the Week Maximum andminimum temper atures as recorded by the Exam May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 Made CIGARETTES RECEIVED Capt Straw officer com manding HQ Sqdn 2nd Cdn Armd Bde overseas has written aIetter to the Womens Auxiliary of the CAC in Barrie expressing appreci ation for cigarettesrecently receiv ed Capt Shaw notes that sevpral Barrie soldiers are still with then unit including SSM Baker Tpr Gibbons Tpr Merlrley and1 Tplw lies MW Wu lit Xi if It JOHN it if Ill N1 AN iitiii initv lIJII ti lttltllltllllll find tili filth lhknl ihZitt limit III4HI I1tlI tit lluiii IIIIU iili iiillttfril III iiif IHI nihilurl Ililtiliidil llilillll llIIIIIUI min ftiii llirt iti illiit ii ll IllfilzI Vilvist ii llitl In lltit fruit lh rich litil IlIttnvll lnilin Aliilnlny 511 Iv Sixth liiit= tciittlcry Iiitiiv ltttl tlt iiiltiiii limitii Wili tgp 3H Iltnilm llllilIllitl titniinliain 7hr than llht mii littiilifiil IIYllil lliilii llll Illtrl llit ililtli YIIill lillilc lllliti fitifn llllnilt Ilztiili lunch and dill lil lt lJi iv titl Kt tit riilrliiy tnatttt 1min ii if tEu lljtllllltIltllill til iliu li ciily li brutal ittitilaySchool 1liittlo lttttit ill ltlllllllil to iliflIlfiI IIIU 18th Luxury lull in inflict he lbHY Iiittzi fllIlIllx llifil Illl lilt lile lllilll tlllfl llulli 11 Ma pilul iii St limit iii tlttl Mi if Vllllll fhoinhill and till yvti tilo tlUHl to lflllsliilc Kliiiv hi lit ltlll jlftlttftlll fly fir litirit Ward by lil ycnis Sur leriy tl Barrie lluil of lorrildton iitlon llilisilnli lvii lulihlcli Itllliil llitlt and llcv Mr conducted crnttg fiziltiidzty My Itllflltll lhoiupsoii mu hitvinicnt var tnivtt the followinf illlllt1tlti2 all llllllltlA Alden lvlino Tlinrlcs Thump son Elwood Devrtt and Bill Ilium iiirniug those from distance lilUlltllll the funeral flt Mr iIitl lhoiiipsoii Janna Calhoun Barrie Mrs John tiolitpc iillcspic Dorothy Pam ward Pliiilpston Mrs Rex luiriey IOilllia Mrs Lorne Joe and Win hmu llii Viihct lilziclrtll SuialtlTlllllCl VilfitJI ll113 lllltl Mil Wm cd on iliilidty llfll ill iii the nice fiiltlcy lriuhne Mary Rob DllStlltltl Ml tllllllllKII limingPI Gratli and Mrs Tiresnes all of nthv Helen Illlliillcth films Wcs Elmvulv iin liven llztiry Wilnrot flatltlen llfI vlitlltlnl was Inc Hill of Mt llioltinoii IIIIiltLl lo Itll liit ll filillii llolilrlt llllllt loliii IIlltl nit all of Illltit lItiilfl lllctoiiltry tllil ltJilih hollow of luiilillii Slithl Illill tlll VlVlli thiec sous Mi Fred lltll hlir Itoitt t11iI ltJIill Il ltiliit lltiwltltl Illlllll tic currctl or fllxllitlixl May llllfi lioiii lll lllll on iii tiillnris lnrni ltidiu Road Urn hr vi llic yonniy tt oii of iconic liiiiiins and Mary IIlliott and it was here he formed until tlrc your llllll llicii hc iiichtl to irithric viicre ho coiitiinutl to form till laid Ilfltlt by ill health Lilti lltl Itltilt til fuiicizil IIILllll lltt Minn tunmtmrldrcn ltlIllttlvhiltlitli lhllvttztlc llillm llottic of the Iliicrtsttl llillwlnh1 lliiilcil v11 Mliltt Minn runs ttlorriz Alieidccn stilletS With one Illl illctvyii and it duuglittr Mi inl Diury tltlucl one igruiidsoii and tho igiiintldnugiii lets ilflltll lll ltobeit Pricltuitl lltluilttsl littiisboro Susie is the last remaining lllfllltllflrwf the futu lly Mrs ltrcy and Mrs MHZ filibtiatllc Erick linitcd tlitnch by llev II Millcii wrtli iiilciiiiciit in the church cciiielery llie pallbearers were Neil Currie Bert Graham mc=ggwn=vmwmlcllAndrew Bartholomew Norval Cald well Keith McLeod and Josephi Flirtins NOTICE Barrie Public Librcrr NEW HOURS pair pm Every day except Wednesday mmmmwo which Mr Entnis was held if the community where he had spent his entire life bore testimony to the esteem ll the funeral were Mrs Shirley Rrrmrill Calgary Mr and Mrs Herbert Morrow Snider NV Mini and MrsWalter Morrow Buffaloi NY MrsArtlrur Sharpe and Miss Florence Enrnis ITiiotilO oclock AM SPECIAL PERMANENT CREME WAVE Reg $500 for $350 mm CAMERONS NE LOCATION 59 Elizabeth St TURKISH BATHS BY APPOINTMENT Registered Masseur IT TAKES MAKER to turnout those deliciOuspuff pets tries pecan rolls tedbiscuits buns piesfcc1kes Cook scones and Decarie returning andhas been in charge of the store since that time InNoIIIIIurry to Depart iThomas 3H it III llllll lii tli 51 iiirl IIII litIi Ut IHflll IAHLw lIIISIfi Armin ii iv rhinitis 1x Iii iti rm Huh1 hi istizit timt in lilli III Ii lilizi ri tit flii Ifil lo IHilf tiill liliI to tln ital In lll nip lii liliillltf Contour no thrill Hi ii Illl lIlit livid unfurled toiminl twice in liilli Sunday flirty ti liit tilililfililtl civivi was ill llti llt llllllljf lIIlIl ltiirtliiv May ii llu litillitti um tuciilglt oorrtlttolvclncorlalcaort1crltrotallaIntoaitwcaatoooopv Coming to Barrie Sunday ltllIN ITIlWAltIl IEMMS ltliii Station toiicspoiiiliIiitl Followup bandit illiicss tho IIIH Wilt ttincrly itihr Morrow The ftnicriil HlVllt was conduct Many beautiful floral tributes Friends from distance attending To Mrs Emms and family is ex tended the heartfelt sympathy of their litany friends Mrs Emmsl having been recently bereaved by lthe death of her mother Mrs Wes ley Morrow ALEXANDER TWADDLE On Sunday May ti 1945 Alex ander Scott Twaddle of Baxter passed away in the Stevenson Memorial Hospital AllisIon The funeral was held on May llhwlt Rev James Ferguson as the ofA ficiating clergyman After fant ily service at thehonie public service was held in Baxter Pres byterian Church and interment was made in Allistoil Union Cem etery Acting as pallbeagrs were six Orange brethren Wesley Bud dick Russell Robson John Fergu $011 John Cunningham James Mc Knight and Hugh Denney Among the floral tributes was poppy wreath from Alliston Branch of the Canadian Legion Mrs Alexander Smith niece of Gait and Splf and MisWilliam Twaddle of Lisle were among the relatives and friends present Mr Twaddle was born in Car luke Lanarkslrire Scotlaqrd son Of William Twaddle and Janet Scottof Waterloo Scotland llc came to Toronto in 1905 but rev turned to Scotland three years later In 1812 he game again to Canada and will 191d enlistedamL inent overSeas with the 3rd BIL lst Division Returning to Can ada in 1919 he was deitiobilized ITand left Toronto for Larchwood Northern Ontario itr 1924 where he resided until 1937 when he proved to Baxter He farmed in Scotland atrdin Canada was Conservativergge afnfrangetnfanf 136 member Presbyterianv and having been Immediate relatives surviving laro his wife Mary Finlayson Martin of LanarkShflli five sons lwiilliam RICE Electric bittersweet Iumplrtr hlrclrh Appliuiicc Htirc Shop will be upriirtl and llptiJItll by GERRY BOYNTON INIJILII IIII NAM til Barrie Radio ti Appliances AT 101 DUNLOP ST Atluss from Illt Qtciis IIolrI WATCH FOR OPENING DATE num IIMIIIH ionN Utthl 60034ailliullflllllSallivnlq HOSTESS TRAYS AN lDlZAl GIFT FOR SUMMlIll UFill ttiiu liull illtwl Ilil iv Ii in ilul liili III in Ill ll IX II Itifl ttl tliliril fii iii lIl littl lllldlnl Irllilll Intuit itttittih gt llm lam liltI lo tliiv Itiiii of fnltiit lllI lilIil ll ii ht II lnl lti lliiiwf firlitti II III riiti it if Ilillldtfifl Alibinun lttt Wallacc Spliiiz liiltl limo Ilillll Itilllilll Ntrlllll tttiicial IILIHAI and Mix liiiniiitl Murillo lztiiict lIiiiiiclt all of lnionln and Mrs Archic kl1I lIzticrsoii and ya Patrick and Mn ltlit Corby fltiiicyuooil lirci tiiifi IIlIlIllIll flilldllilitil Yill If luv titf tlil siiii my liilllnli llr It if tt li 1i lzit litolivli iiil ltnhcli id waxitl iii itich until MIA llel WEAYMOUTHS BOOKSTORE 30 Elizabeth St Iltirrlc III liztrrfe IIIl from tlit llll llitll IIIIIIIIi Itlifl il1ilit 311 il lltiiittlL Phone 4055 Mcinhtr hittiibrLtI DI uinnrrrIc lllrirolti Milks Aikcii lliiiitrnoi Rev Victor and Mrs Strand the famous Gospel Singers who gave up lucrative positions on the concert stage will be ill ItirstBttptisl Churchtncxt Sunday evening to sing popular Gospel songs and give their testimonies to their Mr Stroud will sing ttthc morning scrvicc and Mr and Mrs Stroud will be lit full charge of the tthllllli service will be special treat for all music lovers iii Barrie and everyone is invited to attend FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clapperton at Worslcy ffAIRI Minister MISSEISIE ClOUGIilEY ATOM Organist and Choir Leader Sunday May 20 1945 ll AMMORNIN WORSHIP Rev Victor Stroud guest soloistI P1VIBIBLEI SCHOOL Saviour This REV PMEVENING WORSHIP Rev Victor andMrs Stroud will conduct the service IMOnday ti prrrBYPU WedPraycr Service pm Service men and Fiverhen always welcome WWWI WNWPWNWW 33 II 3O hidoledppgkOt keeps bunionse secret Dont try to Isqiieeze an enlarged joint in lastlThe Pressure is painful Eventually the shoe becOmes shapeless We suggest our Dr Locke SVBILast The vamp is gently curved artsMs point making pocket for ydurijroint Nojrra hint of pressureI Nora sign of giveaway bulge either Georgia for an expert tting soonf Mil Shoe DIAL 2397 men ordinary 2011 Baxter and Iof LOB 2146 Larchwood In the Inorth he served his municipality as Clerk and also on rural school boards riotiiir in BAKERY BENNETT Clapperton St BREAKING goouam BARHIE Adam Martin lIAlexander Scott John Johnstons tRRC overseas and GavinScott RCA two brothers Gavin Scott gTwaddle and Wm Twaddle both IofScotIaud five sisters Mrs Ann jHay Mrs Edward Smith Mrs Ramage Mus Marion Cooper and Mrs Ellen Struthers all of Scotland six grandchildren 58 humor sir Member BarrieChamher of Commerce