Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1945, p. 9

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lt BARR EXAhHNER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MAY 10 1945 PAGE NINE IMI MW II 47 III MIL tI 3e mgr at 11 if it 113 if 211 NS lt AW 1111 IIIIIILji II I1II1I1I1IIt 1=IL11I1 III rs 111It II lsli 31l113 II gm 1131 lI II 11 MIN as 11w 11 tr 1431 Mori t1it my 11 II warn1x 5111111 11111 111 izw umlliCI ltnln i1 tzl Ii in IA in 5mm liIlili WUI IJI UP Hill 11 If if WNW If 12 hm 14111 111 KiJ 11131 tt ti II x1 I1111i ltlll Li III IIII prlliul pmw fatal 111111 Ii the 11111 Jib wt 1111 111 rut Ii 23111 1111 let 3l 31i 11 I1IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII IIIIIIIl IIIII II II IIIlI lult 11 111 t1 illl 11 1111 iv wit 11 111Ilsrl1ulIlwlz iit1llf lIillJll 11= helium Ali l1 the lluttl tI liini 11 l1 IIMIMIhi II 11 11111 1111 I141 more tlllt 31 1111w mi its l11l1l1illitn 11151111 11 till 11 IM 111 mull loin its ll MM HI rAivti lZIli HUMW My mm 21 liil Elm I11l1 tile thr gti tIi lwll 11 Lust IIlIITIIIII IIIII l111It1l tilt11 1111111 119 IIIIIIIIIIII IIIgt II HUI vh 1llik Zilnl llw 111 um lulltil alitl ptml 111 lilt ltt III XI III IIII III WI thunktin 111 lilll 11lc1t 111 mu 111 III II II Mun 11 11 IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIII IIIII IhIilt tm lulll1l l1 l1II1litl11I1i1 II IIIIII III III II IIIIIIIIIII lII1I 1hr lx 11 la II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIII AI IMIIIII ItIIIIIIIIII IIIII III tIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIiIiIiIIIIIJJIhIIII IIItI in II IIIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIIII III IIIIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIII1III11II 1I1I1I11I tI II it1 11 111 lm quail Hull Alllllttlnl uul 11 11 RanllIuImtIii Il111I11rIt IInmtIlJtle 11Iiikr IVIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II m1 IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII illittNiiIJLI1flitiiiuiiiiiii1ilutii Irrirryini 1hr UHMI iiIIK NH YviI uvun Aalrxlu lllIlll Columbia 1114 111 IlIIWrIi III ml Ion13 hf 11m HIS islluy tsiI 1ij ital iiiliiiiuthmmmliiiiiiiiiiilig lklltltll llillltl 111 lhvit t1tlvt 1111llhII I1 le Ml JII 2s MIIII IIIIHIIIIIIII pm IIIIAIIIIIIIPIII 11111 111 liltll ltilztw illY 01 humqu amino Ra Jr III III III II II III II II IIIII1 1l1 I1ltt l1l lit 111111 on mm mm mm ruthijdt tiH 1pivtwliiun1ftl lint WW 11W riiixitttiiti 3111 11vE 11111LIIIsquCrllI In rm llllviltHtI 1t lltlllsltltl tlti 113 EnCllClg mmy II II II IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 1m WI IIII IItIIII II IIIIIIIII IIII II tImIIdtIm 1pm ymIImlttimI liIfIlIIIIIiIIlIllgtHTIIIIITllIII NAIL NAMELI 11 tI It 1111 iiIItIIilsi QRIITIJuniihvnbgtit the lllllllllt in liltilljlltt ii AND LllSTiCK II IIIIIIII lien if ynur unu it 11111 IIII IIIIIIIIIltI III mIIfImIII III III tut that they uItlltnI l1 Lovely Cos Tl IJIIIIIIIII41 WK WNW lliw 111w of umrvil IIIHIIIl IIHI zifztthwrw CHOCOLATES ii4 iiiltil WW ml mm MS 113E FOUNTAN PENS 1130111851 WILLARDS PACE SHAW yuufrulncnlnylngthcchLc IIIIIW ka with mums ma wI have mum III III IIIIIIIIIII III IDIUIVI POINIS Nl of mind which unlity from 13 rymIoI mip pgtswngms than it day tu fnqx your III gm HIM forllh ruliqu mic Illufmiuus WI 131ng II ems plumgwl m1 ll luyluiuq WI juoranttl bnwc by by IIICIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III 1n IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII1 mm II IIIII III III IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII AIIIIII IIIIIIII LENTHIIIIC 125185 HUDNUII 10200 hutltc mothst list my be lrllltml lqul til lllt llilllilllll mil liKl li lllSIillLllllShl illt 111ml tittitltv hump 2001 Mirens assembled timlil llll nlililllrv machine in the mold BOURIOIS 65125 BOURlOlS 125225 1121 mlny 11 through the Iilislnlknl 111 iiillilnlihlll hlimt Ill 03 in 111Mth IWIl IIW I1IIi VI DVRAYMO II II III II MM IWIIIII IIIIIIII Aw IIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII AIIII IIIIIII II IIII 35 and III COTY 85c 140 iehccuzllfltdizir 11 lltnlilll limited httrch conducted the open need of denying it wI were HUDNUT 125 LENTHERICI 150175 win IIIIIIIIW IlrIIII init setintt which was opened lll 1minutde with mm IIIII inc 1301 Band plthllt Abide With chine llllltl thnttltcltti r11tttt 11111 1mm and Manaxe IIIEIIISNIICCI IiiztI LIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIEISII IillIIIIIIbIIII RIIIIIjI InIIIrdI unI IlllllIilIIIillIlilIIllgitl 0118M DOUBLE FEATURE 111 II =11 gt 1showman In prayer of numnm IOUIIIIIIZEIpfIII IfIII IIIIIIIIIIIS IIIII IIIliIIi1IiIIJisms11amide SPARKCE Mayor 3111111 ltllVPlftl 111 mum was II um 31331 To TH undress on earth with 51111111 11111 MI It PROTECTION IIIIIIIIII PASTE IIII III 3mglmgaIIIv OII WWIFIINSill IVhI 11111111 cmggo iii an gt ms and munwmuus Timon Hod lh nu5h Hnllnlw1ll Luge 6on let us IfIrSIIvamrmiy honor and thank God 1111 the challenge u1 Betti FuitthvSnm Ba III ItIrInWInIiiIINIeIiI ilIlINVIImIfIIWiWIH Iii there was not llullEllIliltllll 111 Polish Remom II Iillltt 1111111 1111 ION 11 11111 ItIvurlItIl Ilor Ihnth thtI SwasltIlttt I1n1l Spec IIIId Conan 243k wed53 10 prim 11W out par hile III mm 9d IlIIlITIIIWIIlIIItInI IIUJIIIII Iliid lIilIIIII AmtTs It mm Mwmwg one would ncier want two 111111111 ODOR0N0 tny other 11111 1111 111 1M CRESS Union Jack Corn Salvo Sm Ude WE WILL PAY TI II II II Perspuatmn Odo 5in COII DMIIP Pet Quickly llectively Hill years It 1lll 11 omove iv Cleansing Hitler row by lcztps tutti hottntls Ovcrm it Ir We me NI mum IIIIINIIIII If GM atthc titties of Moscow and Alvv FOR THE FOLLOWING f2 gIIlIIIV IEIm Wfe FISIMIth CQLGATF II W111 ISM 11111 Fouling 319 and 1003 lm memlfwm IiIIfII III IIIIIIIIII gt Ie DENTAL CREAM VALUE We are interested in 8nd WW and ZUS W9 SW liII 100 Kdncy COL6A7535 52 1y SPECIALTY snaps metIl limllmd Ill 1hr Halli itim wwmww 10019 336k swung 5pm fffa Doug JIAR 1c l1 LINGERIE 0R HOSIERY SHOPS and DU BARRY 3969 Lotion sxm cum sesame IIngddf5p BI the enemy Manly unit not 1llllt II ALIQLIOLJ An Emotilent READYTOWEAR hack tliev mid the 311 nettle surrt LEG MAKEUP gt mm FIh Ice remain Smoothand Soft at Slug ores or alns urphmA we mm during lhp Palm Appleblossom so 185 EGYPTIAN HENNA 23IgIgggIImgjgeeIIrIggIIII1mm pas va IWIIIS IIIIIIIIIsI IIIII III IIII Flattering 511111 BATH SOAP SHAMPOO Pownms IIIIgIUIIIlIlIIIngIIIIIIIIIXQIIIgggIngIIIIIIesgIgm exact when we Were frightened L00 PONDS $11M 111m ll 813081 806111011115 tiIIIughtiwmIfl COLD CREAM gchgIrtgm Karswood Condition Pdrsq 40 W011 never come Bill through ll gt MN IIwi Write BOX an we never II If eth Sergeants Pine OIl 50 ISOIBaIrne Exqmlner rm IIIIIHIIIS CIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII EREWHS Cleansmg IIIIIITIIIaIIImggIIsmwm4 Ail mmmuntcattons In strictest condence mmeIwe IIRII1II3IIIIIIII III IIIOIII CIIIIISSIIIIII PgwdeII zsc timate triumph of lihllt 1itl mum In IIaIaIel LLL II v1 WOilg 101 lillb Milli Alllnhlyl CUMAX Eigajfjlffgmp coll CLEANER Eugen sum SW 60c our the war in Europe is over qT The end has not come SIIddPIIIyI WII 44 have been 3mm II II III II wwvuim llll 29 EtajrtIIIsevelul llmtlll All Itllut Iua Instant FELLpWS 15iIp Ilng was tie Germans to SYRUP For Consitpamn 391m that they 91 utterly lie BOB MART feared When Ihe IIIIIIOIIIICQIIIGIII III TIMI or es FabIIcs The AIIIYHII CAMPANAIS COMING indm the end of hostilities was flashed to IIIII zscsoc us over la to yesterday 11111111 mg our emotions were 8mm In many wqu Tears came Into IvaIII for Skin eyes 19815 that mingled Will the MSqunga4vr iY or cruises Roast IIanIs II TIoday we should be grateful Kid Liver Almighty God for the men and wo Pm men Of the armed services win II moves python $Iadhgs Isfygggfmemxmg 35 68 225215325 and rejoice in the realvictor which WWW they have won for us let us not lglgetththNosl Vthhalie fauen Bel rGuanh and Eve in PASTE TABLETS II Iet IIS bsjllzliine IIIIiII Hot 50qu Water in remembrance or those who how Km Ihe Hands Lovely SGa pald the supreme sacrmce 95 Them Stay The Fat0 The Rand 18d for the singing of PKWY 49 WWW Family Laxative theINtal Anthem and mom Removes Film ents silent prayer wasihen DuelIsa WWIw II Harden Gums Bottles of l00 While Planning for tomorrow by ugly the thlong HIE Hall RY Sweetens Breath 5t BiIlPtIISi ChUiCh lelmlmd all means emoy your present home the benediction Complete 2539 ll Colo Ha an Drreen exDressed thanks all you 3113 IIuI ty Ig 105 who had Iaken part III the II II usmg hlghqualny ICIL Palms can ZigvchIfIngssiltechyI allieger Fast we Ease Use Asa Night Cream FIND KOIEX reFI 31 de 97 For Extra Softening SonER give your home new owingappeal Claled that it was fitting that such Use For Clamonzm and new Ie em cal our local CIIIL serv1ce should be held at the CenI SAFER ORE lt9 PIP Olaph erted in limo 05 lane Dyhme QFPT9 COMFORTABL Palm Dealer Will help you worlcOutI of the First Great War The seerce 25 49c th lld hf GailTer was concmqed mm the bnd play 315 0mm Ions 918 mg tileUntied Slates national an BAYER Hes an expert on Paints consult them Hmmlot the Ame t0 thP south II ljmffor c010urStylmgas you Consult the C9TlCIUSi0nI0f the serviCO ouri a1 cIhit ed for of ianksgtvmg tand pgladel b3 Mlle School and Balrle was expelthen home fairly quiet throughout Tuesday afternoon Th9 Was some 0159 Planmng from car horns the mam Wee but there WaS 110 large assemblage omwlmm During Tuesday evening school mzsznva llVEREII GEoH 10111113011 coarser autumn ning boards and dozens of flags from in from of the stores were carried on the cars Some Barrie streets about half hundred boys and girls and other young people began to liven up the town streets 1Amllk Wagon was pulled Scores of decorated cars carried dozen shouting people on the run blaring away ramiliai times Paper was form or and thrown on the into service and drawn about the phsserhgrs Hundreds of young people ibinedlh tor aVLgata aiia tire equipment was out Wilhsirens Muses Who 77 screaming and one of the truck II Tueg Carried 103 3C1 111mm PHONE Thurs Fnd from am to 2850 830 pm Wednesdgy $830 11 115112311 pmalurddy 830 II c1411 toi1030 p111 tooextoverystmday 12t051pm171t09panp on stcmoom EMERGENCY Hous 4111101113 38711 on 55 THAN 2c PERICUITMN

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