Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1945, p. 8

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ll MAY 10 13393 EIGHT 1711112211rssxttssRIasnetsONTARIOtAnnoA THLRSDW 943 WA WWW vwwwwvm mew MMMWHMM mumsw THE BARBIE EXAMINER PRINCIPAL DATES EW lhsrt tau hliMBER Published Tbumdy Mum by CALu cekly Ficustnpcrx Assifsn lax huuuh ADVLNL mam Litwow LWIEDI 511 ni Lc13 VIII MdiARgN EYESVRHKUHS 3A VJJ uhckr liahs ano i4 Ll Lit Btul $9 114 Van WALLS l7 5143 531 year Fm NM ml Hith 11w insists mu 51111 Colu cash 24 dung MUN Mi tnllxJ IIIIIIIl 114 Nil II II IIIIIIIIIIII 11 ll 11 111111 lll II II tttizts rklllti 111 11113 tirwut lulx 1111111111 11111115111 will ill II II QlklI 1141 III EIIII WIIIII IIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIi Hum tlmlllh 111 111tltt111 tit lI 1111 citltlin Dill 113 illlll1lll tilil liillllllV littlltltN lll lltlitlll iii ViiillH 1llil 11111 11115 Eilizllly railtelttizzt 11 1111 lztI 1l 1111 Lilltlitl 1111 was all 11111 it war it 1111 nli 01111 1111111111111111111il itltIl IILIlWIINUlMIli 11 iIlimIilii iii l11111 ktl lititlil ut llllSlllllttul lll llhi tuiuw in IIWN ill Wlii all HIV Hi1 in 1t1 11111i11y tntstlr VlziIt tlillit Vltltll 31111 Lil 31lt lttli 1111 112 ill tlli11l111llflt illillllllh lilll Wqu Hull UH 11 111 II3 I1 1i 1ttI 1lli1t 1z111l 11I11 um 1w 1t111111iltl1l1 l1 11Il tllllwll Pl illr tXllIlltlltt ill llll tilli 11 llt1ll I1l 11 11 III II III III III III mm I1 iwIIInIrl lillllhll itv tilr 11i11111111 ill the 11111 11ml 1tllllllllltlltlll ill mtutm 11 l111 IIllv illlltllzt illiiiil ll IIIIIAII IIIIIIIII III 11 111 wnluuilrv 1111 lzltl 111ttniltti Ill 15 itl11i1111l11l11oliliht 11ttiltxttltlzttmlt oi 111111 Ilium 111 11111111111 in tittt that ltll 1111111IitizztIti Lilltl 1lll1I1I1i II II 1li1llrlllltll lttlilrl 11l1 II III III III II III II IIII IIIIII IIIIIII II IIIII NI V5 HII It In Hug 111 31111111 llllll Mrls llltl tlirtoltl llllltlll 111 ml 11131 HO Hill nu IIII IIII IIIII zt lltti llitl 11 hint llil WillAl inlilil 21 hh ll Ll Ni huh llillill ill llli It 111 IIII III II II II 1111 1l11 lttt tlth ll lllt stilt1 ln 1J1 pp 11 ll ii t1111111I1l 11tl 1111 111111112 111 111115111111I11A it lI11tiI 1I11I 1111I Ii 111 11111111 um ltntllttl ltLll 11 lirml putt1 11 1Iltl1gitl 111 l1itl illt llil1lt ll1lt vi l111i1 1111 till II lI 1111 1111111 1211 11ptI1l11r111 ltliilll lll1 Ui itlilllililil Im Ill xtiV 2111 illllhtlitn llli tilli illililitl 1311 liliil il iiiiiw i11tit tI ilt1rl1l ll iiII imiw inmlvti WM 1111 II II 415 Iilllt lltk 141111111 ulnar lint illtll 1111Il11 v1t 1111 Mutt 111171111 111 111 111111 11 11 73 it 11 l11I 11 vllttI tlt vrt ai 1111111 1111l ltllilltlllttl 11 mil III111 I11 Hill 1111IIl it Hi 11I1 II il 151 11 111 45 ll mlm BHI H1 in HM 1t Ii IhIIII W31 sun1y II 111 ltil glint Will titltluzlti lilo tit1 lit llIIl l1 I11III III IIIIII II NIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII Minth 111ml lllltlS III 8A SI IA 10111111 and llll lllt illall 11 ltljt1I II III II IIIII1II III My IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII 1IIIIIIII III II III III IIIIIIII II II tIiIIttlI lIlttlllIItttItt hottItlI RFC ON it 1v 1I1 11 Puma I1W1ImIh mum 111111 I111lliltiititl lllllt liltllttt it it iilllll11t I1i1 11f 1i MI IIIliu 211111 IIlI ill 111 IIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIII III II 1w The strife is tttIl lllt 111tticv1gt11 lili illlll lilliiiillii ill ll Iltli12ii II II II II II IiIIIIIIIIIi III II IIIIIIIII II Milng 11 lit411 IIIIIIIIIIII III OIII hem WI IIIIIIIIIIIIIII VIII lhp M3101 3th IIvm 1III1 iI III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II it tllilwtil 11 11111 tlttti we litltl been to tllltl 11011111 lllttl 111hjcrtiolt 111 this century 1111 to the t1lilbrtt1l 11 tlu 1111 11 11 11 N11v11ttlit1 Num Atljultt spilled the ill lmti Will Ill ii 11 WNW would 11 MIMI I11 1IIIIIII IIII IIII IAIIII II III IIIIIII II IIIIIIIII 1211 11i 1lllllll 1111111 killed on strtunvnt he was using set in to hlzttthttiufit lnllllllb itIHHi tliilIHS Il 53 HK po In IIHIII II II 11l1I 111111 l11llIIIv ttllllllb himself and Hill Wilth Ill lllilliiill lilSliiiill ii V1195 If the words 111 lllt liillllii Wt 11 ililvfnun Lil Ullbl mHIUIH 1H II IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIII IIII IIIII III lII11t1lt1 iltlit1i 111 i1iI I11111l pupiliztttoit Ssllll lll to lllt field The till illniil SUNNY SI III III IIIIUI IL DH Im IIUM who was llltS llll it was essentially 1111111111111 1111I II lt 11 wttliI tIltlt mlt sh llllll or struw which 511 fire 11 hutn liurn Read11nd use Examiner Closaieds II OVI do now can 15111301 surf lulu tluV llll llllVlllglLl tlltl ltHlWil lilf lili lif ill II IIII II IIIIIIPII INN I111 IN wWWWhHmMWm Arr7 wwwh lt II II II II II II II II II lion svrillowed us up llllllx when tiltll Httlll 1111 11 1111111 1111 1111 IlhtLi wiltHi 1111 ilttti11tlfgtl was kindled against llh 1111111 the thlilh 11111 iillm Md Withitliw I11I II II II II overwhelmed us their tllt pltilltl iunltls lliltl by DUS Ll1 1mm 53ml illliliillp HWY II II Hml IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ulna up Iver Gm 501 CltlSSttl lllttllltttltlllill ltlltltl1 1111 111111 ttlti hIx III 11 In the midst of our relolctng tllti Jlllltb5 ll IlUWilb ImW 11 it Mitt 11111 1111 10m moum Iq med with mug amt 0m Wilhltlttlstilzllll whole littilllestIit111111i trouttut 11 111111111 11 tongue with singing these reflections ttl0lIlllll domestic and national itllllllitf1 111111 IIIIIIII5IIIIIIfIiIIIIIIIIIll IIIilII iIlfIIIIIIIIl 111 vents of terror and suffering through SEW8 the Lilli this war iiriliiiilirl iIIIIIivi IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII Which the people of Britain and the otheriiffic but at iii 11ml their will hr in IIi Wt peaceloving nations or Europe how Dllssetltt 14ran ilow oi iticnttlv litublw titIthItz 11111 II 1111 1i11t 1111 111I11lltntiie Should 901 dud mu 0m hem toilnIclOh fcllisis Ehf lulu 111Mlllfiiliiiiimll II rlviliii tor iltlili lElIlii zlltltitltltml thntiitsglvmg The Lord hath done gteutI 0111131 11 1II1 111 my 111 IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII things for us whereof We are glad ILeLter indicates Willie 1l11 llliitl 111111 IIIIII III IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII on tms comng Sabbath Day the ChurchesIlJllllgS Itltlttblt foreign tlll lll tittitlultlt In 11 ghIIIIIHqu inow 0f nationals fulfilS with it 11 tilllllll III It lwllrltnl tillilllltltll it $897 1101 hout tino Dominion ultl tillouelloutt III III II IIII Ii IO OIICIIIISWIIIIIIIIIIIIW IO IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII illfoliomgnnnounttnientivril htlptotlarlfy tncntprIoposIesforthelast Six months of 1945 1111 the flee W01 thtrrcllltlmlsltlplittweenlIltmllyAlluwmwesand mg which ltzlmlly Allowances are payable to re ot deliverance rise from the lltIait1llltltlllg exports ultl by ltlitllll1l 1tn1tl1 am 01 g5 The exam whim UN IIIIIII IIII lllttllllc liiXCltLlllSltlltllllclltltlll children lumlly move duplication liy adlustmg the inmme 111x 11 II Of muons of peole mum mmyiqdvqnm ed 01mm mannum 11 ears Allowances llt lillzllllc lronl July lst 191i l11ntl credits received for children waters in one universal chorus of ThanksHI Ig IIIII III1IIII II le lk II rlving for mp return Of pm tlstlcs for some retnescntntlw tit111s ltti IN Tm BARRIE EXAMINER Us II Me IrisnaturalthatParentsmthelowIncomegroups II jI 1938 Canada ctedlt button1 mm 1111 1111 The l1lllllly Alluwintcs At was designed to help Will be expected to ILLLlVB maxmtum benets from III THF JAPQ IRE VFXT le payments amounted to 1184131111llili1 oi thy 111211 Nlllilllze opportunities lur till llllllltll 11nd when Ilzlllllly AIlltlyvahcesAllarttulahenets wrllhereceivetl which 785 per cenl was in the tourist 1rttitI the Art wits passed llltllzlllltllf approved the prin however by parents with incomes up to $5000 II Mam pegple seem to 19 tor Jth Opnllggn that 5931 had be mun1 0m IuIrIlidIlIfullIgItMUIIIIIIIIII uplc that than should In no thlllltllln of benets The table below shows the ellectIof the adiust II II II II 11 II thatlme llaps wlnlrl0L 1l8 llleP Aclllezmllimothesl buslmbs Cmldl Hm mull Inn MW 35km BumI CIIIIIIIIII by way of ltlllllly Allowances 11nd income tax Intents which theGovernmeutzhus deridedIto make gtj rag$2132 15 m0 hanInmuIIIg II III M10111 imymemi 0111 14 PM =1 1111111uvth1111 gtt11111l 11 111 credits for tllc 5111119 cliiitl Au zunentlmcnt to the lor convenience and simplicitytllellenets received EOIQSIIIIIegd arecivede mey aIIe weakened liglblii II IWI IIl IHIYll ilefIIIII lnctmle Vur l1 A11 will he ninth to lull with this by each incomegroup are shown asnper cenctitthe llI ivIIIIIII It has been soul that Canada can ninlttI 1111 nIII II Inn IIIINIIIHIIIIII It IIIIImImI UWIMII IIIIIIVIm hmlly Allowances recewedI 11 table shows such an extent that the AlllQS wm 1105 mill tourist businegs its glentpst 3011101 0f moon 1101 i111 110W rlrrr ohm Illzuriv now prays llytirn $2650 per them hind DIOPOSlthN and natural wealth next to agriculture itlltl III IIII III III TWII Blu those Who are the p195 Dogghon 10 minlng Cerlainlyih common ill flnynIIOllllill Altl Clurlt tiskvtl why lltllt i1 lleatls onlmiiieI receiving inmmes knoll believe that Japan WlKlI 30L Bank article the results 111 Wllt 11mm 11 111111 1111 II111 1111111111 111 IIelleiznigiIijlIlIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIAiIiIIIEIIEIIII pmmng For mm the On It calls for everything from pins llll 111111111113WI IIIIIHIWWW i=IiJlIlfI AmmanIIIIIIIIIIWIIICIIIII TAR SHOWING EFFECT OF ADJUSTMENT FOR 1945 Winston Churcmuv and Prime MmSter to locomotives and involves every line 111fullfix bygf required 11 lily 1111c 11 there is no AMOUNT OF PIIIIIII IIIIII III III Of Canada inthell VE Day addresses thusmegs The Help Dims mt HM 110m duplication to remove 1Altgwjzil$5392 ttlltFIthlllll lilililll Sllfil names 111 TAXA INCO made It plain that they mgmd the mad to country has monopoly oi the things that ttltIetr Arm lengthy tlobntu on Iii ilezulsnffuniiiies receivingincmnes ME mm immefmdm ITrI 945 vlctory against Japan as for from easy In tourism and II IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIM 40111111 my TOWII EII 1915 tire111bII11llltll Not over $1200 100 likeIoplmon has been expressed by officers competitive CIIIIMIII IIIIII m0 IHIIIHI IIIItItmw him1111119 51131111 for lOlIll FIILICVZIIE$I5IIII1VLIZIIKCLIIIthe Over $1200 but not over MOO 90 of Ir 11 cm 1x lllgll ll the Allled command ctions than momcountries and hm hfl1IIIII IIIn R3II$IIIII sufx credits and in tuithtmn 11 ptrttlllllge of II 1400 If 1600 80 19 Despite lossesI me Japs are Stated to have must be directed toward their cullntcmnmtt illilllllll 1411 omriessioll wmllllll um wily Anmwlm CCCMI In 001 70 gm qmll 711019 ghting men undel mms than When by providing quality SOlVlCO given to establish I11 big stilt lllllll llIeud of families letlIlIlllLOIlIlIeSIulll the war began and mey havede 175mth Emphasizing the importance of the tourist in Barrie Kendall llir FM 3545 IIII ileI 2200 owanc ocometnx Crc Us or 11 rent may OIw0rk rm LhemI Flllaltce Ma azme II llllLl Willi pulse of gold on rent II III slaVes II III In age in building up gOOd llElgllllm ltlil IIIII IIS SOCIPIQIW III IIIII Grew WIII not receive lunuly AlluIIVAIIUZh lllCIhL 2400 It as recentlypu listed 5611 all 1g tionships such as have existed bpthpen Cm VIJIPMIIU AWICII lvaIIg BIII taxpayersmnyhowevcrapplylotFamily 260 official Of the Will Department Of the USA fICmI II Allowunccsto prottrtuhenisclvesagainst the quII informed men ada and the United Stu es 01 Ottg li 110 1111 IlIytiilIs 11 IIIhII possible decrease in income at later 2800 II IIeveaIS article concludes There IS humanly Sill REMEIWT lilesinwd date which might bring them into 3000 believe It Will require great effort to dC lIIlg ill llmlly Ullmh $37vmmlr lower incomeruhge where they would in no more otent lOICP to allay 110 teats N0TEITM MI 01 mp 1020 taxes is lll bv applies to married person andothers haul the status of married feat this closely kllll lnthllY stubborn of latmg thrm the mnmt gt leneit roniI nmly ovIvanIces 1151111 personsonincomeuxpmwsmEmmatel Banking sons SIIIII an le Anni 291 35 all loads Ol Bulli czlses iftheImcome remains in excess of porting children and notIhIa in marriecLstuuSIQrincqmgtax utIstes 11nd at mgmbe Dowel movement Cultural life innatlons broad foil went to Cookstown to help in 41001111 income tax credits for child the Arms 35181110 9939 31159391sirloinbIreCtotoanmily Here are son 01 the acts upon which IIU ILH Allowancest ea hpravmdalrgprtal =1 are 101 by the Impact rst 1131112 13131 1ven ll oy llle 2821 01 111 SI cloutI Ines onfisthasg I21 and MgI to and fro nelossIbOtdels and Wlllllll tho IIIiIIUIIICVIIIeS III sIdewaIkSI RN 111308 QI10 boundaries of the nation itself provmcuil Fr Batpleft IOIT0mIIIO be luv 777 777 The Japanese mrhtauy lOICeS consrst oilfour ism is bloken down problems become tttltltl mate 01 Very ReVI Dem M0y11II II II II II II million men In the navy We were 1aSiMalCil stood and human understanding led by in St Marys Parish Mr and Family AIIOWGIIEES WI be Paul II 75 mm combatant Sid1gat 1935 personal acquaintanceship takes the place Nil Jolm DOlEllJQomCPl 11 II 071355 TWQEXAMREES ement of then Thu liter cases tiose or are e1 1b to battleships stx to 10 earliels l0 to 15 CllliSJS 11 the eng lg PP and more than 40 destroyers There are 4000 Of preJUdlce out as we Margaret May to Ml Neil MilJ receive Family Allowances will receive them in full NF II IHI II III opetationalaircraft in the air forces 01 business reasmslhe Wis Elna L01th 119311109 51 John NBQWL Sl mouthbyurtomli SeerSculebelowz 77 15111agiliawilnowgggigggmqlmm Il2rITzi ttiitiganb mlliibifMiiiiilrien Organizations across Canada deserve the IgItactuates 0121 EospiItIolIIMItgsesILI If II III 13213532aEESplsmlinlielife$3132 m0 Whoehearted ppm of 90W illgoycallelioydmloil1151 SCALE 0F MONTH mmC55 mm MNT5 1945 and other laborers Norincltrdrrtgtheserwith in Fort Huron Mich FOR FmsT FOUR CHILDREN ElmGhlld $300 forces now being trained there will be six mil II For each hild 5il=lldIChlld7 3600 lion men under arms by the end of this year Simcoe County Briefs $1200 The American Assistant Chief of Staff one month PS Inspector Day criticized in Under II $500 90 rePOTlEd he JapIequlpment good morale Nearly 8000 of 25000 war brides of Can sufficient teaching of writing CfmIt From lo InClUSIve 1600 Ihltfamllwan Ml bimfllghv way glint01th high 311d fighting spirit EXCGHEHl AS the Jap adian servicemen have arrwed from over posrtlon anti itteratuiFm Orlliln From 10 Io 12 inclusive 700 laxIcrodlls It receives and ksqasllto fullamount anese haveslways accentuated the fighting man public schools Essa Council in 13 15 60 as slatedmhovo more 1112111 his equlpmentlmcusuiilties have been seas 130 begm llfe anewI on this SI an my creases wire fence bonus from 250 mm usve greater thanIthose or their enemies but their are an attractive and intelligent company of if 50CI Seeding generaII the Wherethere IImeIIIIIm OMICIIIIIIIRII II II Ieduipment is efficient enough to enable them to young women eager to become Canadians first week of May Executive of under 165mm familyIIbe monthlyIauowI Familwah childmn wamdh with give good account of themselves Ilhey have andanxiouSIto make goodI says the Ottawa Oro Sunday School Assocn plans was for each Child after the fourth will latelincgmtduring 1945 $1950 di artiller bi mil with obect of enroliintr good small aims goo 1git an me 11 II For CanadiansI whole the 1m re re uce mamm tnce Wit pron and fan tanks zen every mam WOIIIan Iand Child In SIMS oftIIe FaIIIII AIIO ncs Act TofMI Fan SIXIMONTHS OF 45 Jaipsnee aircraft and their pilots are definitely portant thing is to do Everything make Om in the SS Orillia Council wa Child $3600 II inferior in effectiveness to British Iand Amer these newcomers welcome and t0 aSSilI them unanimous against daylight saving As at 3533 Possible to take care of heIadjugtmemg suodchua III 36 lea5 They are delermingd and darmgvhoweve mi every way to esmbllSh themselvesi ormigmomrcy gkwwdv $207319 necessafym avoid duplication obenetsc11rrentlncome nd can increase their fleetsrapidly if pressure costs for furl driving on Mis tax deductionmhe gourceIwi be aiusted t5 takeima Amen III 37209 is domaintained sissaga St rillia Womens Can IIJapatiesevwar industries have doubled the adian Club me hers pledge mom accounmhe neyv srtuatioIanhenIbamiIlyIAllowance psy laps ofIuIthmuaItcudits 2310 nuniberbtwmkers since the war in China began selves nottci exceed certain seale mens comment FhSFW 91 Placmg aWkWaFl It hisizlghtwmillluujn 21L and is working than 99 of prices for wearing apnarel to en burden 01 11 laxPng atthe endOf The Ya Amwm 9lll1 $60 anywhere manpower lsregerded as inexhaustv ImEAInNG SOLmERS MAlNLy1As VOTE courage economy in every way pos NM 111 343120 Elhlscontlnent when it turns to the Asi GENERS same StanleyIShaw IIawkestoneII FAMILYIALLOWANCESIARE NOT TAXABLE ===I to or hasto ship men and materials three had one eye retrieveditbeingstruelt or our times as far as to the European war tonal fromThe Maple LeafI Cimadlan Overseas by the end of wire Which flew up SPeCal tentQn draw the an that le income rangesused in the table above refer totaxableincomeg gapanis entirely geared to war All steel andal Army NeWSpaper Path umlnum is used for war In the last two years it has built large stock1 rowln tendenc be ttheCanada soldier as gigs ofwar materials from lands 1tmay soon means of getting Votes and as nothing else The Canadian soldier resents thatitrend resents it bitterly Pte John Canuck is overseas to help make Can ada better country for himself the ones he loves se It lhasfaitly largeivstocks of lubricating oils lushoctane gas line and is aggressively increas lug synthetic oil plantsl Japsnsgsleel production is 10 per cent 01 that theIUmted States They have extensiveIlowI and thechildren who will grow Lip to become Can But whenPte IohnCeuuck is bandied about for 540038 matleifflzlghtmnmmg me magma the sole purpose of getting votes then Pie John Carmel hose lggitlmate beentIPle John CIanuck is mag in bad 1n mgathI beefing111cm doesntwant any part of political t0 grhlszmyay insome djlhfim iiiOSRIVIVIhich greIintgndez to help do lt vv eds Dingems 11311 at er aria alggbwmtge ThoCtanadtamgldter 11115111111111 gay to the Can Iadianzppllllcimi Welcome over heretode ajob we been mimic Wench reies it leave 111 alone and will finish it when being cut Today their is creeping into Canadian politics aIdge UFO Shippeiflemrls 09 price of $1450th paid for cattle the highest for yeari 13 yearold Orillls girl forged teach ers name to cheque amtlycashed it in bank Seriougegtplosion in Presbyterian Church basement Churchill caused by escaping gas eral yards and had her face and hair burned Her husband also was thrownsome distance and sui fered burns Windows otibasement were blovvn out and considerable damage was done thbuildlng Shorten thewar and save prec ious livesbyf buying bonds jjmdany amounts received as Family Allowances should not therefore be includediln calculating inCome cubism purpose because Family Allowances are not taxablE Family Allowances are also additional to dbltendems allowances for servicemens famllie and military perisiIoInsL II For children registered after July lst 1945 Family stirsit Mom mytutonolrloqoplvferFulllv Allqwnmm mhgmuntmlgmyidpnismplantimmature gnu mill IEqmlix Allowances lleglsllallbn Merlot paidmerroadtively warmer and 111 1111111111111qu Hon 81190st CLAXTON 1111111111111 annrtment ofNallnul Health andWalters Ottawa das citizens of few years hence Anytliingthe WIFECoallihilarmmuijg on deposits of alumnum and iron ores in from an acetylene plantsbeing lg 11 up at by leians do to further that end Pte John Canuck gt owacei W1 pm 85 mm man follow 58 an Fonnosaandccupied China Lthgy haVe tilted by lamp Mrs Harllson up Mllthch njcimnttaltzinzs industry in expectation of premates wife of caretaker wasthrown set the month When regltrauonxs madeFamily Migrant

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